}//end add new skill protected void gvDeleteSkills_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "gvCommandDelete") { expertObj = (Expert)Session["expertProfileObj"]; int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); GridViewRow selectedRow = gvDeleteSkills.Rows[index]; string s = selectedRow.Cells[0].Text;//get skill name from selected row to be deleted. int count = 0;//test counter if no matches were found in forEach loop foreach (Tuple<int, String> skill in expertObj.AllExpertSkills) { if (skill.Item2.Equals(s, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { count++;//found something int result = DbMethods.DeleteExpertSkill(expertObj.tuID, skill.Item1); if (result != -1) { lblGvDeleteTest.Text = "Skill has been deleted."; sm.storeExpertDataInSession();//now get the whole expert object FillControls(); } else lblGvDeleteTest.Text = "Unable to restore file. DataBase error. Please try again."; } if (count == 0) lblGvDeleteTest.Text = "could not find skill name in local DataSet. :("; } }//end Delete Skill Row Command }//end gvDeleteSkills_RowCommand
}//end page load method // Fill page controls with updated information public void FillControls() { expertObj = (Expert)Session["expertProfileObj"]; if (expertObj != null) { SkillGroupDropdown.DataSource = DbMethods.GetAllSkillGroups(); SkillGroupDropdown.DataValueField = "SkillGroupID"; SkillGroupDropdown.DataTextField = "SkillGroupName"; SkillGroupDropdown.DataBind(); SkillGroupDropdown.SelectedIndex = SkillGroupDropdown.Items.IndexOf(SkillGroupDropdown.Items.FindByValue(expertObj.skillGroupID.ToString())); txtFirstName.Text = expertObj.firstName; txtLastName.Text = expertObj.lastName; txtUsername.Text = expertObj.username; txtEmail.Text = expertObj.email; txtPhoneNumber.Text = expertObj.phoneNumber; txtLinkedIn.Text = expertObj.linkedIn; aboutMe.Text = expertObj.aboutMe; //get all Expert's skills and put them on the page if (expertObj.AllExpertSkills.Count == 0) { lblDeleteTest.Text = "You (the Expert) don't have any skils in your profile. Please add some on this page."; gvDeleteSkills.DataSource = null; gvDeleteSkills.DataBind(); } else { this.gvDeleteSkills.DataSource = expertObj.AllExpertSkills; this.gvDeleteSkills.DataBind(); } }//end if }//end fill controls
protected void btnYes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DbMethodsObj.DeactivateVenture(ventureObj.ventureID); Expert expertProfileObj = (CapstoneBlackstone.Expert)Session["expertProfileObj"]; Response.Redirect("ExpertPage.aspx?username=" + expertProfileObj.username); }
protected void btnSubmitStaticMember_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ventureObj = (Venture)Session["ventureObj"]; if (valid.IsBlank(txtFirstName.Text) || valid.IsBlank(txtLastName.Text) || valid.IsBlank(txtRole.Text)) { lblStaticRequired.Visible = true; } else { string firstName = txtFirstName.Text; string lastName = txtLastName.Text; string role = txtRole.Text; DateTime lastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now; Expert expertProfileObj = (CapstoneBlackstone.Expert)Session["expertProfileObj"]; string lastUpdateUser = expertProfileObj.lastName + ", " + expertProfileObj.firstName; DbMethodsObj.CreateStaticMember(ventureObj.ventureID, firstName, lastName, role, lastUpdateDate, lastUpdateUser); txtRole.Text = ""; txtFirstName.Text = ""; txtLastName.Text = ""; sm.storeVentureDataInSession(ventureObj.ventureID); ventureObj = (Venture)Session["ventureObj"]; FillControls(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string username; expertObj = (Expert)Session["expertProfileObj"]; if (Session["Authenticated"] == null) { username = null; Session.Clear(); Session.Abandon(); Response.Redirect("default.aspx"); } else if (Request.QueryString["username"] != null) { username = Request.QueryString["username"]; studentObj.tuid = DbMethods.GetTUIDByUsername(username); expertObj = sm.getAllTheExpertInfo(studentObj.tuid); } else { studentObj.tuid = DbMethods.GetTUIDByUsername(expertObj.username); expertObj = sm.getAllTheExpertInfo(studentObj.tuid); } if (!IsPostBack) FillControls(); if(studentObj.tuid != (string)Session["TU_ID"]) { btnEditExpertPage.Visible = false; } }//end page load
