public async Task channel(CommandContext ctx) // this command takes no arguments { await base.OperateCommand(ctx); //return the channel name if the args are null otherwise return with a result of changing the channel name Dictionary <string, string> fields = new Dictionary <string, string>(); fields.Add("ID", ctx.Message.Channel.Id.ToString()); fields.Add("Topic", ctx.Message.Channel.Topic); fields.Add("Type", ctx.Message.Channel.Type.ToString()); fields.Add("UserLimit", ctx.Message.Channel.UserLimit.ToString()); fields.Add("Position", ctx.Message.Channel.Position.ToString()); fields.Add("IsPrivate", ctx.Message.Channel.IsPrivate.ToString()); fields.Add("IsNSFW", ctx.Message.Channel.IsNSFW.ToString()); DiscordEmbed embed = JosephineEmbedBuilder.CreateEmbedMessage(ctx, "Channel Status", "The Stats of this Channel", null, JosephineBot.defaultColor, fields, true); await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); }
private async Task Client_Ready(ReadyEventArgs e) { if (debugMode == true) { Console.WriteLine("Debug Mode initiated"); DiscordActivity game = new DiscordActivity("DEBUG MODE"); await Discord.UpdateStatusAsync(game, UserStatus.DoNotDisturb); } else { Console.WriteLine("Non-Debug mode!"); DiscordActivity game = new DiscordActivity("READY"); await Discord.UpdateStatusAsync(game, UserStatus.Online); } //Check the guilds to make sure they've recieved the latest update on the bot foreach (guildData entry in data) { DiscordGuild guild = await Discord.GetGuildAsync(entry.guildId); if (entry.buildLast != BUILDID) { DiscordChannel channel = await Discord.GetChannelAsync(entry.disabledChannelID); DiscordEmbed JosephineEmbed = JosephineEmbedBuilder.CreateEmbedMessage(Discord, "Bot update to " + BUILDID + "!", "This bot has been updated to check out the new features go to"); await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, JosephineEmbed); entry.buildLast = BUILDID; } } //Start all the games games.Add(new ZombieGame()); //Loading all the games foreach (Game game in games) { game.InitialiseGame(); } // let's log the fact that this event occured e.Client.DebugLogger.LogMessage(LogLevel.Info, BotName, "Client is ready to process events.", DateTime.Now); }
private async Task Join_Chat(object sender, GuildMemberAddEventArgs e) { guildData specificGuild = Utils.returnGuildData(e.Guild.Id); //When joined the chat add an embed message if (specificGuild.announceJoin) { string announcerMessage = specificGuild.AnnounceFormatDesc; string finalannouncerMessage = announcerMessage.Replace("{guildname}", e.Guild.Name); if (e.Member.IsBot) { string announceTitle = specificGuild.AnnounceFormatBot; string finalAnnouncerTitle = announceTitle.Replace("{bot}", e.Member.Username); JosephineEmbedBuilder.CreateEmbedMessage(Discord, finalAnnouncerTitle, finalannouncerMessage); } else if (!e.Member.IsBot) { string announceTitle = specificGuild.AnnounceFormatUser; string finalAnnouncerTitle = announceTitle.Replace("{user}", e.Member.Username); JosephineEmbedBuilder.CreateEmbedMessage(Discord, finalAnnouncerTitle, finalannouncerMessage); } } }
[Description("Manage the announcer everytime someone joins")] // this will be displayed to tell users what this command does when they invoke help public override async Task OperateCommand(CommandContext ctx, params string[] args) // this command takes no arguments { await base.OperateCommand(ctx); string argumentType = args[0]; guildData specificGuild = Utils.returnGuildData(ctx.Guild.Id); List <DiscordEmoji> emojis = new List <DiscordEmoji>(); emojis.Add(DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":100:")); emojis.Add(DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":ok_hand:")); List <DiscordEmoji> emojisFiltered = Utils.GetRandomPoggersEmoji(emojis); Random rnd = new Random(); var emoji = emojisFiltered[rnd.Next(emojisFiltered.Count)]; switch (argumentType.ToLower()) { case "demo": //Bring up a version of the put command await ctx.RespondAsync("Here are the demo embed messages"); string announcerMessage = specificGuild.AnnounceFormatDesc; string finalannouncerMessage = announcerMessage.Replace("{guildname}", ctx.Guild.Name); string announceTitle = specificGuild.AnnounceFormatBot; string finalAnnouncerTitle = announceTitle.Replace("{bot}", ctx.Client.CurrentUser.Username); DiscordEmbed embedMessageUser = JosephineEmbedBuilder.CreateEmbedMessage(ctx, finalAnnouncerTitle, finalannouncerMessage); await ctx.RespondAsync("", false, embedMessageUser); string announceTitleUser = specificGuild.AnnounceFormatUser; string finalAnnouncerTitleUser = announceTitleUser.Replace("{user}", ctx.Member.Username); DiscordEmbed embedMessageBot = JosephineEmbedBuilder.CreateEmbedMessage(ctx, finalAnnouncerTitleUser, finalannouncerMessage); await ctx.RespondAsync("", false, embedMessageBot); break; case "set": switch (args[1].ToLower()) { case "user": //Set the user join message if (args[2] != null || !args[2].Contains(string.Empty)) { //string afterwardsMessage = string.Join() specificGuild.AnnounceFormatUser = string.Join(" ", args).Substring(args[1].Length + args[2].Length); await ctx.RespondAsync("Changed the announcer message for the user. TO see what it looks like try ';;announce demo'"); } else { await ctx.RespondAsync("No message was defined!"); } break; case "bot": if (args[2] != null || !args[2].Contains(string.Empty)) { specificGuild.AnnounceFormatBot = string.Join(" ", args).Substring(args[1].Length + args[2].Length); await ctx.RespondAsync("Changed the announcer message for the bot. To see what it looks like try ';;announce demo'"); } else { await ctx.RespondAsync("No message was defined!"); } break; case "description": if (args[2] != null || !args[2].Contains(string.Empty)) { specificGuild.AnnounceFormatDesc = string.Join(" ", args).Substring(args[1].Length + args[2].Length); await ctx.RespondAsync("Changed the description message for the bot. To see what it looks like try ';;announce demo'"); } else { await ctx.RespondAsync("No message was defined!"); } break; default: case "help": if (!args[1].ToLower().Contains("help")) { await ctx.RespondAsync("Unable to change as there is either an incorrect command argument(s) or no arguments at all!"); } Dictionary <string, string> arguments = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string>(); arguments.Add(";;announce set user <message>", "sets the user greeting (use {user} to be replaced with thier username)"); arguments.Add(";;announce set bot <message>", "sets the bot greeting (use {bot} to be replaced with the bot username)"); arguments.Add(";;announce set description <message>", "sets the greeting for both messages (use {guildname} to be replaced with the guild name)"); DiscordEmbed embed = JosephineEmbedBuilder.CreateEmbedMessage(ctx, "Sub-Commands", "for ';;announce set'", null, JosephineBot.defaultColor, arguments); await ctx.RespondAsync("Go to for all sub-commands", false, embed); break; } break; case "off": if (specificGuild.announceJoin == false) { await ctx.RespondAsync("Announcer is already off run the on sub-command"); } else { specificGuild.announceJoin = false; await ctx.Message.CreateReactionAsync(emoji); } break; case "on": if (specificGuild.announceJoin == true) { await ctx.RespondAsync("Announcer is already on run the off sub-command"); } else { specificGuild.announceJoin = true; await ctx.Message.CreateReactionAsync(emoji); } break; default: case "help": Dictionary <string, string> argumentsHelp = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string>(); argumentsHelp.Add(";;announce demo", "shows the greeting messages for the user and the bots on this server"); argumentsHelp.Add(";;announce set", "utility to set the greeting messages on this server"); argumentsHelp.Add(";;announce off", "turns the announcer off"); argumentsHelp.Add(";;announce on", "turns the announcer on"); DiscordEmbed embedHelp = JosephineEmbedBuilder.CreateEmbedMessage(ctx, "Sub-Commands", "for ';;announce set'", null, JosephineBot.defaultColor, argumentsHelp); await ctx.RespondAsync("Go to for all sub-commands", false, embedHelp); break; } }