        ///  Lists all computers of the specified type or types that are visible
        ///  in the specified domain.  It may also enumerate domains.
        ///<param name = "domain">The name of the workgroup in which to enumerate computers
        ///  of the specified type or types.  If domain is null, servers
        ///  are enumerated for the current domain of the computer</param>
        ///<param name = "types">The type or types o fcoimputer to enumerate.  Computers that match
        ///  at least one of the specified types are returned (SV_*)</param>
        ///<returns><code>System.String</code> (sorted)</returns>
        public string[] ListServersNames(string domain, uint types)
            lock (this)
                if (Debug.DebugOn)
                    Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Info, "listServersNames");

                var param = new MarshalBuffer(100);
                var data  = new MarshalBuffer(1000);

                // Level 0
                DoNetServerEnum2(domain, types, 0, param, data);

                int pos = 0;

                pos += 2;

                // converter
                int converter = param.GetShortAt(pos);
                pos += 2;

                // number of entries
                int counter = param.GetShortAt(pos);
                pos += 2;

                int maxcounter = param.GetShortAt(pos);
                pos += 2;

                if (maxcounter > counter)
                    if (Debug.DebugOn)
                        Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Warning, "The buffer for NetServerEnum2 was too small.");

                 * struct SERVER_INFO_0 {
                 *  char		sv0_name[16];
                 * };

                var names = new string[counter];

                for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++)
                    names[i] = data.GetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, i * 16);


            } // lock
        /// <summary>
        ///   Changes password on the server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "user">user name</param>
        /// <param name = "oldpwd">old password</param>
        /// <param name = "newpwd">new password</param>
        public void ChangePassword(string user, string oldpwd, string newpwd)
            lock (this)
                if (Debug.DebugOn)
                    Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Info, "SamOEMChangePassword");

                var param = new MarshalBuffer(100);

                int pos = 0;
                pos += param.SetShortAt(pos, SamOEMChangePassword);
                // parameter descriptor string
                pos += param.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, "zsT");

                // the data descriptor string for the (returned) data which = null string
                pos += param.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, "B516B16");

                // user
                pos += param.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, user);

                // data size
                pos += param.SetShortAt(pos, 532);

                param.Size = pos;

                byte[] data = CifsLogin.GetChangePasswordData(oldpwd, newpwd);

                SendTransaction(null, "\\PIPE\\LANMAN", param, data, data.Length);

                var rdata = new MarshalBuffer(100);

                receiveTransaction(param, rdata);

                pos = 0;

                int error = param.GetShortAt(pos);

                // ignore more data
                if (error != 0 && error != 234)
                    throw CifsIoException.getLMException(error);
            } // lock
        private void DoNetServerEnum2(string domain, uint types, int level,
                                      MarshalBuffer param, MarshalBuffer data)
            int pos = 0;

            pos += param.SetShortAt(pos, NetShareEnum2);
            // parameter descriptor string
            pos += param.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, "WrLehDz");

            // the data descriptor string for the (returned) data
            switch (level)
            case 0:
                pos += param.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, "B16");

            case 1:
                pos += param.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, "B16BBDz");

                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Error, "Invalid NetServerEnum2 level");
                throw new ApplicationException("doNetServerEnum2");

            // corresponding to the "W": Level 1
            pos += param.SetShortAt(pos, level);

            // buffer size
            pos += param.SetShortAt(pos, fReturnBufferSize);

            if (domain == null)
                types |= CifsServerInfo.SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_ENUM;

            // select types
            pos += param.SetIntAt(pos, (Int32)types);

            // domain
            if (domain != null)
                pos += param.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, domain);
                pos += param.SetByteAt(pos, 0);

            param.Size = pos;

            SendTransaction(null, "\\PIPE\\LANMAN", param, null, 0);
            receiveTransaction(param, data);

            int error = param.GetShortAt(0);

            // ignore more data
            if (error != 0 && error != 234)
                throw CifsIoException.getLMException(error);
        // Several functions relating to printing have been ommited for now

        ///  Lists all computers of the specified type or types that are visible
        ///  in the specified domain.  It may also enumerate domains.
        ///<param name = "domain">The name of the workgroup in which to enumerate computers
        ///  of the specified type or types.  If domain is nul, servers
        ///  are enumerated for the current domain of the computer</param>
        ///<param name = "types">The type or types of computer to enumerate.  Computers that
        ///  match at least one of the specified types are returned (SV_*)</param>
        public CifsServerInfo[] ListServersInfo(string domain, uint types)
            if (Debug.DebugOn)
                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Info, "listServersInfo");

            var param = new MarshalBuffer(100);
            var data  = new MarshalBuffer(1000);

