public BytePatch(BytePatchPattern pattern, byte origByte, byte patchByte, List <int> offsets, int group, bool isSig = false, int sigOffset = 0) { this.Pattern = pattern; this.OrigByte = origByte; this.PatchByte = patchByte; this.Offsets = offsets; this.IsSig = isSig; this.SigOffset = sigOffset; this.Group = group; }
public BytePatchManager() { BytePatches.Clear(); BytePatterns.Clear(); XDocument xmlDoc = null; string xmlFile = Path.GetTempPath() + "chrome_patcher_patterns.xml"; try { using (WebClient web = new WebClient()) { string xmlStr; xmlDoc = XDocument.Parse(xmlStr = web.DownloadString("")); // Hardcoded defaults xml file; This makes quick fixes possible File.WriteAllText(xmlFile, xmlStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (File.Exists(xmlFile)) { xmlDoc = XDocument.Parse(File.ReadAllText(xmlFile)); MessageBox.Show("An error occurred trying to fetch the new patterns. The old cached version will be used instead. Expect patch errors.\n\n" + ex.Message, "Warning"); } else { MessageBox.Show("An error occurred trying to fetch the new patterns. The program has to exit, as no cached version of this file has been found.\n\n" + ex.Message, "Error"); Environment.Exit(1); } } if (xmlDoc != null) { // Comma culture setter from CultureInfo customCulture = (CultureInfo)Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Clone(); customCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = customCulture; float newVersion = float.Parse(xmlDoc.Root.Attribute("version").Value); if (newVersion > Program.VERSION) { MessageBox.Show("A new version of this patcher has been found.\nDownload it at:\n", "New update available"); } foreach (XElement pattern in xmlDoc.Root.Element("Patterns").Elements("Pattern")) { BytePatchPattern patternClass = new BytePatchPattern(pattern.Attribute("name").Value); foreach (XElement patternList in pattern.Elements("BytePatternList")) { bool isX64 = patternList.Attribute("type").Value.Equals("x64"); foreach (XElement bytePattern in patternList.Elements("BytePattern")) { string[] unparsedBytes = bytePattern.Value.Split(' '); byte[] patternBytesArr = new byte[unparsedBytes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < unparsedBytes.Length; i++) { string unparsedByte = unparsedBytes[i].Equals("?") ? "FF" : unparsedBytes[i]; patternBytesArr[i] = Convert.ToByte(unparsedByte, 16); } (isX64 ? patternClass.AlternativePatternsX64 : patternClass.AlternativePatternsX86).Add(patternBytesArr); } } BytePatterns.Add(patternClass.Name, patternClass); } foreach (XElement patch in xmlDoc.Root.Element("Patches").Elements("Patch")) { BytePatchPattern pattern = BytePatterns[patch.Attribute("pattern").Value]; int group = int.Parse(patch.Attribute("group").Value); byte origX64 = 0, origX86 = 0, patchX64 = 0, patchX86 = 0; int offsetX64 = 0, offsetX86 = 0, aoffsetX64 = -1, aoffsetX86 = -1; foreach (XElement patchData in patch.Elements("PatchData")) { byte orig = Convert.ToByte(patchData.Attribute("orig").Value.Replace("0x", ""), 16); byte patchB = Convert.ToByte(patchData.Attribute("patch").Value.Replace("0x", ""), 16); int offset = Convert.ToInt32(patchData.Attribute("offset").Value.Replace("0x", ""), 16); XAttribute alternativeOffsetAttr = patchData.Attribute("alternativeOffset"); int aoffset = alternativeOffsetAttr == null ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(alternativeOffsetAttr.Value.Replace("0x", ""), 16); if (patchData.Attribute("type").Value.Equals("x64")) { origX64 = orig; patchX64 = patchB; offsetX64 = offset; aoffsetX64 = aoffset; } else { origX86 = orig; patchX86 = patchB; offsetX86 = offset; aoffsetX86 = aoffset; } } BytePatches.Add(new BytePatch(pattern, origX64, patchX64, offsetX64, aoffsetX64, origX86, patchX86, offsetX86, aoffsetX86, group)); } } }
