static void Main() { // The using statement ensures that potentially heavy objects // are disposed immediately. using (ImageSurface draw = new ImageSurface(Format.Argb32, 70, 150)) { using (Context gr = new Context(draw)) { gr.Antialias = Antialias.Subpixel; // sets the anti-aliasing method gr.LineWidth = 9; // sets the line width gr.SetSourceColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 1)); // red, green, blue, alpha gr.MoveTo(10, 10); // sets the Context's start point. gr.LineTo(40, 60); // draws a "virtual" line from 5,5 to 20,30 gr.Stroke(); //stroke the line to the image surface gr.Antialias = Antialias.Gray; gr.LineWidth = 8; gr.SetSourceColor(new Color(1, 0, 0, 1)); gr.LineCap = LineCap.Round; gr.MoveTo(10, 50); gr.LineTo(40, 100); gr.Stroke(); gr.Antialias = Antialias.None; //fastest method but low quality gr.LineWidth = 7; gr.MoveTo(10, 90); gr.LineTo(40, 140); gr.Stroke(); draw.WriteToPng("antialias.png"); //save the image as a png image. } } }
public override void Draw(Context context) { SetupLayout(context); RectangleD displayBox = DisplayBox; displayBox.OffsetDot5(); double side = 10.0; context.LineWidth = LineWidth; context.Save (); //Box context.MoveTo (displayBox.X, displayBox.Y); context.LineTo (displayBox.X, displayBox.Y + displayBox.Height); context.LineTo (displayBox.X + displayBox.Width, displayBox.Y + displayBox.Height); context.LineTo (displayBox.X + displayBox.Width, displayBox.Y + side); context.LineTo (displayBox.X + displayBox.Width - side, displayBox.Y); context.LineTo (displayBox.X, displayBox.Y); context.Save (); //Triangle context.MoveTo (displayBox.X + displayBox.Width - side, displayBox.Y); context.LineTo (displayBox.X + displayBox.Width - side, displayBox.Y + side); context.LineTo (displayBox.X + displayBox.Width, displayBox.Y + side); context.LineTo (displayBox.X + displayBox.Width - side, displayBox.Y); context.Restore (); context.Color = FillColor; context.FillPreserve (); context.Color = LineColor; context.Stroke (); DrawText (context); }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); using (System.Drawing.Graphics graphics = e.Graphics) { using (Win32Surface surface = new Win32Surface(graphics.GetHdc())) { using (Context context = new Context(surface)) { context.LineWidth = 2.0; context.SetSourceColor(this.bugColor); context.MoveTo(7.0, 64.0); context.CurveTo(1.0, 47.0, 2.0, 46.0, 9.0, 51.0); context.MoveTo(25.0, 80.0); context.CurveTo(10.0, 73.0, 11.0, 70.0, 14.0, 63.0); context.MoveTo(10.0, 41.0); context.CurveTo(2.0, 36.0, 1.0, 33.0, 1.0, 26.0); context.LineWidth = 1.0; context.MoveTo(1.0, 26.0); context.CurveTo(5.0, 23.0, 7.0, 18.0, 12.0, 17.0); context.LineTo(12.0, 14.0); context.Stroke(); context.MoveTo(30.0, 74.0); context.CurveTo(14.0, 64.0, 10.0, 48.0, 11.0, 46.0); context.LineTo(10.0, 45.0); context.LineTo(10.0, 40.0); context.CurveTo(13.0, 37.0, 15.0, 35.0, 19.0, 34.0); context.Stroke(); } } } }
private void Image_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Image image = (Image)sender; using (ImageSurface surface = new ImageSurface(Format.Argb32, (int)image.Width, (int)image.Height)) { using (Context context = new Context(surface)) { PointD p = new PointD(10.0, 10.0); PointD p2 = new PointD(100.0, 10.0); PointD p3 = new PointD(100.0, 100.0); PointD p4 = new PointD(10.0, 100.0); context.MoveTo(p); context.LineTo(p2); context.LineTo(p3); context.LineTo(p4); context.LineTo(p); context.ClosePath(); context.Fill(); context.MoveTo(140.0, 110.0); context.SetFontSize(32.0); context.SetSourceColor(new Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0)); context.ShowText("Hello Cairo!"); surface.Flush(); RgbaBitmapSource source = new RgbaBitmapSource(surface.Data, surface.Width); image.Source = source; } } }
protected override void DrawGraduations(Context gr, PointD pStart, PointD pEnd) { Rectangle r = ClientRectangle; Foreground.SetAsSource (gr); gr.LineWidth = 2; gr.MoveTo(pStart); gr.LineTo(pEnd); gr.Stroke(); gr.LineWidth = 1; double sst = unity * SmallIncrement; double bst = unity * LargeIncrement; PointD vBar = new PointD(0, sst); for (double x = Minimum; x <= Maximum - Minimum; x += SmallIncrement) { double lineLength = r.Height / 3; if (x % LargeIncrement != 0) lineLength /= 3; PointD p = new PointD(pStart.X + x * unity, pStart.Y); gr.MoveTo(p); gr.LineTo(new PointD(p.X, p.Y + lineLength)); } gr.Stroke(); }
public void DrawGraph(Context gr) { int mag = Magnification; double xoffset = (Allocation.Width/2) ; double yoffset = (Allocation.Height/2) ; if (ForceGraph != null) { this.GdkWindow.Clear (); gr.Antialias = Antialias.Subpixel; foreach (var p in ForceGraph.Springs){ gr.LineWidth = 1.5; if ( p.Data != null ){ var data = p.Data as NodeData; if ( data != null ) gr.Color = data.Stroke; } else { gr.Color = new Color( 0,0,0,1); } gr.MoveTo( xoffset + ( p.NodeA.Location.X * mag ), yoffset + ( p.NodeA.Location.Y * mag ) ); gr.LineTo( xoffset + ( p.NodeB.Location.X * mag ), yoffset + ( p.NodeB.Location.Y * mag ) ); gr.Stroke(); } foreach (var n in ForceGraph.Nodes) { var stroke = new Color( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.8 ); var fill = new Color( 0.2, 0.7, 0.7, 0.8 ); var size = 5.5; NodeData nd = n.Data as NodeData; if ( nd != null ){ stroke = nd.Stroke; fill = nd.Fill; size = nd.Size; } DrawFilledCircle (gr, xoffset + (mag * n.Location.X), yoffset + (mag * n.Location.Y), size, stroke, fill ); if ( nd != null ) { if ( nd.Label != null ){ gr.Color = new Color(0,0,0,0.7); gr.SetFontSize(24); gr.MoveTo( 25 + xoffset + (mag * n.Location.X), 25 + yoffset + (mag * n.Location.Y)); gr.ShowText( nd.Label ); } } } } }
protected override void DrawBackground (Context context, Gdk.Rectangle region) { LayoutRoundedRectangle (context, region); context.Clip (); context.SetSourceColor (CairoExtensions.ParseColor ("D3E6FF")); context.Paint (); context.Save (); context.Translate (region.X + region.Width / 2.0, region.Y + region.Height); using (var rg = new RadialGradient (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, region.Height * 1.2)) { var color = CairoExtensions.ParseColor ("E5F0FF"); rg.AddColorStop (0, color); color.A = 0; rg.AddColorStop (1, color); context.Scale (region.Width / (double)region.Height, 1.0); context.SetSource (rg); context.Paint (); } context.Restore (); LayoutRoundedRectangle (context, region, -3, -3, 2); context.SetSourceRGBA (1, 1, 1, 0.4); context.LineWidth = 1; context.StrokePreserve (); context.Clip (); int boxSize = 11; int x = region.Left + (region.Width % boxSize) / 2; for (; x < region.Right; x += boxSize) { context.MoveTo (x + 0.5, region.Top); context.LineTo (x + 0.5, region.Bottom); } int y = region.Top + (region.Height % boxSize) / 2; y += boxSize / 2; for (; y < region.Bottom; y += boxSize) { context.MoveTo (region.Left, y + 0.5); context.LineTo (region.Right, y + 0.5); } context.SetSourceRGBA (1, 1, 1, 0.2); context.Stroke (); context.ResetClip (); }