public void FillControlls() { if ((Expert)Session["expertProfileObj"] != null) { ex = (Expert)Session["expertProfileObj"]; if (ex.roleVentureNameList.Count != 0) { ddlMyVentures.Visible = true; List <string> localVentureNameList = new List <string>(); localVentureNameList.Add("My Ventures"); //DataSet myDS = objDB.GetAllVentureNamesByTuid((string)Session["TU_ID"]); for (int i = 0; i < ex.roleVentureNameList.Count; i++) { localVentureNameList.Add(ex.roleVentureNameList[i].Item1); } foreach (string ventureName in localVentureNameList) { ddlMyVentures.Items.Add(new ListItem(ventureName)); } this.ddlMyVentures.DataBind(); } else { ddlMyVentures.Visible = false; } lblLoggedIn.Text = "You are logged in as: " + ex.firstName + " " + ex.lastName; } }
protected void BtnSubmitNewSkill_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Debug.WriteLine("Entering BtnSubmitNewSkill_Click"); int test = 0; int result; expertObj = (Expert)Session["expertProfileObj"]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtAddNewSkill.Text)==false) { //search expert's skillset to see if the skill added already exsists //search all skill to see if the skill added exsists //if not to both, add a new skill foreach (Tuple<int,String> skill in expertObj.AllExpertSkills)//test if skill added is already in Expert's Skill Set { if(skill.Item2.Equals(txtAddNewSkill.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { test = -1; break; } } if (test != -1) { List<Skills> allSkills = DbMethods.GetSkills(); foreach (Skills skill in allSkills)//handle adding the skill { if (skill.SkillName.Equals(txtAddNewSkill.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { result = DbMethods.AddSkillToUser(expertObj.tuID, skill.SkillID);//adding excisting skill to expert if (result != -1) { lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Success! New Skill was added to Skills and Expert_Skills Tables."; test = -2; break; } else lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Error: Process did not execute successfully. :("; break; } } if(test != -2) { result = DbMethods.AddNewSkillToUser(expertObj.tuID, txtAddNewSkill.Text);//adding brandnew skill if (result != -1) lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Success! New Skill was added to Skills and Expert_Skills Tables."; else lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Error: Process did not execute successfully. :("; } sm.storeExpertDataInSession();//now get the whole expert object FillControls(); } else lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Cannot add this skill. you already have this skill in your skill set."; }//end if statement for textBoxes else lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Error: Invalid input."; }//end add new skill
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Authenticated"] == null) { Response.Redirect("default.aspx"); } else if (Request.QueryString["name"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Search.aspx"); } else { string ventureName = Request.QueryString["name"]; int vId = Convert.ToInt32(dbm.GetVentureID(ventureName)); Venture v = dbm.GetVenture(vId); h2VentureName.InnerText = v.name; spVentureContact.InnerText = v.contactEmail; pAboutUs.InnerText = v.aboutUs; imgLogo.ImageUrl = d.ConvertToImage(v.Picture); h3VentureDesc.InnerText = v.description; spVenturePhone.InnerText = v.contactPhoneNumber; spVentureLinkedIn.InnerText = v.contactLinkedIn; lblPrimaryContactEmail.Text = v.primaryContactEmail; //put venture data into session