private void OnDataGridSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { var viewModel = MainGrid.DataContext as CapturefineryWindowViewModel; if (e.AddedItems.Count > 0) { _study = e.AddedItems[0] as StudyInfo; // Display the options pane with automatic height TaskOptions.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; TaskOptions.Height = double.NaN; TaskOptions.Margin = new Thickness(10); if (_study != null && viewModel != null) { _hof = viewModel.GetHallOfFame(_study); _complete = viewModel.GetHallOfFame(_study); // Get it twice to avoid cloning _complete = viewModel.GetComplete(_study, _complete); viewModel.InitProperties(,, viewModel.UseComplete); DisplayOrHideControls(true, true); } } }
public HallOfFame GetComplete(StudyInfo study, HallOfFame hof) { var appData = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); var localFile = string.Format(@"GenerativeDesign\hof_hist-results-{0}.csv", study.Name); var fileName = Path.Combine(appData, localFile); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { localFile = string.Format(@"Refinery\hof_hist-results-{0}.csv", study.Name); // Support old location fileName = Path.Combine(appData, localFile); } if (File.Exists(fileName)) { var expected = hof.variables.Length + hof.goals.Length; using (var reader = new StreamReader(fileName)) { var lines = new List <string>(); var curGen = 0; var curGenSize = 0; var firstLine = reader.ReadLine(); var firstValues = firstLine.Split(','); var genCount = Int32.Parse(firstValues[1]); var genSizes = new int[genCount]; while (!reader.EndOfStream) { var line = reader.ReadLine(); var values = line.Split(','); if (values.Length < expected) { if (curGenSize > 0) { genSizes[curGen] = curGenSize; curGenSize = 0; curGen++; } } else { float empty; if (values.All(s => (float.TryParse(s, out empty)) || s == "True" || s == "False") && !lines.Contains(line)) { lines.Add(line); curGenSize++; } } } var solutions = new string[lines.Count][]; for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++) { solutions[i] = lines[i].Split(','); } = solutions; } } return(hof); }
public async Task RunTasks(StudyInfo study) { _waiting = false; _images.Clear(); int counter = 0; var folder = study.Folder + "\\screenshots"; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(folder)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); } Dynamo.Events.ExecutionEvents.GraphPostExecution += async(e) => { DoEvents(); await Task.Delay(3000); _waiting = false; _images.Add(SaveScreenshot(folder + "\\" + counter++.ToString() + ".jpg")); }; var hof = GetHallOfFame(study); var nodeMap = GetDynamoNodesForInputParameters(hof.variables, _readyParams.CurrentWorkspaceModel.Nodes); // Optionally choose a max number of solutions to capture int?max = null; var runs = max != null && max.HasValue ? <string[]>(max.Value) :; foreach (var parameters in runs) { for (var i = 0; i < hof.variables.Length; i++) { SetDynamoInputParameter(nodeMap, hof.variables[i], parameters[hof.goals.Length + i]); } _waiting = true; StartDynamoRun(); while (_waiting) { await Task.Delay(1000); } } await Task.Delay(5000); SaveAnimation(_images, folder + "\\animation.gif"); SaveAnimation(_images, folder + "\\animation-small.gif", 1000); SaveAnimation(_images, folder + "\\animation-tiny.gif", 500); }
public CapturefineryWindow() { InitializeComponent(); // Hide the options pane until something is selected TaskOptions.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; TaskOptions.Height = 0; _study = null; _hof = null; }
private void SaveFilteredHallOfFame(StudyInfo study, string folder, List <int> subset) { var fof = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FileOfFame>(File.ReadAllText(study.Folder + "\\RefineryResults.json")); var sols =; var solutionSubset = new string[subset.Count][]; for (int i = 0; i < subset.Count; i++) { solutionSubset[i] = sols[subset[i]]; } = solutionSubset; System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); File.WriteAllText(folder + "\\RefineryResults.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fof)); }
public HallOfFame GetHallOfFame(StudyInfo study) { var fof = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FileOfFame>(File.ReadAllText(study.Folder + "\\RefineryResults.json")); if (fof != null && fof.hallOfFame != null) { var hof = fof.hallOfFame; _parameterList.Clear(); _parameterList.Add(EmptyComboValue); // This means we clear the setting _parameterList.AddRange(hof.goals); _parameterList.AddRange(hof.variables); RemoveSortLevels(0); AddSortLevel(); OnPropertyChanged("SortLevels"); } return(fof.hallOfFame); }