protected override FlowReturn OnTransformIp (Gst.Buffer buf) { if (!buf.IsWritable) return FlowReturn.Error; Cairo.ImageSurface img = new Cairo.ImageSurface (buf.Data, Cairo.Format.Rgb24, width, height, width*4); using (Cairo.Context context = new Cairo.Context (img)) { double dx = (double) ( (buf.Timestamp / Clock.MSecond) % 2180) / 5; context.Save (); context.Scale (width / 640.0, height / 480.0); context.MoveTo (300, 10 + dx); context.LineTo (500 - dx, 400); context.LineWidth = 4.0; context.Color = new Color (0, 0, 1.0); context.Stroke(); context.Restore (); if (lastX != -1 && lastY != -1) { context.Color = new Color (1.0, 0, 0); context.Translate (lastX, lastY); context.Scale (Math.Min (width / 640.0, height / 480.0), Math.Min (width / 640.0, height / 480.0)); context.Arc (0, 0, 10.0, 0.0, 2 * Math.PI); context.Fill(); } } img.Destroy (); return base.OnTransformIp (buf); }
protected override Gdk.Rectangle OnMouseMove (Context g, Color strokeColor, ImageSurface surface, int x, int y, int lastX, int lastY) { // Cairo does not support a single-pixel-long single-pixel-wide line if (x == lastX && y == lastY && g.LineWidth == 1 && PintaCore.Workspace.ActiveWorkspace.PointInCanvas (new PointD(x,y))) { surface.Flush (); ColorBgra source = surface.GetColorBgraUnchecked (x, y); source = UserBlendOps.NormalBlendOp.ApplyStatic (source, strokeColor.ToColorBgra ()); surface.SetColorBgra (source, x, y); surface.MarkDirty (); return new Gdk.Rectangle (x - 1, y - 1, 3, 3); } g.MoveTo (lastX + 0.5, lastY + 0.5); g.LineTo (x + 0.5, y + 0.5); g.StrokePreserve (); Gdk.Rectangle dirty = g.FixedStrokeExtents ().ToGdkRectangle (); // For some reason (?!) we need to inflate the dirty // rectangle for small brush widths in zoomed images dirty.Inflate (1, 1); return dirty; }
public void DrawObject(Context ctx, DrawingObject body) { if (body == null) return; ctx.Save (); ctx.Color = new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0); ctx.LineWidth = 1; foreach (Tuple<PointDouble, PointDouble> line in body.lines) { ctx.MoveTo (line.Item1.toPointD()); ctx.LineTo (line.Item2.toPointD()); } if (body.points.Count > 1) ctx.Rectangle(body._centerOfMass.X - 5, body._centerOfMass.Y - 5, 10, 10); ctx.Stroke (); foreach (PointDouble point in body.points) { ctx.Rectangle (point.X - 5, point.Y - 5, 10, 10); ctx.Fill (); } foreach (Tuple<PointDouble, double, double> force in body._forces) { DrawForce (ctx, force); } foreach (Tuple<PointDouble, double> moment in body._moments) { DrawMoment (ctx, moment); } ctx.Restore (); }
public override void Draw(Context cr, Gdk.Rectangle clip) { base.Draw(cr, clip); double X = clip.X; double Y = clip.Y; double Width = clip.Width; double Height = clip.Height; // Blue Rulings if(horizontalRule) { cr.Color = blue; for(double i = Y - (Y % ruleDistance) + ruleDistance; i <= Y + Height; i += ruleDistance) { cr.MoveTo(X, i); cr.LineTo(X + Width, i); cr.Stroke(); } } if(verticalRule) { cr.Color = blue; for(double i = X - (X % ruleDistance) + ruleDistance; i <= X + Width; i += ruleDistance) { cr.MoveTo(i, Y); cr.LineTo(i, Y + Height); cr.Stroke(); } } // Red Margin Line if(leftMargin) { cr.Color = red; cr.MoveTo(marginSize, Y); cr.LineTo(marginSize, Y + Height); cr.Stroke(); } // Holes if(holes) { cr.Color = black; cr.Arc(ruleDistance/2, 150, 17, 0, 2 * Math.PI); cr.Arc(ruleDistance/2, 650, 17, 0, 2 * Math.PI); cr.Arc(ruleDistance/2, 1150,17, 0, 2 * Math.PI); cr.Fill(); } }
public static void DrawPoints(List<PointD> points,Context cr) { foreach (PointD p in points){ cr.MoveTo(p); cr.SetSourceRGB (0.3, 0.3, 0.3); cr.Arc (p.X, p.Y, 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI); cr.Fill (); } }
public static void DrawVertexStructure(VertexStructure vs, Context cr) { VertexStructure head = vs; int i = 0; do { cr.MoveTo (vs.v); cr.SetSourceRGB (0, 0, 0.8); cr.Arc (vs.v.X, vs.v.Y, 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI); cr.Fill (); cr.LineWidth = 1; cr.MoveTo (vs.v); cr.LineTo(; cr.Stroke(); vs =; //Logger.Log("Meh..." + i); i++; } while(!ReferenceEquals(vs,head)); }
public static void Draw(Context grw, Line line) { var color = AppController.Instance.Config.LineColor; grw.SetSourceRGB ( color.Red, color.Green, color.Blue); var segments = AppController.Instance.Surface.Segments; var s1 = segments.FirstOrDefault (s => s.Position.X == line.Input.X && s.Position.Y == line.Input.Y); var s2 = segments.FirstOrDefault (s => s.Position.X == line.Output.X && s.Position.Y == line.Output.Y); if (s1 == null || s2 == null) { return; } //todo : use one func. var start = s1.Connectors .FirstOrDefault (p => p.Marker == line.InputMarker); //todo : use one func. var stop = s2.Connectors .FirstOrDefault (p => p.Marker == line.OutputMarker); if (start == null || stop == null) { return; } grw.MoveTo ( start.Center.GeometryX, start.Center.GeometryY); if (line.Input.X == line.Output.X || line.Input.Y == line.Output.Y) { grw.LineTo ( stop.Center.GeometryX, stop.Center.GeometryY); } else { grw.LineTo ( stop.Center.GeometryX, start.Center.GeometryY); grw.LineTo ( stop.Center.GeometryX, stop.Center.GeometryY); } grw.Stroke(); }
public override void LayoutOutline(Node node, Context context) { PolygonNode poly = node as PolygonNode; // polygons have 3 sides if (poly.Verticies.Count <= 2) return; var renderVerts = poly.Verticies.Select (v => new Point (v.X * node.Width, v.Y * node.Height)).ToList (); context.MoveTo (renderVerts.First ().ToCairo ()); renderVerts.ForEach (v => context.LineTo (v.ToCairo ())); }
void OvalPath (Context cr, double xc, double yc, double xr, double yr) { Matrix m = cr.Matrix; cr.Translate (xc, yc); cr.Scale (1.0, yr / xr); cr.MoveTo (xr, 0.0); cr.Arc (0, 0, xr, 0, 2 * Math.PI); cr.ClosePath (); cr.Matrix = m; }