sm.storeVentureDataInSession(vId); ventureObj = (Venture)Session["ventureObj"]; //Bind Repeaters this.rptMembersAndRoles.DataSource = ventureObj.memberNameAndRoleList; this.rptMembersAndRoles.DataBind(); this.rptStaticMembersAndRoles.DataSource = ventureObj.staticMembersList; this.rptStaticMembersAndRoles.DataBind(); this.rptVentureSkills.DataSource = ventureObj.AllVentureSkills; this.rptVentureSkills.DataBind(); //Make sure only members of a venture are able to edit this particular venture Expert expertProfileObj = sm.getAllTheExpertInfo((string)Session["TU_ID"]); string user_name = expertProfileObj.username; DataTable usernamesTable = dbm.GetUsernamesForVenture(vId).Tables[0]; int isMember = 0; for (int i = 0; i < usernamesTable.Rows.Count && isMember == 0; i++) { if (usernamesTable.Rows[i][0].ToString() == user_name) { isMember = 1; editVenture.Visible = true; } }//End of Restricting Edit Venture } }
private List<Param> BuildUpdateExpertParams(Expert e, string tuid) { List<Param> p = new List<Param>(); p.Add(new Param("@firstName", e.firstName, SqlDbType.VarChar)); p.Add(new Param("@lastName", e.lastName, SqlDbType.VarChar)); p.Add(new Param("@username", e.username, SqlDbType.VarChar)); p.Add(new Param("@email", e.email, SqlDbType.VarChar)); p.Add(new Param("@phoneNumber", e.phoneNumber, SqlDbType.VarChar)); p.Add(new Param("@linkedIn", e.linkedIn, SqlDbType.VarChar)); p.Add(new Param("@aboutMe", e.aboutMe, SqlDbType.VarChar)); p.Add(new Param("@tuid", tuid, SqlDbType.Int)); p.Add(new Param("@picture", e.picture, SqlDbType.VarBinary)); p.Add(new Param("@skillGroupID", e.skillGroupID, SqlDbType.Int)); return p; }
}//end click event protected void btnSubmitExpert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblMemberRequired.Visible = false; lblEmailNotInSystem.Visible = false; int count = Convert.ToInt32(DbMethodsObj.CheckIfExpertEmailExists(txtExpertEmail.Text)); ventureObj = (Venture)Session["ventureObj"]; if (valid.IsBlank(txtExpertEmail.Text) || valid.IsBlank(txtExpertRole.Text)) { lblMemberRequired.Visible = true; } else if (count < 1) { lblEmailNotInSystem.Visible = true; } else { string email = txtExpertEmail.Text; string TUID = DbMethodsObj.GetExpertTUID(email).ToString(); string role = txtExpertRole.Text; DateTime lastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now; Expert expertProfileObj = (CapstoneBlackstone.Expert)Session["expertProfileObj"]; string lastUpdateUser = expertProfileObj.lastName + ", " + expertProfileObj.firstName; DataSet ventureMember = new DataSet(); ventureMember = DbMethodsObj.CheckIfVentureMemberExists(ventureObj.ventureID, TUID); if (ventureMember.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { DbMethodsObj.ReactivateVentureMember(TUID, ventureObj.ventureID, role); txtExpertEmail.Text = ""; txtExpertRole.Text = ""; sm.storeVentureDataInSession(ventureObj.ventureID); ventureObj = (Venture)Session["ventureObj"]; FillControls(); } else { DbMethodsObj.CreateVentureMember(TUID, ventureObj.ventureID, role, lastUpdateDate, lastUpdateUser); txtExpertEmail.Text = ""; txtExpertRole.Text = ""; sm.storeVentureDataInSession(ventureObj.ventureID); ventureObj = (Venture)Session["ventureObj"]; FillControls(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Debug.WriteLine("Entering Page_Load"); string username; if (Session["Authenticated"] == null) { username = null; Session.Clear(); Session.Abandon(); Response.Redirect("default.aspx"); } else if (!IsPostBack) { expertObj = (Expert)Session["expertProfileObj"]; FillControls(); } }//end page load method
public int CreateExpert(Expert e) { DBConnect objDB = new DBConnect(); objCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; objCommand.CommandText = "CreateExpert"; objCommand.Parameters.Clear(); List<Param> p = BuildCreateExpertParams(e); foreach (Param param in p) { SqlParameter inputParameter = new SqlParameter(param.Name, param.Val); inputParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; inputParameter.SqlDbType = param.Type; objCommand.Parameters.Add(inputParameter); } int result = objDB.DoUpdateUsingCmdObj(objCommand); return result; }
