// Button /
        private void BtnDivision_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (TbInputNumbers.Text != "0")
                //Progress of the calculation's text
                TbCalculationProgress.Text += TbInputNumbers.Text;

                if (NewCalculation == true)
                    //Converting the Current number which is inside the TbInputNumbers TextBlock
                    //Adding the Current number to the Memory array, incrementing the Memory array's index counter by one
                    CurrentNumber = Convert.ToDouble(TbInputNumbers.Text);

                    UserCanDeleteLastNumber = true;

                //if this is inside the program, then the multiple calculation part does not work
                //Replacing the CurrentNumber part works more effectively and it is easire to understand

                //Checking if there is a new calculation in progress or not
                //Converting the Current number which is inside the TbInputNumbers TextBlock
                //Adding the Current number to the Memory array, incrementing the Memory array's index counter by one
                //Storing the calculation in the result variable (Rounding the result)
                //Showing the user the given result in the TbResultmemory textBlock
                //Adding the result to the Memory array, incrementing the Memory array's index counter by one
                if (NewCalculation == false)
                    CurrentNumber = Convert.ToDouble(TbInputNumbers.Text);

                    Result = Calculations.Division();
                    Math.Round(Result, 10);

                    TbResultMemory.Text = Result.ToString();


                    NewCalculation          = true;
                    UserCanDeleteLastNumber = false;
            else if (TbInputNumbers.Text == "0")
                double MostRecentlyAddedResult = Calculations.GiveBackMostRecentValueOfResultMemory();

                //Checking whether the memory has been cleared or not
                //Progress of the calculation's text
                if (MemoryHasBeenCleared == true)
                    TbCalculationProgress.Text += MostRecentlyAddedResult.ToString();
                    MemoryHasBeenCleared        = false;

                //Increment the index by one as we are not calculating but waiting for a new input
                //(if this is not here then the result STEP of the Memory array will always change to the new input)

            //We add the button's text to the TbCalculationProgress textblock
            TbCalculationProgress.Text += "/";

            //After the calculation this variable will always be one
            CalculationIsOnGoing = 1;

            //Setting the TbInputNumbers Textblock's text to default after every calculation
            TbInputNumbers.Text = "0";
        //button √
        private void BtnSquareRoot_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (NoCalculationsYet == true)
                //Converting the Current number which is inside the TbInputNumbers TextBlock
                //Adding the Current number to the Memory array,Incrementing the MemoryIndex by one
                //Storing the calculation in the result variable (Rounding the result)
                //Showing the user the given result in the TbResultmemory textBlock
                //We add the button's text to the TbCalculationProgress textblock
                //Adding the result to the Memory array and ResultMemory array
                //incrementing the Memory array's and ResultMemory array's index counter by one
                //Incrementing the navigator by one and setting the navigator on this side to the new value

                double CurrentNumber = Convert.ToDouble(TbInputNumbers.Text);

                double Result = Calculations.SquareRootNumber();
                Math.Round(Result, 10);

                TbResultMemory.Text        = Result.ToString();
                TbCalculationProgress.Text = "√" + CurrentNumber + "";




                //Setting the NoCalculationsYet variable to false as we've just calculated the result
                NoCalculationsYet = false;
            else if (NoCalculationsYet == false)
                //Storing the previous element of the Memory array in the Previous number variable
                //Storing the calculation in the result variable (Rounding the result)
                //Showing the user the given result in the TbResultmemory textBlock
                //We add the button's text to the TbCalculationProgress textblock
                //Adding the result to the Memory array and ResultMemory array
                //incrementing the Memory array's and ResultMemory array's index counter by one
                //Incrementing the navigator by one and setting the navigator on this side to the new value

                double PreviousNumber = Calculations.GiveBackPreviousElementOfMemory();
                double Result         = Calculations.SquareRootNumber();
                Math.Round(Result, 10);

                TbResultMemory.Text        = Result.ToString();
                TbCalculationProgress.Text = "(" + PreviousNumber + " * " + PreviousNumber + ")";




            //Setting the UserCanDeleteLastNumber variable to false as the user cannot Delete back from the result
            UserCanDeleteLastNumber = false;

            //Setting this variable to false as the user can use division or multiplication, because the Memory array is not empty
            NewCalculation = false;

            //After the calculation this variable will always be one
            CalculationIsOnGoing = 1;

            //Setting the TbInputNumbers Textblock's text to default after every calculation
            TbInputNumbers.Text = "0";
        //Button =
        private void BtnSummarize_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //We add the button's text to the TbCalculationProgress textblock
            TbCalculationProgress.Text += "=";

            //The most recently used operator is required for the right calculation method
            string CalculationProgress = TbCalculationProgress.Text;

            for (int i = 0; i < CalculationProgress.Length; i++)
                if (CalculationProgress[i].ToString() == "+")
                    LastOperatorUsedByUser = "******";
                else if (CalculationProgress[i].ToString() == "-")
                    LastOperatorUsedByUser = "******";
                else if (CalculationProgress[i].ToString() == "/")
                    LastOperatorUsedByUser = "******";
                else if (CalculationProgress[i].ToString() == "*")
                    LastOperatorUsedByUser = "******";

            //Storing the current number which is inside the tbINputNumbers textblock,Adding current number to Memory array
            //Incrementing MemoryIndex by one
            //Storing the calculation in the result variable (Rounding the result)
            //Adding result to Memory and ResultMemory
            //Incrementing the navigator by one and setting the navigator on this side to the new value
            //User cannot delete last number of the result, setting NoCalculationsYet to false as we've just calculated

            CurrentNumber = Convert.ToDouble(TbInputNumbers.Text);

            Result = Calculations.Summarize(LastOperatorUsedByUser);
            Math.Round(Result, 10);



            UserCanDeleteLastNumber = true;
            NoCalculationsYet       = false;

            //Setting this variable to false as the user can use division or multiplication, because the Memory array is not empty
            NewCalculation = false;

            //Setting the ResultMemory textblocks's text to the result

            TbResultMemory.Text = Result.ToString();

            //After the calculation this variable will always be one
            CalculationIsOnGoing = 1;

            //Setting the TbCalculationProgress's text to default
            TbCalculationProgress.Text = "";

            //Setting the TbInputNumbers Textblock's text to default after every calculation
            TbInputNumbers.Text = "0";