		}//end Awake
		void Update ()
				target = tS.target;//set the target. this saves referencing it in the trader script each time
				if (target == null){
				if(tS.finalPost != null)
						target = tS.target = tS.finalPost.gameObject;//if not heading for anything, then go to the final post
				target = tS.target = tS.startPost.gameObject;//if final post gone, go to start post
						}//end if target null
				//the line above is in case the item being collected has been collected by another trader
				if (tS.onCall && tS.allowGo) {//if these are both true, then the trader is allowed to move
						//replace the next two lines with your movement AI with the destination set to be the target
						transform.LookAt (target.transform.position);//look at where we want to go
						transform.Translate (Vector3.forward * Time.timeScale * .05f);//move towards the target
						if (collect && tS.allowCollect) {//only needs to check for dropped items if is set in the controller and on the trader
								itemsInRadar = Physics.OverlapSphere (transform.position, radarDistance);//get the objects within the radar distance
								GameObject cItem = null;//the closest gameobject of the collider
								float cDist = Mathf.Infinity;//the distance that the closest object is away
								for (int c = 0; c<itemsInRadar.Length; c++) {//go through all items in radar
										GameObject item = itemsInRadar [c].gameObject;//the gameobject that is being checked
										if (item.tag == CallumP.TradeSys.Tags.I) {//if the tag of the gameobject is item
												CallumP.TradeSys.Item iS = item.GetComponent<CallumP.TradeSys.Item> ();//get the item script
												if (iS.traderCollect && tS.spaceRemaining >= (iS.number * controller.goods [iS.groupID].goods [iS.itemID].mass)) {
														//check that the trader can collect the item and has enough cargo space for this item
														float dist = (transform.position - item.transform.position).sqrMagnitude;//get the magnitude of the distance away. uses sqrmagnitude as the actual distance is not required
														if (dist < cDist) {//if is the closest item
																cDist = dist;//set the closest distance
																cItem = item;//set the item
														}//end is the closest item
												}//end space check
										}//end if is item
								}//end for all items
								//now have the closest item to the trader, so need to tell the trader to go to it
								if (cItem != null)
										target = tS.target = cItem;//set the target to be the closest item
						}//end if collection allowed
						if (target != null && Vector3.Distance (transform.position, target.transform.position) <= tS.closeDistance) { //is close enough
								if (target.gameObject.tag == CallumP.TradeSys.Tags.TP)//if the target is a trade post
										StartCoroutine (tS.AtPost ());//IMPORTANT - call the AtPost method, so will unload the cargo
					else//else the target is an item, so needs to be picked up
										StartCoroutine (CollectItem ());//collect the item
						}//end if close enough
				}//end if able to go
		}//end Update
		}//end Update
		IEnumerator CollectItem ()
		{//collect the item
				tS.allowGo = false;//stop the trader moving
				yield return new WaitForSeconds (droneTime);//pause for the set time
				tS.allowGo = true;//trader can now continue
				if (target != null) {
						CallumP.TradeSys.Item iS = target.GetComponent<CallumP.TradeSys.Item> ();//get the item script
						if(iS != null){//check if null as it may have been collected
						tS.items [iS.groupID].items [iS.itemID].number += iS.number;//increase the number being carreid
						tS.spaceRemaining -= iS.number * controller.goods [iS.groupID].goods [iS.itemID].mass;//decrease the cargo space remaining
						iS.Collected ();//IMPORTANT - need to say that the item has been collected so the spawner count can be updated
						}//end if not null
				}//end if target not null
		}//end CollectItem
    }//end Update

    bool CheckPos()
    {//Check if there are any trade posts within close distance
        Collider[] nearbyObjects = Physics.OverlapSphere(this.transform.position, closeDistance);

        for (int n = 0; n < nearbyObjects.Length; n++)
        {//go through nearby objects and see if they have the trade post tag
            if (nearbyObjects[n].tag == CallumP.TradeSys.Tags.TP)
            {//check has the trade post tag
                nearPost = nearbyObjects[n].GetComponent<CallumP.TradeSys.TradePost>();//set the near post to the trade post script
                return true;//return true so doesnt go through the rest of the nearby objects
            else if (nearbyObjects[n].tag == CallumP.TradeSys.Tags.I && controller.pickUp)
            {//if item tag and allowed to collect
                nearItem = nearbyObjects[n].GetComponent<CallumP.TradeSys.Item>();//set the near item to this
                return false;//needs to return false so is not seen to be at a trade post
            }//end if item
        }//end for all nearby objects
        return false;//return false as has not found anything
    }//end CheckPos