private List<Param> BuildCreateExpertParams(Expert e) { List<Param> p = new List<Param>(); p.Add(new Param("@tuid", e.tuID, SqlDbType.Int)); p.Add(new Param("@username", e.username, SqlDbType.VarChar)); p.Add(new Param("@lastName", e.lastName, SqlDbType.VarChar)); p.Add(new Param("@firstName", e.firstName, SqlDbType.VarChar)); p.Add(new Param("@college", e.college, SqlDbType.VarChar)); p.Add(new Param("@major", e.major, SqlDbType.VarChar)); p.Add(new Param("@email", e.email, SqlDbType.VarChar)); p.Add(new Param("@dateJoined", e.dateJoined, SqlDbType.DateTime)); p.Add(new Param("@phoneNumber", e.phoneNumber, SqlDbType.VarChar)); p.Add(new Param("@aboutMe", e.aboutMe, SqlDbType.VarChar)); p.Add(new Param("@linkedIn", e.linkedIn, SqlDbType.VarChar)); p.Add(new Param("@picture", e.picture, SqlDbType.VarBinary)); p.Add(new Param("@isActive", e.isActive, SqlDbType.Bit)); p.Add(new Param("@skillGroupID", e.skillGroupID, SqlDbType.Int)); p.Add(new Param("@genderID", e.genderID, SqlDbType.Int)); p.Add(new Param("@ethnicityID", e.ethnicityID, SqlDbType.Int)); p.Add(new Param("@lastUpdate", e.lastUpdateDate, SqlDbType.DateTime)); p.Add(new Param("@lastUpdateUser", e.lastUpdateUser, SqlDbType.VarChar)); return p; }
protected void btnCreateVenture_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblEmailsMust.Visible = false; lblRequired.Visible = false; lblPicCheckSize.Visible = false; lblPicCheckType.Visible = false; string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName); //uploaded file extension int iFileSize = FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength; //uploaded file size int count = Convert.ToInt32(db.CheckIfVentureNameExists(txtVentureName.Text)); if (valid.IsBlank(txtVentureName.Text) || valid.IsBlank(txtPrimaryContactEmail.Text) || valid.IsBlank(txtEmail.Text) || valid.IsBlank(txtDescription.Text)) { lblRequired.Visible = true; } else if (count >= 1) { lblVentureNameCheck.Visible = true; } else if (FileUpload1.FileContent == null && FileUpload1.HasFile == false) {//no pic detected in control } else if (valid.TestForLegalImageTypes(fileExtension) == false) {//fail lblPicCheckType.Visible = true; lblPicCheckType.Text = fileExtension + " file extension is not allowed. Please use .png, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, .pcd, .fpx, .tif instead"; } else if (iFileSize >= 90000) {//fail lblPicCheckSize.Visible = true; lblPicCheckSize.Text = "Your file size is " + iFileSize + " bytes. Please reduce the size to less than 90 KB (9000 bytes)."; } else { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); var img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(FileUpload1.FileContent); img.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); byte[] imageBytes = ms.ToArray(); Session["venture-pic-upload"] = imageBytes; Venture venture = new Venture { name = txtVentureName.Text, description = txtDescription.Text, aboutUs = aboutUs.Text, contactEmail = txtEmail.Text, contactPhoneNumber = txtPhoneNumber.Text, contactLinkedIn = txtLinkedIn.Text, Picture = (byte[])Session["venture-pic-upload"], primaryContactEmail = txtPrimaryContactEmail.Text, isActive = true, lastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now, lastUpdateUser = txtVentureName.Text }; //create new venture int result = db.CreateVenture(venture); //add venture info to session int ventureID = Convert.ToInt32(db.GetVentureID(venture.name)); sessionObj.storeVentureDataInSession(ventureID); //add current user as a venture member string role = "Founder"; Expert expertProfileObj = (CapstoneBlackstone.Expert)Session["expertProfileObj"]; string lastUpdateUser = expertProfileObj.lastName + ", " + expertProfileObj.firstName; DateTime lastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now; string TUID = expertProfileObj.tuID; db.CreateVentureMember(TUID, ventureID, role, lastUpdateDate, lastUpdateUser); //redirect to venture page Response.Redirect("VenturePage.aspx?name=" + venture.name); } }
