protected void createPart() { try { string filename = ""; if (_templates[_stemp] is WeaponTemplate) { WeaponTemplate twtemplate = (WeaponTemplate)_templates[_stemp]; filename = WizardUtils.PartFolder + "/" + _packstring[_spack] + "/Weapon/" + getDirectoryName(twtemplate.weaponCategory) + "/" + _partname + ".asset"; } else { filename = WizardUtils.PartFolder + "/" + _packstring[_spack] + "/" + getDirectoryName(_templates[_stemp].category) + "/" + _partname + ".asset"; } string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename); if (!Directory.Exists(directory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } if (File.Exists(filename)) { if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Replace Part", "the part you wish to create is already exist", "Replace", "Cancel")) { return; } } Part tpart = _templates[_stemp] is WeaponTemplate?EditorUtils.LoadScriptable <Weapon>(filename) : EditorUtils.LoadScriptable <Part>(filename); //..category tpart.category = _templates[_stemp].category; //category.. //..package tpart.packageName = getPackageName(filename); //package.. //..bodytype tpart.supportedBody = new List <BodyType>(); for (int i = 0; i < _bodyopt.Length; i++) { if (_bodyopt[i]) { tpart.supportedBody.Add(_bodytype[i]); } } //bodytype.. //..textures tpart.texture = _texture; tpart.colorMask = _mask; //textures.. //..sprites if (_texture != null && _templates[_stemp].category != PartCategory.SkinDetails) // details doesn't need to be sliced { string sourcepath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(_templates[_stemp].texture); string targetpath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(_texture); tpart.sprites = SpriteSlicerUtils.SliceSprite(sourcepath, targetpath, getExcludedSprite()); } else { tpart.sprites = new List <Sprite>(); } //sprites.. if (tpart is Weapon) { WeaponTemplate twtemplate = (WeaponTemplate)_templates[_stemp]; Weapon tweapon = (Weapon)tpart; tweapon.weaponCategory = twtemplate.weaponCategory; tweapon.muzzlePosition = _muzzlepos; EditorUtility.SetDirty(tweapon); } else { EditorUtility.SetDirty(tpart); } if (PartList.Static != null) { InspectorPartList.Refresh(PartList.Static); } Selection.activeObject = tpart; string message = "part '" + + "' has successfully created"; EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Success", message, "OK"); } catch (Exception e) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "error on creating part: " + e.ToString(), "OK"); } }