// update more info For The Certificate public int UpdateCertificateInfo(string Cert, int reqid) { StreamWriter objFile = null; try { objFile = File.CreateText("c:\\" + reqid + ".cer"); objFile.Write(Cert); objFile.Close(); X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2("c:\\" + reqid + ".cer"); File.Delete("c:\\" + reqid + ".cer"); using (caProjectEntities context = new caProjectEntities()) { cert cetificate = context.certs.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RequestId == reqid); cetificate.ExpiredDate = Convert.ToDateTime(cert.NotAfter.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss tt")); cetificate.Issuedby = cert.Issuer.ToString(); cetificate.serialnumber = cert.GetSerialNumberString(); context.SaveChanges(); } return(0); } catch (Exception ex) { if (objFile != null) { objFile.Close(); } Console.Write(ex.Message); return(-1); } }
public cert ReturnCertificateInformation(string hostname) { using (caProjectEntities context = new caProjectEntities()) { cert cetificate = context.certs.FirstOrDefault(r => r.HostName == hostname); return(cetificate); } }
//delete cert record for expired certificate public void DeleteCertificateRecordFromDb(int reqid) { using (caProjectEntities context = new caProjectEntities()) { cert cetificate = context.certs.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RequestId == reqid); context.certs.Remove(cetificate); context.SaveChanges(); } }
//update certFlag for unlock public void UnlockCetificate(string hostname) { using (caProjectEntities context = new caProjectEntities()) { cert cetificate = context.certs.FirstOrDefault(r => r.HostName == hostname); cetificate.CertFlag = null; context.SaveChanges(); } }
//update Certification Status and cert Flag public void UpdateUnlockFlagAndStatus(int status, int reqid) { using (caProjectEntities context = new caProjectEntities()) { cert cetificate = context.certs.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RequestId == reqid); cetificate.status = status; if (status == 3) //issued { cetificate.CertFlag = "true"; } context.SaveChanges(); } }
// Inserts First info For The Certificate public void InsertToCertificateTable(string hostname, int status, int reqid) { using (caProjectEntities context = new caProjectEntities()) { cert cetificate = new cert() { CreationDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")), RequestId = reqid, HostName = hostname, status = status }; context.certs.Add(cetificate); context.SaveChanges(); } }
//checking if there is allready Request for the hostname public int CheckIfCertificateExists(string hostname) { using (caProjectEntities context = new caProjectEntities()) { cert cetificate = context.certs.FirstOrDefault(r => r.HostName == hostname); if (cetificate != null) { if (cetificate.Issuedby == null) { return(1); } return(2); } return(0); } }
// Inserts Error Message public void InsertToErrorMessageTable(string hostname, int requestid, string errorMessage, string functionName) { using (caProjectEntities context = new caProjectEntities()) { Error_Log erroLog = new Error_Log() { ErrorMessage = errorMessage, Request = requestid, CreateDate = DateTime.Now.ToString(), HostName = hostname, functionName = functionName }; context.Error_Logs.Add(erroLog); context.SaveChanges(); } }
// Inserts First info For The Certificate public void InsertToSigntureTable(string ClientId, string Hash, string Username) { using (caProjectEntities context = new caProjectEntities()) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; signature signature = new signature() { hash = Hash, uuid = ClientId, username = Username, timestamp = BitConverter.GetBytes(dt.Ticks), ldtdisk = "N" }; context.signatures.Add(signature); context.SaveChanges(); } }
//return all the expired certificates public List <cert> GetAllExpiredCertificates() { List <cert> result = null; try { using (caProjectEntities context = new caProjectEntities()) { result = context.certs.Where(certificate => certificate.ExpiredDate.HasValue && (certificate.ExpiredDate.Value < DateTime.Now)).ToList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message); return(null); } return(result); }
//checking if there is allready Request for the hostname public bool CheckIfMachineExists(string hostid, string hase) { try { using (caProjectEntities context = new caProjectEntities()) { signature machine = context.signatures.FirstOrDefault(r => r.uuid == hostid); if (machine != null && machine.hash == hase) { return(true); } return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message); return(false); } }
//check if the hostnameand redid belong to each other public bool CheckIfReqIDBelongToHost(int reqid, string hostname) { try { using (caProjectEntities context = new caProjectEntities()) { cert cetificate = context.certs.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RequestId == reqid); if (cetificate != null && cetificate.HostName == hostname) { return(false); } return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message); return(true); } }
//check if the cerrtficate allready consumed public bool CheckIfCertificateConsumed(int reqid) { try { using (caProjectEntities context = new caProjectEntities()) { cert cetificate = context.certs.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RequestId == reqid); if (cetificate.CertFlag == null) { return(false); } return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message); return(false); } }