public int[] SelectCostSlipNo(DateTime reportDate, string taskCode, string officeCode) { int[] sNoDArray = new int[] { -1 }; string sqlStr = " DISTINCT SlipNo FROM D_CostReport WHERE ReportDate = '" + reportDate + "' AND OfficeCode = '" + officeCode + "'"; if (taskCode != "") { sqlStr += " AND TaskCode = '" + taskCode + "'"; } sqlStr += " ORDER BY SlipNo"; SqlHandling sh = new SqlHandling(); DataTable dt = sh.SelectFull_Core(sqlStr); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count < 1) { return(sNoDArray); } sNoDArray = new int[dt.Rows.Count]; DataRow dr; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { dr = dt.Rows[i]; sNoDArray[i] = Convert.ToInt32(dr["SlipNo"]); } return(sNoDArray); }
public DataTable SelectPayment(DateTime reportDate, string officeCode, string department) { string sqlStr = " * FROM D_OsPayment " + "WHERE OfficeCode = '" + officeCode + "' AND Department = '" + department + "' AND ReportDate = '" + reportDate + "'"; SqlHandling sh = new SqlHandling(); DataTable dt = sh.SelectFull_Core(sqlStr); ; if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count < 1) return null; return dt; }
public CostReportData[] SelectCostReportItemCode(string officeCode, string taskCode, int fYear) { //string sqlStr = " DISTINCT LEFT(ItemCode,4) AS iCod, Item, MemberCode FROM D_CostReport WHERE OfficeCode = '" + officeCode + "' AND TaskCode = '" + taskCode + "' AND (ItemCode LIKE 'A%' OR ItemCode LIKE 'B%')" // + " AND ( ReportDate BETWEEN '" + DHandling.FisicalYearStartDate( fYear ) + "' AND '" + DHandling.FisicalYearEndDate( fYear ) + "') ORDER BY LEFT(ItemCode,4)"; //string sqlStr = " ItemCode, Item, MemberCode FROM D_CostReport WHERE OfficeCode = '" + officeCode + "' AND TaskCode = '" + taskCode + "' AND (ItemCode LIKE 'A%' OR ItemCode LIKE 'B%')" // + " AND ( ReportDate BETWEEN '" + DHandling.FisicalYearStartDate( fYear ) + "' AND '" + DHandling.FisicalYearEndDate( fYear ) + "') ORDER BY SUBSTRING LEFT(ItemCode,4)"; string sqlStr = " ItemCode, Item, MemberCode FROM D_CostReport WHERE OfficeCode = '" + officeCode + "' AND TaskCode = '" + taskCode + "' AND (ItemCode LIKE 'A%' OR ItemCode LIKE 'B%')" + " AND ( ReportDate BETWEEN '" + DHandling.FisicalYearStartDate(fYear) + "' AND '" + DHandling.FisicalYearEndDate(fYear) + "') ORDER BY ItemCode"; SqlHandling sh = new SqlHandling(); DataTable dt = sh.SelectFull_Core(sqlStr); if (dt == null) { return(null); } string wkItemCode = ""; int rowIdx = 0; DataRow dr; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { dr = dt.Rows[i]; if (wkItemCode != (Convert.ToString(dr["ItemCode"])).TrimEnd()) { rowIdx++; wkItemCode = (Convert.ToString(dr["ItemCode"])).TrimEnd(); } } CostReportData[] crd = new CostReportData[rowIdx]; wkItemCode = ""; rowIdx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { dr = dt.Rows[i]; if (wkItemCode != (Convert.ToString(dr["ItemCode"])).TrimEnd()) { wkItemCode = (Convert.ToString(dr["ItemCode"])).TrimEnd(); crd[rowIdx] = new CostReportData(); crd[rowIdx].ItemCode = wkItemCode; crd[rowIdx].Item = Convert.ToString(dr["Item"]); rowIdx++; } } return(crd); }
//--------------------------------------------------------// // Method //--------------------------------------------------------// public DataTable SelectOsWkReport(string partnerCode, string taskCode, DateTime reportMM) { SqlHandling sh = new SqlHandling(); DataTable dt = sh.SelectFull_Core("DISTINCT ReportDate, ContractForm FROM D_OsWkReport WHERE PartnerCode = '" + partnerCode + "' AND TaskCode = '" + taskCode + "' AND ( ReportDate BETWEEN '" + reportMM.BeginOfMonth() + "' AND '" + reportMM.EndOfMonth() + "') ORDER BY ReportDate"); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count < 1) { return(null); } return(dt); }
