public void AddJob(Database.Database db, int workerId, string name, string command, string request, int parentJobId, int jobDefId) { Job que = CreateJob(workerId, name, command, request, parentJobId, jobDefId); db.Save(que); if (this.UseJobData) { JobData qD = new JobData { JobId = que.Id, Request = request }; db.Save(qD); } }
public override string ExecuteJob(Job job, JobData jobData) { var jobDef = db.Read<JobDefinition>(job.JobDefinitionId); var jobDefName = jobDef.Name; switch (job.Command) { case "FindLinks": { string res = findLinks(job.Name); var d = DateTime.Now; string path = baseDir + "\\crawler\\" + d.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "\\" + jobDefName; Directory.CreateDirectory(path); if(!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res)) File.WriteAllText(path + "\\found.links", res, Encoding.UTF8); var links = res.SplitWithTrim("\n"); var foundLinkCount = links.Length; var filters = FormMain.GetUrlFilters().ContainsKey(job.JobDefinitionId) ? FormMain.GetUrlFilters()[job.JobDefinitionId] : null; if (filters != null) links = links.Where(l => !isTheLinkToBeSkipped(l, jobDef, filters)).ToArray(); string whereIn = "'" + links.Select(l => l.Replace("'", "''")).StringJoin("','") + "'"; var linksAlreadySaved = db.GetList<string>("select Name from Job where Name in (" + whereIn + ") AND Status='Done' AND ResLength>0"); if (linksAlreadySaved != null && linksAlreadySaved.Count > 0) links = links.Except(linksAlreadySaved).ToArray(); List<int> workerIds = db.GetList<int>("select Id from Worker where Disabled=0 order by Id"); int counter = 0; List<Job> list = new List<Job>(); int newLinks = 0, tryAgain = 0; foreach (string url in links) { var downloadCount = db.GetInt("select count(*) from Job where Name={0}", url); if (downloadCount > 0 && downloadCount < 5) tryAgain++; if (downloadCount == 0) newLinks++; if (downloadCount < 5) list.Add(this.CreateJob(workerIds[counter++ % workerIds.Count], url, "DownloadContent", url, job.Id, job.JobDefinitionId)); } this.Log(string.Format("{0} {1} {2} total links, {3} new, {4} try again", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd "), jobDefName.PadRight(30), foundLinkCount.ToString().PadLeft(5), newLinks.ToString().PadLeft(5), tryAgain.ToString().PadLeft(5))); AddJobs(db, list); return res; } case "DownloadContent": { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); var time = new Dictionary<string, long>(); var d = DateTime.Now; string path = baseDir + "\\crawler\\" + d.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "\\" + jobDefName; Directory.CreateDirectory(path); string content = ""; try { sw.Start(); content = downloadContent(job.Name); File.WriteAllText(path + "\\" + job.Id + ".html", content, Encoding.UTF8); time.Add("Download", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); } catch (Exception ex) { File.WriteAllText(path + "\\" + job.Id + ".json", new CleanText { Title = "Error occured while downloading the content!", Content = ex.ToStringBetter() }.ToJSON(), Encoding.UTF8); sw.Stop(); this.Log(string.Format("{0} {1} {2} (ERROR DOWNLOAD {3})", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd "), "Worker " + job.WorkerId.ToString().PadLeft(2), job.Name.Replace("http://", "").Replace("www.", "").Replace(":", "").StrCrop(50).PadRight(53), ex.ToStringBetter().Replace(":", ""))); this.Log("stats failed"); throw ex; } try { var cleanText = getCleanText(job.Name, content); var clean = cleanText.ToJSON(); job.ResLength = cleanText.Content.Length; File.WriteAllText(path + "\\" + job.Id + ".json", clean, Encoding.UTF8); time.Add("Clear", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds-time["Download"]); sw.Stop(); if(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds>10000) this.Log(string.Format("{0} {1} {2} (Download {3} | Clear {4})", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd "), "Worker " + job.WorkerId.ToString().PadLeft(2), job.Name.Replace("http://","").Replace("www.","").Replace(":","").StrCrop(50).PadRight(53), time["Download"].ToString().PadLeft(6), time["Clear"].ToString().PadLeft(6))); this.Log("stats done"); if(job.ResLength>0) this.Log("stats contentFound"); return clean; } catch (Exception ex) { File.WriteAllText(path + "\\" + job.Id + ".json", new CleanText { Title = "Error occured while cleaning the text!", Content = ex.ToStringBetter() }.ToJSON(), Encoding.UTF8); sw.Stop(); this.Log(string.Format("{0} {1} {2} (ERROR CLEAN {3})", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd "), "Worker " + job.WorkerId.ToString().PadLeft(2), job.Name.Replace("http://", "").Replace("www.", "").Replace(":", "").StrCrop(50).PadRight(53), ex.ToStringBetter().Replace(":", ""))); this.Log("stats failed"); throw ex; } } } return "Command not implemented"; }
public abstract string ExecuteJob(Job job, JobData jobData);
private void executeCommand(Job job) { try { db.FillEntity(worker); worker.LastExecution = DateTime.Now; worker.LastExecutionInfo = job.Command + ": " + job.Name; db.Save(worker); } catch { } JobData jobData = null; if (workerProcess.UseJobData) { jobData = (JobData)db.Read(workerProcess.GetQueueDataType(), "JobId = {0}", job.Id) ?? new JobData(); if (jobData.Id <= 0) { jobData = new JobData { JobId = job.Id, Response = "Job related data not found!" }; db.Save(jobData); job.Status = JobStatuses.Failed; db.Save(job); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(100, string.Format("error:{0}:{1}", "Job related data not found!", worker.Name)); return; } } Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); try { sw.Start(); var res = workerProcess.ExecuteJob(job, jobData); if (workerProcess.UseJobData) jobData.Response = res; sw.Stop(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (workerProcess.UseJobData) { jobData.Response = ex.Message + "\n" + (ex.InnerException != null ? "- " + ex.InnerException.Message : ""); db.Save(jobData); } job.Status = JobStatuses.Failed; db.Save(job); return; } if (workerProcess.UseJobData) db.Save(jobData); job.Status = JobStatuses.Done; job.ProcessTime = (int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; db.Save(job); }