public void draw(Context cr) { Triangle t = model.tri; switch (model.alignment) { case ActiveTriangle.TriangleAlignment.ChaoticEvil: cr.SetSourceRGB (0.5, 0, 0); break; case ActiveTriangle.TriangleAlignment.TrueNeutral: cr.SetSourceRGB (0, 0.8, 0); break; default: cr.SetSourceRGB (1.0, 1.0, 0); break; } cr.LineWidth = 1.1; cr.MoveTo (t.a); cr.LineTo (t.b); cr.MoveTo (t.b); cr.LineTo (t.c); cr.MoveTo (t.c); cr.LineTo (t.a); cr.Stroke (); cr.Fill(); Tuple<PointD,PointD,PointD,PointD> points; points = model.getSharpestPointAndAssociatedMidpointAndDullestPoints (); PointD sharpest = points.Item1; PointD midPoint = points.Item2; cr.SetSourceRGB (1.0, 0.3, 0.3); cr.Arc (sharpest.X, sharpest.Y, 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI); cr.Fill (); cr.Arc (midPoint.X, midPoint.Y, 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI); cr.Fill (); }
public virtual void Render (Context cr, Gdk.Rectangle area, Color color, bool showEmptyStars, bool isHovering, int hoverValue, double fillOpacity, double hoverFillOpacity, double strokeOpacity) { if (Value == MinRating && !isHovering && !showEmptyStars) { return; } Cairo.Color fill_color = color; fill_color.A = fillOpacity; Cairo.Color stroke_color = fill_color; stroke_color.A = strokeOpacity; Cairo.Color hover_fill_color = fill_color; hover_fill_color.A = hoverFillOpacity; double x, y; ComputePosition (area, out x, out y); cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.Translate (0.5, 0.5); for (int i = MinRating + 1, s = isHovering || showEmptyStars ? MaxRating : Value; i <= s; i++, x += Size) { bool fill = i <= Value && Value > MinRating; bool hover_fill = i <= hoverValue && hoverValue > MinRating; double scale = fill || hover_fill ? Size : Size - 2; double ofs = fill || hover_fill ? 0 : 1; for (int p = 0, n = star_plot.GetLength (0); p < n; p++) { double px = x + ofs + star_plot[p, 0] * scale; double py = y + ofs + star_plot[p, 1] * scale; if (p == 0) { cr.MoveTo (px, py); } else { cr.LineTo (px, py); } } cr.ClosePath (); if (fill || hover_fill) { if (!isHovering || hoverValue >= Value) { cr.Color = fill ? fill_color : hover_fill_color; } else { cr.Color = hover_fill ? fill_color : hover_fill_color; } cr.Fill (); } else { cr.Color = stroke_color; cr.Stroke (); } } }
public void CreatePng () { const int Width = 480; const int Height = 160; const int CheckSize = 10; const int Spacing = 2; // Create an Image-based surface with data stored in ARGB32 format and a context, // "using" is used here to ensure that they are Disposed once we are done using (ImageSurface surface = new ImageSurface (Format.ARGB32, Width, Height)) using (Context cr = new Cairo.Context (surface)) { // Start drawing a checkerboard int i, j, xcount, ycount; xcount = 0; i = Spacing; while (i < Width) { j = Spacing; ycount = xcount % 2; // start with even/odd depending on row while (j < Height) { if (ycount % 2 != 0) cr.SetSourceRGB (1, 0, 0); else cr.SetSourceRGB (1, 1, 1); // If we're outside the clip, this will do nothing. cr.Rectangle (i, j, CheckSize, CheckSize); cr.Fill (); j += CheckSize + Spacing; ++ycount; } i += CheckSize + Spacing; ++xcount; } // Select a font to draw with cr.SelectFontFace ("serif", FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold); cr.SetFontSize (64.0); // Select a color (blue) cr.SetSourceRGB (0, 0, 1); // Draw cr.MoveTo (20, 100); cr.ShowText ("Hello, World"); surface.WriteToPng ("test.png"); } }
public static void Numbers(object sender) { DrawingArea area = (DrawingArea)sender; Cairo.Context cc = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(area.GdkWindow); cc.SetSourceRGB(0, 0, 0); cc.LineWidth = 1; cc.SetFontSize(15); cc.SelectFontFace("Sans", Cairo.FontSlant.Normal, Cairo.FontWeight.Normal); cc.MoveTo(20, 100); cc.ShowText(DateTime.Now.ToString()); cc.StrokePreserve(); cc.Fill(); }
public override PointD Draw (Context context, PointD a, PointD b) { PointD leftPoint = new PointD (); PointD middlePoint = new PointD (); PointD rightPoint = new PointD (); Geometry.GetArrowPoints (a, b, _lineDistance, _pointDistance, out leftPoint, out rightPoint, out middlePoint); context.MoveTo (middlePoint); context.LineTo (leftPoint); context.LineTo (a); context.LineTo (rightPoint); context.LineTo (middlePoint); context.Stroke (); return middlePoint; }
public override void Draw (Context context, IDrawingView view) { RectangleD rect = ViewDisplayBox(view); context.LineWidth = LineWidth; context.MoveTo (rect.Center.X, rect.Top); context.LineTo (rect.Right, rect.Center.Y); context.LineTo (rect.Center.X, rect.Bottom); context.LineTo (rect.Left, rect.Center.Y); context.LineTo (rect.Center.X, rect.Top); context.Color = new Cairo.Color (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8); context.FillPreserve (); context.Color = new Cairo.Color (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); context.Stroke (); }
void LetsDraw(object sender, ExposeEventArgs args) { DrawingArea darea = (DrawingArea)sender; Cairo.Context shape = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(darea.GdkWindow); //Write the shape code shape.SetSourceRGB(0.2, 0.5, 0.7); // set the color shape.MoveTo(25, 130); shape.CurveTo(100, 235, 165, 25, 255, 130); //our curve line shape.StrokePreserve(); shape.Fill(); ((IDisposable)shape).Dispose(); }
// Returns a Gst.Buffer presentation of one 640x480 BGRA frame using Cairo static Gst.Buffer DrawData (ulong seconds) { Gst.Buffer buffer = new Gst.Buffer (640*480*4); Cairo.ImageSurface img = new Cairo.ImageSurface (buffer.Data, Cairo.Format.Argb32, 640, 480, 640*4); using (Cairo.Context context = new Cairo.Context (img)) { double dx = (double) (seconds % 2180) / 5; context.Color = new Color (1.0, 1.0, 0); context.Paint(); context.MoveTo (300, 10 + dx); context.LineTo (500 - dx, 400); context.LineWidth = 4.0; context.Color = new Color (0, 0, 1.0); context.Stroke(); } img.Destroy(); return buffer; }
void LetsDraw(object sender, ExposeEventArgs args) { DrawingArea darea = (DrawingArea)sender; Cairo.Context shape = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(darea.GdkWindow); //Write the shape code shape.SetSourceRGB(0.2, 0.5, 0.7); // set the color shape.MoveTo(50, 50); shape.LineTo(100, 50); shape.LineTo(100, 100); //draw triangle using lines shape.StrokePreserve(); shape.Fill(); ((IDisposable)shape).Dispose(); }
