void UpdateColour(ColourManager colourManager, Colourise colourise)           //, bool paletteChanged) {
        // Create an array of palette colour names to be used as Popup dropdown
            _colours = new string[colourManager.ColoursPerPalette];
            for (int i = 0; i < colourManager.ColoursPerPalette; i++)
                _colours[i] = "Colour." + (i + 1);

            // Detect changes to our palette colour listing and Add/Remove as necessary
            if (colourise.ColouriseComponents.Count > selectedColours.Count)
                for (int i = selectedColours.Count; i < colourise.ColouriseComponents.Count; i++)
            if (colourise.ColouriseComponents.Count < selectedColours.Count)
                for (int i = selectedColours.Count - 1; i >= colourise.ColouriseComponents.Count; i--)

            // Find our selected colour (via name vs index), assign and update as necessary
            for (int c = 0; c < colourise.ColouriseComponents.Count; c++)
                ColouriseComponent cc = colourise.ColouriseComponents[c];

                // Reset values
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cc.PaletteColour))
                    _colourIndex = 0;
                    List <string> lcolours = new List <string>(_colours);
                    _colourIndex = lcolours.FindIndex(f => f == cc.PaletteColour);
                    if (_colourIndex < 0)
                        _colourIndex = _colours.Length - 1;

                // Assign values
                _colourIndex     = EditorGUILayout.Popup(cc.Name, _colourIndex, _colours);
                cc.PaletteColour = _colours[_colourIndex];

                // Detect changes
                cc.IsChanged = false;
                if (_colourIndex != selectedColours[c])
                    selectedColours[c] = _colourIndex;
                    cc.ColourIndex     = _colourIndex;
                    cc.IsChanged       = true;
        void SetColour()
            List <Object> colourises = new List <Object>(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Colourise)));

            if (colourises.Count > 0)
                colourises.ForEach(c => {
                    Colourise colourise = (Colourise)c;
                    colourise.ColouriseComponents.ForEach(x => { x.IsChanged = true; });