 /// <summary>
 /// Called on the UI thread when a server indicates via the 'Content-Disposition' header that a response represents a file to download.
 /// |mimeType| is the mime type for the download,
 /// |fileName| is the suggested target file name
 /// and |contentLength| is either the value of the 'Content-Size' header or -1 if no size was provided.
 /// Set |handler| to the CefDownloadHandler instance that will recieve the file contents.
 /// Return true to download the file or false to cancel the file download.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual bool GetDownloadHandler(CefBrowser browser, string mimeType, string fileName, long contentLength, out CefDownloadHandler handler)
     handler = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Called on the UI thread when a server indicates via the 'Content-Disposition' header that a response represents a file to download.
 /// |mimeType| is the mime type for the download,
 /// |fileName| is the suggested target file name 
 /// and |contentLength| is either the value of the 'Content-Size' header or -1 if no size was provided.
 /// Set |handler| to the CefDownloadHandler instance that will recieve the file contents.
 /// Return true to download the file or false to cancel the file download.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual bool GetDownloadHandler(CefBrowser browser, string mimeType, string fileName, long contentLength, out CefDownloadHandler handler)
     handler = null;
     return false;