Provides automatically generated factories on top of interfaces or delegates that you can use to pull components out of the container without ever referencing it explicitly.
Inheritance: Castle.MicroKernel.Facilities.AbstractFacility
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		protected override void Init()
			if (FacilityConfig == null)
				throw new ConfigurationException(
					"The MVCFacility requires an 'assembyView' child tag.");

			IConfiguration factoriesConfig = FacilityConfig.Children["assembyView"];
			if (factoriesConfig!=null && 
				factoriesConfig.Value!= null && factoriesConfig.Value!= string.Empty )
				_assembly =  Assembly.Load(factoriesConfig.Value) ;	

			// Added TypedFactory to have a IState factory
			TypedFactoryFacility facility = new TypedFactoryFacility();

			Kernel.AddFacility("typedfactory", facility );
			facility.AddTypedFactoryEntry( new FactoryEntry("stateFactory", typeof(IStateFactory), "Create", "Release") );
			// Added a ControlerTree component to track controller by view
			Kernel.AddComponent( "mvc.controllerTree", typeof(ControllerTree) );
			Kernel.ComponentModelCreated += new ComponentModelDelegate(OnComponentModelCreated);

		public void Init()
			_container = new WindsorContainer(new DefaultConfigurationStore());
			_facility = new TypedFactoryFacility();
			_container.AddFacility("typedfactory", _facility);
		protected override void AfterContainerCreated()
			facility = new TypedFactoryFacility();
		public void Init()
			container = new WindsorContainer(new DefaultConfigurationStore());
			facility = new TypedFactoryFacility();