private RowRecordsAggregate(SharedValueManager svm) { _rowRecords = new SortedList(); _valuesAgg = new ValueRecordsAggregate(); _unknownRecords = new List <Record>(); _sharedValueManager = svm; }
/** * @param rs record stream with all {@link SharedFormulaRecord} * {@link ArrayRecord}, {@link TableRecord} {@link MergeCellsRecord} Records removed */ public RowRecordsAggregate(RecordStream rs, SharedValueManager svm) : this(svm) { while (rs.HasNext()) { Record rec = rs.GetNext(); switch (rec.Sid) { case RowRecord.sid: InsertRow((RowRecord)rec); continue; case DBCellRecord.sid: // end of 'Row Block'. Should only occur after cell records // ignore DBCELL records because POI generates them upon re-serialization continue; } if (rec is UnknownRecord) { // might need to keep track of where exactly these belong AddUnknownRecord((UnknownRecord)rec); while (rs.PeekNextSid() == ContinueRecord.sid) { AddUnknownRecord(rs.GetNext()); } continue; } if (rec is MulBlankRecord) { _valuesAgg.AddMultipleBlanks((MulBlankRecord)rec); continue; } if (!(rec is CellValueRecordInterface)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected record type (" + rec.GetType().Name + ")"); } _valuesAgg.Construct((CellValueRecordInterface)rec, rs, svm); } }
public void Construct(CellValueRecordInterface rec, RecordStream rs, SharedValueManager sfh) { if (rec is FormulaRecord) { FormulaRecord formulaRec = (FormulaRecord)rec; // read optional cached text value StringRecord cachedText = null; Type nextClass = rs.PeekNextClass(); if (nextClass == typeof(StringRecord)) { cachedText = (StringRecord)rs.GetNext(); } else { cachedText = null; } InsertCell(new FormulaRecordAggregate(formulaRec, cachedText, sfh)); } else { InsertCell(rec); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FormulaRecordAggregate"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="formulaRec">The formula rec.</param> /// <param name="stringRec">The string rec.</param> /// <param name="svm">The SVM.</param> public FormulaRecordAggregate(FormulaRecord formulaRec, StringRecord stringRec, SharedValueManager svm) { if (svm == null) { throw new ArgumentException("sfm must not be null"); } if (formulaRec.HasCachedResultString) { if (stringRec == null) { throw new RecordFormatException("Formula record flag is set but String record was not found"); } _stringRecord = stringRec; } else { // Usually stringRec is null here (in agreement with what the formula rec says). // In the case where an extra StringRecord is erroneously present, Excel (2007) // ignores it (see bug 46213). _stringRecord = null; } _formulaRecord = formulaRec; _sharedValueManager = svm; if (formulaRec.IsSharedFormula) { CellReference firstCell = formulaRec.Formula.ExpReference; if (firstCell == null) { HandleMissingSharedFormulaRecord(formulaRec); } else { _sharedFormulaRecord = svm.LinkSharedFormulaRecord(firstCell, this); } } }
/** Creates a new instance of ValueRecordsAggregate */ public RowRecordsAggregate() : this(SharedValueManager.CreateEmpty()) { }