            DoNetServerEnum2(domain, types, 1, param, data);

            int pos = 0;

            pos += 2;

            // converter
            int converter = param.GetShortAt(pos);

            pos += 2;

            // number of entries
            int counter = param.GetShortAt(pos);

            pos += 2;

            int maxcounter = param.GetShortAt(pos);

            pos += 2;

            if (maxcounter > counter)
                if (Debug.DebugOn)
                    Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Warning, "The buffer for NetServerEnum2 was too small.");

             * struct SERVER_INFO_1 {
             *  char			sv1_name[16];
             *  char			sv1_version_major;
             *  char			sv1_version_minor;
             *  unsigned long	sv1_type;
             *  char        *sv1_comment_or_master_browser;
             * };

            var infolist = new CifsServerInfo[counter];

            pos = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++)
                var info = new CifsServerInfo();

                info.ComputerName = data.GetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, 16);
                pos += 16;

                info.MajorVersion = data.GetByteAt(pos) & 0xff;
                pos += 1;

                info.MinorVersion = data.GetByteAt(pos) & 0xff;
                pos += 1;

                info.ServerType = (UInt32)(data.GetIntAt(pos));
                pos            += 4;

                int rptr = (data.GetIntAt(pos) & 0xffff);
                pos += 4;

                if (rptr != 0)
                    info.Comment = data.GetZtAsciiStringAt(rptr - converter, 255);

                infolist[i] = info;

        /// <summary>
        ///   Returns the list of shares on the computer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "sort">if true, the names are sorted</param>
        /// <returns>list of <code>CifsShareInfo</code> objects</returns>
        public CifsShareInfo[] ListSharesInfo(bool sort)
            lock (this)
                if (Debug.DebugOn)
                    Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Info, "IPC:NetShareEnum");

                var param = new MarshalBuffer(100);

                int pos = 0;
                pos += param.SetShortAt(pos, NetShareEnum);
                // parameter descriptor string
                pos += param.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, "WrLeh");

                // The data descriptor string for the (returned) data which is "B13BWz"
                pos += param.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, "B13BWz");

                // corresponding to the "W"
                pos += param.SetShortAt(pos, 1);

                // buffer size
                pos += param.SetShortAt(pos, fReturnBufferSize);

                param.Size = pos;

                SendTransaction(null, "\\PIPE\\LANMAN", param, null, 0);

                var data = new MarshalBuffer(1000);

                receiveTransaction(param, data);

                pos = 0;

                int error = param.GetShortAt(pos);

                // ignore more data
                if (error != 0 && error != 234)
                    throw CifsIoException.getLMException(error);

                pos += 2;

                // converter
                int converter = param.GetShortAt(pos);
                pos += 2;

                // number of entries
                int counter = param.GetShortAt(pos);
                pos += 2;

                // number max of entries
                int maxcounter = param.GetShortAt(pos);

                 * The SHARE_INFO_1 structure is defined as:
                 * struct SHARE_INFO_1 {
                 *     char                shi1_netname[13]
                 *     char                shi1_pad;
                 *     unsigned short  shi1_type
                 *     char            *shi1_remark;
                 * }
                 * where:
                 * shi1_netname contains a null terminated ASCII string that
                 *             specifies the share name of the resource.
                 * shi1_pad aligns the next data strructure element to a word
                 *         boundary.
                 * shi1_type contains an integer that specifies the type of the
                 *         shared resource.
                 * shi1_remark points to a null terminated ASCII string that contains
                 *     a comment abthe shared resource. The value for shi1_remark is null
                 *     for ADMIN$ and IPC$ share names.  The shi1_remark pointer is a 32
                 *     bit pointer. The higher 16 bits need to be ignored. The converter
                 *     word returned in the parameters section needs to be subtracted
                 *     from the lower 16 bits to calculate an offset into the return
                 *     buffer where this ASCII string resides.
                 *     In case there are multiple SHARE_INFO_1 data structures to return,
                 *     the server may put all these fixed length structures in the return
                 *     buffer, leave some space and then put all the variable length data
                 *     (the actual value of the shi1_remark strings) at the end of the
                 * buffer.

                if (Debug.DebugOn)
                    data.debug("NetShareEnum data");

                var           result = new CifsShareInfo[counter];
                CifsShareInfo info;
                pos = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++)
                    info = new CifsShareInfo(fShare.HostName);

                    // shil_netname[13]
                    info.ShareName = data.GetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, 13);
                    pos           += 13;

                    pos += 1; // pad

                    // shil_type
                    info.ShareType = data.GetShortAt(pos);

                    pos += 2;

