public void AddClassifiedPoints(FeaturePoint fp, string imgId) { if (!classifiedPointsConc.ContainsKey(imgId)) { throw new Exception(); } classifiedPointsConc[imgId].Add(fp); }
public static FeaturePoint GetOrAddFeaturePoint(int _x, int _y, string _imageKey) { FeaturePoint f = AllFeaturesPoint.GetOrAdd(ImageHelper.imageTiles[_imageKey].baseFileName, new FeaturePoint[256, 256])[_x, _y]; if (f == null) { f = new FeaturePoint(_x, _y, _imageKey); AllFeaturesPoint[ImageHelper.imageTiles[_imageKey].baseFileName][_x, _y] = f; } return(f); }
internal void ClassifiedPointsFromString(string v) { string[] splitted = v.Split(SaveLoad.Space1); foreach (string s in splitted) { string[] fp = s.Split(SaveLoad.Space2); if (fp.Length != 4) { break; } AddClassifiedPoints(FeaturePoint.GetOrAddFeaturePoint(int.Parse(fp[2]), int.Parse(fp[3]), fp[1]), fp[0]); ImageHelper.DrawOverlayClass(fp[0], int.Parse(fp[2]), int.Parse(fp[3]), this, classColor); } }
public void AddFeaturePoint(int x, int y, string imageId) { ImageHelper.DrawOverlayTrain(imageId, x, y, 1, 1, classColor); if (!featurePoints.ContainsKey(imageId)) { featurePoints.Add(imageId, new List <FeaturePoint>()); } if (featurePoints[imageId].Exists(p => p.y == y && p.x == x)) { return; } featurePoints[imageId].Add(FeaturePoint.GetOrAddFeaturePoint(x, y, imageId)); featuresCount++; }
internal void FinalizeClassifiedFeatures(string imgId) { if (classifiedPointsList.ContainsKey(imgId)) { classifiedPointsList.Remove(imgId); } FeaturePoint[,] fps = new FeaturePoint[256, 256]; Parallel.ForEach(classifiedPointsConc[imgId], fp => { fps[fp.y, fp.x] = fp; }); classifiedPointsList.Add(imgId, fps); classifiedPointsConc.Remove(imgId); }
public void AddFeaturePointRange(int x, int y, int width, int height, string imageId) { ImageHelper.DrawOverlayTrain(imageId, x, y, width, height, classColor); for (int i = x; i < x + width; i++) { for (int j = y; j < y + height; j++) { if (!featurePoints.ContainsKey(imageId)) { featurePoints.Add(imageId, new List <FeaturePoint>()); } if (featurePoints[imageId].Exists(p => p.y == j && p.x == i)) { continue; } featurePoints[imageId].Add(FeaturePoint.GetOrAddFeaturePoint(i, j, imageId)); featuresCount++; } } }
public static void Classifiy(BackgroundWorker sender, ImageGrid g, ClassifyProcessParam p, int classifier, int NStep, string path, int blurRadius) { MainWindow.Log("Loading Image (" + p.WorldX + " " + p.WorldY + ")"); DateTime time = DateTime.Now; ImageTile it = null; int max = (int)Math.Pow(2, p.zoom); int TileX = p.TileX - 1; for (int x = p.WorldX - 1; x <= p.WorldX + 1; x++, TileX++) { int TileY = p.TileY - 1; for (int y = p.WorldY - 1; y <= p.WorldY + 1; y++, TileY++) { if (x >= 0 && x < max && y >= 0 && y < max && TileX >= 0 && TileX < g.width && TileY >= 0 && TileY < g.height) { string id = + "_" + p.zoom + "_" + y + "_" + x; string filename = "tmp\\sat\\" + (p.zoom) + "_" + (y) + "_" + (x) + ".png"; if (x == p.WorldX && y == p.WorldY) { MainWindow.dispatcher.Invoke(() => { if (imageTiles.ContainsKey(id)) { it = imageTiles[id]; } else { it = new ImageTile(MainWindow.Instance, g, filename, id, p.zoom, TileX, TileY, false); } }); } else { MainWindow.dispatcher.Invoke(() => { if (!imageTiles.ContainsKey(id)) { ImageTile it_ = new ImageTile(MainWindow.Instance, g, filename, id, p.zoom, TileX, TileY, false); g.AddTile(it_); } }); } } } } if (it == null) { return; } g.AddTile(it); it.Status(new PixelColor(0, 255, 255, 100)); it.classified = false; it.Lock(); MainWindow.Log("Classifying Image (" + p.WorldX + " " + p.WorldY + ")"); try { MainWindow.dispatcher.Invoke(() => { foreach (Classes c in MainWindow.classesList) { g.AddOverlayClass(it, c, MainWindow.Instance); if (c.classifiedPointsList.ContainsKey( { c.classifiedPointsList.Remove(; } c.classifiedPointsList.Add(, new FeaturePoint[256, 256]); } }); Parallel.For(0, 256, x => { for (int y = 0; y < 256; y++) { FeaturePoint fp = FeaturePoint.GetOrAddFeaturePoint(x, y,; var output = Array.Empty <double>(); switch (classifier) { case 0: dfprocess(MainWindow.Instance.DecisionForest, fp.GetFeatures(), ref output); break; case 1: mlpprocess(MainWindow.Instance.NeuralNetwork, fp.GetFeatures(), ref output); break; case 2: mlpeprocess(MainWindow.Instance.NeuralNetworkEnsemble, fp.GetFeatures(), ref output); break; default: break; } int predictedClass = 0; for (int k = 1; k < output.Length; k++) { if (output[k] > output[predictedClass]) { predictedClass = k; } } MainWindow.GetClassByNum(predictedClass).classifiedPointsList[][fp.y, fp.x] = fp; } }); it.Unlock(); it.classified = true; float t = (float)(DateTime.Now - time).TotalSeconds; averageClassificationTime = (averageClassificationTime * classificationDone + t) / (classificationDone + 1); classificationDone++; ReportProgress(sender); classificationQueue--; MainWindow.Log("Image (" + p.WorldX + " " + p.WorldY + ") Classification done in " + t + "s. Now waiting for postprocessing"); GC.Collect(); it.Status(new PixelColor(0, 255, 0, 100)); classificationDoneQueue.Enqueue(; } catch (Exception e) { MainWindow.Log("ERROR when classifying Image (" + p.WorldX + " " + p.WorldY + "): " + e.Message); it.Status(new PixelColor(0, 0, 255, 100)); if (it.classified) { classificationQueue++; classificationDone--; } it.classified = false; it.Unlock(); errorClassificationRecoveryQueue.Enqueue(p); GC.Collect(); } }
public static void PostProcess(BackgroundWorker sender, ImageGrid g, string id_, int NStep, int blurRadius) { ImageTile it = imageTiles[id_]; DateTime time = DateTime.Now; MainWindow.Log("Postprocessing Image (" + it.worldX + " " + it.worldY + ")"); try { //First Erase the not more useful color image images.TryRemove(it.baseFileName, out PixelColor[,] r); it.Status(new PixelColor(255, 0, 120, 100)); for (int step = 0; step < NStep; step++) { for (int _x = 0; _x < 256; _x++) { for (int _y = 0; _y < 256; _y++) { int centralClass = -1; int maxClass = -1; int maxValue = -1; int[] counters = new int[MainWindow.classesList.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < counters.Length; i++) { if (MainWindow.classesList[i].classifiedPointsList[][_y, _x] != null) { centralClass = i; break; } } int radius = MainWindow.classesList[centralClass].radius; for (int x = _x - radius; x <= _x + radius; x++) { for (int y = _y - radius; y <= _y + radius; y++) { bool found = false; int tileX = it.tileX; int tileY = it.tileY; int x_ = x; int y_ = y; if (x >= 0 && x < 256 && y > 0 && y < 256) { found = true; } else if (x < 0 && it.tileX > 0) { tileX -= 1; x_ += 256; if (y < 0 && it.tileY > 0) { tileY -= 1; y_ += 256; } else if (y >= 256 && it.tileY < g.height - 1) { tileY += 1; y_ -= 256; } else { continue; } } else if (x >= 256 && it.tileX < g.width - 1) { tileX += 1; x_ -= 256; if (y < 0 && it.tileY > 0) { tileY -= 1; y_ += 256; } else if (y >= 256 && it.tileY < g.height - 1) { tileY += 1; y_ -= 256; } else { continue; } } else if (x >= 0 && x < 256) { if (y < 0 && it.tileY > 0) { tileY -= 1; y_ += 256; } else if (y >= 255 && it.tileY < g.height - 1) { tileY += 1; y_ -= 256; } else { continue; } } else { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < counters.Length; i++) { string id; if (found) { id =; } else { id = g.tiles[tileX, tileY].id; } if (MainWindow.classesList[i].classifiedPointsList.ContainsKey(id)) { if (MainWindow.classesList[i].classifiedPointsList[id][y_, x_] != null) { counters[i]++; if (maxValue < counters[i]) { maxValue = counters[i]; maxClass = i; } break; } } else { MainWindow.Log("ERROR with Image (" + it.worldX + " " + it.worldY + ") while postprocessing: Image with id " + id + " is not present in classified points. Trying to continue execution without it."); } } } } if (counters[centralClass] < MainWindow.classesList[centralClass].threshold) { MainWindow.classesList[centralClass].classifiedPointsList[][_y, _x] = null; MainWindow.classesList[maxClass].classifiedPointsList[][_y, _x] = (FeaturePoint.GetOrAddFeaturePoint(_x, _y,; } } } } MainWindow.dispatcher.Invoke(() => { foreach (Classes c in MainWindow.classesList) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++) { FeaturePoint fp = c.classifiedPointsList[][i, j]; if (fp != null) { ImageHelper.DrawOverlayClass(, fp.x, fp.y, c, c.classColor); } } } } // BluringEdges_4(MainWindow.Instance,, blurRadius); }); postProcessed[it.tileX, it.tileY] = true; float t = (float)(DateTime.Now - time).TotalSeconds; averagePostprocessTime = (averagePostprocessTime * postprocessgDone + t) / (postprocessgDone + 1); postprocessgDone++; ReportProgress(sender); postprocessQueue--; MainWindow.Log("Image (" + it.worldX + " " + it.worldY + ") postprocessing done in " + t + "s. Now waiting for output and dispose"); postprocessDoneQueue.Enqueue(id_); it.Status(new PixelColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); GC.Collect(); } catch (Exception e) { MainWindow.Log("ERROR when postprocessing Image (" + it.worldX + " " + it.worldY + "): " + e.Message); it.Status(new PixelColor(0, 0, 255, 100)); if (postProcessed[it.tileX, it.tileY]) { postprocessQueue++; postprocessgDone--; } postProcessed[it.tileX, it.tileY] = false; it.Unlock(); ErrorPostProcessingQueue.Enqueue(id_); GC.Collect(); } }