public static void DisplayMessage(Cube c, String msg, SiftColor color) { ImageSurface sr = new ImageSurface (Format.ARGB32, 128, 128); Cairo.Context context = new Cairo.Context (sr); context.Color = new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 0); context.Paint (); Pango.Layout pango = Pango.CairoHelper.CreateLayout (context); pango.FontDescription = Pango.FontDescription.FromString ("Arial 16"); pango.Alignment = Alignment.Center; pango.Wrap = WrapMode.WordChar; pango.Width = 128 * 1016; pango.SetText (msg); context.Color = color.ToCairo (); int pWidth = 0, pHeight = 0; pango.GetPixelSize (out pWidth, out pHeight); Log.Debug ("pango Pixel size: " + pWidth + "x" + pHeight); context.MoveTo (0, 64 - (pHeight / 2)); CairoHelper.ShowLayout (context, pango); sr.Flush (); byte[] data = sr.Data; for (int i = 0, x = 0, y = 0; i < data.Length; i += 4, x++) { if (x >= 128) { x = 0; y++; } byte b = data [i], g = data [i + 1], r = data [i + 2], a = data [i + 3]; if (a != 0 || r != 0 || g != 0 || b != 0) { SiftColor sc = new SiftColor (r, g, b); c.FillRect (sc.ToSifteo (), x, y, 1, 1); } else { // we ignore it } } ((IDisposable)context).Dispose (); ((IDisposable)pango).Dispose (); ((IDisposable)sr).Dispose (); }
protected override Gdk.Rectangle OnMouseMove (Context g, Color strokeColor, ImageSurface surface, int x, int y, int lastX, int lastY) { int dx = x - lastX; int dy = y - lastY; double px = Math.Cos (theta) * dx - Math.Sin (theta) * dy; double py = Math.Sin (theta) * dx + Math.Cos (theta) * dy; g.MoveTo (lastX - px, lastY - py); g.LineTo (lastX + px, lastY + py); g.LineTo (x + px, y + py); g.LineTo (x - px, y - py); g.LineTo (lastX - px, lastY - py); g.StrokePreserve (); return g.FixedStrokeExtents ().ToGdkRectangle (); }
public static void Draw(Context grw, LineElement line) { if (line.Foregraund != null) { grw.SetSourceRGB ( line.Foregraund.Red, line.Foregraund.Green, line.Foregraund.Blue); } grw.MoveTo( line.Start.GeometryX, line.Start.GeometryY); grw.LineTo( line.End.GeometryX, line.End.GeometryY); grw.Stroke(); }
public override void Render(Context cr) { if (!CanResize) { return; } var selected_color = CairoExtensions.GdkColorToCairoColor (Window.Style.Dark (StateType.Active)); var grad = new LinearGradient (0, 0, 0, Allocation.Height); selected_color.A = 0.4; grad.AddColorStop (0, selected_color); selected_color.A = 1.0; grad.AddColorStop (1, selected_color); cr.Pattern = grad; cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.Rectangle (0.5, 0.5, Allocation.Width - 1, Allocation.Height - 1); cr.Stroke (); selected_color.A = 0.5; cr.Color = selected_color; double handle_size = 8; double ty = 0.5 + Allocation.Height - handle_size - 3; double tx = 0.5 + (Window.Direction == TextDirection.Ltr ? Allocation.Width - handle_size - 3 : 3); cr.Translate (tx, ty); for (double i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (Window.Direction == TextDirection.Ltr) { cr.MoveTo (i * 3, handle_size); cr.LineTo (handle_size, i * 3); } else { cr.MoveTo (0, i * 3); cr.LineTo (handle_size - i * 3, handle_size); } } cr.Stroke (); cr.Translate (-tx, -ty); }
public bool OnExpose (Context ctx, Gdk.Rectangle allocation) { if (frames == 0) start = DateTime.UtcNow; frames ++; TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.UtcNow - start; double fraction = elapsed.Ticks / (double) duration.Ticks; double opacity = Math.Sin (Math.Min (fraction, 1.0) * Math.PI * 0.5); ctx.Operator = Operator.Source; SurfacePattern p = new SurfacePattern (begin_buffer.Surface); ctx.Matrix = begin_buffer.Fill (allocation); p.Filter = Filter.Fast; ctx.Source = p; ctx.Paint (); ctx.Operator = Operator.Over; ctx.Matrix = end_buffer.Fill (allocation); SurfacePattern sur = new SurfacePattern (end_buffer.Surface); Pattern black = new SolidPattern (new Cairo.Color (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, opacity)); //ctx.Source = black; //ctx.Fill (); sur.Filter = Filter.Fast; ctx.Source = sur; ctx.Mask (black); //ctx.Paint (); ctx.Matrix = new Matrix (); ctx.MoveTo (allocation.Width / 2.0, allocation.Height / 2.0); ctx.Source = new SolidPattern (1.0, 0, 0); #if debug ctx.ShowText (String.Format ("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7}", frames, sur.Status, p.Status, opacity, fraction, elapsed, start, DateTime.UtcNow)); #endif sur.Destroy (); p.Destroy (); return fraction < 1.0; }
public void Execute(Context ctx) { PointD point; var first = true; using (var mpath = ctx.CopyPath()) { var path = mpath.GetPath(); for (var i = 0; i < path.num_data; ) { var hdr = path.GetPathHeader(i); //hdr.Dump(); switch (hdr.type) { case NativePath.cairo_path_data_type_t.CAIRO_PATH_MOVE_TO: if (first) { ctx.NewPath(); first = false; } point = path.GetPathPoint(i + 1); ctx.MoveTo(WarpPoint(point)); break; case NativePath.cairo_path_data_type_t.CAIRO_PATH_LINE_TO: point = path.GetPathPoint(i + 1); ctx.LineTo(WarpPoint(point)); break; case NativePath.cairo_path_data_type_t.CAIRO_PATH_CURVE_TO: var p1 = WarpPoint(path.GetPathPoint(i + 1)); var p2 = WarpPoint(path.GetPathPoint(i + 2)); var p3 = WarpPoint(path.GetPathPoint(i + 3)); ctx.CurveTo(p1, p2, p3); break; case NativePath.cairo_path_data_type_t.CAIRO_PATH_CLOSE_PATH: ctx.ClosePath(); break; } i += hdr.length; } } }
protected override Gdk.Rectangle OnMouseMove (Context g, Color strokeColor, ImageSurface surface, int x, int y, int lastX, int lastY) { int line_width = (int)g.LineWidth; int size; // we want a minimum size of 2 for the splatter (except for when the brush width is 1), since a splatter of size 1 is very small if (line_width == 1) { size = 1; } else { size = Random.Next (2, line_width); } Rectangle r = new Rectangle (x - Random.Next (-15, 15), y - Random.Next (-15, 15), size, size); double rx = r.Width / 2; double ry = r.Height / 2; double cx = r.X + rx; double cy = r.Y + ry; double c1 = 0.552285; g.Save (); g.MoveTo (cx + rx, cy); g.CurveTo (cx + rx, cy - c1 * ry, cx + c1 * rx, cy - ry, cx, cy - ry); g.CurveTo (cx - c1 * rx, cy - ry, cx - rx, cy - c1 * ry, cx - rx, cy); g.CurveTo (cx - rx, cy + c1 * ry, cx - c1 * rx, cy + ry, cx, cy + ry); g.CurveTo (cx + c1 * rx, cy + ry, cx + rx, cy + c1 * ry, cx + rx, cy); g.ClosePath (); Rectangle dirty = g.FixedStrokeExtents (); g.Fill (); g.Restore (); return dirty.ToGdkRectangle (); }
protected override Gdk.Rectangle OnMouseMove (Context g, Color strokeColor, ImageSurface surface, int x, int y, int lastX, int lastY) { double cx = Math.Round (x / 100.0) * 100.0; double cy = Math.Round (y / 100.0) * 100.0; double dx = (cx - x) * 10.0; double dy = (cy - y) * 10.0; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { g.MoveTo (cx, cy); g.QuadraticCurveTo ( x + Random.NextDouble () * dx, y + Random.NextDouble () * dy, cx, cy); g.Stroke (); } return Gdk.Rectangle.Zero; }