private void OnDataGridMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (sender != null) { _study = null; TaskOptions.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; TaskOptions.Height = 0; TaskOptions.Margin = new Thickness(0); var grid = sender as DataGrid; if (grid != null && grid.SelectedItems != null && grid.SelectedItems.Count == 1) { var dgr = grid.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(grid.SelectedItem) as DataGridRow; if (dgr.IsMouseOver) { (dgr as DataGridRow).IsSelected = false; } } } }
private async void Grid_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { var viewModel = MainGrid.DataContext as CapturefineryWindowViewModel; if (e.AddedItems.Count > 0) { _study = e.AddedItems[0] as StudyInfo; // Display the options pane with automatic height TaskOptions.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; TaskOptions.Height = double.NaN; if (_study != null && viewModel != null) { _hof = viewModel.GetHallOfFame(_study); var max =; viewModel.MaxItems = max; viewModel.Start = 0; viewModel.Items = max; } } }
public async Task RunTasks(StudyInfo study, HallOfFame hof, HallOfFame complete) { if (hof == null && complete == null) { return; } var toRun = (_useComplete && complete != null) ? complete : hof; _folder = study.Folder + "\\screenshots"; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(_folder)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(_folder); } // Shouldn't really be necessary _maxItems =; if ( Start >= 0 && Start < _maxItems && Items >= 0 && Items <= _maxItems && Start + Items <= _maxItems ) { bool waiting = false; int counter = Start; var images = new Bitmap[_maxItems]; var errorImages = new Bitmap[_maxItems]; var runsWithErrors = new List <int>(); Progress = 0; Escape = false; // Pre-load any existing images that come before the chosen range, if this option was selected if (_createAnimations && _loadImages && counter > 0) { LoadExistingImages(images, _captureErrors ? errorImages : null, _folder, 0, counter); } _previousRunType = _dynamoViewModel.HomeSpace.RunSettings.RunType; _dynamoViewModel.HomeSpace.RunSettings.RunType = Dynamo.Models.RunType.Manual; // Define and attach the main post-execution handler ExecutionStateHandler postExecution = async(e) => { DoEvents(); await Task.Delay(3000); waiting = false; if (!_escapePressed) { var isError = false; if (_captureErrors) { // Does the graph contain any nodes in an error state? var errorNodes = (from n in _readyParams.CurrentWorkspaceModel.Nodes where n.State != ElementState.Active && n.State != ElementState.Dead select n); if (errorNodes.Count <NodeModel>() > 0) { isError = true; runsWithErrors.Add(counter); } } var img = SaveScreenshot(GetImageFilename(_folder, counter, isError)); if (isError) { errorImages[counter] = img; } else { images[counter] = img; } counter++; var captured = counter - Start; Progress = 100 * captured / Items; } }; ExecutionEvents.GraphPostExecution += postExecution; if (Items == 0) { Progress = 100; } else { var nodeMap = GetDynamoNodesForInputParameters(toRun.variables, _readyParams.CurrentWorkspaceModel.Nodes); for (int i = Start; i < Start + Items; i++) { if (_escapePressed) { break; } var parameters =[i]; for (var j = 0; j < toRun.variables.Length; j++) { SetDynamoInputParameter(nodeMap, toRun.variables[j], parameters[toRun.goals.Length + j]); } waiting = true; StartDynamoRun(); while (waiting) { await Task.Delay(1000); } } } _dynamoViewModel.HomeSpace.RunSettings.RunType = _previousRunType; // Post-load any existing images that come after the chosen range, if this option was selected if (_createAnimations && _loadImages && counter + 1 < _maxItems) { LoadExistingImages(images, _captureErrors ? errorImages : null, _folder, counter + 1, _maxItems); } if (!