                    // shil_remark
                    int rptr = (data.GetIntAt(pos) & 0xffff);
                    pos += 4;

                    info.Remark = data.GetZtAsciiStringAt(rptr - converter, 255);

                    result[i] = info;

                if (sort)
                    Util.Util.Sort(result, GetShareInfoComparator());

            } // lock
        /// <summary>
        ///   Returns detailed information about a particular user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "user">User Name</param>
        /// <returns>user information</returns>
        public CifsUserInfo GetUserInfo(string user)
            if (Debug.DebugOn)
                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Info, "IPC:NetUserGetInfo");

            var param = new MarshalBuffer(100);
            int pos   = 0;

            pos += param.SetShortAt(pos, NetUserGetInfo);
            // parameter descriptor string
            pos += param.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, "zWrLh");

            // he data descriptor string for the (returned) data which is "B21BzzzWDDzzDDWWzWzDWb21W"
            pos += param.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, "B21BzzzWDDzzDDWWzWzDWb21W");

            // user
            pos += param.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, user);

            // corresponding to the "W"
            pos += param.SetShortAt(pos, 11);

            // buffer size
            pos += param.SetShortAt(pos, fReturnBufferSize);

            param.Size = pos;

            SendTransaction(null, "\\PIPE\\LANMAN", param, null, 0);

            var data = new MarshalBuffer(1000);

            receiveTransaction(param, data);

            pos = 0;

            int error = param.GetShortAt(pos);

            // ignore more data
            if (error != 0 && error != 234)
                throw CifsIoException.getLMException(error);

            pos += 2;

            // converter
            int converter = param.GetShortAt(pos);

            pos += 2;

            /* A 16 bit number representing the total number of available bytes.
             *  This has meaning only if the return status is NERR_Success or
             *  ERROR_MORE_DATA. Upon success, this number indicates the number of
             *  useful bytes available. Upon failure, this indicates how big the
             *  receive buffer needs to be.
            int bytes = param.GetShortAt(pos);

            pos += 2;

             * struct user_info_11 {
             * char                usri11_name[21];
             * char                usri11_pad;
             * char                *usri11_comment;
             * char            *usri11_usr_comment;
             * char                *usri11_full_name;
             * unsigned short      usri11_priv;
             * unsigned long       usri11_auth_flags;
             * long                usri11_password_age;
             * char                *usri11_homedir;
             * char            *usri11_parms;
             * long                usri11_last_logon;
             * long                usri11_last_logoff;
             * unsigned short      usri11_bad_pw_count;
             * unsigned short      usri11_num_logons;
             * char                *usri11_logon_server;
             * unsigned short      usri11_country_code;
             * char            *usri11_workstations;
             * unsigned long       usri11_max_storage;
             * unsigned short      usri11_units_per_week;
             * unsigned char       *usri11_logon_hours;
             * unsigned short      usri11_code_page;
             * };

            if (Debug.DebugOn)
                data.debug("NetUserGetInfo data");

            var info = new CifsUserInfo();

            pos = 0;

            // user name for which information is retireved

            info.UserName = data.GetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, 21);
            pos          += 21;

            // pad

            int ptr = data.GetIntAt(pos) & 0xffff;

            pos         += 4;
            info.Comment = data.GetZtAsciiStringAt(ptr - converter, bytes);
            // comment about user
            ptr  = data.GetIntAt(pos) & 0xffff;
            pos += 4;
            info.UserComment = data.GetZtAsciiStringAt(ptr - converter, bytes);

            // full name  of the user
            ptr  = data.GetIntAt(pos) & 0xffff;
            pos += 4;
            info.FullUserName = data.GetZtAsciiStringAt(ptr - converter, bytes);

            // level of the privilege assigned to the user
            info.UserPrivilege = data.GetShortAt(pos);
            pos += 2;

            // account operator privileges.
            info.OperatorPrivileges = data.GetIntAt(pos);
            pos += 4;

            // how many seconds have elapsed since the password was last changed.
            info.PasswordAge = data.GetIntAt(pos) & 0xffffffff;
            pos += 4;

            // path name of the user's home directory.
            ptr          = data.GetIntAt(pos) & 0xffff;
            pos         += 4;
            info.HomeDir = data.GetZtAsciiStringAt(ptr - converter, bytes);

            // skip usri11_parms
            pos += 4;

            // last logon
            info.fLastLogon = data.GetIntAt(pos) & 0xffffffff;
            pos            += 4;