public DataTable SelectOsWkReportPartnerCode(DateTime dateFr, string officeCode, string department) { DateTime dateTo = DHandling.EndOfMonth(dateFr); SqlHandling sh = new SqlHandling(); DataTable dt = sh.SelectFull_Core("DISTINCT PartnerCode FROM D_OsWkReport WHERE OfficeCode = '" + officeCode + "' AND Department = '" + department + "' AND ( ReportDate BETWEEN '" + dateFr + "' AND '" + dateTo + "') ORDER BY PartnerCode"); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count < 1) { return(null); } return(dt); }
public DataTable SelectPayOff(DateTime reportDate, string officeCode, string department, string costCode) { string sqlStr = " * FROM D_OsPayOff " + "WHERE OfficeCode = '" + officeCode + "' AND Department = '" + department + "' AND ItemCode = '" + costCode + "' AND ReportDate = '" + reportDate + "'"; SqlHandling sh = new SqlHandling(); DataTable dt = sh.SelectFull_Core(sqlStr);; if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count < 1) { return(null); } return(dt); }
public int CountSlipNo(DateTime dateFr, DateTime dateTo, string taskCode, string officeCode, string department) { string sqlStr = " COUNT(DISTINCT SlipNo) AS sNC FROM D_CostReport WHERE OfficeCode = '" + officeCode + "' AND Department = '" + department + "' AND TaskCode = '" + taskCode + "' AND ( ReportDate BETWEEN '" + dateFr.StripTime() + "' AND '" + dateTo.StripTime() + "')"; SqlHandling sh = new SqlHandling(); DataTable dt = sh.SelectFull_Core(sqlStr); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count < 1) { return(0); } DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; return(Convert.ToInt32(dr["sNC"])); }
public int SelectOsWkReportID(int slipNo) { string sqlStr = " DISTINCT OsWkReportID FROM D_OsWkDetail WHERE SlipNo = " + slipNo; SqlHandling sh = new SqlHandling(); DataTable dt = sh.SelectFull_Core(sqlStr); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count < 1) { return(0); } DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; return(Convert.ToInt32(dr["OsWkReportID"])); }
public int SelectCostSlipNo(DateTime reportDate, string taskCode, string subCoCode, string officeCode, string department) { string sqlStr = " DISTINCT SlipNo FROM D_CostReport WHERE ReportDate = '" + reportDate + "' AND TaskCode = '" + taskCode + "' AND OfficeCode = '" + officeCode + "' AND Department = '" + department + "' AND SubCoCode = '" + subCoCode + "'"; SqlHandling sh = new SqlHandling(); DataTable dt = sh.SelectFull_Core(sqlStr); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count < 1) { return(0); } DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; return(Convert.ToInt32(dr["SlipNo"])); }
public Decimal SumMonthlyQuantity(string officeCode, string itemCode, DateTime month) { string sqlStr = "SUM( Quantity ) AS SumQty FROM D_CostReport " + "WHERE OfficeCode = '" + officeCode + "' AND " + "ItemCode = '" + itemCode + "' AND " + "( ReportDate BETWEEN '" + month + "' AND '" + month.EndOfMonth() + "' )"; SqlHandling sh = new SqlHandling(); DataTable dt = sh.SelectFull_Core(sqlStr); if (dt == null) { return(0); } CostReportData crd = new CostReportData(); DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; return((string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(dr["SumQty"]))) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(dr["SumQty"])); }
public Decimal SumMonthlyCost(string taskCode, string officeCode, DateTime month) { string sqlStr = "SUM( Cost ) AS SumCost FROM D_CostReport " + "WHERE TaskCode = '" + taskCode + "' AND " + "OfficeCode = '" + officeCode + "' AND " + "( LEFT(ItemCode, 1 ) = 'A' OR LEFT( ItemCode, 1 ) = 'B' ) AND " + "( ReportDate BETWEEN '" + month + "' AND '" + month.EndOfMonth() + "' )"; SqlHandling sh = new SqlHandling(); DataTable dt = sh.SelectFull_Core(sqlStr); if (dt == null) { return(0); } CostReportData crd = new CostReportData(); DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; return((string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(dr["SumCost"]))) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(dr["SumCost"])); }