void imprime_encabezado(Cairo.Context cr, Pango.Layout layout, string descripcion_almacen, string numerosolicitud, string fechaenvio, string idusuario, string nombreusr, string numeroatencion, string pidpaciente, string nombrepaciente, string tiposolicitud, string procedimientoqx, string diagnosticoqx, string obs_solicitud) { //Console.WriteLine("entra en la impresion del encabezado"); //Gtk.Image image5 = new Gtk.Image(); //image5.Name = "image5"; //image5.Pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(System.IO.Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "osiris.jpg")); //image5.Pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf("/opt/osiris/bin/OSIRISLogo.jpg"); // en Linux //image5.Pixbuf.ScaleSimple(128, 128, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear); //Gdk.CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf(cr,image5.Pixbuf,1,-30); //Gdk.CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf(cr,image5.Pixbuf.ScaleSimple(145, 50, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear),1,1); //Gdk.CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf(cr,image5.Pixbuf.ScaleSimple(180, 64, Gdk.InterpType.Hyper),1,1); //cr.Fill(); //cr.Paint(); //cr.Restore(); Pango.FontDescription desc = Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Sans"); //cr.Rotate(90); //Imprimir Orizontalmente rota la hoja cambian las posiciones de las lineas y columna fontSize = 8.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; // Letra negrita cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 05 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText(classpublic.nombre_empresa); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 15 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText(classpublic.direccion_empresa); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 25 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText(classpublic.telefonofax_empresa); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); fontSize = 6.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; cr.MoveTo(479 * escala_en_linux_windows, 05 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Fech.Rpt:" + (string)DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(479 * escala_en_linux_windows, 15 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("N° Page :" + numpage.ToString().Trim()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 35 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Sistema Hospitalario OSIRIS"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); // Cambiando el tamaño de la fuente fontSize = 10.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; // Letra negrita cr.MoveTo(225 * escala_en_linux_windows, 35 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("PEDIDOS DE SUB-ALMACENES"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); fontSize = 8.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; // Letra normal cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 55 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Area quien Solicito: " + descripcion_almacen); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); //cr.MoveTo(250*escala_en_linux_windows,55*escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("N° de Solicitud: "+numerosolicitud); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(440 * escala_en_linux_windows, 55 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Fecha Envio: " + fechaenvio); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 65 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Tipo de Solicitud: " + tiposolicitud); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; // Letra negrita cr.MoveTo(250 * escala_en_linux_windows, 55 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("N° de Solicitud: " + numerosolicitud); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 75 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("N° Atencion: " + numeroatencion); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(120 * escala_en_linux_windows, 75 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("N° Expe.: " + pidpaciente); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(220 * escala_en_linux_windows, 75 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Nombre Paciente: " + nombrepaciente); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; // Letra normal cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 85 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Procedimiento: " + procedimientoqx); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(300 * escala_en_linux_windows, 85 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Diagnostico: " + diagnosticoqx); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 95 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Observaciones: " + obs_solicitud); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 105 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Usuario: " + idusuario); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(200 * escala_en_linux_windows, 105 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Nom. Solicitante: " + nombreusr); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); fontSize = 7.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; // Letra normal // Creando el Cuadro de Titulos para colocar el nombre del usuario cr.Rectangle(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 115 * escala_en_linux_windows, 565 * escala_en_linux_windows, 15 * escala_en_linux_windows); cr.FillExtents(); //. FillPreserve(); cr.SetSourceRGB(0, 0, 0); cr.LineWidth = 0.5; cr.Stroke(); layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; // Letra normal cr.MoveTo(20 * escala_en_linux_windows, 118 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Cantidad"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(70 * escala_en_linux_windows, 118 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Codigo"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(150 * escala_en_linux_windows, 118 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Descripción Producto"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(400 * escala_en_linux_windows, 118 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Cant.Surtida"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(460 * escala_en_linux_windows, 118 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Fech.Autorizado"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(530 * escala_en_linux_windows, 118 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Nota"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; // Letra normal }
