private void logIn(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string nameRecord = ""; string passRecord = ""; if (UsernameField.Text == "" || UserPassField.Password == "") { if (activeErrorFlag == -1) { activeErrorFlag = 1; Debug.WriteLine("Animations ongoing: " + activeErrorFlag); errorMarqueeScroll("Username and password required"); } else { activeErrorFlag++; Debug.WriteLine("Animations ongoing: " + activeErrorFlag); errorMarqueeScroll("Username and password required"); } } else { var userNullCheck = new user(); using (otongadgethubEntities logCheck = new otongadgethubEntities()) { userNullCheck = logCheck.users.FirstOrDefault(a => a.username == UsernameField.Text); } if (userNullCheck == null) { if (activeErrorFlag == -1) { activeErrorFlag = 1; Debug.WriteLine("Animations ongoing: " + activeErrorFlag); errorMarqueeScroll("Username does not exist"); } else { activeErrorFlag++; Debug.WriteLine("Animations ongoing: " + activeErrorFlag); errorMarqueeScroll("Username does not exist"); } } if (userNullCheck != null) { nameRecord = userNullCheck.username; } if (nameRecord == UsernameField.Text) { passRecord = Encrypt.MD5(UserPassField.Password).ToLower(); if (passRecord == userNullCheck.password) { //var chatClientWPFWindowSet = Application.Current.Windows.Cast<Window>().FirstOrDefault(window => window is ChatWPFClient) as ChatWPFClient; //var set = Application.Current.Windows.OfType<ChatWPFClient>().FirstOrDefault(window => window is ChatWPFClient) as ChatWPFClient; WPFUserSession.sessionUser = userNullCheck; UserMenu menu = new UserMenu(); menu.Show(); this.Close(); } else { if (activeErrorFlag == -1) { activeErrorFlag = 1; Debug.WriteLine("Animations ongoing: " + activeErrorFlag); errorMarqueeScroll("Password invalid"); } else { activeErrorFlag++; Debug.WriteLine("Animations ongoing: " + activeErrorFlag); errorMarqueeScroll("Password invalid"); } } } } }