public Item Purchase(string slot)
            if (!DoesSlotExist(slot))
                throw new VendingMachineException($"{slot} does not exist in the vending machine.");
            if (IsSoldOut(slot))
                throw new VendingMachineException($"The item at {slot} is sold out.");
            if (InsufficientFunds(slot))
                throw new VendingMachineException($"You don't have enough to purchase the item at {slot}");

            string directory          = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            string file               = "log.txt";
            string fullPath           = Path.Combine(directory, file);
            VendingMachFileWriter log = new VendingMachFileWriter(fullPath);

            List <Item> items         = inventory[slot];
            Item        purchasedItem = items[0];


            string oldBalance = balance.ToString();

            balance -= purchasedItem.Price;

            log.LogMessage(purchasedItem.Name + " " + slot + "   " + oldBalance + "    " + balance);

        public void Display(VendingMachine vend)
            string directory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            string filename  = "Log.txt";
            string fullPath  = Path.Combine(directory, filename);

            vmfw = new VendingMachFileWriter(fullPath);

            List <Item> allPurchases = new List <Item>();

            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("(1) Feed Money");
                Console.WriteLine("(2) Select Product");
                Console.WriteLine("(3) Finish Transaction");
                Console.WriteLine("(Q) Return to Main Menu");

                string input = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

                if (input == "1" || input == "(1)")
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter a dollar amount(1, 2, 5, 10,)");
                    string[] validMoneyValues = { "1", "2", "5", "10" };
                    string   moneyInput       = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (validMoneyValues.Contains(moneyInput))
                        decimal moneyParsed = 0;

                        Decimal.TryParse(moneyInput, out moneyParsed);

                        Console.WriteLine("Money balance is " + vend.Balance.ToString("C"));
                        vmfw.LogMessage("FEED MONEY:     " + moneyParsed.ToString("C") + "      " + vend.Balance.ToString("C"));
                        Console.WriteLine("Amount not valid, your bill is being returned");
                else if (input == "2" || input == "(2)")
                    Console.WriteLine("Which slot would you like to choose?");

                    string slotInput = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
                    if (!vend.DoesSlotExist(slotInput))
                        Console.WriteLine("That slot does not exist, please try again");
                    else if (vend.IsSoldOut(slotInput))
                        Console.WriteLine("I'm sorry that item is sold out, please try again with another choice.");
                    else if (vend.InsufficientFunds(slotInput))
                        Console.WriteLine("I'm sorry you do not have enough money");
                            Item purchasedItem = vend.Purchase(slotInput);

                            Console.WriteLine("you have purchased " + purchasedItem.Name);
                            Console.WriteLine("your new balance is " + vend.Balance);
                        catch (VendingMachineException ex)
                else if (input == "3" || input == "(3)")
                    decimal oldBalance = vend.Balance;
                    Change  change     = vend.CompleteTransaction();
                    Console.WriteLine("Your Change is " + change.NumberOfQuarters + " quarters, " +
                                      change.NumberOfDimes + " dimes, " + change.NumberOfNickels + " nickles");

                    Console.WriteLine("Enjoy your meal!");
                    foreach (Item food in allPurchases)

                    vmfw.LogMessage("GIVE CHANGE :" + oldBalance.ToString("C") + "      " + vend.Balance.ToString("C"));

                    string salesPath = Path.Combine(directory, "salesreport.txt");
                    vmfw = new VendingMachFileWriter(salesPath);

                    decimal totalSales = 0;
                    foreach (Item item in allPurchases)
                        vmfw.SalesReport(item.Name + "|" + item.Price);
                        totalSales += item.Price;

                    vmfw.SalesReport("**TOTAL SALES** " + totalSales.ToString("C"));
                    vmfw.SalesReport("Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down");
                    vmfw.SalesReport("Never gonna run around and desert you");
                    vmfw.SalesReport("Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye");
                    vmfw.SalesReport("Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you");
                else if (input == "Q" || input == "(Q)")
                    Console.WriteLine("Returning to Main Menu");