public void HotelIDMinusOne()
            clsRooms NewRoom   = new clsRooms(); //create an instance of the class we want to create
            Boolean  OK        = false;          //boolean variable to store the result of the validation
            string   HotelID   = "";             // this should trigger an error
            string   Inventory = "Blow Dryer";
            string   RoomType  = "Family Bed";

            OK = NewRoom.Valid(HotelID, Inventory, RoomType); //invoke the method
        public void ValidMethodOK()
            clsRooms NewRoom   = new clsRooms(); //create an instance of the class we want to create
            Boolean  OK        = false;          //boolean variablw to store the result of the validation
            string   HotelID   = "Hilton10AD";
            string   Inventory = "Blow Dryer";
            string   RoomType  = "Family Bed";                //create some test data to pass to the method

            OK = NewRoom.Valid(HotelID, Inventory, RoomType); //test to see that the result is correct
            Assert.IsTrue(OK);                                //test to see that the result is correct
        public void InventoryMid()
            clsRooms NewRoom   = new clsRooms(); //create an instance of the class we want to create
            Boolean  OK        = false;          //boolean variable to store the result of the validation
            string   HotelID   = "HLT10AD";
            string   Inventory = "Iron, Kettle"; // this should be ok
            string   RoomType  = "Family Bed";

            OK = NewRoom.Valid(HotelID, Inventory, RoomType); //invoke the method
        public void RoomTypeMinPlusOne()
            clsRooms NewRoom   = new clsRooms(); //create an instance of the class we want to create
            Boolean  OK        = false;          //boolean variable to store the result of the validation
            string   RoomType  = "Twin B";       // this should be ok
            string   HotelID   = "HLT10AD";
            string   Inventory = "Blow Dryer";

            OK = NewRoom.Valid(HotelID, Inventory, RoomType); //invoke the method
        public void InventoryExtremeMax()
            clsRooms NewRoom   = new clsRooms(); //create an instance of the class we want to create
            Boolean  OK        = false;          //boolean variable to store the result of the validation
            string   RoomType  = "Family Bed";
            string   HotelID   = "HLT10AD";
            string   Inventory = "";

            Inventory = Inventory.PadRight(500, 'I');                // this should trigger an error
            OK        = NewRoom.Valid(HotelID, Inventory, RoomType); //invoke the method
        public void RoomTypeMaxPlusOne()
            clsRooms NewRoom  = new clsRooms(); //create an instance of the class we want to create
            Boolean  OK       = false;          //boolean variable to store the result of the validation
            string   RoomType = "";             // = "STDN Twin Bed"; // this should trigger and error

            RoomType = RoomType.PadRight(21, 'H');
            string HotelID   = "HLT10AD";
            string Inventory = "Blow Dryer";

            OK = NewRoom.Valid(HotelID, Inventory, RoomType); //invoke the method