        public override void Compile(CompiledStatement parent, string token, LinkedList <string> tokens, LinkedList <string> lines)
            base.Compile(parent, token, tokens, lines);

            Debug.Assert(parent.ChildCount > 0, "No value found for the left hand side of operator: " + token);

            // Take the previous statement and add it as a sub statement of the newly created operator - we will check for validity in the Compile function
            parent.MoveChildAtIndex(parent.ChildCount - 1, this);

            // Add this operator to the tree

            // Now check that there is another element after our operator that we can act on
            Debug.Assert(tokens.Count > 0, "No value found for the right hand side of operator: " + token);

            // Get the next token that appears on the right hand side of this operator
            string rhsOfOperatorToken = CelesteCompiler.PopToken();

            // Parse the next token which we will act on
            if (CelesteCompiler.CompileToken(rhsOfOperatorToken, parent))
                // Take the value that has been added to the root and add it under this operator instead
                parent.MoveChildAtIndex(parent.ChildCount - 1, this);
                // Error message if we cannot parse the next token
                Debug.Fail("Could not compile token: " + token + " in operator " + token);
        /// <summary>
        /// Call compile when you wish to implement the function.
        /// Process the actual variable names that have been passed into the function using the token.
        /// Create a variable underneath this for each variable we are passing in.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent"></param>
        /// <param name="token"></param>
        /// <param name="tokens"></param>
        /// <param name="lines"></param>
        public override void Compile(CompiledStatement parent, string token, LinkedList <string> tokens, LinkedList <string> lines)
            // We have invoked this function because we have parentheses
            if (tokens.Count > 0 && tokens.First.Value == OpenParenthesis.scriptToken)
                // Group our inputs under this object so that we can store them underneath this function
                CompiledStatement thisCallsParams = new CompiledStatement();
                if (ParameterNames.Count > 0)
                    // Only add our parameters if we have any.
                    // Otherwise this will just strip away the start and end parentheses

                string openingParenthesis = CelesteCompiler.PopToken();
                Debug.Assert(openingParenthesis == OpenParenthesis.scriptToken, "No opening parenthesis found for function " + Name);

                string parameter = CelesteCompiler.PopToken();

                CompiledStatement tempContainer = new CompiledStatement();
                while (parameter != CloseParenthesis.scriptToken)
                    Debug.Assert(CelesteCompiler.CompileToken(parameter, tempContainer),
                                 "Failed to compile input parameter " + parameter);
                    parameter = CelesteCompiler.PopToken();

                // Add null references first for all of the parameters we are missing
                for (int i = tempContainer.ChildCount; i < ParameterNames.Count; i++)
                    // This will push null onto the stack for every parameter we have not provided an input for
                    Reference refToNull = new Reference(null);
                    refToNull.Compile(thisCallsParams, "null", tokens, lines);

                // Then add the actual parameters we have inputted
                for (int i = tempContainer.ChildCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    // Add our parameters in reverse order, so they get added to the stack in reverse order
                    tempContainer.MoveChildAtIndex(i, thisCallsParams);

                // Add a reference to this function in our compile tree after we have added all of the inputs
                base.Compile(parent, token, tokens, lines);
                // If we have no brackets, we are trying to compile the function as a reference rather than as a call (for use in equality for example)
                Reference funcRef = new Reference(this);
                funcRef.Compile(parent, Name, tokens, lines);

            // Any local variable that is not set will be null
            // Any extra parameters will be added, but because we add them in reverse order, if they are not needed they will just be thrown away on the stack
        public override void Compile(CompiledStatement parent, string token, LinkedList <string> tokens, LinkedList <string> lines)
            base.Compile(parent, token, tokens, lines);

            // Unary operators act on other variables/values and so they must be included in the same token as another token (e.g. !var for example)
            // We remove the script token for the operator and split the other token out
            Debug.Assert(token.Length > 1);
            string rest = token.Remove(0, 1); // Removing wrong thing here

            // Add this operator to the tree

            // Parse the rest of the token which we will act on
            if (CelesteCompiler.CompileToken(rest, parent))
                // Take the value that has been added to the root and add it under this operator instead
                parent.MoveChildAtIndex(parent.ChildCount - 1, this);
                // Error message if we cannot parse the next token
                Debug.Fail("Could not compile token: " + token + " in operator " + token);
        /// <summary>
        /// If our first child is a binary operator, we swap it with this binary operator.
        /// This has the effect of evaluating this before the child operator.
        /// Useful when you wish to evaluate this operator before an assignment operator for example.
        /// </summary>
        protected void SwapWithChildBinaryOperator(CompiledStatement parent)
            Debug.Assert(ChildCount > 0);
            Debug.Assert(ChildCompiledStatements[0] is AssignmentOperator);

            CompiledStatement child = ChildCompiledStatements[0];

            // We start with:
            //              parent
            //             /
            //          this
            //         /    \
            //      child    C
            //     /     \
            //    A       B

            MoveChildAtIndex(0, parent);
            // Move the child to the parent - we now have:
            //         parent
            //        /    \
            //     this      child
            //    /         /     \
            //   C         A       B

            Debug.Assert(parent.ChildCompiledStatements[parent.ChildCount - 2] == this);
            parent.MoveChildAtIndex(parent.ChildCount - 2, child);
            // Move this to be underneath the child operator - we now have:
            //         parent
            //             \
            //              child
            //             /  |   \
            //            A   B    this
            //                         \
            //                           C

            Debug.Assert(child.ChildCount == 3);
            child.MoveChildAtIndex(1, this);
            // Move the B to under this - we now have:
            //         parent
            //             \
            //              child
            //             /     \
            //            A       this
            //                   /    \
            //                  C      B

            Debug.Assert(ChildCount == 2);
            MoveChildAtIndex(0, this);
            // Extract and then reinsert C into this - this swaps C and B to give:
            //         parent
            //             \
            //              child
            //             /     \
            //            A       this
            //                   /    \
            //                  B      C