 public static Boolean HandleLogicalColumns(XmlNodeList trueColumns, CubeTable currentTable)
     // Summary:
     //      Determines if a cube column
     //      from the DSV is based on the
     //      database (non logical) or based
     //      on a calculation (logical).
     //      Adds the column to the input
     //      table if logical.
     if (trueColumns.Item(0).Attributes["msprop:IsLogical"] != null)
         if (trueColumns.Item(0).Attributes.GetNamedItem("msprop:IsLogical").Value.ToString() == "True")
             CubeColumn myLogicalColumn = new CubeColumn
                 CubeColumnName =
             // Return true to indicate the column is logical
     // Return false to indicate the column is not logical
        private static Tuple <CubeTable, Table> MatchTables(CubeTable cubeTable,
                                                            List <Database> databases)
            // Summary:
            //      Returns matched cube and database
            //      tables or view for futher analysis.

            Tuple <CubeTable, Table> tableTuple = null;
            Tuple <CubeTable, Table> viewTuple  = null;

            foreach (Database database in databases)
                // Find all corresponding tables based
                // on the table name and schema name
                // of both ref types
                foreach (Table table in database._databaseTables)
                    if (table.Equals(cubeTable))
                        tableTuple = Tuple.Create(cubeTable, table);

                // Find all corresponding views based
                // on the table name and schema name of
                // both ref types
                foreach (Table table in database._databaseViews)
                    if (table.Equals(cubeTable))
                        viewTuple = Tuple.Create(cubeTable, table);
            // Database name spaces do not allow
            // tables or views with identical names within a
            // single database. So no check is installed.
            if (tableTuple != null)
        private List <CubeTable> GetCubeTables(string cubePath)
            List <CubeTable> foundTables = new List <CubeTable>();

            // Create, configure and load xml items and values
            XmlDocument myXmlCube = new XmlDocument();

            myXmlCube = loadCube(cubePath);

            // Determine xpath to search for tables
            XmlNodeList nodes;
            string      xDimPath = "/~ns~:Batch/~ns~:Alter/~ns~:ObjectDefinition/~ns~:Database/" +
            string xPath = "/~ns~:Attributes/~ns~:Attribute/~ns~:KeyColumns/~ns~:KeyColumn/~ns~:Source";

            // Read the cube's nodes based on the xPath expression
            nodes = ArtifactReader.getArtifactNodes(xPath, myXmlCube, xDimPath);

            string checkNode = null;

            foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                CubeTable currentTable = foundTables.Find(x => x.CubeTableName.Equals(node.FirstChild.InnerText));
                // Check if a new table is presented
                if (currentTable is null)
                    // Add cube table
                    currentTable = new CubeTable();
                    currentTable.CubeTableName = node.FirstChild.InnerText;
                    checkNode = currentTable.CubeTableName;

                    // Add db ref table

                    // Find db table name and schema
                    XmlNodeList trueTables;
                    xPath = $"/~ns~:Batch/~ns~:Alter/~ns~:ObjectDefinition/~ns~:Database/~ns~:DataSourceViews/" +
                            $"~ns~:DataSourceView/~ns~:Schema/xs:schema/xs:element/xs:complexType/xs:choice/" +
                    trueTables = ArtifactReader.getArtifactNodes(xPath, myXmlCube);

                    // Add findings to property list
                    string trueTableName, trueSchemaName;
                    trueTableName  = trueTables.Item(0).Attributes.GetNamedItem("msprop:DbTableName").Value.ToString();
                    trueSchemaName = trueTables.Item(0).Attributes.GetNamedItem("msprop:DbSchemaName").Value.ToString();

                    // Concat the schema and table name and store it as table name
                    currentTable.TableName = trueSchemaName + "." + trueTableName;

                    // Add table to output

                // Find matching db column name
                XmlNodeList trueColumns;
                xPath = $"/~ns~:Batch/~ns~:Alter/~ns~:ObjectDefinition/~ns~:Database/~ns~:DataSourceViews/" +
                        $"~ns~:DataSourceView/~ns~:Schema/xs:schema/xs:element/xs:complexType/xs:choice/" +
                        $"xs:element[@name=\'{currentTable.CubeTableName}\']/xs:complexType/xs:sequence/" +
                trueColumns = ArtifactReader.getArtifactNodes(xPath, myXmlCube);

                // Do not include logical columns. These columns
                // are computed in the data source view and do not
                // directly correspond to database column.
                // Add them to a special logical column list for
                // later use.
                if (CubeColumn.HandleLogicalColumns(trueColumns, currentTable))

                // Get cube column data type from the cube
                Tuple <string, string> dataType = CubeColumn.GetCubeColumnDataType(trueColumns);

                // TODO: Get database column data type from the dacpac

                // Add cube columns to table
                CubeColumn myColumn = new CubeColumn()
                    ColumnName           = trueColumns.Item(0).Attributes.GetNamedItem("msprop:DbColumnName").Value.ToString(),
                    CubeColumnName       = node.LastChild.InnerText,
                    CubeColumnDataType   = dataType.Item1,
                    CubeColumnDataLength = dataType.Item2

        public void CheckForColumns(Match match)
            // Summary:
            //      checks if every column in the
            //      matched cube is represented in the
            //      matched database(s).
            // Parameters:
            //      match:
            //          Reference type containing one Cube
            //          and a list of Databases

            string checkName = "101. Cube vs Database column test";

            Console.WriteLine($"Running check {checkName}: \nChecking if all cube table columns " +
                              $"have corresponding database columns.");
            List <CubeTable> nonPresentColumnTables = new List <CubeTable>();

            foreach (CubeTable cubeTable in match.MatchingCube._cubeTables)
                // Match the cube table to the database table
                Tuple <CubeTable, Table> tuple = MatchTables(cubeTable, match.MatchedDatabases);

                // Create a list to accomodate all unfound
                // columns.
                List <Column> unfoundColumns = new List <Column>();

                foreach (CubeColumn cubeColumn in tuple.Item1.ColumnList)
                    // Search for the cube column in
                    // every matched database's table
                    // column list.
                    Boolean isFound =
                            x => x.ColumnName.ToLower() == cubeColumn.ColumnName.ToLower());

                    // If the cube column is not found
                    // add it to the unfound list.
                    if (!isFound)

                // Collect all the columns that cannot be
                // matched with a database column
                if (unfoundColumns.Count > 0)
                    CubeTable tableWithMissingColumns = new CubeTable();
                    tableWithMissingColumns.TableName  = cubeTable.TableName;
                    tableWithMissingColumns.ColumnList = unfoundColumns;

            // Print results back to user
            // First; do the non statisfied conditions
            if (nonPresentColumnTables.Count > 0)
                foreach (CubeTable cubeTable in nonPresentColumnTables)
                    foreach (CubeColumn cubeColumn in cubeTable.ColumnList)
                        string message = $"The cube column {cubeColumn.CubeColumnName}" +
                                         $" from cube table {cubeTable.TableName} cannot be found in" +
                                         $" it's corresponding databases.";

                // Next; throw an exception to
                // halt the execution of the program
                //throw new MatchException($"{checkName} failed");
            // If everything looks fine, pass the check!