public override bool HandlesKeyDown( Key key )
            if( key == Key.Escape ) {
                game.SetNewScreen( null );
            } else if( curWidget != null ) {
                int index = Array.IndexOf<Widget>( widgets, curWidget );
                KeyBinding mapping = (KeyBinding)(index + (int)originKey);
                KeyMap map = game.InputHandler.Keys;
                Key oldKey = map[mapping];
                string reason;

                if( !map.IsKeyOkay( oldKey, key, out reason ) ) {
                    const string format = "&eFailed to change mapping \"{0}\". &c({1})";
                    statusWidget.SetText( String.Format( format, descriptions[index], reason ) );
                } else {
                    const string format = "&eChanged mapping \"{0}\" from &7{1} &eto &7{2}&e.";
                    statusWidget.SetText( String.Format( format, descriptions[index], oldKey, key ) );
                    string text = descriptions[index] + ": " + keyNames[(int)key];

                    curWidget.SetText( text );
                    map[mapping] = key;
                curWidget = null;
            return key < Key.F1 || key > Key.F35;
 public static ButtonWidget Create( Game game, int x, int y, int width, int height, string text, Anchor horizontal,
     Anchor vertical, Font font, ClickHandler onClick)
     ButtonWidget widget = new ButtonWidget( game, font );
     widget.HorizontalAnchor = horizontal;
     widget.VerticalAnchor = vertical;
     widget.XOffset = x; widget.YOffset = y;
     widget.DesiredMaxWidth = width; widget.DesiredMaxHeight = height;
     widget.SetText( text );
     widget.OnClick = onClick;
     return widget;
        protected override void WidgetSelected( Widget widget )
            ButtonWidget button = widget as ButtonWidget;
            if( selectedWidget == widget || button == null ||
               button == widgets[widgets.Length - 1] ) return;

            selectedWidget = button;
            if( descWidget != null ) descWidget.Dispose();
            if( button == null ) return;

            string text = descriptions[Array.IndexOf<Widget>(widgets, button)];
            descWidget = ChatTextWidget.Create( game, 0, 100, text, Anchor.Centre, Anchor.Centre, regularFont );
        void InitStandardButtons()
            widgets = new ButtonWidget[showAlways ? 4 : 2];
            widgets[0] = ButtonWidget.Create( game, -110, 30, 160, 35, "Yes", Anchor.Centre,
                                             Anchor.Centre, titleFont, OnYesClick );
            widgets[1] = ButtonWidget.Create( game, 110, 30, 160, 35, "No", Anchor.Centre,
                                             Anchor.Centre, titleFont, OnNoClick );
            if( !showAlways ) return;

            widgets[2] = ButtonWidget.Create( game, -110, 80, 160, 35, "Always yes", Anchor.Centre,
                                             Anchor.Centre, titleFont, OnYesAlwaysClick );
            widgets[3] = ButtonWidget.Create( game, 110, 80, 160, 35, "Always no", Anchor.Centre,
                                             Anchor.Centre, titleFont, OnNoAlwaysClick );
 void InitConfirmButtons( bool always )
     ClickHandler noHandler = always ? (ClickHandler)OnNoAlwaysClick: (ClickHandler)OnNoClick;
     widgets = new ButtonWidget[] {
         ButtonWidget.Create( game, -110, 30, 160, 35, "I'm sure", Anchor.Centre,
                             Anchor.Centre, titleFont, noHandler ),
         ButtonWidget.Create( game, 110, 30, 160, 35, "Go back", Anchor.Centre,
                             Anchor.Centre, titleFont, GoBackClick ),
     confirmMode = true;
     SetText( lastTitle, lastBody );
 ButtonWidget Make(int x, int y, string text, Action <Game, Widget> onClick)
     return(ButtonWidget.Create(game, x, y, 41, 40, text,
                                Anchor.Centre, Anchor.Centre, arrowFont, LeftOnly(onClick)));
 ButtonWidget MakeText(int x, int y, string text)
     return(ButtonWidget.Create(game, x, y, 301, 40, text,
                                Anchor.Centre, Anchor.Centre, textFont, TextButtonClick));
 protected override void InputOpened()
     widgets[defaultIndex] = ButtonWidget.Create(
         game, 0, 150, 201, 40, "Default value", Anchor.Centre,
         Anchor.Centre, titleFont, DefaultButtonClick);
        void OnBindingClick( Game game, Widget widget, MouseButton mouseBtn )
            if( mouseBtn == MouseButton.Right && (curWidget == null || curWidget == widget) ) {
                curWidget = (ButtonWidget)widget;
                int index = Array.IndexOf<Widget>( widgets, curWidget );
                KeyBinding mapping = (KeyBinding)(index + (int)originKey);
                HandlesKeyDown( game.InputHandler.Keys.GetDefault( mapping ) );
            if( mouseBtn != MouseButton.Left ) return;

            if( curWidget == widget ) {
                curWidget = null;
                statusWidget.SetText( "" );
            } else {
                curWidget = (ButtonWidget)widget;
                int index = Array.IndexOf<Widget>( widgets, curWidget );
                string text = "&ePress new key binding for " + descriptions[index] + ":";
                statusWidget.SetText( text );
 ButtonWidget Make(int x, int y, string text, int width, int height,
                   Font font, Action <Game, Widget> onClick)
     return(ButtonWidget.Create(game, x, y, width, height, text,
                                Anchor.Centre, Anchor.Centre, font, LeftOnly(onClick)));
 void HandleEnumOption( ButtonWidget button, Type type )
     string value = button.GetValue( game );
     int enumValue = (int)Enum.Parse( type, value, true );
     // go back to first value
     if( !Enum.IsDefined( type, enumValue ) )
         enumValue = 0;
     button.SetValue( game, Enum.GetName( type, enumValue ) );
     UpdateDescription( button );
        protected override void WidgetSelected( Widget widget )
            ButtonWidget button = widget as ButtonWidget;
            if( selectedWidget == button || button == null ||
               button == widgets[widgets.Length - 2] ) return;

            selectedWidget = button;
            if( targetWidget != null ) return;
            UpdateDescription( selectedWidget );
        protected void UpdateDescription( ButtonWidget widget )
            if( widget == null || widget.GetValue == null ) return;

 ButtonWidget Make(int dir, int y, string text, Action <Game, Widget> onClick)
     return(ButtonWidget.Create(game, dir * 160, y, 301, 40, text,
                                Anchor.Centre, Anchor.Centre, titleFont, LeftOnly(onClick)));