public void lapdisplay1() { int price = 0; int qty = 0; String user_id = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); XElement xelement = XElement.Load("Laptop.xml"); IEnumerable <XElement> Laptops = xelement.Elements(); var x = from Laptop in xelement.Elements("Laptop") where (string)Laptop.Element("ID") == user_id select Laptop; Console.WriteLine("---------------------------Your Selection-----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (XElement lap in x) { String id = lap.Element("ID").Value; String brandname = lap.Element("brand").Value; String price_detail = lap.Element("price").Value; String model_detail = lap.Element("model").Value; price = Convert.ToInt32(price_detail); Console.WriteLine("Id: {0}", id); Console.WriteLine("Brand: {0}", brandname); Console.WriteLine("Model: {0}", model_detail); Console.WriteLine("Price: Rs. {0}", price_detail); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------------------"); } String user_choice; do { Console.WriteLine("Enter the Quantity Required"); qty = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Total Price: Rs. {0}", qty * price); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Do you want to Change quantity? (y/n)"); user_choice = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); if (user_choice == "n") { Console.WriteLine("Thank you for visiting us..."); } while ((user_choice != "y") && (user_choice != "n")) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Invalid Option. Please Choose 'y' or 'n'"); user_choice = Console.ReadLine(); } } while (user_choice == "y"); }
public void delete() { Console.Write("Enter the LAPTOP_ID to be deleted :"); String user_id = Console.ReadLine(); XElement xelement = XElement.Load("Laptop.xml"); IEnumerable <XElement> Laptops = xelement.Elements(); var x = from Laptop in xelement.Elements("Laptop") where (string)Laptop.Element("ID") == user_id select Laptop; x.Remove(); xelement.Save("Laptop.xml"); Console.WriteLine("The Laptop_ID " + user_id + "is deleted Successfully"); }
public void edit() { Console.Write("Enter the Id to be edited :"); String user_id = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter the new updated price of the " + user_id + " :"); String pricenew = Console.ReadLine(); XElement xelement = XElement.Load("Laptop.xml"); IEnumerable <XElement> Laptops = xelement.Elements(); var x = from Laptop in xelement.Elements("Laptop") where (string)Laptop.Element("ID") == user_id select Laptop; foreach (XElement id in x) { String price_detail = id.Element("price").Value; id.SetElementValue("price", pricenew); } xelement.Save("Laptop.xml"); Console.WriteLine("Editing done"); }