public void Draw(Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Rectangle rectangle) { if (IsSeparator) { cr.NewPath(); double x = Math.Ceiling(rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2) + 0.5; cr.MoveTo(x, rectangle.Y + 0.5 + 2); cr.RelLineTo(0, rectangle.Height - 1 - 4); cr.ClosePath(); cr.SetSourceColor(parent.Style.Dark(StateType.Normal).ToCairoColor()); cr.LineWidth = 1; cr.Stroke(); return; } if (Active || HoverPosition.X >= 0) { if (Active) { cr.Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height); using (var gr = new LinearGradient(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.X, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height)) { gr.AddColorStop(0, Tabstrip.ActiveGradientStart); gr.AddColorStop(1, Tabstrip.ActiveGradientEnd); cr.SetSource(gr); } cr.Fill(); cr.Rectangle(rectangle.X + 0.5, rectangle.Y + 0.5, rectangle.Width - 1, rectangle.Height - 1); cr.SetSourceRGBA(1, 1, 1, 0.05); cr.LineWidth = 1; cr.Stroke(); } else if (HoverPosition.X >= 0) { cr.Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height); using (var gr = new LinearGradient(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.X, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height)) { var c1 = Tabstrip.ActiveGradientStart; var c2 = Tabstrip.ActiveGradientEnd; c1.A = 0.2; c2.A = 0.2; gr.AddColorStop(0, c1); gr.AddColorStop(1, c2); cr.SetSource(gr); } cr.Fill(); } } if (Active) { cr.SetSourceRGB(1, 1, 1); } else { cr.SetSourceColor(parent.Style.Text(StateType.Normal).ToCairoColor()); } if (layout.Width != (int)rectangle.Width) { layout.Width = (int)rectangle.Width; } #if MAC /* On Cocoa, Pango doesn't render text correctly using layout width/height computation. * For instance here we need to balance some kind of internal padding by two pixels which * only happens on Mac. */ const int verticalOffset = -2; #else const int verticalOffset = 0; #endif cr.MoveTo(rectangle.X + (int)(rectangle.Width / 2), (rectangle.Height - h) / 2 + verticalOffset); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); }
/**********/ //hdb drawing public void HdbDrawing(Cairo.Context g, Double [] partitions_hdbP, String [] partitions_hdb) { g.LineWidth = 3; //total space PointD p1, s1, p2, s2, p3, s3, p4, s4; p1 = new PointD(16, 28); s1 = new PointD(18, 26); p2 = new PointD(20 + partitions_hdbP[0] + 2, 26); s2 = new PointD(20 + partitions_hdbP[0] + 4, 28); p3 = new PointD(20 + partitions_hdbP[0] + 4, 78); s3 = new PointD(20 + partitions_hdbP[0] + 2, 80); p4 = new PointD(18, 80); s4 = new PointD(16, 78); g.Color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1); g.MoveTo(p1); g.LineTo(s1); g.LineTo(p2); g.LineTo(s2); g.LineTo(p3); g.LineTo(s3); g.LineTo(p4); g.LineTo(s4); g.ClosePath(); g.Stroke(); g.Color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); g.MoveTo(p1); g.LineTo(s1); g.LineTo(p2); g.LineTo(s2); g.LineTo(p3); g.LineTo(s3); g.LineTo(p4); g.LineTo(s4); g.ClosePath(); g.Fill(); if (partitions_hdb[1] != null) { //hdb1 space PointD p11, p21, p31, p41; p11 = new PointD(20, 30); p21 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]), 30); p31 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]), 76); p41 = new PointD(20, 76); g.Color = new Color(0.93, 0.83, 0, 1); g.MoveTo(p11); g.LineTo(p21); g.LineTo(p31); g.LineTo(p41); g.LineTo(p11); g.ClosePath(); g.Fill(); } if (partitions_hdb[2] != null) { //hdb2 space PointD p12, p22, p32, p42; p12 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]), 30); p22 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]), 30); p32 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]), 76); p42 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]), 76); g.Color = new Color(0.45, 0.82, 0.09, 1); g.MoveTo(p12); g.LineTo(p22); g.LineTo(p32); g.LineTo(p42); g.ClosePath(); g.Fill(); } if (partitions_hdb[3] != null) { //hdb3 space PointD p13, p23, p33, p43; p13 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]), 30); p23 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]), 30); p33 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]), 76); p43 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]), 76); g.Color = new Color(0.8, 0, 0, 1); g.MoveTo(p13); g.LineTo(p23); g.LineTo(p33); g.LineTo(p43); g.ClosePath(); g.Fill(); } if (partitions_hdb[4] != null) { //hdb4 space PointD p14, p24, p34, p44; p14 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]), 30); p24 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]), 30); p34 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]), 76); p44 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]), 76); g.Color = new Color(0.2, 0.4, 0.64, 1); g.MoveTo(p14); g.LineTo(p24); g.LineTo(p34); g.LineTo(p44); g.ClosePath(); g.Fill(); } if (partitions_hdb[5] != null) { //hdb5 space PointD p14, p24, p34, p44; p14 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]), 30); p24 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]) + (partitions_hdbP[5]), 30); p34 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]) + (partitions_hdbP[5]), 76); p44 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]), 76); g.Color = new Color(0.75, 0.5, 0.07, 1); g.MoveTo(p14); g.LineTo(p24); g.LineTo(p34); g.LineTo(p44); g.ClosePath(); g.Fill(); } if (partitions_hdb[6] != null) { //hdb6 space PointD p14, p24, p34, p44; p14 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]) + (partitions_hdbP[5]), 30); p24 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]) + (partitions_hdbP[5]) + (partitions_hdbP[6]), 30); p34 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]) + (partitions_hdbP[5]) + (partitions_hdbP[6]), 76); p44 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]) + (partitions_hdbP[5]), 76); g.Color = new Color(0.45, 0.31, 0.48, 1); g.MoveTo(p14); g.LineTo(p24); g.LineTo(p34); g.LineTo(p44); g.ClosePath(); g.Fill(); } if (partitions_hdb[7] != null) { //hdb7 space PointD p14, p24, p34, p44; p14 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]) + (partitions_hdbP[5]) + (partitions_hdbP[6]), 30); p24 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]) + (partitions_hdbP[5]) + (partitions_hdbP[6]) + (partitions_hdbP[7]), 30); p34 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]) + (partitions_hdbP[5]) + (partitions_hdbP[6]) + (partitions_hdbP[7]), 76); p44 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]) + (partitions_hdbP[5]) + (partitions_hdbP[6]), 76); g.Color = new Color(0.96, 0.47, 0, 1); g.MoveTo(p14); g.LineTo(p24); g.LineTo(p34); g.LineTo(p44); g.ClosePath(); g.Fill(); } if (partitions_hdb[8] != null) { //hdb8 