private void OnEnable() { _target = (TrafficPath)target; so = serializedObject; so.Update(); var nodesProp = so.FindProperty("nodes"); while (nodesProp.arraySize < 2) { nodesProp.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(nodesProp.arraySize == 0 ? 0 : nodesProp.arraySize - 1); nodesProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(nodesProp.arraySize - 1).vector3Value = _target.transform.position +; } //disable add multiple so.FindProperty("addMultiple").boolValue = false; so.ApplyModifiedProperties(); labelStyle = new GUIStyle(); labelStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; labelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; labelStyle.fontSize = 16; combinedPaths = new List <TrafficPath>(); }
private float GetBakedTime(TrafficPath path) { float speed = path.bakedResolution; GoSpline spline = path.Spline(); float duration = spline.pathLength; return(fixedTime / (duration / (speed * 0.44704f))); }
//Worker thread to do the baking IEnumerator Worker(TrafficPath path) { Debug.Log("Start Worker"); //open folder to create new file //System.IO.FileStream fstream = Ultilities.OpenFile(, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate); string workerName = "Worker: " +; GameObject trafficBaker = new GameObject(workerName); trafficBaker.transform.SetParent(transform); float progress = 0; GoSpline spline = path.Spline(); float speed = path.bakedResolution; float duration = path.Spline().pathLength; List <Vector3> pathNodes = new List <Vector3>(); string pathName =; //baking while (progress <= 1.0f) { yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate()); progress += Time.fixedDeltaTime / (duration / (speed * 0.44704f)); Vector3 pos = spline.getPointOnPath(progress); trafficBaker.transform.position = pos; pathNodes.Add(pos); = workerName + ": " + progress * 100 + "%"; } //done baking Debug.Log(workerName + ": Done"); Debug.Log("Nodes Count: " + pathNodes.Count); /* * BakedTrafficPath bakedPath = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<BakedTrafficPath>(); * bakedPath.Init(pathNodes, pathName, path.pathType, path.pathSpeedMPH, path.bakedResolution, path.splitChance, path.smartTraffic, path.phaseTypes, path.notes); * bakedPath.CreateAndSave(savedLocation); */ yield return(null); }
private void MonitorStatusRoutine() { int aliveCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pathInfos.Count; i++) { if (pathInfos[i].threadHandle.IsAlive) { aliveCount++; } } if (aliveCount == 0) { Debug.Log("Baking Done"); //all done //write data to asset for (int i = 0; i < pathInfos.Count; i++) { if (pathInfos[i].bakedNodes == null) { continue; } TrafficPath path = pathInfos[i].path; Debug.Log(pathInfos[i].bakedNodes.Count); BakedTrafficPath bakedPath = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <BakedTrafficPath>(); bakedPath.Init(pathInfos[i].bakedNodes,, path.type, path.pathSpeedMPH, path.bakedResolution, path.splitChance, path.notes); bakedPath.CreateAndSave(serializedObject.FindProperty("savedLocation").stringValue); pathInfos[i].bakedNodes = null; return; } //reset EditorApplication.update -= MonitorStatusRoutine; status = BakeStatus.Preparing; } }