        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a test result (messages and stack trace) from the given Expressions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Expresions">Catch expressions</param>
        /// <param name="testResult">Test result of the expressions</param>
        /// <returns>Count of failed expressions</returns>
        private int ConstructResult(Tests.Expression[] Expresions, TestResult testResult)
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var expression in Expresions.Where(expr => expr.Success == "false"))
                string expanded   = expression.Expanded.Trim();
                string original   = expression.Original.Trim();
                string type       = expression.Type;
                var    FilePath   = TestDiscoverer.ResolvePath(expression.Filename, SolutionDirectory);
                var    LineNumber = Int32.Parse(expression.Line);
                testResult.ErrorMessage    += $"#{i} - {type}({original}) with expansion: ({expanded}){Environment.NewLine}";
                testResult.ErrorStackTrace += $"at #{i} - {testResult.DisplayName}() in {FilePath}:line {LineNumber}{Environment.NewLine}";
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the TestResult containing sub result, too.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">Element of the Catch test case.</param>
        /// <param name="testCase">Test case from framework.</param>
        /// <param name="name">Name of the Catch test including section names</param>
        private void CreateResult(Tests.TestCase element, TestCase testCase, string name)
            name += element.Name;

            var subResult = new TestResult(testCase)
                DisplayName     = name.Replace(".", "\n\t"),
                ErrorMessage    = $"",
                ErrorStackTrace = "",
                Outcome         = TestOutcome.None

            if (element.Result != null)
                subResult.Outcome  = element.Result.Success == "true" ? TestOutcome.Passed : TestOutcome.Failed;
                subResult.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Double.Parse(element.Result.Duration, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            int failedExpressions = ConstructResult(element.Expressions, subResult);

            // Make sure the outcome is failed if the expressions have failed.
            if (failedExpressions != 0)
                subResult.Outcome = TestOutcome.Failed;

            foreach (var s in (element.Warning ?? new string[] { }))
                var Expression = $"WARN: {s.Trim()}{ Environment.NewLine }";
                subResult.Messages.Add(new TestResultMessage(TestResultMessage.StandardOutCategory, Expression));

            foreach (var s in (element.Info ?? new string[] { }))
                var Expression = $"INFO: {s.Trim()}{ Environment.NewLine }";
                subResult.Messages.Add(new TestResultMessage(TestResultMessage.StandardOutCategory, Expression));

            // Check if this element is a failure generated by FAIL().
            if (element.Failure != null)
                var LineNumber = Int32.Parse(element.Failure.Line);
                var FilePath   = TestDiscoverer.ResolvePath(element.Failure.Filename, SolutionDirectory);
                subResult.ErrorMessage    += $"#{failedExpressions} - FAIL({element.Failure.text.Trim()}){Environment.NewLine}";
                subResult.ErrorStackTrace += $"at #{failedExpressions} - {name}() in {FilePath}:line {LineNumber}{Environment.NewLine}";

            if (subResult.Outcome == TestOutcome.None)
                // Check if the OverallResults is set with an outcome.
                if (element.Results != null)
                    if (Int32.Parse(element.Results.Failures) != 0)
                        subResult.Outcome = TestOutcome.Failed;
                        subResult.Outcome = TestOutcome.Passed;


            // Try to find the failure from a subsection of this element.
            foreach (var section in element.Sections)
                // Try to find a failure in this section.
                CreateResult(section, testCase, name + ".");