protected void btnEditVenture_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblPicCheckType.Visible = false; lblPicCheckSize.Visible = false; ventureObj = (Venture)Session["ventureObj"]; lblRequired.Visible = false; lblVentureNameCheck.Visible = false; int count = Convert.ToInt32(DbMethodsObj.CheckIfVentureNameExists(txtVentureName.Text)); if (valid.IsBlank(txtVentureName.Text) || valid.IsBlank(txtPrimaryEmail.Text) || valid.IsBlank(txtEmail.Text) || valid.IsBlank(txtDescription.Text)) { lblRequired.Visible = true; } else if (count >= 1 && txtVentureName.Text != ventureObj.name) { lblVentureNameCheck.Visible = true; } else { Venture v = new Venture(); v.ventureID = Convert.ToInt32(DbMethodsObj.GetVentureID(ventureObj.name)); v.name = txtVentureName.Text; v.description = txtDescription.Text; v.aboutUs = txtAboutUs.Text; v.contactEmail = txtEmail.Text; v.contactPhoneNumber = txtPhoneNumber.Text; v.contactLinkedIn = txtLinkedIn.Text; v.primaryContactEmail = txtPrimaryEmail.Text; v.lastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now; Expert expertProfileObj = (CapstoneBlackstone.Expert)Session["expertProfileObj"]; v.lastUpdateUser = expertProfileObj.lastName + ", " + expertProfileObj.firstName; if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName); //uploaded file extension int iFileSize = FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength; //uploaded file size if (valid.TestForLegalImageTypes(fileExtension) == false) { //fail lblPicCheckType.Visible = true; lblPicCheckType.Text = fileExtension + " file extension is not allowed. Please use .png, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, .pcd, .fpx, .tif instead"; } else if (iFileSize >= 90000) {//fail lblPicCheckSize.Visible = true; lblPicCheckSize.Text = "Your file size is " + iFileSize + " bytes. Please reduce the size to less than 90 KB (90000 bytes)."; } else { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); var img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(FileUpload1.FileContent); img.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); v.Picture = ms.ToArray(); int result = DbMethodsObj.UpdateVenture(v); Response.Redirect("VenturePage.aspx?name=" + ventureObj.name); } } else { v.Picture = ventureObj.Picture; int result = DbMethodsObj.UpdateVenture(v); Response.Redirect("VenturePage.aspx?name=" + ventureObj.name); } } }//end edit venture click event
protected void BtnSubmitNewSkill_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Expert tempExpert = new Expert { tuID = (string)Session["TU_ID"] }; int test = 0; int result; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtAddNewSkill.Text) == false) { //search expert's skillset to see if the skill added already exsists //search all skill to see if the skill added exsists //if not to both, add a new skill foreach (Tuple <int, String> skill in tempExpert.AllExpertSkills)//test if skill added is already in Expert's Skill Set { if (skill.Item2.Equals(txtAddNewSkill.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { test = -1; break; } } if (test != -1) { List <Skills> allSkills = db.GetSkills(); foreach (Skills skill in allSkills)//handle adding the skill { if (skill.SkillName.Equals(txtAddNewSkill.