internal static ExtractProgressEventArgs ExtractAllCompleted(string archiveName, string extractLocation) { var x = new ExtractProgressEventArgs(archiveName, ZipProgressEventType.Extracting_AfterExtractAll); x._target = extractLocation; return(x); }
internal static ExtractProgressEventArgs ByteUpdate(string archiveName, ZipEntry entry, Int64 bytesWritten, Int64 totalBytes) { var x = new ExtractProgressEventArgs(archiveName, ZipProgressEventType.Extracting_EntryBytesWritten); x.ArchiveName = archiveName; x.CurrentEntry = entry; x.BytesTransferred = bytesWritten; x.TotalBytesToTransfer = totalBytes; return(x); }
private void OnExtractAllStarted(string path) { EventHandler <ExtractProgressEventArgs> ep = ExtractProgress; if (ep != null) { var e = ExtractProgressEventArgs.ExtractAllStarted(ArchiveNameForEvent, path); ep(this, e); } }
internal static ExtractProgressEventArgs AfterExtractEntry(string archiveName, ZipEntry entry, string extractLocation) { var x = new ExtractProgressEventArgs { ArchiveName = archiveName, EventType = ZipProgressEventType.Extracting_AfterExtractEntry, CurrentEntry = entry, _target = extractLocation, }; return(x); }
internal static ExtractProgressEventArgs ExtractExisting(string archiveName, ZipEntry entry, string extractLocation) { var x = new ExtractProgressEventArgs { ArchiveName = archiveName, EventType = ZipProgressEventType.Extracting_ExtractEntryWouldOverwrite, CurrentEntry = entry, _target = extractLocation, }; return(x); }
private void OnExtractEntry(int current, bool before, ZipEntry currentEntry, string path) { EventHandler <ExtractProgressEventArgs> ep = ExtractProgress; if (ep != null) { var e = new ExtractProgressEventArgs(ArchiveNameForEvent, before, _entries.Count, current, currentEntry, path); ep(this, e); if (e.Cancel) { _extractOperationCanceled = true; } } }
internal bool OnExtractExisting(ZipEntry entry, string path) { EventHandler <ExtractProgressEventArgs> ep = ExtractProgress; if (ep != null) { var e = ExtractProgressEventArgs.ExtractExisting(ArchiveNameForEvent, entry, path); ep(this, e); if (e.Cancel) { _extractOperationCanceled = true; } } return(_extractOperationCanceled); }
// Can be called from within ZipEntry._ExtractOne. internal bool OnExtractBlock(ZipEntry entry, Int64 bytesWritten, Int64 totalBytesToWrite) { EventHandler <ExtractProgressEventArgs> ep = ExtractProgress; if (ep != null) { var e = ExtractProgressEventArgs.ByteUpdate(ArchiveNameForEvent, entry, bytesWritten, totalBytesToWrite); ep(this, e); if (e.Cancel) { _extractOperationCanceled = true; } } return(_extractOperationCanceled); }
// Can be called from within ZipEntry.InternalExtract. internal bool OnSingleEntryExtract(ZipEntry entry, string path, bool before) { EventHandler <ExtractProgressEventArgs> ep = ExtractProgress; if (ep != null) { var e = (before) ? ExtractProgressEventArgs.BeforeExtractEntry(ArchiveNameForEvent, entry, path) : ExtractProgressEventArgs.AfterExtractEntry(ArchiveNameForEvent, entry, path); ep(this, e); if (e.Cancel) { _extractOperationCanceled = true; } } return(_extractOperationCanceled); }