static void Main(string[] args) { // Get the connection string from the appsettings.json file IConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true); IConfigurationRoot configuration = builder.Build(); string connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("Project"); IParkDAO parkDAO = new ParkSqlDAO(connectionString); ICampgroundDAO campgroundDAO = new CampgroundSqlDAO(connectionString); ISiteDAO siteDAO = new SiteSqlDAO(connectionString); IReservationDAO reservationDAO = new ReservationSqlDAO(connectionString); ParkCLI projectCLI = new ParkCLI(parkDAO, campgroundDAO, siteDAO, reservationDAO); projectCLI.RunCLI(); }
/// <summary> /// Main Menu that prints header and menu options. Pressing one will open the Park Reservation service and Q will quit application /// </summary> public void RunMainMenuCLI() { PrintHeader(); PrintMainMenu(); while (true) { string userChoice = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); switch (userChoice.ToLower()) { case "1": ParkCLI parkCLI = new ParkCLI(parksDAO, campgroundDAO, siteDAO, reservationDAO); parkCLI.RunParkCLI(); break; case "q": PrintHeader(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------------------THANK YOU FOR USING THE NATIONAL PARK RESERVATION SERVICE--------------------------------------------------------", Color.GreenYellow); Console.WriteLine("__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________", Color.DimGray); Console.WriteLine("************************************************************** Press [ENTER] to exit the service ***************************************************************", Color.LightSteelBlue); Console.ReadLine(); Environment.Exit(0); return; default: Console.WriteLine("The command provided was not a valid command, please try again."); break; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { ParkCLI park = new ParkCLI();; }
/// <summary> /// Runs menu to give user a choice of campgrounds from the choosen park. /// </summary> /// <param name="parkName"></param> /// <param name="parkId"></param> public void RunCampGroundCLI(string parkName, int parkId) { List <string> Wrap(string text, int margin) { int start = 0, end; var lines = new List <string>(); text = Regex.Replace(text, @"\s", " ").Trim(); while ((end = start + margin) < text.Length) { while (text[end] != ' ' && end > start) { end -= 1; } if (end == start) { end = start + margin; } lines.Add(text.Substring(start, end - start)); start = end + 1; } if (start < text.Length) { lines.Add(text.Substring(start)); } return(lines); } IList <Park> parks = parksDAO.GetAllParks(); foreach (Park park in parks) { List <string> decript = Wrap(park.Description, 155); foreach (string dp in decript) { Console.WriteLine($" {dp}"); } Console.WriteLine(); userParkId = parkId; IList <Park> pa = parksDAO.GetAllParks(); parkName = ""; string parkDecript = ""; foreach (Park name in pa) { if (name.ParkId == userParkId) { parkName = name.Name; parkDecript = name.Description; } } Console.Clear(); PrintHeader(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($" {parkName}", Color.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________", Color.DimGray); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (string dp in decript) { Console.WriteLine($" {dp}", Color.DarkKhaki); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________", Color.DimGray); GetCampGroundList(); PrintCampGroundChoices(); while (true) { string userChoice = Console.ReadLine(); IList <Campground> campgrounds = campgroundDAO.Search(userParkId); foreach (Campground campground in campgrounds) { string cgIdString = campground.CampgroundId.ToString(); if (userChoice == cgIdString) { Console.WriteLine(); DateTime fromDate = CLIHelper.GetDateTime("Please Enter Arrival Date(YYYY-MM-DD): "); DateTime toDate = CLIHelper.GetDateTime("Please Enter Departure Date (YYYY-MM-DD): "); SiteCLI siteCLI = new SiteCLI(parksDAO, campgroundDAO, siteDAO, reservationDAO); siteCLI.RunSiteCLI(parkName, parkId, campground.CampgroundId, campground.Name, campground.DailyFee, fromDate, toDate); } else { switch (userChoice.ToLower()) { case "p": Console.Clear(); ParkCLI parkCLI = new ParkCLI(parksDAO, campgroundDAO, siteDAO, reservationDAO); parkCLI.RunParkCLI(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("The command provided was not a valid command, please try again.", Color.Red); break; } } } } } }