        /// <summary>
        /// 获取可用的抽奖次数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startTime">开始时间</param>
        /// <param name="endTime">结束时间</param>
        /// <param name="amount">规则金额</param>
        /// <returns>可用抽奖次数</returns>
        public static int GetCanUseTimes(int userID, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, int amount)
            //chuangtouEntities ef = new chuangtouEntities();
            int           CanUseTimes   = 0;
            B_Bid_records b_Bid_records = new B_Bid_records();

            string channelInvestCountSql = "SELECT count(*) from hx_Bid_records where ordstate = 1 and investor_registerid=" + userID + " and invest_time < '" + startTime + "'";
            int    channelInvestCount    = Convert.ToInt32(DbHelperSQL.GetSingle(channelInvestCountSql));
            string channelType = "";
            bool   isChannel   = CheckIsChannel(userID, ref channelType);
            bool canInvest = CheckChannel(userID);

            if (!canInvest)
            List <hx_Bid_records> records = ef.hx_Bid_records.Where(c => c.ordstate == 1 && c.investor_registerid == userID && c.invest_time >= startTime && c.invest_time <= endTime).ToList();

            //StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
            //sql.AppendFormat(" ORDSTATE = 1 AND INVESTOR_REGISTERID={0} AND INVEST_TIME >='{1}' AND INVEST_TIME<='{2}' AND INVESTMENT_AMOUNT >={3}", userID, startTime, endTime, amount);
            //DataSet ds = b_Bid_records.GetList(sql.ToString());

            if (records != null && records.Count > 0)
                if (canInvest && isChannel && channelType == "cps1" && channelInvestCount <= 0)
                    records.Remove(records.OrderBy(c => c.invest_time).First());
                //for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                //    CanUseTimes += Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["investment_amount"]) - Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["BonusAmt"])).ToString("0")) / amount;
                //CanUseTimes = records.Sum(c => Convert.ToInt32((c.investment_amount ?? 0 - c.BonusAmt ?? 0).ToString("0")) / amount);
                foreach (var r in records)
                    CanUseTimes += (Convert.ToInt32(((r.investment_amount ?? 0) - (r.BonusAmt ?? 0)).ToString("0")) / amount);
                //records.ForEach(c =>
                //    CanUseTimes += (Convert.ToInt32((c.investment_amount ?? 0-c.BonusAmt ?? 0).ToString("0")) / amount);

            B_LuckDraw bllLuckDraw  = new B_LuckDraw();
            int        recordsCount = bllLuckDraw.GetRecordsCount(userID, startTime, endTime);

            CanUseTimes = CanUseTimes >= recordsCount ? CanUseTimes - recordsCount : 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// 抽奖方法
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">用户id</param>
        /// <param name="startTime">开始时间</param>
        /// <param name="endTime">结束时间</param>
        /// <param name="amount">规则金额</param>
        /// <returns>提示信息</returns>
        public static string LuckDrawAward(int userID, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, int amount)
            string msg = "";

                int state = CheckActivityTime(startTime, endTime, ref msg);
                if (state != 0)
                    return(msg = "4;" + msg);
                if (userID <= 0)
                    return(msg = "1;请登录后重试");
                if (GetCanUseTimes(userID, startTime, endTime, amount) <= 0) //如果可抽奖次数是0的话,则不能抽奖
                    return(msg = "2;抽奖机会已用完,请明天再来");
                #region 规则及数据

                //1-10 --小米手环(2代) --0.10%  --5个
                //10-35  --京东卡100元  --0.25%     --2个
                //35-535  --现金5元  --5.00%       --100个
                //535-1500  --2%加息券  --9.65%    --193个
                //1500-3500  --1%加息券  --20.00%  --400个
                //3500-6000  --50元抵扣券 --25.00%  --500个
                //6000-10000  --20元抵扣券 --40.00%     --800个

                int awardID = 0;
                string title = "";

                // 奖品类型   (前端现金1、抵扣券2、加息券3,后台管理现金4、抵扣券1、加息券2、谢谢参与3、实物-4)
                int awardType = -1;

                int    awardBlockID = 0;
                Random random       = new Random();
                int randomRate = random.Next(1, 10001);

                B_LuckDraw bllLuckDraw = new B_LuckDraw();

                M_member_table p = new M_member_table();
                B_member_table o = new B_member_table();
                p = o.GetModel(userID);

