/* public static void initVLC() { if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) { // Set libvlc.dll and libvlccore.dll directory path VlcContext.LibVlcDllsPath = @"VLC\"; // Set the vlc plugins directory path VlcContext.LibVlcPluginsPath = @"VLC\plugins"; } else { // Set libvlc.dll and libvlccore.dll directory path VlcContext.LibVlcDllsPath = @"VLC\"; // Set the vlc plugins directory path VlcContext.LibVlcPluginsPath = @"VLC\plugins"; } // Ignore the VLC configuration file VlcContext.StartupOptions.IgnoreConfig = true; #if DEBUG // Enable file based logging VlcContext.StartupOptions.LogOptions.LogInFile = true; // Shows the VLC log console (in addition to the applications window) VlcContext.StartupOptions.LogOptions.ShowLoggerConsole = true; #else VlcContext.StartupOptions.LogOptions.ShowLoggerConsole = false; VlcContext.StartupOptions.LogOptions.LogInFile = false; #endif // Set the log level for the VLC instance VlcContext.StartupOptions.LogOptions.Verbosity = VlcLogVerbosities.Debug; VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--ffmpeg-hw"); // Disable showing the movie file name as an overlay VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--no-video-title-show"); VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--rtsp-tcp"); VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--rtsp-mcast"); // VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--rtsp-host="); // VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--sap-addr="); VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--rtsp-port=8554"); VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--rtp-client-port=8554"); VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--sout-rtp-rtcp-mux"); VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--rtsp-wmserver"); VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--file-caching=18000"); VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--sout-rtp-caching=18000"); VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--sout-rtp-port=8554"); VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--sout-rtp-proto=tcp"); VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--network-caching=1000"); VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--vout-filter=wall"); VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--wall-cols=2"); VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--wall-rows=2"); // Pauses the playback of a movie on the last frame VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--play-and-pause"); VlcContext.CloseAll(); // Initialize the VlcContext VlcContext.Initialize(); } */ private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { bool login = true; Rows = new List<CsvRow>(); RowsSend = new List<CsvRow>(); Fonts = ExCss.ReadFile(@"Asset\Fonts\font-awesome.min.css"); Timethread = new Thread(CheckTimeFunctionThread); Timethread.IsBackground = true; listSerialPort = new List<SerialPort>(); QueueCMD = new Queue<string>(); m_bInitSDK = CHCNetSDK.NET_DVR_Init(); if (m_bInitSDK == false) { MessageBox.Show("NET_DVR_Init error!"); return; } if (!File.Exists(_FILE_CSV_COMMAND)) { File.Create(_FILE_CSV_COMMAND); } if (!File.Exists(_FILE_Send_COMMAND)) { File.Create(_FILE_Send_COMMAND); } // initVLC(); DefineCommand = CommandDefine.Read(_FILE_DEFINE_COMMAND); setting = Config.Read(_FILE_Config); if (!Directory.Exists("Data")) { DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory("Data"); di.Attributes = FileAttributes.Directory | FileAttributes.Hidden; } if (!Directory.Exists(setting.Folder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(setting.Folder); } curDate = DateTime.Now; Timethread.Start(); curFolder = System.IO.Path.Combine(setting.Folder, this.curDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")); if (!Directory.Exists(curFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(curFolder); } DataUser = Users.read(@"Data\User.mtc"); if (DataUser == null) { DataUser = new Users(); User root = new User("root", 1); root.Pass = "******".toMD5(); root.type = 0; root.FullName = "Root"; DataUser.Add(root); Users.write(_FILE_User_Data, DataUser); } DataCamera = Cameras.Read(_FILE_Camera_Data); DataPreset = Presets.Read(_FILE_PRESET_DATA); DataAlarm = Alarms.Read(_FILE_Alarm_Data); this.checkFile = new Thread(checkFileFunctionThread); checkFile.IsBackground = true; this.checkFile.Start(); #if DEBUG if (DataCamera.Count == 0) { Camera camera = new Camera(""); camera.name = "Camera Demo"; camera.channel = 1; camera.port = 8000; camera.admin = "admin"; camera.pass = "******"; camera.icon = "fa-video-camera"; DataCamera.Add(camera); } if (DataUser.Datas.Count < 2) { User root = new User("admin", 2); root.Pass = "******".toMD5(); root.type = 1; root.FullName = "Admin"; DataUser.Add(root); User root2 = new User("htdm",3); root2.Pass = "******".toMD5(); root2.type = 2; root2.FullName = "Camera"; DataUser.Add(root2); Users.write(_FILE_User_Data, DataUser); } #endif var listCom = getListCOM(); if (listCom.Length > 0) { foreach (string i in listCom) { try { SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort(); serialPort = new SerialPort(); serialPort.openCOM(i, BAUDRATE, DATABITS, StopBits.One); serialPort.DataReceived += serialPort_DataReceived; serialPort.sendCommand("#0$"); listSerialPort.Add(serialPort); } catch (Exception) { } } } Map = Map.Read(_FILE_Map_Data); for (int i = 0; i != e.Args.Length; i += 2) { if (e.Args[i] == "-u") { string hash = e.Args[i + 1]; User u = App.DataUser.Login(hash); if (u != null) { login = false; App.User = u; } } else if (e.Args[i] == "-mode") { Mode = (Camera_Final.Mode)int.Parse(e.Args[i + 1]); } } if (login) { this.MainWindow = new Login(); } else { this.MainWindow = new MainWindow(); } this.MainWindow.Show(); }
public bool Remove(User u) { return this.Datas.Remove(u); }
private void SaveUser(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (this.UIName.isEmpty()) { MessageBox.Show("Tên User không được phép để trống", "Thông báo"); return; } if (this.UIUserName.isEmpty()) { MessageBox.Show("Tên đăng nhập không được phép để trống", "Thông báo"); return; } if (this.UIType.isEmpty()) { MessageBox.Show("Loại User không được phép để trống", "Thông báo"); return; } if (this.u == null && this.UIPass.Password == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Mật khẩu đăng nhập không được phép để trống", "Thông báo"); return; } if (this.UIPass.Password != this.UIPassAgain.Password) { MessageBox.Show("Mật khẩu không khớp vui lòng kiểm tra lại", "Thông báo"); return; } if (this.u != null && this.UIOldPass.Password.toMD5() != this.u.Pass) { MessageBox.Show("Mật khẩu cũ không đúng vui lòng kiểm tra lại", "Thông báo"); } if (this.u == null) { User u = new User(0); u.FullName = this.UIName.Text; u.Pass = this.UIPass.Password.toMD5(); u.type = Convert.ToInt32(this.UIType.Text); u.user_name = this.UIUserName.Text; } else { u.FullName = this.UIName.Text; if(this.UIPass.Password!=string.Empty) u.Pass = this.UIPass.Password.toMD5(); u.type = Convert.ToInt32(this.UIType.Text); } if (this.CloseEvent != null) { this.CloseEvent(this, new EventArgs()); } }
public bool Add(User u) { if (this.Datas == null) this.Datas = new List<User>(); if (u.id == 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.user_name)) return false; foreach (User tmpU in this.Datas) { if (u.user_name == tmpU.user_name || u.id == tmpU.id) { return false; } } this.Datas.Add(u); return true; }