            // last logon
            info.fLastLogoff = data.GetIntAt(pos) & 0xffffffff;
            pos += 4;

            // bad logons
            info.BadLogons = data.GetShortAt(pos);
            pos           += 2;

            // num logons
            info.Logons = data.GetShortAt(pos);
            pos        += 2;

            // logon server
            ptr  = data.GetIntAt(pos) & 0xffff;
            pos += 4;
            info.LogonServer = data.GetZtAsciiStringAt(ptr - converter, bytes);

        /// <summary>
        ///   Set up the session
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if ok, false if bad password</returns>
        private bool DoSessionSetup()
            if (Debug.DebugOn)
                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Info, "SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX");

            byte[] case_sensitive_passwd = null;
            byte[] case_insensitive_passwd = null;
            string string_passwd = fShare.Login.Password;

            SetupSmbMessage(fMsg, SmbMessage.SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX);

            if (Debug.DebugOn && Debug.DebugLevel >= Debug.Buffer)
                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Buffer, "New SMB Msg:");
                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Buffer, fMsg.getMessageBuffer(), 0, fMsg.getMessageSize());

            if ((fSecurityMode & SM_ENCRYPT_PASSWORDS) != 0)
                case_sensitive_passwd = CifsLogin.GetNtAuthData(string_passwd, fEncryptionKey);
                case_insensitive_passwd = CifsLogin.GetLmAuthData(string_passwd, fEncryptionKey);
                case_sensitive_passwd = CifsLogin.GetPasswordBytesUnicode(string_passwd);
                case_insensitive_passwd = CifsLogin.GetPasswordBytesAscii(string_passwd);

                       UCHAR WordCount;	Count of parameter words = 13
                    0: UCHAR AndXCommand;	Secondary (X) command;  0xFF = none
                    1: UCHAR AndXReserved;	Reserved (must be 0)
                    2: USHORT AndXOffset;	Offset to next command WordCount
                    4: USHORT MaxBufferSize;	Client's maximum buffer size
                    6: USHORT MaxMpxCount;	Actual maximum multiplexed pending requests
                    8: USHORT VcNumber;	0 = first (only), nonzero=additional VC number
                    10:ULONG SessionKey;	Session key (valid iff VcNumber != 0)
                    14:USHORT CaseInsensitivePasswordLength;	Account password size, ANSI
                    16:USHORT CaseSensitivePasswordLength;	Account password size, Unicode
                    18:ULONG Reserved;	must be 0
                    22:ULONG Capabilities;	Client capabilities
                        USHORT ByteCount;	Count of data bytes;    min = 0
                        UCHAR CaseInsensitivePassword[];	Account Password, ANSI
                        UCHAR CaseSensitivePassword[];	Account Password, Unicode
                        STRING AccountName[];	Account Name, Unicode
                        STRING PrimaryDomain[];	Client's primary domain, Unicode
                        STRING NativeOS[];	Client's native operating system, Unicode
                        STRING NativeLanMan[];	Client's native LAN Manager type, Unicode


            // AndXCommand
            fMsg.setByteParameterAt(0, 0xFF);
            // AndXReserved
            fMsg.setByteParameterAt(1, 0);
            // AndXOffset
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(2, 0);
            // MaxBufferSize
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(4, CIFS_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
            // MaxMpxCount
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(6, 1);
            // VcNumber
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(8, 0);
            // SessionKey
            fMsg.setIntParameterAt(10, 0);

            // CaseInsensitivePasswordLength
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(14, case_insensitive_passwd.Length);
            // CaseSensitivePasswordLength
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(16, case_sensitive_passwd.Length);
            // Reserved
            fMsg.setIntParameterAt(18, 0);
            // Capabilities
            fMsg.setIntParameterAt(22, CAP_UNICODE | CAP_NT_SMBS);

            var data = new MarshalBuffer(200);

            int pos = 0;

            Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Buffer, "Before Ins Pass:"******"After Ins Pass:"******"After Sens Pass:"******"After Acct Name:");
            Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Buffer, data.GetBytes(), 0, data.Size);

            // Primary domain
            //string pdomain = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CIFSDOMAIN"); // Can this be done better?
            string pdomain = "?"; // testing -- This works, but the above breaks... why?
            pos += data.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, pdomain);

            // Native OS
            pos += data.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, ".NET CIFS Client");

            data.Size = pos;

            Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Buffer, "Final data:");
            Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Buffer, data.GetBytes(), 0, data.Size);


            if (Debug.DebugOn && Debug.DebugLevel >= Debug.Buffer)
                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Buffer, "Msg to send");
                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Buffer, fMsg.getMessageBuffer(), 0, fMsg.getMessageSize());

            fMsg.SendAndRecieve(fNBTSession, fMsg);

            if (!fMsg.isResponse())
                throw new CifsIoException("PE3");

            int errorclass = fMsg.getErrorClass();

            if (errorclass != CifsIoException.SUCCESS)
                int errorcode = fMsg.getErrorCode();

                if ((errorclass == CifsIoException.ERROR_SRV &&
                     errorcode == CifsIoException.SRV_BAD_PASSWORD) ||
                    (errorclass == CifsIoException.ERROR_DOS &&
                     errorcode == CifsIoException.DOS_NO_ACCESS))
                    return false;

                throw new CifsIoException(errorclass, errorcode);

            fUID = fMsg.getUID();

            if(Debug.debugOn && Debug.debugLevel >= Debug.INFO)
                Debug.WriteLine("UID = " + fMsg.getUID());

            if (fMsg.getWordCount() != 3)
                return true;

               UCHAR WordCount;	Count of parameter words = 3
            0: UCHAR AndXCommand;	Secondary (X) command;  0xFF = none
            1: UCHAR AndXReserved;	Reserved (must be 0)
            2: USHORT AndXOffset;	Offset to next command WordCount
            4: USHORT Action;	Request mode:
                        bit0 = logged in as GUEST
            6: USHORT SecurityBlobLength	length of Security Blob that follows in a later field
            8: USHORT ByteCount;	Count of data bytes
                UCHAR SecurityBlob[]	SecurityBlob of length specified in field SecurityBlobLength
                STRING NativeOS[];	Server's native operating system
                STRING NativeLanMan[];	Server's native LAN Manager type
                STRING PrimaryDomain[];	Server's primary domain

            byte action = fMsg.getByteParameterAt(4);

            if ((action & 0x01) != 0)
                fLoggedAsGuest = true;

            int byte_count = fMsg.getContentSize();
            int off = fMsg.getContentOffset();
            int max_off = off + byte_count;

            // Skip security blob
            off += fMsg.getShortParameterAt(6);
            if (off >= max_off)
                return true;

            // Read Native OS
            fServerOS = fMsg.GetZtAsciiStringAt(off, max_off - off);
            off += fServerOS.Length + 1;

            if (off >= max_off)
                return true;

            // Read NativeLanMan
            fServerLanMan = fMsg.GetZtAsciiStringAt(off, max_off - off);
            off += fServerLanMan.Length + 1;

            if (off >= max_off)
                return true;

            // Read Primary Domain
            fServerPrimaryDomain = fNBTSession.WorkgroupName;

            return true;
 public void setContent(MarshalBuffer content)
     setContent(content.GetBytes(), 0, content.Size);
        /// <summary>
        ///   Ping the server to test the connection to the server and to
        ///   see if the server is still responding.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "text">text to send</param>
        /// <returns>Text returned by server (must be the same as the input text)</returns>
        public string Echo(string text)
            lock (this)
                if (Debug.DebugOn)
                    Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Info, "ping (SMB_COM_ECHO)");

                // for now we only support 0 or 1
                int echos = 1;

                SetupSmbMessage(fMsg, SmbMessage.SMB_COM_ECHO);

                    UCHAR WordCount;	Count of parameter words = 1
                    USHORT EchoCount;	Number of times to echo data back
                    USHORT ByteCount;	Count of data bytes;    min = 1
                    UCHAR Buffer[1];	Data to echo

                // Set WordCount
                // Set echo count
                fMsg.setShortParameterAt(0, echos);

                var data = new MarshalBuffer(text.Length + 10);

                int pos = 0;
                pos += data.SetAsciiStringAt(pos, text);
                data.Size = pos;


                fMsg.SendAndRecieve(fNBTSession, fMsg);

                int errorclass = fMsg.getErrorClass();

                if (errorclass != CifsIoException.SUCCESS)
                    throw new CifsIoException(errorclass, fMsg.getErrorCode());

                int size = fMsg.getContentSize();

                if (size == 0)
                    return "";

                pos = fMsg.getContentOffset();

                return fMsg.GetAsciiStringAt(pos, size);
        /// <summary>
        ///   Connects to the tree
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "password">password</param>
        /// <returns>true if ok, false if bad password</returns>
        private bool DoTreeConnect(string password)
            if (Debug.DebugOn)
                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Info, "SMB_COM_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX");

            SetupSmbMessage(fMsg, SmbMessage.SMB_COM_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX);

