        public Int16 LoadArraysFromDisk(out int Bcount, out int Ccount)
            // We iterate through all Bank .BNK files cos we can also read the relevant
            // Customer #  from it, and then load that to the Customer array - Clever eh ?
            Int16 count = 0;

            Bcount = 0;
            Ccount = 0;
            Int32[] custno     = new int[100];
            int     custcount  = 0;
            bool    duplicated = false;
            // start with BankAccounts
            string dir  = BankAccount.ReadBankFilePath();
            string dir2 = Customer.GetCustFilePath();

            string[] bankfiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(dir, "Bankobject*.bnk");
            // initilaize our check array
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                custno[i] = 0;
            // Iterate trhu them and handle as required
            foreach (var fi in bankfiles)
                bool result = fi.Contains("BankObject");
                if (result)
                    // Got a bank account object
                    BankAccount B = (BankAccount)SerializeData.ReadBankAccountFromDisk(fi);
                    if (B != null)
                        DataArray.ArrayAddBank(B);     // Add to bank ArrayList
                        Customer C = (Customer)SerializeData.ReadCustomerDiskObject(dir2 + "Custobj" + B.CustAccountNumber + ".cust");
                        if (C != null)
                            // add to our test array
                            // check to see if it has been added before ?
                            for (int i = 0; i < custcount; i++)
                                if (custno[i] == C.CustomerNumber)
                                    duplicated = true;
                            custno[custcount++] = C.CustomerNumber;
                            if (!duplicated)
                                DataArray.ArrayAddCust(C);     // The one and only Customer ArrayList addition in this Fn()

                            /*							// Handle multiple a/c's held by this customer
                             *                                                                                  if ( C . accountnums [ 1 ] != 0 )
                             *                                                                                  {
                             *                                                                                          BankAccount Bk = ( BankAccount ) SerializeData . ReadBankAccountFromDisk ( dir + "Bankobject" + C . accountnums [ 1 ] + ".bnk" );
                             *                                                                                          DataArray . ArrayAddBank ( Bk );// Add to bank ArrayList
                             *                                                                                          Bcount++;
                             *                                                                                          Bk . Dispose ( );
                             *                                                                                  }
                             *                                                                                  if ( C . accountnums [ 2 ] != 0 )
                             *                                                                                  {
                             *                                                                                          BankAccount Bk = ( BankAccount ) SerializeData . ReadBankAccountFromDisk ( dir + "Bankobject" + C . accountnums [ 2 ] + ".bnk" );
                             *                                                                                          DataArray . ArrayAddBank ( Bk );// Add to bank ArrayList
                             *                                                                                          Bcount++;
                             *                                                                                          Bk . Dispose ( );
                             *                                                                                  }
                             *                                                                                  if ( C . accountnums [ 3 ] != 0 )
                             *                                                                                  {
                             *                                                                                          BankAccount Bk = ( BankAccount ) SerializeData . ReadBankAccountFromDisk ( dir + "Bankobject" + C . accountnums [ 3 ] + ".bnk" );
                             *                                                                                          DataArray . ArrayAddBank ( Bk );// Add to bank ArrayList
                             *                                                                                          Bcount++;
                             *                                                                                          Bk . Dispose ( );
                             *                                                                                  }
                            if (C != null)
                        if (B != null)
            // save our Customer LinkedList to disk as binary and txt files
            Lists.SaveAllCustomerListData(Customer.CustomerFilePath + "CustSortedListData.cust");
            // sort the arrays in Ascending v0 - 9