private void lsDone_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lsDone.SelectedItems.Count < 1) { return; } ListViewItem act_item = lsDone.SelectedItems[0]; CheRequest req = (CheRequest)act_item.Tag; if (req != null) { if (MessageBox.Show("重新打印已打印记录", "重新打印", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } int res; if ((res = NewShuiKongInterface.SendRecipt(req)) != 0) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("税控脚本执行错误,错误码:{0:d} {1:s}", res, NewShuiKongInterface.getLastError())); lbskStatus.Text = "最近操作:" + NewShuiKongInterface.getLastError(); } else { lbskStatus.Text = "最近操作:成功"; } } }
private void _AddRequest(CheRequest req) { Boolean ref_req = false; if (mActList.Count == 0) { ref_req = true; } mActList.Add(req); lsReqs.BeginUpdate(); DateTime tran_date; if (DateTime.TryParse(req.Time, out tran_date) == false) { tran_date = DateTime.Now; } String brief_info = String.Format("{0:s} {1:s} 油枪{2:s}加{3:s}油{4:s}升", tran_date.ToShortTimeString(), req.LicenseNumber, req.Pump_Number, req.Product_Code, req.Product_Number); ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(new String[] { brief_info }); lvi.Name = req.Order_Number; /** it is key to search the item*/ //lvi.ImageIndex = i; //todo //lvi.Text = req.Order_Number; lvi.SubItems.Add(req.Customer_Text); lvi.SubItems.Add(req.Amount); lvi.Tag = req; this.lsReqs.Items.Insert(0, lvi); this.lsReqs.EndUpdate(); if (ref_req) { this.Refresh(); } }
public void AddRequest(CheDaoInterface req) { switch (req.message_type) { case CheDaoInterface.data_validation: CheRequest c_item = (CheRequest)req; this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { this._AddRequest(c_item); // run in UI thread }); break; case CheDaoInterface.print_confirm: ChePActionRequest p_item = (ChePActionRequest)req; this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { this.MoveToDoneList(p_item.Order_Number, p_item.Printed_Time, p_item.message_type); // run in UI thread }); break; case CheDaoInterface.delete_cmd: CheDeleteActionRequest d_item = (CheDeleteActionRequest)req; this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { this.MoveToDoneList(d_item.Order_Number, d_item.Printed_Time, d_item.message_type); // run in UI thread }); break; default: Trace.WriteLineIf(Program.trace_sw.TraceError, "incorrect message request received " + req.message_type.ToString()); break; } }
static CheDaoInterface create(LocalChePackage p) { Trace.WriteLineIf(Program.trace_sw.TraceVerbose, String.Format("incomming package {0:d} {1:s}", p.msg_type, p.rawXML), "message"); if (p.msg_type == CheDaoInterface.data_validation) { Invoice_Request_Count++; return(CheRequest.create(p.rawXML, p.time_ticks)); } if (p.msg_type == CheDaoInterface.scan_print || p.msg_type == CheDaoInterface.manual_print) { Print_Request_Count++; return(ChePrintRequest.create(p.msg_type, p.rawXML, p.time_ticks)); } if (p.msg_type == CheDaoInterface.print_confirm) { Print_Act_Count++; return(ChePActionRequest.create(p.rawXML, p.time_ticks));//it is just a string } if (p.msg_type == CheDaoInterface.delete_cmd) { Print_Act_Count++; return(CheDeleteActionRequest.create(p.rawXML, p.time_ticks));//it is just a string } return(new SimpleRequest(p.msg_type)); }
bool ShuiKongInterface.SendRecipt(CheRequest req) { if (anch_wnd_handle != IntPtr.Zero) { Win32Locator.SetForeGWindow(anch_wnd_handle); if (this.first_editor_wnd_str != null) { IntPtr f_e = Win32Locator.locateWindow(this.first_editor_wnd_str, GetWndClassPostFix()); if (f_e != IntPtr.Zero) { Win32Locator.SetForeGWindow(f_e); //SetFocus(f_e); the method doesn't work } else { Trace.WriteLineIf(Program.trace_sw.TraceError, "did not find the window"); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.max_send_ops; i++) { String str = actions[i].getValue(req); SendKeys.Send(str); } return(true); } return(false); }