                if (randomRate <= 10)
                    awardID = ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("MiBandWristband");
                    if (bllLuckDraw.GetCash50RecordsCount(awardID, startTime, endTime) < 5)     //最多5个,如果超过了5个,则获得20元抵扣券
                        awardType = -4; title = "双12抽奖送小米手环"; awardBlockID = 5;
                        string mailStr = "恭喜您抽到了 '小米手环(第二代)' 奖品,我司客服将于3个工作日与您联系,请您保持手机畅通。";
                        SendSMS.Send_SMS(p.mobile, mailStr);
                        awardID = ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("AwardBonus20"); awardType = 1; title = "双12抽奖送20元抵扣券"; awardBlockID = 0;
                else if (randomRate <= 35)
                    awardID = ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("JDCard");
                    if (bllLuckDraw.GetCash50RecordsCount(awardID, startTime, endTime) < 2)     //最多2个,如果超过了2个,则获得20元抵扣券
                        awardType = -4; title = "双12抽奖送京东卡100元"; awardBlockID = 6;
                        string mailStr = "恭喜您抽到了 '京东卡100元' 奖品,我司客服将于3个工作日与您联系,请您保持手机畅通。";
                        SendSMS.Send_SMS(p.mobile, mailStr);
                        awardID = ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("AwardBonus20"); awardType = 1; title = "双12抽奖送20元抵扣券"; awardBlockID = 0;
                else if (randomRate <= 535)
                    awardID = ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("AwardCash5");
                    if (bllLuckDraw.GetCash50RecordsCount(awardID, startTime, endTime) < 100)   //最多100个,如果超过了100个,则获得20元抵扣券
                        awardType = 4; title = "双12抽奖送现金5元"; awardBlockID = 1;
                        awardID = ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("AwardBonus20"); awardType = 1; title = "双12抽奖送20元抵扣券"; awardBlockID = 0;
                else if (randomRate <= 1500)
                    awardID = ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("AwardRate2");
                    if (bllLuckDraw.GetCash50RecordsCount(awardID, startTime, endTime) < 193)   //最多193个,如果超过了193个,则获得20元抵扣券
                        awardType = 2; title = "双12抽奖送2%加息券"; awardBlockID = 2;
                        awardID = ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("AwardBonus20"); awardType = 1; title = "双12抽奖送20元抵扣券"; awardBlockID = 0;
                else if (randomRate <= 3500)
                    awardID = ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("AwardRate1");
                    if (bllLuckDraw.GetCash50RecordsCount(awardID, startTime, endTime) < 400)   //最多400个,如果超过了400个,则获得20元抵扣券
                        awardType = 2; title = "双12抽奖送1%加息券"; awardBlockID = 7;
                        awardID = ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("AwardBonus20"); awardType = 1; title = "双12抽奖送20元抵扣券"; awardBlockID = 0;
                else if (randomRate <= 6000)
                    awardID = ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("AwardBonus50");
                    if (bllLuckDraw.GetCash50RecordsCount(awardID, startTime, endTime) < 500)   //最多500个,如果超过了500个,则获得20元抵扣券
                        awardType = 1; title = "双12抽奖送50元抵扣券 "; awardBlockID = 4;
                        awardID = ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("AwardBonus20"); awardType = 1; title = "双12抽奖送20元抵扣券"; awardBlockID = 0;
                else if (randomRate <= 10000)
                    awardID = ConfigHelper.GetConfigInt("AwardBonus20"); awardType = 1; title = "双12抽奖送20元抵扣券"; awardBlockID = 0;

                ActFacade act        = new ActFacade();
                var       sourceData = act.GetActivityModel(awardID); //bllASchedule.GetModel(awardID);
                #region 发放现金、抵扣券和加息券
                if (awardType != -4)
                    if (bllLuckDraw.AddNewRecord(new M_LuckDrawRecord {
                        Ldre_AwardID = awardID, Ldre_AwardName = title, Ldre_AwardType = awardType, Ldre_CreatTime = DateTime.Now, Ldre_UserID = userID, Ldre_OrderID = awardType == 4 ? Utils.Createcode() : null, Ldre_ActivityName = "双12抽奖"
                        //sourceData.ActStarttime = DateTime.Now;
                        //sourceData.ActEndtime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10);   //有效期10天
                        sourceData.ActTypeId = 2; //短期活动
                        switch (awardType)        //后台类别规则和前台规则不一样,所以需要处理,具体说明看awardType定义
                        case 4:
                            sourceData.RewTypeID = 1;

                        case 1:
                            sourceData.RewTypeID = 2;

                        case 2:
                            sourceData.RewTypeID = 3;
                        sourceData.ActID   = awardID;
                        sourceData.ActName = title;
                        DrawBonus(sourceData, userID, 10);
                        return(msg = "0;" + awardBlockID.ToString());

                else if (awardType == -1)
                    return(msg = "3;碰到点小问题,刷新一下试试^v^");


                #region 实体奖品的抽奖记录
                if (bllLuckDraw.AddNewRecord(new M_LuckDrawRecord {
                    Ldre_AwardID = awardID, Ldre_AwardName = title, Ldre_AwardType = awardType, Ldre_CreatTime = DateTime.Now, Ldre_UserID = userID, Ldre_ActivityName = "双12抽奖"
                    return(msg = "0;" + awardBlockID.ToString());
                    return(msg = "3;碰到点小问题,刷新一下试试^v^");
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogInfo.WriteLog("双12抽奖活动异常日志:" + "msg:" + ex.Message + "   StackTrace" + ex.StackTrace);

                return(msg = "3;" + ex.Message);