               UCHAR WordCount;	Count of parameter words = 4
            0: UCHAR AndXCommand;	Secondary (X) command; 0xFF = none
            1: UCHAR AndXReserved;	Reserved (must be 0)
            2: USHORT AndXOffset;	Offset to next command WordCount
            4: USHORT Flags;	Additional information
                            bit 0 set = disconnect Tid
            6: USHORT PasswordLength;	Length of Password[]
                USHORT ByteCount;	Count of data bytes;    min = 3
                UCHAR Password[];	Password
                STRING Path[];	Server name and share name
                STRING Service[];	Service name

            fMsg.setByteParameterAt(0, 0xFF);
            // AndXReserved
            fMsg.setByteParameterAt(1, 0);
            // AndXOffset
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(2, 0);
            // Flags
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(4, 0);

            byte[] challenge_response = null;

            if ((fSecurityMode & SM_ENCRYPT_PASSWORDS) != 0)
                challenge_response = CifsLogin.GetNtAuthData(password, fEncryptionKey);
                challenge_response = Util.Util.GetZtStringBytes(password);

                case Share.IPC:
                    dev = "IPC";
                case Share.PRINTER:
                    dev = "LPT1:";
                    dev = "A:";
            pos += data.SetZtAsciiStringAt(pos, dev);

            data.Size = pos;


            fMsg.SendAndRecieve(fNBTSession, fMsg);

            int errorclass = fMsg.getErrorClass();

            if (errorclass != CifsIoException.SUCCESS)
                int errorcode = fMsg.getErrorCode();

                if ((errorclass == CifsIoException.ERROR_SRV &&
                     errorcode == CifsIoException.SRV_BAD_PASSWORD) ||
                    (errorclass == CifsIoException.ERROR_DOS &&
                     errorcode == CifsIoException.DOS_NO_ACCESS))
                    return false;

                throw new CifsIoException(errorclass, errorcode);

            fUID = fMsg.getUID();
            fTID = fMsg.getTID();

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        ///   Receives SMB_COM_TRANSACTION
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "param">param parameters</param>
        /// <param name = "data">data buffer</param>
        internal void receiveTransaction(MarshalBuffer param, MarshalBuffer data)
            if (Debug.DebugOn)
                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Info, "Receive SMB_COM_TRANSACTION");


            int errorclass = fMsg.getErrorClass();

            if (errorclass != CifsIoException.SUCCESS)
                throw new CifsIoException(errorclass, fMsg.getErrorCode());

              UCHAR WordCount;	Count of data bytes; value = 10 + SetupCount
            0:USHORT TotalParameterCount;	Total parameter bytes being sent
            2:USHORT TotalDataCount;	Total data bytes being sent
            4:USHORT Reserved;
            6:USHORT ParameterCount;	Parameter bytes sent this buffer
            8:USHORT ParameterOffset;	Offset (from header start) to Parameters
            10:USHORT ParameterDisplacement;	Displacement of these Parameter bytes
            12:USHORT DataCount;	Data bytes sent this buffer
            14:USHORT DataOffset;	Offset (from header start) to data
            16:USHORT DataDisplacement;	Displacement of these data bytes
            18:UCHAR SetupCount;	Count of setup words
            19:UCHAR Reserved2;	Reserved (pad above to word)
            20:USHORT Setup[SetupWordCount];	Setup words (# = SetupWordCount)
                USHORT ByteCount;	Count of data bytes
                UCHAR Pad[];	Pad to SHORT or LONG
                UCHAR Parameters[ParameterCount];	Parameter bytes (# = ParameterCount)
                UCHAR Pad1[];	Pad to SHORT or LONG
                UCHAR Data[DataCount];	Data bytes (# = DataCount)

            int lparam = 0;
            int ldata = 0;

            // TotalParameterCount
            int tot_lparam = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(0);
            int tot_ldata = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(2);

            // alloca buffer
            param.Capacity = tot_lparam;
            data.Capacity = tot_ldata;

            while (true)
                int rcv_lparam = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(6);
                int rcv_ldata = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(12);

                if (rcv_lparam + lparam > tot_lparam ||
                    rcv_ldata + ldata > tot_ldata)
                    throw new SystemException("Invalid Data");

                if (rcv_lparam > 0)
                    int off_param = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(8);
                    int dsp_param = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(10);

                    param.SetBytesAt(dsp_param, fMsg, off_param, rcv_lparam);
                if (rcv_ldata > 0)
                    int off_data = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(14);
                    int dsp_data = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(16);

                    data.SetBytesAt(dsp_data, fMsg, off_data, rcv_ldata);

                lparam += rcv_lparam;
                ldata += rcv_ldata;