_escapePressed) { if (_createAnimations) { var levels = GetSortLevels(); var order = GetSolutionOrder(toRun, levels); var rootName = StripInvalidFileAndPathCharacters(_rootName); if (!images.All <Bitmap>((b) => b == null)) { SaveAnimation(images, order, _folder + "\\" + rootName + ".gif"); SaveAnimation(images, order, _folder + "\\" + rootName + "-small.gif", 1000); SaveAnimation(images, order, _folder + "\\" + rootName + "-tiny.gif", 500); } if (!errorImages.All <Bitmap>((b) => b == null)) { SaveAnimation(errorImages, order, _folder + "\\" + rootName + "-errors.gif"); SaveAnimation(errorImages, order, _folder + "\\" + rootName + "-errors-small.gif", 1000); SaveAnimation(errorImages, order, _folder + "\\" + rootName + "-errors-tiny.gif", 500); } } // If errors were found in any of the runs, create a new run with just the problematic runs const string errorsSuffix = "-errors"; if (_captureErrors && runsWithErrors.Count > 0 && !study.Folder.EndsWith(errorsSuffix)) { SaveFilteredHallOfFame(study, study.Folder + errorsSuffix, runsWithErrors); OnPropertyChanged("RefineryTasks"); } } foreach (var image in images) { if (image != null) { image.Dispose(); } } foreach (var image in errorImages) { if (image != null) { image.Dispose(); } } DisableExecute(false); ExecutionEvents.GraphPostExecution -= postExecution; var result = MessageBox.Show("Capture complete. Copy output path to the clipboard?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { Clipboard.SetText(_folder); } } }
public HallOfFame GetHallOfFame(StudyInfo study) { var fof = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FileOfFame>(File.ReadAllText(study.Folder + "\\RefineryResults.json")); return(fof.hallOfFame); }
public async Task RunTasks(StudyInfo study, HallOfFame hof = null) { if ( Start >= 0 && Start < _maxItems && Items > 0 && Items <= _maxItems && Start + Items <= _maxItems ) { bool waiting = false; int counter = Start; var images = new List <Bitmap>(); var errorImages = new List <Bitmap>(); var runsWithErrors = new List <int>(); var folder = study.Folder + "\\screenshots"; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(folder)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); } // Attach a handler to check for the use of Escape InterceptKeys.OnKeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(OnKeyDown); InterceptKeys.Start(); // Pre-load any existing images that come before the chosen range, if this option was selected if (_createAnimations && _loadImages && counter > 0) { LoadExistingImages(images, _captureErrors ? errorImages : null, folder, 0, counter); } // Define and attach the main post-execution handler ExecutionStateHandler postExecution = async(e) => { if (!_escapePressed) { DoEvents(); await Task.Delay(3000); waiting = false; var isError = false; if (_captureErrors) { // Does the graph contain any nodes in an error state? var errorNodes = (from n in _readyParams.CurrentWorkspaceModel.Nodes where n.State != ElementState.Active && n.State != ElementState.Dead select n); if (errorNodes.Count <NodeModel>() > 0) { isError = true; runsWithErrors.Add(counter); } } var img = SaveScreenshot(GetImageFilename(folder, counter, isError)); if (isError) { errorImages.Add(img); } else { images.Add(img); } counter++; } }; ExecutionEvents.GraphPostExecution += postExecution; if (hof == null) { hof = GetHallOfFame(study); } var nodeMap = GetDynamoNodesForInputParameters(hof.variables, _readyParams.CurrentWorkspaceModel.Nodes); for (int i = Start; i < Start + Items; i++) { if (_escapePressed) { break; } var parameters =[i]; for (var j = 0; j < hof.variables.Length; j++) { SetDynamoInputParameter(nodeMap, hof.variables[j], parameters[hof.goals.Length + j]); } waiting = true; StartDynamoRun(); while (waiting) { await Task.Delay(1000); } } // Post-load any existing images that come after the chosen range, if this option was selected if (_createAnimations && _loadImages && counter + 1 < _maxItems) { LoadExistingImages(images, _captureErrors ? errorImages : null, folder, counter + 1, _maxItems); } if (!_escapePressed) { if (_createAnimations) { if (images.Count > 0) { SaveAnimation(images, folder + "\\animation.gif"); SaveAnimation(images, folder + "\\animation-small.gif", 1000); SaveAnimation(images, folder + "\\animation-tiny.gif", 500); } if (errorImages.Count > 0) { SaveAnimation(errorImages, folder + "\\animation-errors.gif"); SaveAnimation(errorImages, folder + "\\animation-errors-small.gif", 1000); SaveAnimation(errorImages, folder + "\\animation-errors-tiny.gif", 500); } } // If errors were found in any of the runs, create a new run with just the problematic runs const string errorsSuffix = "-errors"; if (_captureErrors && runsWithErrors.Count > 0 && !study.Folder.EndsWith(errorsSuffix)) { SaveFilteredHallOfFame(study, study.Folder + errorsSuffix, runsWithErrors); RaisePropertyChanged("RefineryTasks"); } } foreach (var image in images) { image.Dispose(); } foreach (var image in errorImages) { image.Dispose(); } InterceptKeys.Stop(); InterceptKeys.OnKeyDown -= new KeyEventHandler(OnKeyDown); ExecutionEvents.GraphPostExecution -= postExecution; } }