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { result = db.AddSkillToUser(tempExpert.tuID, skill.SkillID);//adding existing skill to expert if (result != -1) { lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Success! New Skill was added to Skills and Expert_Skills Tables."; test = -2; break; } else { lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Error: Process did not execute successfully. :("; } break; } } if (test != -2) { result = db.AddNewSkillToUser(tempExpert.tuID, txtAddNewSkill.Text);//adding brandnew skill if (result != -1) { lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Success! New Skill was added to Skills and Expert_Skills Tables."; } else { lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Error: Process did not execute successfully. :("; } } //sm.storeExpertDataInSession();//now get the whole expert object gvDeleteSkills.DataSource = db.GetExpertsSkills(tempExpert.tuID); gvDeleteSkills.DataBind(); } else { lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Cannot add this skill. you already have this skill in your skill set."; } }//end if statement for textBoxes else { lblAddSkillTest.Text = "Error: Invalid input."; } }
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblPicCheckType.Visible = false; lblPicCheckSize.Visible = false; byte[] imageBytes; Expert expertProfileObj = (Expert)Session["expertProfileObj"]; string username = expertProfileObj.username; int count = Convert.ToInt32(DbMethods.CheckIfUsernameExists(txtUsername.Text)); if (count >= 1 && txtUsername.Text != username) { lblUsernameCheck.Visible = true; } else if (vlad.IsBlank(txtFirstName.Text) || vlad.IsBlank(txtLastName.Text) || vlad.IsBlank(txtEmail.Text) || vlad.IsBlank(txtUsername.Text) || vlad.IsBlank(txtEmail.Text)) { lblRequired.Visible = true; } else { string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileNew1.PostedFile.FileName);//uploaded file extension int iFileSize = fileNew1.PostedFile.ContentLength;//uploaded file size if (fileNew1.FileContent != null && fileNew1.HasFile == true) {//if you have a file in the file upload control if (vlad.TestForLegalImageTypes(fileExtension) == false) {//fail lblPicCheckType.Visible = true; lblPicCheckType.Text = fileExtension + " file extension is not allowed. Please use .png, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, .pcd, .fpx, .tif instead"; } else if(iFileSize >= 90000) {//fail lblPicCheckSize.Visible = true; lblPicCheckSize.Text = "Your file size is "+ iFileSize+" bytes. Please reduce the size to less than 90 KB (90000 bytes)."; } else { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); var img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(fileNew1.FileContent); img.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); imageBytes = ms.ToArray(); Session.Add("picture", imageBytes); Expert updatedExpert = new Expert { firstName = txtFirstName.Text, lastName = txtLastName.Text, username = txtUsername.Text, email = txtEmail.Text, phoneNumber = txtPhoneNumber.Text, linkedIn = txtLinkedIn.Text, aboutMe = aboutMe.Text, picture = imageBytes, skillGroupID = Convert.ToInt32(SkillGroupDropdown.SelectedItem.Value) }; int x = DbMethods.UpdateExpert(updatedExpert, (string)Session["TU_ID"]); sm.storeExpertDataInSession(); FillControls(); Response.Redirect("ExpertPage.aspx?username="******"TU_ID"]); sm.storeExpertDataInSession(); FillControls(); Response.Redirect("ExpertPage.aspx?username=" + updatedExpert.username); } } }
protected void btnCreateProfile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblPicCheckSize.Visible = false; lblPicCheckType.Visible = false; int count = Convert.ToInt32(db.CheckIfUsernameExists(txtUsername.Text)); if (valid.IsBlank(txtFirstName.Text) || valid.IsBlank(txtLastName.Text) || valid.IsBlank(txtEmail.Text) || valid.IsBlank(txtUsername.Text) || valid.IsBlank(txtEmail.Text)) { lblRequired.Visible = true; } else if (count >= 1) { lblUsernameCheck.Visible = true; } else { string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName); //uploaded file extension int iFileSize = FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength; //uploaded file size if (FileUpload1.FileContent != null && FileUpload1.HasFile) { if (valid.TestForLegalImageTypes(fileExtension) == false) {//fail lblPicCheckType.Visible = true; lblPicCheckType.Text = fileExtension + " file extension is not allowed. Please use .png, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, .pcd, .fpx, .tif instead"; } else if (iFileSize >= 90000) {//fail lblPicCheckSize.Visible = true; lblPicCheckSize.Text = "Your file size is " + iFileSize + " bytes. Please reduce the size to less than 90 KB (90000 bytes)."; } else { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); var img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(FileUpload1.FileContent); img.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); imageBytes = ms.ToArray(); Session.Add("picture", imageBytes); } } else { string FilePath = System.Web.VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/Images/TUOwls_logo.png"); FileStream fs = new FileStream(FilePath, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read); imageBytes = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(imageBytes, 0, Convert.ToInt32(fs.Length)); fs.Close(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); Session.Add("picture", imageBytes); } Expert newExpert = new Expert { tuID = (string)Session["TU_ID"], username = txtUsername.Text, firstName = txtFirstName.Text, lastName = txtLastName.Text, college = (string)Session["School"], major = (string)Session["Major_1"], email = txtEmail.Text, dateJoined = DateTime.Now, phoneNumber = txtPhoneNumber.Text, aboutMe = aboutMe.Text, linkedIn = txtLinkedIn.Text, picture = (byte[])Session["picture"], isActive = true, skillGroupID = Int32.Parse(SkillGroupDropdown.SelectedValue), genderID = Int32.Parse(genderDropdown.SelectedValue), ethnicityID = Int32.Parse(ethnicityDropdown.SelectedValue), lastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now, lastUpdateUser = txtLastName.Text + ", " + txtFirstName.Text }; DbMethods dbmethods = new DbMethods(); SessionMethods sessionMethodsObj = new SessionMethods(); int result = dbmethods.CreateExpert(newExpert); sessionMethodsObj.storeExpertDataInSession(); Response.Redirect("ExpertPage.aspx?username=" + newExpert.username); //Response.Write(result); } }
protected void btn_login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { /*1 - Grabbing the user's login info*/ String Username = txb_TUID.Text; String Password = txb_Password.Text; /*2 - Resetting controls to default values*/ lbl_Error.Text = ""; /*3 - Basic validation*/ if (Username.Equals("")) { lbl_Error.Text = "ERROR: The username field is empty."; lbl_Error.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else if (Password.Equals("")) { lbl_Error.Text = "ERROR: The password field is empty."; lbl_Error.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else if (valid.validateLogin(Username) || valid.validateLogin(Password)) { lbl_Error.Text = "ERROR: Illegal input character was used."; lbl_Error.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else { /*3 - Checking that the Username and Password are both correct*/ bool Correct_Login_Information = AuthenticateUser(Username, Password); if (!Correct_Login_Information) { lbl_Error.Text = "ERROR: Your username or password is incorrect."; lbl_Error.