public override void OnInspectorGUI() { GUILayout.Label("Advanced Gesture States", EditorStyles.boldLabel); // do not draw the control variables AdvancedGesture advTarget = (AdvancedGesture)target; advTarget.gestureCooldown = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Cooldown (seconds)", advTarget.gestureCooldown); advTarget.allowedWhileHoldingObjects = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Allow While Holding", advTarget.allowedWhileHoldingObjects); foreach (AdvancedGestureState advState in advTarget.advancedGestureStateList) { DrawAdvancedGestureState(advState); } if (GUILayout.Button("Add Gesture State")) { advTarget.advancedGestureStateList.Add(new AdvancedGestureState()); } if (stateToDelete != null) { advTarget.advancedGestureStateList.Remove(stateToDelete); stateToDelete = null; } // set dirty to ensure the object is saved EditorUtility.SetDirty(target); }
public override bool IsConditionOccuring(SDK_BaseGestureLibrary.Hand specificHand, AdvancedGesture advancedGestureInfo) { SDK_BaseGestureLibrary.Hand otherHand = specificHand == SDK_BaseGestureLibrary.Hand.Left ? SDK_BaseGestureLibrary.Hand.Right : SDK_BaseGestureLibrary.Hand.Left; return(simultaneousGesture.IsGestureOccuring(otherHand)); }
public override bool IsConditionOccuring(SDK_BaseGestureLibrary.Hand specificHand, AdvancedGesture advancedGestureInfo) { return(Time.time >= advancedGestureInfo.gestureStartTime + gestureHoldTime); }
public override bool IsConditionOccuring(SDK_BaseGestureLibrary.Hand specificHand, AdvancedGesture advancedGestureInfo) { SDK_BaseGestureLibrary currentLibrary = VRTK.VRTK_SDK_Bridge.GetHandSDK().GetGestureLibrary(); if (currentLibrary == null) { Debug.LogWarning("No gesture library detected for the current Hand SDK"); return(false); } Vector3 palmNormal = currentLibrary.GetHandNormal(specificHand); if (palmNormal == { // hand tracking lost return(false); } // otherVec is a normal vector that will be compared to the palm vector Vector3 otherVec; Quaternion rotationToUse = Quaternion.Euler(eulerRotationFromOtherVector); if (otherVectorToUse == OtherVector.World) { switch (otherVectorDirection) { case VectorType.Forward: { otherVec = rotationToUse * Vector3.forward; break; } case VectorType.Up: { otherVec = rotationToUse * Vector3.up; break; } default: { otherVec = rotationToUse * Vector3.up; break; } } } else if (otherVectorToUse == OtherVector.Hmd) { Transform hmd = VRTK_SDK_Bridge.GetHeadset(); switch (otherVectorDirection) { case VectorType.Forward: { otherVec = hmd.TransformDirection(rotationToUse * Vector3.forward); break; } case VectorType.Up: { otherVec = hmd.TransformDirection(rotationToUse * Vector3.up); break; } default: { otherVec = hmd.TransformDirection(rotationToUse * Vector3.up); break; } } } else { // for whatever reason, otherVec is undefined. return false return(false); } float dotProduct = Vector3.Dot(otherVec, palmNormal); // close to 1 -> similar direction if (dotProduct >= 1 - tolerance) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public override bool IsConditionOccuring(SDK_BaseGestureLibrary.Hand specificHand, AdvancedGesture advancedGestureInfo) { Vector3 palmPosition; Vector3 previousPalmPosition; if (specificHand == SDK_BaseGestureLibrary.Hand.Left) { previousPalmPosition = advancedGestureInfo.prevLeftPalmPosition; palmPosition = advancedGestureInfo.GetLeftHandPosition(); } else { previousPalmPosition = advancedGestureInfo.prevRightPalmPosition; palmPosition = advancedGestureInfo.GetRightHandPosition(); } if (palmPosition == { // vector3 zero is the 'null' for vectors return(false); } float palmMovementDistance = Vector3.Distance(palmPosition, previousPalmPosition); // switch statement effectively controls which operator is used when comparing the actual palm movement amount to the desired palm movement amount switch (distanceOperator) { case MovementOperator.LessThan: { if (palmMovementDistance < distanceFromPreviousGesture) { return(true); } break; } case MovementOperator.GreaterThan: { if (palmMovementDistance > distanceFromPreviousGesture) { return(true); } break; } case MovementOperator.EqualTo: { if ((distanceFromPreviousGesture - distanceTolerance <= palmMovementDistance && palmMovementDistance <= distanceFromPreviousGesture + distanceTolerance)) { return(true); } break; } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if the condition is occuring and false otherwise, except in the base version which will always return false. /// This method is not marked as abstract because Unity cannot serialize classes that have abstract base classes. New Advanced Gesture Conditions /// should implement this method. /// </summary> public virtual bool IsConditionOccuring(SDK_BaseGestureLibrary.Hand specificHand, AdvancedGesture advancedGestureInfo) { return(false); }