/** just for the case: move one item to done list without print*/ private void MoveToDoneList(String TransNo, String Printed_Time, int act_code) { ListViewItem[] list_items = lsReqs.Items.Find(TransNo, false); if (list_items.Length > 0) { lsReqs.Items.Remove(list_items[0]); this.lsDone.Items.Insert(0, list_items[0]).SubItems.Add(Printed_Time); this.mActList.Remove((CheRequest)list_items[0].Tag); this.mDoneList.Add((CheRequest)list_items[0].Tag); bool firstRec = false; if (mRecBuffer == null) { firstRec = true; mRecBuffer = new StringWriter(); } CheRequest rec = (CheRequest)list_items[0].Tag; if (rec != null) { mRecBuffer.Write((rec).toJsonString(act_code, firstRec)); } if (mActList.Count == 0) { this.Refresh(); } } }
public static Boolean SendRecipt(CheRequest req) { if (mInterface != null) { return(mInterface.SendRecipt(req)); } return(false); }
private void tsItemCopyLicense_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lsReqs.SelectedItems.Count < 1) { return; } ListViewItem act_item = lsReqs.SelectedItems[0]; CheRequest req = (CheRequest)act_item.Tag; System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(req.LicenseNumber); }
private void tsItemDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lsReqs.SelectedItems.Count < 1) { return; } ListViewItem act_item = lsReqs.SelectedItems[0]; CheRequest req = (CheRequest)act_item.Tag; CheDaoFactory.Handle_Internal_Package(CheDaoInterface.delete_cmd, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(req.Order_Number)); }
public static int SendRecipt(CheRequest req) { if (status != 0) { return -1; } Dictionary<String, String> rec = new Dictionary<string, string>(); rec.Add("Customer_Text",req.Customer_Text); rec.Add("Product_Code", req.Product_Code); rec.Add("Product_Price",req.Product_Price); rec.Add("Amount", req.Amount); rec.Add("Product_Number", req.Product_Number); rec.Add("Product_Type", req.Product_Type); rec.Add("Pump_Number", req.Pump_Number); return ScriptExecuter.execute(rec); }
public static CheRequest create(string str, long _create_time) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CheRequest)); try { CheRequest o = (CheRequest)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(new StringReader(str)); o.create_time = _create_time; return(o); } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLineIf(Program.trace_sw.TraceError, " decode XML error " + e.ToString()); return(null); } }
string ValueToBeSent.getValue(CheRequest req) { if (info != null) { Object o = info.GetValue(req, null); if (o != null) { return(o.ToString() + next_key); } else { return(next_key); } } return(""); }
public static int SendRecipt(CheRequest req) { if (status != 0) { return(-1); } Dictionary <String, String> rec = new Dictionary <string, string>(); rec.Add("Customer_Text", req.Customer_Text); rec.Add("Product_Code", req.Product_Code); rec.Add("Product_Price", req.Product_Price); rec.Add("Amount", req.Amount); rec.Add("Product_Number", req.Product_Number); rec.Add("Product_Type", req.Product_Type); rec.Add("Pump_Number", req.Pump_Number); return(ScriptExecuter.execute(rec)); }
private void timer_event() { Random r = new Random(); mTestCounter++; if (mTestCounter > r.Next(10)) { mTestCounter = 0; if (lsReqs.Items.Count > 0) { int index = r.Next(lsReqs.Items.Count); ListViewItem act_item = lsReqs.Items[index]; CheRequest req = (CheRequest)act_item.Tag; CheDaoFactory.Handle_Internal_Package(CheDaoInterface.delete_cmd, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(req.Order_Number)); } } }
