        public void TestUrlNavigation_OpenAbsoluteBookmark_NavigatesToBookmark()
            /* Arrange
             * Select a random timeline or exhibit.
             * Generate absolute bookmark url.
            string entityType = (rnd.Next() % 2 == 0) ? "timeline" : "infodot";
            var l = getEntityIds(entityType);
            string id = l[rnd.Next(l.Count)];

            // get relative bookmark url of the timeline/exhibit
            var js = Driver as IJavaScriptExecutor;
            var bookmarkUrl = js.ExecuteScript("return vcelementToNavString(vc.virtualCanvas('findElement', '" + id + "'));");

            // update viewport according to the choosen timeline/exhibit
            GoToUrl(this.StartPage + "#" + bookmarkUrl);
            vcPageObj = new VirtualCanvasComponent(Driver);

            //get absolute bookmark url of the timeline/exhibit
            js = Driver as IJavaScriptExecutor;
            bookmarkUrl = js.ExecuteScript("var el = vc.virtualCanvas('findElement','" + id + "'); var vp = vc.virtualCanvas('getViewport'); return vcelementToNavString(el, vp);");

            /* Act
             * Go to bookmark url.
            GoToUrl(this.StartPage + "#" + bookmarkUrl);
            vcPageObj = new VirtualCanvasComponent(Driver);

            var bookmarkItem = new
                x = Convert.ToDouble(js.ExecuteScript("return vc.virtualCanvas('findElement','" + id + "').x;")),
                y = Convert.ToDouble(js.ExecuteScript("return vc.virtualCanvas('findElement','" + id + "').y;")),
                width = Convert.ToDouble(js.ExecuteScript("return vc.virtualCanvas('findElement','" + id + "').width;")),
                height = Convert.ToDouble(js.ExecuteScript("return vc.virtualCanvas('findElement','" + id + "').height;"))

            var bookmarkItemCenterX = bookmarkItem.x + bookmarkItem.width / 2;
            var bookmarkItemCenterY = bookmarkItem.y + bookmarkItem.height / 2;

            js = Driver as IJavaScriptExecutor;
            var viewportCenterX = Convert.ToDouble(js.ExecuteScript("return vc.virtualCanvas('getViewport').visible.centerX;"));
            var viewportCenterY = Convert.ToDouble(js.ExecuteScript("return vc.virtualCanvas('getViewport').visible.centerY;"));

            /* Assert
             * Verify that the timeline/exhibit specified
             * in the absolute bookmark url is visible.
            Assert.AreEqual(viewportCenterX, bookmarkItemCenterX, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(viewportCenterY, bookmarkItemCenterY, 1);
        public void TestRegimes_RefreshPage_NavigatorBarSavedItState()
            // generate random visible
            Random rnd = new Random();
            double centerX = -65000000 * rnd.NextDouble();
            double centerY = 300000 * rnd.NextDouble();
            double scale = 500 * rnd.NextDouble();

            // performing EllipticalZoom animation to generated visible and wait until animation is over.
            IJavaScriptExecutor js = Driver as IJavaScriptExecutor;
            js.ExecuteScript("setVisible(new VisibleRegion2d(" + centerX + ", " + centerY + ", " + scale + "));");


            // save current width and left CSS properties
            var regimeNavigator = Driver.FindElement(By.Id("regime_navigator"));
            var savedState = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            savedState.Add("left", regimeNavigator.GetCssValue("left"));
            savedState.Add("width", regimeNavigator.GetCssValue("width"));

            // save current url
            var URL = Driver.Url;

            // reload page
            var vcPageObj = new VirtualCanvasComponent(Driver);

            // get width and left CSS properties after page reloading
            regimeNavigator = Driver.FindElement(By.Id("regime_navigator"));
            var newState = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            newState.Add("left", regimeNavigator.GetCssValue("left"));
            newState.Add("width", regimeNavigator.GetCssValue("width"));

            // check that old and new width and left CSS properties are the same.
            Assert.AreEqual(savedState["left"], newState["left"], "ERROR: CSS 'left' changed.");
            Assert.AreEqual(savedState["width"], newState["width"], "ERROR: CSS 'width' changed.");
 public void TestInitialize()
     vcPageObj = new VirtualCanvasComponent(Driver);
        public void TestUrlNavigation_SharingOfBibliographyWindow_BibliographyWindowOpened()
            /* Arrange
             * Select a random exhibit.
             * Generate absolute bookmark url.
            string entityType = "infodot";
            var l = getEntityIds(entityType);
            string id = l[rnd.Next(l.Count)];

            // get relative bookmark url of the exhibit
            var js = Driver as IJavaScriptExecutor;
            // TODO: Remove '@' at the end of this string aftre it will be fixed in scripts of cz
            var bookmarkUrl = js.ExecuteScript("return vcelementToNavString(vc.virtualCanvas('findElement', '" + id + "'));");

            // update viewport according to the choosen exhibit
            GoToUrl(this.StartPage + "#" + bookmarkUrl);
            vcPageObj = new VirtualCanvasComponent(Driver);

            var bibliography = id + "__bibliography";

            // get screen coordinates of
            var visible = GetVisibleForCanvasElement(js, bibliography);
            var canvasElement = Driver.FindElement(By.Id("vc"));
            var biblWindowElement = Driver.FindElement(By.Id("bibliographyBack"));

            // check that bibliography window is hidden at this moment
            string windowDisplay = biblWindowElement.GetCssValue("display");
            Assert.AreEqual(windowDisplay, "none", "ERROR: Bibliography window is visible but it shouldn't.");

            var action = new ActionsExtension(Driver);
            action.MoveToElement(canvasElement, Convert.ToInt32(visible["x"]) + 5, Convert.ToInt32(visible["y"]) + 5)

            // check that bibliography window is visible now
            windowDisplay = canvasElement.GetCssValue("display");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(windowDisplay, "none", "ERROR: Bibliography window is not visible but it should.");
            var URL = Driver.Url;

            // change URL to reload page

            // open shared bibliography link

            // check that bibliography window is visible now
            biblWindowElement = Driver.FindElement(By.Id("bibliographyBack"));
            windowDisplay = biblWindowElement.GetCssValue("display");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(windowDisplay, "none", "ERROR: Share failed. Bibliography window is not visible but it should.");