        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the event info.
        /// </summary>
        public static void EventSetup()
            Events = new List <UIElement>();

            Calendar    calendar    = Global.Calendar;
            Preferences preferences = calendar.Preferences;
            List <Date> dates       = calendar.Dates;

            int x             = DrawClass.StartX;
            int y             = DrawClass.StartCalY;
            int weekRowHeight = DrawClass.WeekRowHeight;
            int weekColWidth  = DrawClass.WeekColWidth;
            int cellWidth     = DrawClass.CellWidth;
            int cellHeight    = DrawClass.CellHeight;

            // Loops through the calendar's dates.
            for (int i = 0; i < dates.Count; i++)
                Date date = dates[i];

                //Check for and draw eventual bigtext. If not, fill cell.
                if (DrawBigText(i, out i))

                int  index        = i;
                Date dateCopyFrom = date;
                while (dateCopyFrom.CopyPrev && index >= 7)
                    index       -= 7;
                    dateCopyFrom = dates[index];

                // Loops through the cell's three lines.
                for (int j = 0; j < dateCopyFrom.Events.Count; j++)
                    int color = (int)preferences.LineColor[j];

                    TextBlock txtEvent = new TextBlock
                        Text       = dateCopyFrom.Events[j],
                        FontFamily = Font,
                        FontSize   = DrawClass.FontSize,
                        FontWeight = DrawClass.FontWeight[color],
                        Foreground = DrawClass.ColorBrush[color],

                    Draw.Position(txtEvent, date.TopLeft.X + DrawClass.Padding, date.TopLeft.Y + DrawClass.FontSize * (j + 1));

                    if (dateCopyFrom.WrapText)

        /// <summary>
        /// Disables the selection rect.
        /// </summary>
        public static void DisableSelectionRect()
            SelectionRect.IsEnabled = false;
            SelectionRect.Width     = 0;
            SelectionRect.Height    = 0;

            Draw.Position(SelectionRect, 0, 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// The event that triggers when the left mouse button is pressed down once.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Select()
            if (!Keyboard.Modifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Control))

            Selection.SelectionPoint          = Mouse.GetMousePosition();
            Selection.SelectionRect.IsEnabled = true;
            Draw.Position(Selection.SelectionRect, Selection.SelectionPoint);

        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates all fill-related shapes.
        /// </summary>
        private static void FillSetup()
            int x             = DrawClass.StartX;
            int y             = DrawClass.StartCalY;
            int width         = DrawClass.Width;
            int height        = DrawClass.Height;
            int weekRowHeight = DrawClass.WeekRowHeight;
            int weekColWidth  = DrawClass.WeekColWidth;

            Background = new Rectangle
                Width  = DrawClass.CanvasWidth - 1,
                Height = DrawClass.CanvasHeight - 1,
                Fill   = Brushes.White

            // Fill top column.
            Weekdays = new Rectangle
                Width  = width,
                Height = weekRowHeight,
                Fill   = Brushes.Gray
            Draw.Position(Weekdays, x, y);

            // Fill left row.
            WeekNumbers = new Rectangle
                Width  = weekColWidth,
                Height = height,
                Fill   = Brushes.Gray
            Draw.Position(WeekNumbers, x, y);

            // Finds first saturday, fills weekend cells.
            foreach (Date date in Global.Calendar.Dates)
                if (date.Time.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
                    Weekend = new Rectangle
                        Width  = DrawClass.CellWidth * 2,
                        Height = DrawClass.CellHeight * Draw.Rows,
                        Fill   = Brushes.LightGray
                    Draw.Position(Weekend, date.TopLeft);

        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the Subtext.
        /// </summary>
        public static void SubtextSetup()
            int x      = DrawClass.StartX;
            int height = DrawClass.Height;

            Calendar calendar = Global.Calendar;
            string   subtext  = calendar.Subtext1 + "\n" + calendar.Subtext2;

