public static bool GenerateCapsule(ref BrushMesh brushMesh, ref ChiselCapsuleDefinition definition) { Vector3[] vertices = null; if (!BrushMeshFactory.GenerateCapsuleVertices(ref definition, ref vertices)) { brushMesh.Clear(); return(false); } // TODO: share this with GenerateCapsuleVertices var bottomCap = !definition.haveRoundedBottom; var topCap = !definition.haveRoundedTop; var sides = definition.sides; var segments = definition.segments; var bottomVertex = definition.bottomVertex; var topVertex = definition.topVertex; if (!BrushMeshFactory.GenerateSegmentedSubMesh(ref brushMesh, sides, segments, vertices, topCap, bottomCap, topVertex, bottomVertex, definition.surfaceDefinition)) { brushMesh.Clear(); return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool GenerateCapsule(ref ChiselBrushContainer brushContainer, ref ChiselCapsuleDefinition definition) { definition.Validate(); Vector3[] vertices = null; if (!BrushMeshFactory.GenerateCapsuleVertices(ref definition, ref vertices)) { return(false); } // TODO: share this with GenerateCapsuleVertices var bottomCap = !definition.haveRoundedBottom; var topCap = !definition.haveRoundedTop; var sides = definition.sides; var segments = definition.segments; var bottomVertex = definition.bottomVertex; var topVertex = definition.topVertex; brushContainer.EnsureSize(1); return(BrushMeshFactory.GenerateSegmentedSubMesh(ref brushContainer.brushMeshes[0], sides, segments, vertices, topCap, bottomCap, topVertex, bottomVertex, definition.surfaceDefinition)); }
static Vector3[] vertices = null; // TODO: store this per instance? or just allocate every frame? public void OnEdit(IChiselHandles handles) { var baseColor = handles.color; var normal = Vector3.up; if (BrushMeshFactory.GenerateCapsuleVertices(ref this, ref vertices)) { handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, false, false); DrawOutline(handles, this, vertices, lineMode: LineMode.ZTest); handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, false, true); DrawOutline(handles, this, vertices, lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest); handles.color = baseColor; } var topPoint = normal * (this.offsetY + this.height); var bottomPoint = normal * (this.offsetY); var middlePoint = normal * (this.offsetY + (this.height * 0.5f)); var radius2D = new Vector2(this.diameterX, this.diameterZ) * 0.5f; var topHeight = this.topHeight; var bottomHeight = this.bottomHeight; var maxTopHeight = this.height - bottomHeight; var maxBottomHeight = this.height - topHeight; if (this.height < 0) { normal = -normal; } var prevModified = handles.modified; { handles.color = baseColor; // TODO: make it possible to (optionally) size differently in x & z var radius2Dx = radius2D.x; handles.DoRadiusHandle(ref radius2Dx, normal, middlePoint); radius2D.x = radius2Dx; { var isTopBackfaced = handles.IsSufaceBackFaced(topPoint, normal); var topLoopHasFocus = false; handles.backfaced = isTopBackfaced; for (int j = this.sides - 1, i = 0; i < this.sides; j = i, i++) { var from = vertices[j + this.topVertexOffset]; var to = vertices[i + this.topVertexOffset]; if (handles.DoEdgeHandle1DOffset(out var edgeOffset, UnitySceneExtensions.Axis.Y, from, to, renderLine: false)) { topHeight = Mathf.Clamp(topHeight - edgeOffset, 0, maxTopHeight); } topLoopHasFocus = topLoopHasFocus || handles.lastHandleHadFocus; } handles.color = baseColor; handles.DoDirectionHandle(ref topPoint, normal); var topHasFocus = handles.lastHandleHadFocus; handles.backfaced = false; topLoopHasFocus = topLoopHasFocus || (topHasFocus && !this.haveRoundedTop); var thickness = topLoopHasFocus ? kCapLineThicknessSelected : kCapLineThickness; handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, topLoopHasFocus, true); handles.DrawLineLoop(vertices, this.topVertexOffset, this.sides, lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest, thickness: thickness); handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, topLoopHasFocus, false); handles.DrawLineLoop(vertices, this.topVertexOffset, this.sides, lineMode: LineMode.ZTest, thickness: thickness); } { var isBottomBackfaced = handles.IsSufaceBackFaced(bottomPoint, -normal); var bottomLoopHasFocus = false; handles.backfaced = isBottomBackfaced; for (int j = this.sides - 1, i = 0; i < this.sides; j = i, i++) { var from = vertices[j + this.bottomVertexOffset]; var to = vertices[i + this.bottomVertexOffset]; if (handles.DoEdgeHandle1DOffset(out var edgeOffset, UnitySceneExtensions.Axis.Y, from, to, renderLine: false)) { bottomHeight = Mathf.Clamp(bottomHeight + edgeOffset, 0, maxBottomHeight); } bottomLoopHasFocus = bottomLoopHasFocus || handles.lastHandleHadFocus; } handles.color = baseColor; handles.DoDirectionHandle(ref bottomPoint, -normal); var bottomHasFocus = handles.lastHandleHadFocus; handles.backfaced = false; bottomLoopHasFocus = bottomLoopHasFocus || (bottomHasFocus && !this.haveRoundedBottom); var thickness = bottomLoopHasFocus ? kCapLineThicknessSelected : kCapLineThickness; handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, bottomLoopHasFocus, true); handles.DrawLineLoop(vertices, this.bottomVertexOffset, this.sides, lineMode: LineMode.NoZTest, thickness: thickness); handles.color = handles.GetStateColor(baseColor, bottomLoopHasFocus, false); handles.DrawLineLoop(vertices, this.bottomVertexOffset, this.sides, lineMode: LineMode.ZTest, thickness: thickness); } } if (prevModified != handles.modified) { this.diameterX = radius2D.x * 2.0f; this.height = topPoint.y - bottomPoint.y; this.diameterZ = radius2D.x * 2.0f; this.offsetY = bottomPoint.y; this.topHeight = topHeight; this.bottomHeight = bottomHeight; // TODO: handle sizing down (needs to modify transformation?) } }