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else { /*4 - Requesting Web Service information*/ TempleUser.LDAPuser Temple_Information = TempleUser.WebService.getLDAPEntryByAccessnet(Username); TempleUser.StudentObj Student_Information = TempleUser.WebService.getStudentInfo(Temple_Information.templeEduID); /*5 - Checking we received something from Web Services*/ if (Temple_Information == null) { lbl_Error.Text = "ERROR: Web Services did not return anything."; } else if (Temple_Information != null) { /*Populating the Session Object with the user's information*/ Session["TU_ID"] = Temple_Information.templeEduID;//TUID Session["First_Name"] = Temple_Information.givenName; Session["Last_Name"] = Temple_Information.sn; Session["Email"] = Temple_Information.mail; Session["Title"] = Temple_Information.title; Session["Affiliation_Primary"] = Temple_Information.eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation; Session["Affiliation_Secondary"] = Temple_Information.eduPersonAffiliation; /*Security Session Variable*/ Session["Authenticated"] = true; /*If the user is also a student, we can also retreive their information and add them to the Session Object*/ if (Student_Information != null) { Session["School"] = Student_Information.school; Session["Major_1"] = Student_Information.major1; Session["Major_2"] = Student_Information.major2; } /*Successful Login - Allowed to be redirected to Home.aspx*/ DbMethods DbMethodsObj = new DbMethods(); bool test = DbMethodsObj.CheckIfAdminExists(Student_Information.tuid); //check if user is an Admin if (test == true) { //Security Session Variable for Admin Session["AdminToken"] = true; Response.Redirect("Admin.aspx"); } else { //check if expert exists in system int count = Convert.ToInt32(DbMethodsObj.CheckIfExpertExists(Student_Information.tuid)); if (count == 0) { Response.Redirect("CreateProfile.aspx"); } else { SessionMethods sessionMethodsObj = new SessionMethods(); sessionMethodsObj.storeExpertDataInSession(); //change isActive to true DbMethodsObj.SetExpertIsActiveTrue(); Expert expertProfileObj = (CapstoneBlackstone.Expert)Session["expertProfileObj"]; string user_name = expertProfileObj.username; var x = Session["Authenticated"]; //redirect to expert page Response.Redirect("ExpertPage.aspx?username=" + user_name);// conserve the session token at login } } } } } }//end logIn button clickEvent
}//end page load // Fill page controls with updated information public void FillControls() { if (expertObj != null) { if (expertObj.picture != null) { imgProfilePic.ImageUrl = d.ConvertToImage(expertObj.picture);//returns string url } else {//in case expert's profile pic is null imgProfilePic.ImageUrl = "Images/TUOwls_logo.png"; } if (studentObj.tuid != (string)Session["TU_ID"]) { Expert e = sm.getAllTheExpertInfo(studentObj.tuid); h2Name.InnerText = e.firstName + " " + e.lastName; h3SkillGroup.InnerText = e.SkillGroupName; spCollege.InnerText = e.college; spMajor.InnerText = e.major; spEmail.InnerText = e.email; spPhone.InnerText = e.phoneNumber; spLinkedIn.InnerText = e.linkedIn; pAboutMe.InnerText = e.aboutMe; if (e.roleVentureNameList.Count == 0) { this.rptVentureNames.DataSource = null; this.rptVentureNames.DataBind(); } else { this.rptVentureNames.DataSource = e.roleVentureNameList; this.rptVentureNames.DataBind(); } if (e.AllExpertSkills.Count == 0) { this.rptExpertSkills.DataSource = null; this.rptExpertSkills.DataBind(); } else { this.rptExpertSkills.DataSource = e.AllExpertSkills; this.rptExpertSkills.DataBind(); } } else { h2Name.InnerText = expertObj.firstName + " " + expertObj.lastName; h3SkillGroup.InnerText = expertObj.SkillGroupName; spCollege.InnerText = expertObj.college; spMajor.InnerText = expertObj.major; spEmail.InnerText = expertObj.email; spPhone.InnerText = expertObj.phoneNumber; spLinkedIn.InnerText = expertObj.linkedIn; pAboutMe.InnerText = expertObj.aboutMe; if (expertObj.roleVentureNameList.Count == 0) { this.rptVentureNames.DataSource = null; this.rptVentureNames.DataBind(); } else { this.rptVentureNames.DataSource = expertObj.roleVentureNameList; this.rptVentureNames.DataBind(); } if (expertObj.AllExpertSkills.Count == 0) { this.rptExpertSkills.DataSource = null; this.rptExpertSkills.DataBind(); } else { this.rptExpertSkills.DataSource = expertObj.AllExpertSkills; this.rptExpertSkills.DataBind(); } } }//end fill controls }