static void Main(string[] args) { SuperObjectManager superObjectManager = new SuperObjectManager(); do { ShowMenu(); Menu choice = InputMenu(); Console.Clear(); if (choice == Menu.Exit) { break; } if (superObjectManager.IsEmpty() && choice != Menu.AddElement) { Console.WriteLine("Collection is empty!"); Console.WriteLine("Refer to elemnts addition..."); Console.ReadKey(); choice = Menu.AddElement; Console.Clear(); } switch (choice) { case Menu.AddElement: superObjectManager.AddElement(); break; case Menu.ShowElements: superObjectManager.ShowElements(); break; case Menu.Sort: Sort(superObjectManager); break; case Menu.RemoveElement: superObjectManager.RemoveElement(); break; case Menu.RemoveAll: superObjectManager.RemoveAll(); break; case Menu.Search: superObjectManager.Search(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Wrong command!"); break; } Console.WriteLine("Inout any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); } while (true); }