            Subtext = new TextBlock
                Text       = subtext,
                FontFamily = Font,
                FontSize   = DrawClass.FontSizeSubtext
            Draw.Position(Subtext, x, DrawClass.StartCalY + height);
        /// <summary>
        /// The event that triggers when the mouse is moved while in selection mode.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Select()
            if (!Selection.SelectionRect.IsEnabled)

            Point p = Mouse.GetMousePosition();

            double x = Selection.SelectionPoint.X;
            double y = Selection.SelectionPoint.Y;

            Selection.SelectionRect.Width  = Math.Abs(p.X - x);
            Selection.SelectionRect.Height = Math.Abs(p.Y - y);

            double rectX = p.X < x ? p.X : x;
            double rectY = p.Y < y ? p.Y : y;

            Draw.Position(Selection.SelectionRect, rectX, rectY);

        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the title, business info.
        /// </summary>
        public static void HeaderSetup()
            Calendar calendar = Global.Calendar;

            int x     = DrawClass.StartX;
            int y     = DrawClass.StartY;
            int width = DrawClass.Width;

            string title      = calendar.MonthName + " " + Text.BusinessTitleSuffix;
            double titleWidth = DrawClass.MeasureString(title, SpecialFont, DrawClass.FontSizeTitle).Width;

            Title = new TextBlock
                Text       = title,
                FontFamily = SpecialFont,
                FontSize   = DrawClass.FontSizeTitle
            Draw.Position(Title, (width - titleWidth) / 2 + x, y);

            // Draw business info.
            string businessInfo =
                Text.BusinessInfo1 + "\n" +
                Text.BusinessInfo2 + "\n" +
                Text.BusinessInfo3 + "\n" +

            double businessInfoWidth = DrawClass.MeasureString(businessInfo, Font, DrawClass.FontSizeInfo).Width;

            BusinessInfo = new TextBlock
                Text          = businessInfo,
                FontFamily    = Font,
                FontSize      = DrawClass.FontSizeInfo,
                TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right
            Draw.Position(BusinessInfo, DrawClass.BusinessInfoX - businessInfoWidth, y);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates all outline-related shapes.
        /// </summary>
        private static void OutlineSetup()
            Outline = new List <UIElement>();

            Brush stroke       = Brushes.Black;
            int   outlineWidth = Draw.Multiplier;

            int x = DrawClass.StartX;
            int y = DrawClass.StartCalY;

            // Vertical lines.
                int height       = DrawClass.Height;
                int weekColWidth = DrawClass.WeekColWidth;
                int cellWidth    = DrawClass.CellWidth;
                int weekdays     = Calendar.Weekdays.Count;

                // Left line.
                Line line = new Line
                    Y2              = height,
                    Stroke          = stroke,
                    StrokeThickness = outlineWidth
                Draw.Position(line, x, y);


                // Remaining lines.
                for (int i = 0; i <= weekdays; i++)
                    int lineX = x + weekColWidth + cellWidth * i;

                    line = new Line
                        Y2              = height,
                        Stroke          = stroke,
                        StrokeThickness = (i == 0 || i == weekdays) ? outlineWidth : 1
                    Draw.Position(line, lineX, y);


            // Horizontal lines.
                int rows          = Draw.Rows;
                int width         = DrawClass.Width;
                int weekRowHeight = DrawClass.WeekRowHeight;
                int cellHeight    = DrawClass.CellHeight;

                // Top line (adds a single pixel to its width).
                Line line = new Line
                    X2              = width + 1,
                    Stroke          = stroke,
                    StrokeThickness = outlineWidth
                Draw.Position(line, x - 1, y);


                // Remaining lines.
                for (int i = 0; i <= rows; i++)
                    int lineY = y + weekRowHeight + cellHeight * i;

                    line = new Line
                        X2              = width,
                        Stroke          = stroke,
                        StrokeThickness = (i == 0 || i == rows) ? outlineWidth : 1
                    Draw.Position(line, x, lineY);