                // get Total (they can shrink!)
                tot_lparam = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(0);
                tot_ldata = fMsg.getShortParameterAt(2);

                if (tot_lparam <= lparam && tot_ldata <= ldata)


                errorclass = fMsg.getErrorClass();

                if (errorclass != CifsIoException.SUCCESS)
                    throw new CifsIoException(errorclass, fMsg.getErrorCode());
            } // while loop

            param.Size = lparam;
            data.Size = ldata;
        // end of sentTransaction 

        /// <summary>
        ///   Sends SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2 message
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "setup">setup words</param>
        /// <param name = "param">name string</param>
        /// <param name = "data">data to send</param>
        /// <param name = "ldata">length of data</param>
        /// <param name = "fid">file id</param>
        internal void SendTransaction2(short setup, MarshalBuffer param, byte[] data,
                                       int ldata, int fid) // should be protected
            if (Debug.DebugOn)
                Debug.WriteLine(Debug.Info, "Send SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2");

            int lparam = param.Size;

            SetupSmbMessage(fMsg, SmbMessage.SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2);

                UCHAR WordCount;	Count of parameter words;   value = (14 + SetupCount)
                USHORT TotalParameterCount;	Total parameter bytes being sent
                USHORT TotalDataCount;	Total data bytes being sent
                USHORT MaxParameterCount;	Max parameter bytes to return
                USHORT MaxDataCount;	Max data bytes to return
                UCHAR MaxSetupCount;	Max setup words to return
                UCHAR Reserved;
                USHORT Flags;	Additional information:
                                bit 0 - also disconnect TID in TID
                ULONG Timeout;
                USHORT Reserved2;
                USHORT ParameterCount;	Parameter bytes sent this buffer
                USHORT ParameterOffset;	Offset (from header start) to Parameters
                USHORT DataCount;	Data bytes sent this buffer
                USHORT DataOffset;	Offset (from header start) to data
                UCHAR SetupCount;	Count of setup words
                UCHAR Reserved3;	Reserved (pad above to word)
                USHORT Setup[SetupCount];	Setup words (# = SetupWordCount)
                USHORT ByteCount;	Count of data bytes
                STRING Name[];	Must be NULL
                UCHAR Pad[];	Pad to SHORT or LONG
                UCHAR Parameters[ ParameterCount];	Parameter bytes (# = ParameterCount)
                UCHAR Pad1[];	Pad to SHORT or LONG
                UCHAR Data[ DataCount ];	Data bytes (# = DataCount)

            fMsg.setWordCount(14 + 1);

            // TotalParameterCount !!!!
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(0, lparam);

            // TotalDataCount !!!!
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(2, ldata);

            // MaxParameterCount returned by server
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(4, 16);

            // MaxDataCount returned by server
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(6, 3000);

            // MaxSetupCount returned by server
            fMsg.setByteParameterAt(8, 20);

            // Reserved
            fMsg.setByteParameterAt(9, 0);

            // Flags
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(10, 0);

            // Timeout
            fMsg.setIntParameterAt(12, 0);

            // Reserved 2
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(16, 0);

            // ParameterCount bytes sent this buffer
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(18, 0);

            // ParameterOffset bytes sent this buffer
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(20, 0);

            // DataCount bytes sent this buffer
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(22, 0);

            // DataOffset bytes sent this buffer
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(24, 0);

            // SetupCount
            fMsg.setByteParameterAt(26, 1);

            // Reserved3
            fMsg.setByteParameterAt(27, 0);

            // Setup[0]
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(28, setup);

            // byteCount

            int bytes_off, off;

            bytes_off = off = fMsg.getContentOffset();

            // reserve 1 (Name) + 4 (Pad) + 4 (Pad1)
            // free bytes for Parameters and Data
            int free = Math.Min(fMsg.Capacity - bytes_off, fMaxBufferSize) - 9;

            int send_lparam = Math.Min(free, lparam);
            int send_ldata = Math.Min(free - send_lparam, ldata);

            // Name of trans (null string)
            fMsg.SetByteAt(off, 0);

            /*----------------- set parameters --------------------*/
            // Calculate beginning of Parameters (offset from Header)
            int param_off = off = MarshalBuffer.Align(off, 2);

            // set parameter bytes
            fMsg.SetBytesAt(off, param, 0, send_lparam);

            // ParameterCount bytes sent this buffer
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(18, send_lparam);

            // ParameterOffset bytes sent this buffer
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(20, param_off);

            off += send_lparam;

            /*---------------------- set data --------------------*/
            // Calculate beginning of data (offset from Header)
            int data_off = off = MarshalBuffer.Align(off, 2);

