private bool ProcessPDataTF(PDataTFRead pdu) { try { byte pcid = 0; foreach (PDV pdv in pdu.PDVs) { pcid = pdv.PCID; if (pdv.IsCommand) { if (_dimse.CommandData == null) _dimse.CommandData = new ChunkStream(); _dimse.CommandData.AddChunk(pdv.Value); if (_dimse.Command == null) { _dimse.Command = new DicomAttributeCollection(0x00000000, 0x0000FFFF); } if (_dimse.CommandReader == null) { _dimse.CommandReader = new DicomStreamReader(_dimse.CommandData) { TransferSyntax = TransferSyntax.ImplicitVrLittleEndian, Dataset = _dimse.Command }; } DicomReadStatus stat = _dimse.CommandReader.Read(null, DicomReadOptions.UseDictionaryForExplicitUN); if (stat == DicomReadStatus.UnknownError) { Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Unexpected parsing error when reading command group elements."); return false; } _assoc.TotalBytesRead += (UInt64) pdv.PDVLength - 6; if (DimseMessageReceiving != null) DimseMessageReceiving(_assoc, pcid); if (pdv.IsLastFragment) { if (stat == DicomReadStatus.NeedMoreData) { Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Unexpected end of StreamReader. More data needed ({0} bytes, last tag read {1}) after reading last PDV fragment.", _dimse.CommandReader.BytesNeeded, _dimse.CommandReader.LastTagRead.ToString()); return false; } _dimse.CommandData = null; _dimse.CommandReader = null; bool isLast = true; if (_dimse.Command.Contains(DicomTags.DataSetType)) { if (_dimse.Command[DicomTags.DataSetType].GetUInt16(0, 0x0) != 0x0101) isLast = false; } OnReceiveDimseCommand(pcid, _dimse.Command); if (isLast) { bool ret = OnReceiveDimse(pcid, _dimse.Command, _dimse.Dataset); if (!ret) Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Error with OnReceiveDimse"); LogSendReceive(true, _dimse.Command, _dimse.Dataset); //_assoc.TotalBytesRead += (UInt64)total; _dimse = null; return ret; } } } else { if (_dimse.DatasetData == null) _dimse.DatasetData = new ChunkStream(); if (_dimse.Dataset == null) _dimse.Dataset = new DicomAttributeCollection(0x00040000, 0xFFFFFFFF); if (_dimse.DatasetReader == null) { _dimse.DatasetReader = new DicomStreamReader(_dimse.DatasetData) { TransferSyntax = _assoc.GetAcceptedTransferSyntax(pdv.PCID), Dataset = _dimse.Dataset }; } if (!_dimse.DatasetReader.EncounteredStopTag) { _dimse.DatasetData.AddChunk(pdv.Value); _dimse.ParseDatasetStatus = _dimse.DatasetReader.Read(_dimse.DatasetStopTag, DicomReadOptions.UseDictionaryForExplicitUN); if (_dimse.ParseDatasetStatus == DicomReadStatus.UnknownError) { Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Unexpected parsing error when reading DataSet."); return false; } } _assoc.TotalBytesRead += (UInt64) pdv.PDVLength - 6; if (DimseMessageReceiving != null) DimseMessageReceiving(_assoc, pcid); bool ret = true; if (_dimse.StreamMessage) { if (_dimse.IsNewDimse) { byte[] fileGroup2 = CreateFileHeader(pcid, _dimse.Command); ret = OnReceiveFileStream(pcid, _dimse.Command, _dimse.Dataset, fileGroup2, 0, fileGroup2.Length, _dimse.DatasetReader.EncounteredStopTag, _dimse.IsNewDimse, false); _dimse.IsNewDimse = false; } ret = ret && OnReceiveFileStream(pcid, _dimse.Command, _dimse.Dataset, pdv.Value.Array, pdv.Value.Index, pdv.Value.Count, _dimse.DatasetReader.EncounteredStopTag, false, pdv.IsLastFragment); if (!ret) Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Error with OnReceiveFileStream"); } if (pdv.IsLastFragment) { if (_dimse.ParseDatasetStatus == DicomReadStatus.NeedMoreData) { Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Unexpected end of StreamReader. More data needed ({0} bytes, last tag read {1}) after reading last PDV fragment.", _dimse.DatasetReader.BytesNeeded, _dimse.DatasetReader.LastTagRead.ToString()); return false; } _dimse.CommandData = null; _dimse.CommandReader = null; LogSendReceive(true, _dimse.Command, _dimse.Dataset); if (!_dimse.StreamMessage) { ret = OnReceiveDimse(pcid, _dimse.Command, _dimse.Dataset); if (!ret) Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Error with OnReceiveDimse"); } else { if (MessageReceived != null) MessageReceived(_assoc, new DicomMessage(_dimse.Command, _dimse.Dataset)); } _dimse = null; return ret; } if (!ret) return false; } } return true; } catch (Exception e) { //do something here! Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, e, "Unexpected exception processing P-DATA PDU"); return false; } }
private bool ProcessRawPDU(RawPDU raw) { try { Platform.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Received PDU: {0}", raw.ToString()); switch (raw.Type) { case 0x01: { _assoc = new ServerAssociationParameters(); var pdu = new AAssociateRQ(_assoc); pdu.Read(raw); State = DicomAssociationState.Sta3_AwaitingLocalAAssociationResponsePrimative; OnReceiveAssociateRequest(_assoc as ServerAssociationParameters); if (State != DicomAssociationState.Sta13_AwaitingTransportConnectionClose && State != DicomAssociationState.Sta6_AssociationEstablished) { Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Association incorrectly not accepted or rejected, aborting."); return false; } //if derived class call SendAssociateAccept, it has fired this event //if (AssociationEstablished != null) // AssociationEstablished(_assoc); return true; } case 0x02: { var pdu = new AAssociateAC(_assoc); pdu.Read(raw); State = DicomAssociationState.Sta6_AssociationEstablished; OnReceiveAssociateAccept(_assoc); if (AssociationEstablished != null) AssociationEstablished(_assoc); return true; } case 0x03: { var pdu = new AAssociateRJ(); pdu.Read(raw); State = DicomAssociationState.Sta13_AwaitingTransportConnectionClose; if (AssociationRejected != null) AssociationRejected(pdu.Source, pdu.Reason); OnReceiveAssociateReject(pdu.Result, pdu.Source, pdu.Reason); return true; } case 0x04: { var pdu = new PDataTFRead(); pdu.Read(raw); return ProcessPDataTF(pdu); } case 0x05: { var pdu = new AReleaseRQ(); pdu.Read(raw); State = DicomAssociationState.Sta8_AwaitingAReleaseRPLocalUser; OnReceiveReleaseRequest(); return true; } case 0x06: { var pdu = new AReleaseRP(); pdu.Read(raw); State = DicomAssociationState.Sta13_AwaitingTransportConnectionClose; if (AssociationReleased != null) AssociationReleased(_assoc); OnReceiveReleaseResponse(); return true; } case 0x07: { var pdu = new AAbort(); pdu.Read(raw); State = DicomAssociationState.Sta1_Idle; if (AssociationAborted != null) AssociationAborted(_assoc, pdu.Reason); OnReceiveAbort(pdu.Source, pdu.Reason); return true; } case 0xFF: { Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Unexpected PDU type: 0xFF. Potential parsing error."); return false; } default: throw new DicomNetworkException("Unknown PDU type"); } } catch (Exception e) { OnNetworkError(e, true); if (NetworkError != null) NetworkError(e); Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, e, "Unexpected exception when processing PDU."); return false; } }