        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the BigText for this and all folowing cells on the same row.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">The index of the cell to draw BigText for.</param>
        /// <param name="newIndex">The index of the last cell drawn BigText on (if no BigText, returns index).</param>
        private static bool DrawBigText(int index, out int newIndex)
            Calendar calendar = Global.Calendar;
            Date     date     = calendar.Dates[index];

            newIndex = index;

            string bigTextStr = date.Events.First();

            // Return if there's no BigText.
            if (!date.BigText || bigTextStr == "")

            int weekColWidth  = DrawClass.WeekColWidth;
            int weekRowHeight = DrawClass.WeekRowHeight;
            int cellWidth     = DrawClass.CellWidth;
            int cellHeight    = DrawClass.CellHeight;

            // Merge all BigText cells with the same text.
            if (newIndex != calendar.Dates.Count - 1)
                while (bigTextStr == calendar.Dates[newIndex + 1].Events.First() && calendar.Dates[newIndex + 1].BigText)
                    if (newIndex % Calendar.Weekdays.Count == Calendar.Weekdays.Count - 1)


                    if (newIndex == calendar.Dates.Count - 1)

            // Calculate the number of times to draw BigText.
            double bigTextWidth      = DrawClass.MeasureString(bigTextStr, SpecialFont, DrawClass.FontSizeTitle).Width;
            int    bigTextWidthTotal = (newIndex - index + 1) * cellWidth;

            int bigTextCnt = 1;

            while (bigTextWidth * (bigTextCnt + 1) < bigTextWidthTotal)

            for (int i = 1; i <= bigTextCnt; i++)
                double spacing = (bigTextWidthTotal - (bigTextWidth * bigTextCnt)) / (bigTextCnt + 1);

                int x = (int)(date.TopLeft.X + spacing * i + bigTextWidth * (i - 1));
                int y = (int)(date.TopLeft.Y);

                TextBlock bigText = new TextBlock
                    Text          = bigTextStr,
                    FontFamily    = SpecialFont,
                    FontSize      = DrawClass.FontSizeTitle,
                    TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                Draw.Position(bigText, x, y);


        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the base info (weekday, weeknr, dates).
        /// </summary>
        private static void BaseSetup()
            Weekdays    = new List <UIElement>();
            WeekNumbers = new List <UIElement>();
            Dates       = new List <UIElement>();

            Calendar calendar = Global.Calendar;

            int x       = DrawClass.StartX;
            int y       = DrawClass.StartCalY;
            int padding = DrawClass.Padding;

            Brush black = Brushes.Black;
            Brush gray  = Brushes.Gray;
            Brush white = Brushes.White;

            //Draw weekdays
            for (int i = 0; i < Calendar.Weekdays.Count; i++)
                Point pos = new Point(x + DrawClass.WeekColWidth + DrawClass.CellWidth * i + padding, y);

                TextBlock weekday = new TextBlock
                    Text       = Calendar.Weekdays[i],
                    FontFamily = Font,
                    FontSize   = DrawClass.FontSize,
                    FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold,
                    Foreground = Brushes.White
                Draw.Position(weekday, pos);


            //Draw week nr.
            for (int i = 0; i < Draw.Rows; i++)
                DateTime date = calendar.Dates.First().Time.AddDays(Calendar.Weekdays.Count * i);
                Point    pos  = new Point(x + padding, y + DrawClass.WeekRowHeight + DrawClass.CellHeight * i);

                TextBlock weekNr = new TextBlock
                    Text       = Calendar.GetIso8601WeekOfYear(date).ToString(),
                    FontFamily = Font,
                    FontSize   = DrawClass.FontSize,
                    Foreground = Brushes.White,
                Draw.Position(weekNr, pos);


            //Draw dates
            foreach (Date date in calendar.Dates)
                Brush brush = (date.Time.Month == calendar.Month ? black : gray);
                Point pos   = new Point(date.TopLeft.X + padding, date.TopLeft.Y);

                TextBlock txtDate = new TextBlock
                    Text       = date.Time.Day.ToString("D"),
                    FontFamily = Font,
                    FontSize   = DrawClass.FontSize,
                    Foreground = brush
                Draw.Position(txtDate, pos);