public BytePatchManager(WriteLineOrMessageBox log) { this.BytePatches.Clear(); this.bytePatterns.Clear(); XDocument xmlDoc = null; string xmlFile = Program.DEBUG ? @"..\..\..\patterns.xml" : (Path.GetTempPath() + "chrome_patcher_patterns.xml"); try { if (Program.DEBUG) { throw new Exception("Forcing to use local patterns.xml"); } using (WebClient web = new WebClient()) { ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = (SecurityProtocolType)3072; // TLS 1.2, which is required for Github string xmlStr; xmlDoc = XDocument.Parse(xmlStr = web.DownloadString("")); // Hardcoded defaults xml file; This makes quick fixes possible File.WriteAllText(xmlFile, xmlStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (File.Exists(xmlFile)) { xmlDoc = XDocument.Parse(File.ReadAllText(xmlFile)); log("An error occurred trying to fetch the new patterns. The old cached version will be used instead. Expect patch errors.\n\n" + ex.Message, "Warning"); } else { log("An error occurred trying to fetch the new patterns. The program has to exit, as no cached version of this file has been found.\n\n" + ex.Message, "Error"); Environment.Exit(1); } } // Comma culture setter from CultureInfo customCulture = (CultureInfo)Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Clone(); customCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = customCulture; float newVersion = float.Parse(xmlDoc.Root.Attribute("version").Value); Version myVersion = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetName().Version; if (newVersion > float.Parse(myVersion.Major + "." + myVersion.Minor)) { log("A new version of this patcher has been found.\nDownload it at:\n", "New update available"); } foreach (XElement pattern in xmlDoc.Root.Element("Patterns").Elements("Pattern")) { BytePatchPattern patternClass = new BytePatchPattern(pattern.Attribute("name").Value); foreach (XElement bytePattern in pattern.Elements("BytePattern")) { string[] unparsedBytes = bytePattern.Value.Split(' '); byte[] patternBytesArr = new byte[unparsedBytes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < unparsedBytes.Length; i++) { string unparsedByte = unparsedBytes[i].Equals("?") ? "FF" : unparsedBytes[i]; patternBytesArr[i] = Convert.ToByte(unparsedByte, 16); } patternClass.AlternativePatternsX64.Add(patternBytesArr); } this.bytePatterns.Add(patternClass.Name, patternClass); } foreach (XElement patch in xmlDoc.Root.Element("Patches").Elements("Patch")) { BytePatchPattern pattern = this.bytePatterns[patch.Attribute("pattern").Value]; int group = int.Parse(patch.Attribute("group").Value); byte origX64 = 0, patchX64 = 0; List <int> offsetsX64 = new List <int>(); int sigOffset = 0; bool sig = false; foreach (XElement patchData in patch.Elements("PatchData")) { foreach (XElement offsetElement in patchData.Elements("Offset")) { offsetsX64.Add(Convert.ToInt32(offsetElement.Value.Replace("0x", ""), 16)); } origX64 = Convert.ToByte(patchData.Attribute("orig").Value.Replace("0x", ""), 16); patchX64 = Convert.ToByte(patchData.Attribute("patch").Value.Replace("0x", ""), 16); sig = Convert.ToBoolean(patchData.Attribute("sig").Value); if (patchData.Attributes("sigOffset").Any()) { sigOffset = Convert.ToInt32(patchData.Attribute("sigOffset").Value.Replace("0x", ""), 16); } break; } this.BytePatches.Add(new BytePatch(pattern, origX64, patchX64, offsetsX64, @group, sig, sigOffset)); } foreach (XElement patchGroup in xmlDoc.Root.Element("GroupedPatches").Elements("GroupedPatch")) { this.PatchGroups.Add(new GuiPatchGroupData { Group = int.Parse(patchGroup.Attribute("group").Value), Default = bool.Parse(patchGroup.Attribute("default").Value), Name = patchGroup.Element("Name").Value, Tooltip = patchGroup.Element("Tooltip").Value }); } }