        // Adds all possible king moves to the given moves list
        private void addKingsMovesToList(Player i_Player, Board i_Board, List <Move> i_MovesList, ref bool capturePossible)
            if (MoveValidator.IsSimpleMove(i_Player, i_Board, new Move(this.Location.Y, this.Location.X, this.Location.Y + 1, this.Location.X + 1)))
                i_MovesList.Add(new Move(this.Location.Y, this.Location.X, this.Location.Y + 1, this.Location.X + 1));

            if (MoveValidator.IsSimpleMove(i_Player, i_Board, new Move(this.Location.Y, this.Location.X, this.Location.Y - 1, this.Location.X + 1)))
                i_MovesList.Add(new Move(this.Location.Y, this.Location.X, this.Location.Y - 1, this.Location.X + 1));

            if (checkKingCapture(i_Board, -1, new Move(this.Location.Y, this.Location.X, this.Location.Y - 2, this.Location.X + 2)))
                i_MovesList.Add(new Move(this.Location.Y, this.Location.X, this.Location.Y - 2, this.Location.X + 2));
                capturePossible = true;

            if (checkKingCapture(i_Board, 1, new Move(this.Location.Y, this.Location.X, this.Location.Y + 2, this.Location.X + 2)))
                i_MovesList.Add(new Move(this.Location.Y, this.Location.X, this.Location.Y + 2, this.Location.X + 2));
                capturePossible = true;
        // Execute the given move, returns true if it was executed successfully
        public void ExecuteMove(Move i_Move)
            eMoveFeedback moveFeedback = eMoveFeedback.Failed;
            Piece         piece        = m_Board.GameBoard[i_Move.FromRow, i_Move.FromCol].CurrentPiece;

            if (piece != null)
                // User chose simple move
                if (MoveValidator.IsSimpleMove(CurrentPlayer, m_Board, i_Move))
                    // If the player can capture- the move fails (he must choose to capture)
                    if (MoveValidator.IsPlayerHasCapture(CurrentPlayer, m_Board))
                        moveFeedback = eMoveFeedback.FailedCouldCapture;
                        // If the moving piece is NOT a king
                        if (piece.IsKing == false)
                            // If tries to move in the opposite direction- the move fails
                            if (MoveValidator.IsMovingInValidDirection(CurrentPlayer, i_Move, piece) == false)
                                moveFeedback = eMoveFeedback.Failed;
                                m_Board.MovePiece(CurrentPlayer, piece, new Point(i_Move.ToRow, i_Move.ToCol));
                                moveFeedback = eMoveFeedback.Success;
                        // moving piece is a king
                            m_Board.MovePiece(CurrentPlayer, piece, new Point(i_Move.ToRow, i_Move.ToCol));
                            moveFeedback = eMoveFeedback.Success;
                // User chose capture move
                else if (MoveValidator.IsCaptureMovePossible(CurrentPlayer, m_Board, i_Move))
                    Player enemyPlayer = CurrentPlayer == PlayerOne ? PlayerTwo : PlayerOne;
                    m_Board.MoveCapturingPiece(CurrentPlayer, enemyPlayer, piece, new Point(i_Move.ToRow, i_Move.ToCol));
                    moveFeedback = eMoveFeedback.Success;

                    // check double capture option
                    if (MoveValidator.CanPieceCapture(m_Board, m_Board.GameBoard[i_Move.ToRow, i_Move.ToCol].CurrentPiece))
                        moveFeedback = eMoveFeedback.CanDoubleCapture;

            if (moveFeedback == eMoveFeedback.Success)

            // Notify listeners of move execution completed