private void CreateAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (AccountBalance.Text == "" || Interest.Text == "")
                info.Text = "Please fill out both Balance and Interest fields...";
                AccountBalance.Focus( );
            char[]      ch      = { '-' };
            BankAccount bank    = new BankAccount( );
            string      custno  = comboBox1.Text;
            string      acctype = AccountType.Text;

            string[] temp        = acctype.Split(ch);
            Int16    accounttype = Convert.ToInt16(temp[0]);
            string   amnt        = AccountBalance.Text;
            decimal  amount      = Convert.ToDecimal(amnt);
            decimal  interest    = Convert.ToDecimal(Interest.Text);

            // This call handles Linked List, ArrayList etc
            BankAccount.CreateNewBankAccount(bank, custno, accounttype, amount, interest, "Solo Bank Account created  for Customer " + bank.BankAccountNumber);
            AccountNumber.Text = bank.BankAccountNumber.ToString( );
            info.Text          = "New Bank Account [" + bank.BankAccountNumber.ToString( ) + "] created for Customer " + custno;
            Customer.UpdateCustWithNewBankAccount(Convert.ToInt32(custno), bank.BankAccountNumber, accounttype);
        private void SaveCustButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        {               // update the details
            // go get a customer object
            Customer C;

            if (AccountBalance.Text.Length == 0 || Interest.Text.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please complete the Account Balance & Interest Rate...", "Customer Update System"); return;
            C = Customer.GetCustomerAccount(accountno.Text);
            if (C != null)
                // go ahead and update the Customers details
                C.CustomerNumber = Convert.ToInt32(accountno.Text);
                C.FirstName      = fname.Text;
                C.LastName       = lname.Text;
                C.Address1       = addr1.Text;
                C.Address2       = addr2.Text;
                C.Town           = town.Text;
                C.County         = county.Text;
                C.PostCode       = pcode.Text;
                C.MobileNumber   = mob.Text;

                // Create the new bank account for this customer
                // and update the relevant fields
                BankAccount NewBAccount = BankAccount.CreateNewBankAccount(Bank, C.CustomerNumber.ToString( ), Convert.ToInt16(AccountType.SelectedIndex + 1),
                                                                           Convert.ToDecimal(AccountBalance.Text), Convert.ToDecimal(Interest.Text),
                                                                           "Secondary Bank account  for Customer A/c " + Bank.CustAccountNumber.ToString( ) + " added  :-  ");
                // Sort out the array of bank account details
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (C.accounttypes[i] == 0)
                        if (AccountType.SelectedIndex != -1)
                            C.accounttypes[i] = Convert.ToInt16(AccountType.SelectedIndex + 1);
                            //						C.accountnums[i] = Convert.ToInt32(accountno.Text);
                            // Now, finally, we store the correct data in th aCustomer record
                            // The accountnums field SHOULD hold the BankAccount #, NOT the Customer #
                            C.accountnums[i] = NewBAccount.BankAccountNumber;
                // Update Customer Object on disk
                Customer.WriteCustObjectToDiskAndText(C, C.FullFileName);
                // update Customer  List
                //				foreach ( var L in Customer . CustomersLinkedList )
                foreach (Customer L in DataArray.CustNo)
                    if (L.CustomerNumber == Convert.ToInt32(accountno.Text))
                    {                       // got it
                        L.FirstName    = C.FirstName;
                        L.LastName     = C.LastName;
                        L.Address1     = C.Address1;
                        L.Address2     = C.Address2;
                        L.Town         = C.Town;
                        L.County       = C.County;
                        L.PostCode     = C.PostCode;
                        L.PhoneNumber  = C.PhoneNumber;
                        L.MobileNumber = C.MobileNumber;
                MessageBox.Show("The New Bank account has been created...", "Bank Account Maintenance System");
            Close( );
        // Save the new customer data as an Object and add it to the Customer List
        // plus create a BankAccount object and add it to the BankAccount List
        private void SaveCustButton_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DateTime DOB;
            int      type = 0;

                int test = Convert.ToInt16(day.Text);
                test = Convert.ToInt16(day.Text);
                test = Convert.ToInt16(day.Text);
            catch { new Exception("Date of Birth entry data is invalid..." + day + "/" + month + "/" + year); }

            if (AccountType.Text.Contains("Normal"))
                type = 1;
            if (AccountType.Text.Contains("Savings"))
                type = 2;
            if (AccountType.Text.Contains("Deposit"))
                type = 3;
            if (AccountType.Text.Contains("Business"))
                type = 4;
            if (day.Text == "" | month.Text == "" | year.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("The DOB date you have entered is not valid... Please correct this", " New Customer entry System");
            if (Convert.ToInt16(day.Text) < 0 | Convert.ToInt16(day.Text) > 31 | Convert.ToInt16(month.Text) < 0 | Convert.ToInt16(month.Text) > 12
                | Convert.ToInt16(year.Text) < 1920 | Convert.ToInt16(year.Text) > DateTime.Now.Year)
                MessageBox.Show("The DOB date you have entered is not valid... Please correct this", " New Customer entry System"); return;
            string dob = day.Text + "/" + month.Text + "/" + year.Text;

            /// make sure our DOB data is sound, else we crqash everywhere
            try { DOB = Convert.ToDateTime(dob); }
            { MessageBox.Show("The DOB date you have entered is not valid... Please correct this", " New Customer entry System"); return; }
            if (lname.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("You must enter a valid Last Name... Please correct this", " New Customer entry System"); return;
            if (town.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("You must enter a valid Town... Please correct this", " New Customer entry System"); return;
            if (county.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("You must enter a valid County... Please correct this", " New Customer entry System"); return;
            if (pcode.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("You must enter a valid PostCode... Please correct this", " New Customer entry System"); return;
            BankAccount Ba = new BankAccount( );

            // this returns the Balance if we need it
            Ba = BankAccount.CreateNewBankAccount(Ba, AccountNo.Text, (Int16)type, Utils.stringToDecimal(AccountBalance.Text), Utils.stringToDecimal(Interest.Text));
            //========================CUSTOMER ACCOUNT================
            Customer cust = Customer.CreateNewCustomer(AccountNo.Text, fname.Text, lname.Text, tel.Text, mob.Text, addr1.Text, addr2.Text,
                                                       town.Text, county.Text, pcode.Text, type, Ba.BankAccountNumber, DOB);

            Ba.Dispose( );
            MessageBox.Show("Customer account has been opened successfully...,", "New Customer account creation");
            dirty = false;
            this.Close( );