            // set data bytes

            if (send_ldata > 0)
                fMsg.SetBytesAt(off, data, 0, send_ldata);

            // DataCount bytes sent this buffer
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(22, send_ldata);

            // DataOffset bytes sent this buffer
            fMsg.setShortParameterAt(24, data_off);

            off += send_ldata;

            // byteCount
            fMsg.setContentSize(off - bytes_off);


            if (send_lparam < lparam || send_ldata < ldata)
                // receive interim response


                int errorclass = fMsg.getErrorClass();

                if (errorclass != CifsIoException.SUCCESS)
                    throw new CifsIoException(errorclass, fMsg.getErrorCode());

                int tot_ldata = send_ldata;
                int tot_lparam = send_lparam;

                while (tot_ldata < ldata || tot_lparam < lparam)
                    // Now send the next packet

                    SetupSmbMessageSecondary(fMsg, SmbMessage.SMB_COM_TRANSACTION_SECONDARY);

                       Command	SMB_COM_TRANSACTION_SECONDARY

                       UCHAR WordCount;	Count of parameter words = 9 (! FID)
                    0: USHORT TotalParameterCount;	Total parameter bytes being sent
                    2: USHORT TotalDataCount;	Total data bytes being sent
                    4: USHORT ParameterCount;	Parameter bytes sent this buffer
                    6: USHORT ParameterOffset;	Offset (from header start) to Parameters
                    8: USHORT ParameterDisplacement;	Displacement of these Parameter bytes
                    10:USHORT DataCount;	Data bytes sent this buffer
                    12:USHORT DataOffset;	Offset (from header start) to data
                    14:USHORT DataDisplacement;	Displacement of these data bytes
                    16:USHORT Fid;	FID for handle based requests, else 0xFFFF.  This field is present only if this is an SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2 request.
                       USHORT ByteCount;	Count of data bytes
                       UCHAR Pad[];	Pad to SHORT or LONG
                       UCHAR Parameters[ParameterCount];	Parameter bytes (# = ParameterCount)
                       UCHAR Pad1[];	Pad to SHORT or LONG
                       UCHAR Data[DataCount];	Data bytes (# = DataCount)


                    bytes_off = off = fMsg.getContentOffset();
                    free = Math.Min(fMsg.Capacity - bytes_off, fMaxBufferSize) - 9;

                    send_lparam = Math.Min(lparam - tot_lparam, free);

                    send_ldata = Math.Min(ldata - tot_ldata, free - send_lparam);

                    // TotalParameterCount
                    fMsg.setShortParameterAt(0, lparam);

                    // TotalDataCount
                    fMsg.setShortParameterAt(2, ldata);

                    // ParameterCount
                    fMsg.setShortParameterAt(4, send_lparam);

                    // ParameterDisplacement
                    fMsg.setShortParameterAt(8, tot_lparam);

                    // DataCount
                    fMsg.setShortParameterAt(10, send_ldata);

                    // DataDisplacement
                    fMsg.setShortParameterAt(14, tot_ldata);

                    // FID
                    fMsg.setShortParameterAt(16, fid);

                    /*----------------- set parameters --------------------*/
                    // Calculate beginning of Parameters (offset from Header)
                    param_off = off = MarshalBuffer.Align(off, 4);

                    // set parameter bytes
                    fMsg.SetBytesAt(off, param, tot_lparam, send_lparam);

                    // ParameterOffset bytes sent this buffer
                    fMsg.setShortParameterAt(6, param_off);

                    off += send_lparam;

                    /*---------------------- set data --------------------*/
                    // Calculate beginning of data (offset from Header)
                    data_off = off = MarshalBuffer.Align(off, 4);

                    // set data bytes
                    if (send_ldata > 0)
                        fMsg.SetBytesAt(off, data, tot_ldata, send_ldata);

                    // DataOffset bytes sent this buffer
                    fMsg.setShortParameterAt(12, data_off);

                    off += send_ldata;

                    // byteCount
                    fMsg.setContentSize(off - bytes_off);


                    tot_lparam += send_lparam;
                    tot_ldata += send_ldata;
                } // while loop
            } // if recieving
 public void SetBytesAt(int pos, MarshalBuffer bytes, int from, int len)
     Array.Copy(bytes.fBuffer, from, fBuffer, pos, len);
 public void SetBytesAt(int pos, MarshalBuffer bytes, int from, int len)
     Array.Copy(bytes.fBuffer, from, fBuffer, pos, len);
 public void setContent(MarshalBuffer content)
     setContent(content.GetBytes(), 0, content.Size);