public bool SendRecipt(CheRequest req) { Boolean res = false; IntPtr wnd_ptr; if (anch_wnd_handle != null) { Win32Locator.SetForeGWindow(anch_wnd_handle); } else { return(false); } foreach (String wnd_str in mFieldMap.Keys) { res = false; if (wnd_str != null) { wnd_ptr = Win32Locator.locateWindow(wnd_str, GetWndClassPostFix()); if (wnd_ptr == null) { break; } String text = mFieldMap[wnd_str].GetValue(req, null).ToString(); try { SendMessage(wnd_ptr, WM_SETTEXT, IntPtr.Zero, text); int r = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (r != 0) { Trace.WriteLineIf(Program.trace_sw.TraceError, String.Format("sendmessage with error code:{0:d}", res), "error"); break; } } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLineIf(Program.trace_sw.TraceError, "Send Text Failed with " + e.ToString(), "error"); break; } } res = true; } return(res); }
private byte[] GenInvoicePackage() { CheRequest req = new CheRequest(); String order_no = "RND"+ new Random().Next().ToString() ; req.Order_Number = order_no; req.Print_Number = "PR" + order_no; req.Product_Code = "94"; req.Product_Price = "4.5"; req.Product_Number = "10"; req.Customer_Text = "中国石化"; req.Amount = "100"; req.LicenseNumber = "粤AXX434"; req.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString(); req.Pump_Number = "3"; ChePrintRequest p_req = new ChePrintRequest(); p_req.Order_Number = order_no; p_req.Print_Type = "1"; byte[] res = GenerateBytes(1, req); byte[] rsp = GenerateBytes(2, p_req); InvoiceList.Add(rsp); return res; }
private void lsReqs_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {//note other functions call it directly, don't use sender or e if (lsReqs.SelectedItems.Count < 1) { return; } ListViewItem act_item = lsReqs.SelectedItems[0]; CheRequest req = (CheRequest)act_item.Tag; if (req != null) { int res; if ((res = NewShuiKongInterface.SendRecipt(req)) != 0) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("税控脚本执行错误,错误码:{0:d} {1:s}", res, NewShuiKongInterface.getLastError())); lbskStatus.Text = "最近操作:" + NewShuiKongInterface.getLastError(); } else { CheDaoFactory.Handle_Internal_Package(CheDaoInterface.print_confirm, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(req.Order_Number)); lbskStatus.Text = "最近操作:成功"; } } }
/** * make sure the function is re-entriable. **/ static CheDaoInterface _HandlePackage(LocalChePackage p) { CheDaoInterface msg = create(p); if (msg != null) { switch (msg.message_type) { case CheDaoInterface.data_validation: lock (mPendingList) { CheRequest item = (CheRequest)msg; try { //put to pending list mPendingList.Add(item.Order_Number, item); } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLineIf(Program.trace_sw.TraceError, "Insert CheRequest Failed, maybe the key already exist " + e.Message, "error"); msg.Result = 2; //2:其它不符; } } break; case CheDaoInterface.clean_cmd: //delete the item one hour later int bypass_counter = 0; lock (mPendingList) { Dictionary <String, CheRequest> newPendingList = new Dictionary <String, CheRequest>(); foreach (String str in mPendingList.Keys) { CheRequest c_item = mPendingList[str]; DateTime c_date = new DateTime(c_item.create_time); if (c_date.AddMinutes(AppConfig.GetLifeTimeOfRec()) > DateTime.Now) { newPendingList.Add(str, c_item); } else { bypass_counter++; } } mPendingList = newPendingList; } Trace.WriteLineIf(Program.trace_sw.TraceVerbose, "clean up the internal cache and bypass " + bypass_counter.ToString()); break; case CheDaoInterface.scan_print: case