        private void ProcessLostTouches()
            // handle lost touches due to Unity bugs, Unity can not send touch end states properly
            //  and it appears that even the id's of touches can change in WebGL
            foreach (GestureTouch t in this.m_PrevTouches)
                if (!this.m_CurrentTouches.Contains(t))
            foreach (IGestureActionCallbackBase g in gestures)
                bool reset = false;
                foreach (GestureTouch t in g.m_CurrentTrackGestrueList)
                    if (!this.m_CurrentTouches.Contains(t))
                        reset = true;
                if (reset)
            foreach (GestureTouch t in this.m_TempTouches)
                // only end touch here, as end touch removes from previousTouches list
                GestureTouch tmp = t;
                FingersEndTouch(ref tmp, true);

        private void ProcessMouseWheel()
            if (Input.mousePresent == false)
            var   delta       = Input.mouseScrollDelta;
            float scrollDelta = delta.y == 0.0f ? delta.x : delta.y * this.MouseWheelDeltaMutliplier;
            var   threshold   = DeviceInfo.UnitToPixels(this.MouseDistanceInUnitsRotationAndScale * 0.5f);

            this.operatorType = EMouseOperatorType.None;
            if (this.RequireControlKeyForMouseZoom == false)
                if (delta == Vector2.zero)
                    if (this.lastMouseWheelTime != DateTime.MinValue)
                        var whellTime = (DateTime.UtcNow - this.lastMouseWheelTime).TotalSeconds;
                        if (whellTime < 1.0f)
                            pinchScale        = Mathf.Max(0.35f, pinchScale + scrollDelta);
                            this.operatorType = EMouseOperatorType.Move;
                            this.operatorType       = EMouseOperatorType.End;
                            this.lastMouseWheelTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                else if (this.lastMouseWheelTime == DateTime.MinValue)
                    this.operatorType       = EMouseOperatorType.Begin;
                    this.lastMouseWheelTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    this.pinchScale         = Mathf.Max(0.35f, this.pinchScale + scrollDelta);
                    this.operatorType       = EMouseOperatorType.Move;
                    this.lastMouseWheelTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightControl))
                this.operatorType = EMouseOperatorType.Begin;
            else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl))
                this.operatorType = EMouseOperatorType.Move;
                this.pinchScale   = Mathf.Max(0.35f, this.pinchScale + scrollDelta);
            else if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.RightControl))
                this.operatorType = EMouseOperatorType.End;
            if (this.operatorType == EMouseOperatorType.None)
                this.pinchScale    = 1;
                this.rotationAngle = 0;
            float x        = Input.mousePosition.x;
            float y        = Input.mousePosition.y;
            float xRot1    = x - threshold;
            float yRot1    = y;
            float xRot2    = threshold + x;
            float yRot2    = y;
            float distance = threshold * pinchScale;

            xRot1 = x - distance;
            yRot2 = y;
            xRot2 = x + distance;
            yRot2 = y;
            this.RotateAroundPoint(ref xRot1, ref yRot1, x, y, this.rotationAngle);
            this.RotateAroundPoint(ref xRot2, ref yRot2, x, y, this.rotationAngle);

            if (this.operatorType == EMouseOperatorType.Move)
                this.rotatePinch1 = new GestureTouch(MouseGestureRotationId1, new Vector2(xRot1, yRot1), this.rotatePinch1.GetCurPos(), TouchPhase.Moved);
                this.rotatePinch2 = new GestureTouch(MouseGestureRotationId2, new Vector2(xRot2, yRot2), this.rotatePinch2.GetCurPos(), TouchPhase.Moved);
                this.ProcessFingerTouch(ref this.rotatePinch1);
                this.ProcessFingerTouch(ref this.rotatePinch2);
            else if (this.operatorType == EMouseOperatorType.Begin)
                this.rotatePinch1 = new GestureTouch(MouseGestureRotationId1, new Vector2(xRot1, yRot1), this.rotatePinch1.GetCurPos(), TouchPhase.Began);
                this.rotatePinch2 = new GestureTouch(MouseGestureRotationId2, new Vector2(xRot2, yRot2), this.rotatePinch2.GetCurPos(), TouchPhase.Began);
                this.ProcessFingerTouch(ref this.rotatePinch1);
                this.ProcessFingerTouch(ref this.rotatePinch2);
            else if (this.operatorType == EMouseOperatorType.End)
                this.rotatePinch1 = new GestureTouch(MouseGestureRotationId1, new Vector2(xRot1, yRot1), this.rotatePinch1.GetCurPos(), TouchPhase.Ended);
                this.rotatePinch2 = new GestureTouch(MouseGestureRotationId2, new Vector2(xRot2, yRot2), this.rotatePinch2.GetCurPos(), TouchPhase.Ended);
                this.ProcessFingerTouch(ref this.rotatePinch1);
                this.ProcessFingerTouch(ref this.rotatePinch2);