private static void getOrganization(ADuser aduser) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aduser.EduPersonOrgUnitDN)) { // HACK: Directory search settings based on URL using (DirectoryEntry entry2 = aduser.LdapServerUrl.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("LDAP.CHALMERS.SE") ? new DirectoryEntry(aduser.LdapServerUrl + "/" + aduser.EduPersonOrgUnitDN, string.Empty, string.Empty, AuthenticationTypes.Anonymous) : new DirectoryEntry(aduser.LdapServerUrl + "/" + aduser.EduPersonOrgUnitDN)) { foreach (string key in entry2.Properties.PropertyNames) { string myKey = key.ToUpperInvariant(); if (myKey.Equals("DESCRIPTION")) { foreach (Object propValue in entry2.Properties[key]) { string value = propValue as string; aduser.Organisation = value; return; } } } } } }
public static ADuser GetUserProfileFromAD(ADuser aduser) { if (aduser == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("aduser"); } DirectoryEntry entry = null; try { string message = String.Format("Attempting to query the AD for user {0}", aduser.CID); LoggingService.WriteTrace(EventSeverity.Information, message, LogCategory.ChalmersPublicWeb); string filterAttribute = string.Empty, otherTelephone = string.Empty; int mode = 0; // 0 =, 1 = // HACK: Directory search settings based on URL if (aduser.LdapServerUrl.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("LDAP.CHALMERS.SE")) { entry = new DirectoryEntry(aduser.LdapServerUrl, string.Empty, string.Empty, AuthenticationTypes.Anonymous); filterAttribute = "uid"; } else { entry = new DirectoryEntry(aduser.LdapServerUrl); filterAttribute = "cn"; mode = 1; } message = String.Format("Created new DirectoryEntry for URL {0}", aduser.LdapServerUrl); LoggingService.WriteTrace(EventSeverity.Information, message, LogCategory.ChalmersPublicWeb); using (DirectorySearcher mainSearch = new DirectorySearcher(entry)) { mainSearch.Filter = string.Format("{0}={1}", filterAttribute, aduser.CIDWithoutDomain); message = String.Format("Created new DirectorySearcher with filter {0}", mainSearch.Filter); LoggingService.WriteTrace(EventSeverity.Information, message, LogCategory.ChalmersPublicWeb); mainSearch.PropertiesToLoad.Add("givenName"); mainSearch.PropertiesToLoad.Add("sn"); mainSearch.PropertiesToLoad.Add("mail"); mainSearch.PropertiesToLoad.Add("telephoneNumber"); if (mode == 1) { mainSearch.PropertiesToLoad.Add("otherTelephone"); } mainSearch.PropertiesToLoad.Add("eduPersonOrgUnitDN"); mainSearch.PropertiesToLoad.Add("eduPersonOrcid"); mainSearch.PropertiesToLoad.Add("roomNumber"); mainSearch.PropertiesToLoad.Add("street"); SearchResult mainResult = mainSearch.FindOne(); LoggingService.WriteTrace(EventSeverity.Information, "AD search initialized", LogCategory.ChalmersPublicWeb); LoggingService.WriteTrace(EventSeverity.Information, "AD search initialized", LogCategory.ChalmersPublicWeb); if (mainResult != null) { LoggingService.WriteTrace(EventSeverity.Information, "AD search successful, creating user object.", LogCategory.ChalmersPublicWeb); foreach (string key in mainResult.Properties.PropertyNames) { string myKey = key.ToUpperInvariant(); int addedTelePhoneNumberes = 0; foreach (string propValue in mainResult.Properties[key]) { if (myKey.Equals("GIVENNAME")) { aduser.GivenName = propValue; } else if (myKey.Equals("SN")) { aduser.SN = propValue; } else if (myKey.Equals("MAIL")) { aduser.Mail = propValue; } else if (myKey.Equals("TELEPHONENUMBER")) { if (addedTelePhoneNumberes == 0) { aduser.TelephoneNumber = propValue; } else { aduser.OtherTelephone = propValue; } addedTelePhoneNumberes++; } else if (myKey.Equals("OTHERTELEPHONE")) { aduser.OtherTelephone = propValue; } else if (myKey.Equals("EDUPERSONORCID")) { aduser.EduPersonOrcid = propValue; } else if (myKey.Equals("ROOMNUMBER")) { aduser.OfficeRoomNumber = propValue == null ? string.Empty : propValue; // Since we don't get floor number yet we guess based on known rules. for (int i = 0; i < propValue.Length; i++) { int outVal = 0; aduser.OfficeFloorNumber = propValue.Substring(i, 1); if (int.TryParse(aduser.OfficeFloorNumber, out outVal)) { break; } } if (aduser.OfficeFloorNumber == null) { aduser.OfficeFloorNumber = string.Empty; } } else if (myKey.Equals("STREET")) { aduser.OfficeStreet = propValue == null ? string.Empty : propValue; } else if (myKey.Equals("EDUPERSONORGUNITDN")) { aduser.EduPersonOrgUnitDN = propValue; var allOrgProperties = mainResult.Properties[key].Cast <object>().Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, t) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.ToString()) ? current : string.Format("{0},{1}", current, t.ToString())); aduser.AllUnits = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(allOrgProperties, "(OU|DC)=", string.Empty, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Split( new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Distinct().ToList(); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aduser.EduPersonOrgUnitDN)) { // HACK: Directory search settings based on URL using (DirectoryEntry entry2 = aduser.LdapServerUrl.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("LDAP.CHALMERS.SE") ? new DirectoryEntry(aduser.LdapServerUrl + "/" + aduser.EduPersonOrgUnitDN, string.Empty, string.Empty, AuthenticationTypes.Anonymous) : new DirectoryEntry(aduser.LdapServerUrl + "/" + aduser.EduPersonOrgUnitDN)) { foreach (string key in entry2.Properties.PropertyNames) { foreach (Object propValue in entry2.Properties[key]) { string myKey = key.ToUpperInvariant(); string value = propValue as string; if (myKey.Equals("DESCRIPTION")) { aduser.Organisation = value; } } } } } message = string.Format( "AD user info - CID:{0}, GivenName:{1}, SurName:{2}, E-mail:{3}, Organisation:{4}, Phone number:{5}, Phone number2:{6}, OrcId:{7}", aduser.CID, aduser.GivenName, aduser.SN, aduser.Mail, aduser.Organisation, aduser.TelephoneNumber, aduser.OtherTelephone, aduser.EduPersonOrcid); LoggingService.WriteTrace(EventSeverity.Information, message, LogCategory.ChalmersPublicWeb); if (aduser.OfficeRoomNumber == null) { aduser.OfficeRoomNumber = string.Empty; } if (aduser.OfficeFloorNumber == null) { aduser.OfficeFloorNumber = string.Empty; } if (aduser.OfficeStreet == null) { aduser.OfficeStreet = string.Empty; } return(aduser); } } return(null); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new ChalmersException("Failed to bind: " + exception.Message, exception); } finally { if (entry != null) { entry.Dispose(); } } }