CheDaoInterface.manual_print: lock (mPendingList) { ChePrintRequest p_item = (ChePrintRequest)msg; if (mPendingList.ContainsKey(p_item.Order_Number)) { CheRequest w_item = mPendingList[p_item.Order_Number]; mPendingList.Remove(p_item.Order_Number); Program.NewRequest(w_item); // to be print } else { Trace.WriteLineIf(Program.trace_sw.TraceError, "invalide print request, no key exist", "error"); msg.Result = 2; //2:已开票; } } break; case CheDaoInterface.print_confirm: Program.NewRequest(msg); //internal message break; case CheDaoInterface.delete_cmd: Program.NewRequest(msg); //internal message break; default: msg = null; break; } try { lock (bk_stream) { if (msg != null) {; // just save the valid msg } } } catch (Exception e) { save_error_count++; Trace.WriteLineIf(Program.trace_sw.TraceError, "Write backup stream failed " + e.Message, "error"); } } return(msg); }
public static Boolean SendRecipt(CheRequest req) { if (mInterface != null) return mInterface.SendRecipt(req); return false; }
string ValueToBeSent.getValue(CheRequest req) { if (info != null) { Object o = info.GetValue(req, null); if (o != null) return o.ToString() + next_key; else return next_key; } return ""; }
string ValueToBeSent.getValue(CheRequest req) { return(text + next_key); }
bool ShuiKongInterface.SendRecipt(CheRequest req) { if (anch_wnd_handle != IntPtr.Zero) { Win32Locator.SetForeGWindow(anch_wnd_handle); if (this.first_editor_wnd_str != null) { IntPtr f_e = Win32Locator.locateWindow(this.first_editor_wnd_str, GetWndClassPostFix()); if (f_e != IntPtr.Zero) { Win32Locator.SetForeGWindow(f_e); //SetFocus(f_e); the method doesn't work } else { Trace.WriteLineIf(Program.trace_sw.TraceError,"did not find the window"); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.max_send_ops; i++) { String str = actions[i].getValue(req); SendKeys.Send(str); } return true; } return false; }
public bool SendRecipt(CheRequest req) { Boolean res = false; IntPtr wnd_ptr; if (anch_wnd_handle != null) { Win32Locator.SetForeGWindow(anch_wnd_handle); } else { return false; } foreach (String wnd_str in mFieldMap.Keys) { res = false; if (wnd_str != null) { wnd_ptr = Win32Locator.locateWindow(wnd_str, GetWndClassPostFix()); if (wnd_ptr == null) break; String text = mFieldMap[wnd_str].GetValue(req, null).ToString(); try { SendMessage(wnd_ptr, WM_SETTEXT, IntPtr.Zero, text); int r = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (r != 0) { Trace.WriteLineIf(Program.trace_sw.TraceError, String.Format("sendmessage with error code:{0:d}", res), "error"); break; } } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLineIf(Program.trace_sw.TraceError, "Send Text Failed with " + e.ToString(), "error"); break; } } res = true; } return res; }
private void _AddRequest(CheRequest req) { Boolean ref_req = false; if (mActList.Count == 0) ref_req = true; mActList.Add(req); lsReqs.BeginUpdate(); DateTime tran_date; if (DateTime.TryParse(req.Time,out tran_date) == false) { tran_date = DateTime.Now; } String brief_info = String.Format("{0:s} {1:s} 油枪{2:s}加{3:s}油{4:s}升", tran_date.ToShortTimeString(),req.LicenseNumber, req.Pump_Number, req.Product_Code, req.Product_Number); ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(new String[] { brief_info}); lvi.Name = req.Order_Number; /** it is key to search the item*/ //lvi.ImageIndex = i; //todo //lvi.Text = req.Order_Number; lvi.SubItems.Add(req.Customer_Text); lvi.SubItems.Add(req.Amount); lvi.Tag = req; this.lsReqs.Items.Insert(0,lvi); this.lsReqs.EndUpdate(); if (ref_req) this.Refresh(); }
string ValueToBeSent.getValue(CheRequest req) { return text + next_key; }