space PointD p14, p24, p34, p44; p14 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]) + (partitions_hdbP[5]) + (partitions_hdbP[6]) + (partitions_hdbP[7]), 30); p24 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]) + (partitions_hdbP[5]) + (partitions_hdbP[6]) + (partitions_hdbP[7]) + (partitions_hdbP[8]), 30); p34 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]) + (partitions_hdbP[5]) + (partitions_hdbP[6]) + (partitions_hdbP[7]) + (partitions_hdbP[8]), 76); p44 = new PointD(20 + (partitions_hdbP[1]) + (partitions_hdbP[2]) + (partitions_hdbP[3]) + (partitions_hdbP[4]) + (partitions_hdbP[5]) + (partitions_hdbP[6]) + (partitions_hdbP[7]), 76); g.Color = new Color(0.33, 0.34, 0.33, 1); g.MoveTo(p14); g.LineTo(p24); g.LineTo(p34); g.LineTo(p44); g.ClosePath(); g.Fill(); } g.SetFontSize(12); g.MoveTo(new PointD((partitions_hdbP[0] - 80) / 2, 15)); g.Color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1); g.ShowText("Total space: " + partitions_hdb[0]); ((IDisposable)g.Target).Dispose(); ((IDisposable)g).Dispose(); }
protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d) { Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(d); Cairo.Context g = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(d); g.SelectFontFace("Lucida Console", FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold); g.SetFontSize(24); TextExtents te; string lvl, hp, hpm, mp, mpm, exp, next, llvl; #region Top Row d.DrawPixbuf(gc, Graphics.GetProfile(Selected.Name), 0, 0, X + xpic, Y + ypic, Graphics.PROFILE_WIDTH, Graphics.PROFILE_HEIGHT, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0); g.Color = new Color(.3, .8, .8); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + ya); g.ShowText("LV"); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + yb); g.ShowText("HP"); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + yc); g.ShowText("MP"); g.Color = new Color(1, 1, 1); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, Selected.Name, X + x3, Y + y); lvl = Selected.Level.ToString(); hp = Selected.HP.ToString() + "/"; hpm = Selected.MaxHP.ToString(); mp = Selected.MP.ToString() + "/"; mpm = Selected.MaxMP.ToString(); exp = Selected.Exp.ToString(); next = Selected.ToNextLevel.ToString(); llvl = Selected.LimitLevel.ToString(); te = g.TextExtents(lvl); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, lvl, X + x4 - te.Width, Y + ya); te = g.TextExtents(hp); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, hp, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + yb); te = g.TextExtents(hpm); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, hpm, X + x6 - te.Width, Y + yb); te = g.TextExtents(mp); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mp, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + yc); te = g.TextExtents(mpm); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mpm, X + x6 - te.Width, Y + yc); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, "Exp:", X + x8, Y + ya); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, "Next lvl:", X + x8, Y + yb); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, "Limit lvl:", X + x8, Y + yc); te = g.TextExtents(exp); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, exp, X + x12 - te.Width, Y + ya); te = g.TextExtents(next); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, next, X + x12 - te.Width, Y + yb); te = g.TextExtents(llvl); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, llvl, X + x11 - te.Width, Y + yc); #endregion Top #region Left string str, vit, dex, mag, spi, lck; string atk, atkp, def, defp, mat, mdf, mdfp; str = Selected.Strength.ToString(); vit = Selected.Vitality.ToString(); dex = Selected.Dexterity.ToString(); mag = Selected.Magic.ToString(); spi = Selected.Spirit.ToString(); lck = Selected.Luck.ToString(); atk = Ally.Attack(Selected).ToString(); atkp = Ally.AttackPercent(Selected).ToString(); def = Ally.Defense(Selected).ToString(); defp = Ally.DefensePercent(Selected).ToString(); mat = Ally.MagicAttack(Selected).ToString(); mdf = Ally.MagicDefense(Selected).ToString(); mdfp = Ally.MagicDefensePercent(Selected).ToString(); Cairo.Color greenish = new Color(.3, .8, .8); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Strength", X + x0, Y + yq + (line * 0)); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Vitality", X + x0, Y + yq + (line * 1)); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Dexterity", X + x0, Y + yq + (line * 2)); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Magic", X + x0, Y + yq + (line * 3)); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Spirit", X + x0, Y + yq + (line * 4)); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Luck", X + x0, Y + yq + (line * 5)); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Attack", X + x0, Y + yr + (line * 0)); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Attack %", X + x0, Y + yr + (line * 1)); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Defense", X + x0, Y + yr + (line * 2)); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Defense %", X + x0, Y + yr + (line * 3)); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Magic", X + x0, Y + yr + (line * 4)); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Magic def", X + x0, Y + yr + (line * 5)); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Magic def %", X + x0, Y + yr + (line * 6)); te = g.TextExtents(str); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, str, X + x1 - te.Width, Y + yq + (line * 0)); te = g.TextExtents(vit); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, vit, X + x1 - te.Width, Y + yq + (line * 1)); te = g.TextExtents(dex); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, dex, X + x1 - te.Width, Y + yq + (line * 2)); te = g.TextExtents(mag); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mag, X + x1 - te.Width, Y + yq + (line * 3)); te = g.TextExtents(spi); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, spi, X + x1 - te.Width, Y + yq + (line * 4)); te = g.TextExtents(lck); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, lck, X + x1 - te.Width, Y + yq + (line * 5)); te = g.TextExtents(atk); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, atk, X + x1 - te.Width, Y + yr + (line * 0)); te = g.TextExtents(atkp); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, atkp, X + x1 - te.Width, Y + yr + (line * 1)); te = g.TextExtents(def); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, def, X + x1 - te.Width, Y + yr + (line * 2)); te = g.TextExtents(defp); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, defp, X + x1 - te.Width, Y + yr + (line * 3)); te = g.TextExtents(mat); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mat, X + x1 - te.Width, Y + yr + (line * 4)); te = g.TextExtents(mdf); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mdf, X + x1 - te.Width, Y + yr + (line * 5)); te = g.TextExtents(mdfp); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mdfp, X + x1 - te.Width, Y + yr + (line * 6)); #endregion Left #region Right g.Color = new Color(.1, .1, .2); g.Rectangle(x9, yi, 8 * xs, yj - yi); g.Fill(); g.Rectangle(x9, yk, 8 * xs, yl - yk); g.Fill(); Cairo.Color gray1 = new Color(.2, .2, .2); Cairo.Color gray2 = new Color(.7, .7, .8); int links, slots; slots = Selected.Weapon.Slots.Length; links = Selected.Weapon.Links; for (int j = 0; j < links; j++) { Graphics.RenderLine(g, gray2, 3, X + x9 + (xs / 2) + (j * 2 * xs), Y + yi - ys - zs, X + x9 + (xs / 2) + ((j * 2 + 1) * xs), Y + yi - ys - zs); Graphics.RenderLine(g, gray2, 3, X + x9 + (xs / 2) + (j * 2 * xs), Y + yi - ys, X + x9 + (xs / 2) + ((j * 2 + 1) * xs), Y + yi - ys); Graphics.RenderLine(g, gray2, 3, X + x9 + (xs / 2) + (j * 2 * xs), Y + yi - ys + zs, X + x9 + (xs / 2) + ((j * 2 + 1) * xs), Y + yi - ys + zs); } for (int i = 0; i < slots; i++) { Graphics.RenderCircle(g, gray2, 14, X + x9 + (i * xs) + (xs / 2), Y + yi - ys); if (Selected.Weapon.Slots[i] == null) { Graphics.RenderCircle(g, gray1, 10, X + x9 + (i * xs) + (xs / 2), Y + yi - ys); } else { Graphics.RenderCircle(g, Selected.Weapon.Slots[i].Color, 10, X + x9 + (i * xs) + (xs / 2), Y + yi - ys); } } slots = Selected.Armor.Slots.Length; links = Selected.Armor.Links; for (int j = 0; j < links; j++) { Graphics.RenderLine(g, gray2, 3, X + x9 + (xs / 2) + (j * 2 * xs), Y + yk - ys - zs, X + x9 + (xs / 2) + ((j * 2 + 1) * xs), Y + yk - ys - zs); Graphics.RenderLine(g, gray2, 3, X + x9 + (xs / 2) + (j * 2 * xs), Y + yk - ys, X + x9 + (xs / 2) + ((j * 2 + 1) * xs), Y + yk - ys); Graphics.RenderLine(g, gray2, 3, X + x9 + (xs / 2) + (j * 2 * xs), Y + yk - ys + zs, X + x9 + (xs / 2) + ((j * 2 + 1) * xs), Y + yk - ys + zs); } for (int i = 0; i < slots; i++) { Graphics.RenderCircle(g, gray2, 14, X + x9 + (i * xs) + (xs / 2), Y + yk - ys); if (Selected.Armor.Slots[i] == null) { Graphics.RenderCircle(g, gray1, 10, X + x9 + (i * xs) + (xs / 2), Y + yk - ys); } else { Graphics.RenderCircle(g, Selected.Armor.Slots[i].Color, 10, X + x9 + (i * xs) + (xs / 2), Y + yk - ys); } } g.Color = new Color(.3, .8, .8); g.MoveTo(X + x7, Y + yh); g.ShowText("Wpn."); g.MoveTo(X + x7, Y + yj); g.ShowText("Arm."); g.MoveTo(X + x7, Y + yl); g.ShowText("Acc."); g.Color = new Color(1, 1, 1); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, Selected.Weapon.Name, X + x8, Y + yh); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, Selected.Armor.Name, X + x8, Y + yj); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, Selected.Accessory.Name, X + x8, Y + yl); #endregion Right ((IDisposable)g.Target).Dispose(); ((IDisposable)g).Dispose(); }
const int yc = yb + 25; // subrow 3 public static void RenderCharacterStatus(Gdk.Drawable d, Cairo.Context g, Character c, int x, int y, bool showFurySadness = true) { TextExtents te; string lvl, hp, hpm, mp, mpm; g.SelectFontFace(Text.MONOSPACE_FONT, FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Normal); g.Color = Colors.TEXT_TEAL; g.MoveTo(x + x3, y + ya); g.ShowText("LV"); g.MoveTo(x + x3, y + yb); g.ShowText("HP"); g.MoveTo(x + x3, y + yc); g.ShowText("MP"); g.Color = Colors.WHITE; if (showFurySadness) { if (c.Fury) { Text.ShadowedText(g, Colors.TEXT_MAGENTA, "[Fury]", x + x7, y); } else if (c.Sadness) { Text.ShadowedText(g, Colors.TEXT_MAGENTA, "[Sadness]", x + x7, y); } } Color namec = Colors.WHITE; if (c.Death) { namec = Colors.TEXT_RED; } else if (c.NearDeath) { namec = Colors.TEXT_YELLOW; } Text.ShadowedText(g, namec, c.Name, x + x3, y); lvl = c.Level.ToString(); te = g.TextExtents(lvl); Text.ShadowedText(g, lvl, x + x4 - te.Width, y + ya); hp = c.HP.ToString() + "/"; te = g.TextExtents(hp); Text.ShadowedText(g, hp, x + x5 - te.Width, y + yb); hpm = c.MaxHP.ToString(); te = g.TextExtents(hpm); Text.ShadowedText(g, hpm, x + x6 - te.Width, y + yb); mp = c.MP.ToString() + "/"; te = g.TextExtents(mp); Text.ShadowedText(g, mp, x + x5 - te.Width, y + yc); mpm = c.MaxMP.ToString(); te = g.TextExtents(mpm); Text.ShadowedText(g, mpm, x + x6 - te.Width, y + yc); }
void ejecutar_consulta_reporte(PrintContext context) { string fechas_citas; Cairo.Context cr = context.CairoContext; Pango.Layout layout = context.CreatePangoLayout(); imprime_encabezado(cr, layout); Pango.FontDescription desc = Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Sans"); // cr.Rotate(90) Imprimir Orizontalmente rota la hoja cambian las posiciones de las lineas y columna fontSize = 8.0; layout = null; layout = context.CreatePangoLayout(); desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; TreeIter iter; if (treeViewEngineListaCitas.GetIterFirst(out iter)) { contador_numerocitas += 1; fechas_citas = (string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 0); //ContextoImp.Show(); layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; // Letra negrita cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("(" + (string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 0) + ")"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 1)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; // Letra normal cr.MoveTo(34 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 2)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(74 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 3)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(114 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 4)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); //cr.MoveTo(114*escala_en_linux_windows,comienzo_linea*escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string) treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue (iter,5)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (cr, layout); //cr.MoveTo(300*escala_en_linux_windows,comienzo_linea*escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string) treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue (iter,6)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (cr, layout); //cr.MoveTo(114*escala_en_linux_windows,comienzo_linea*escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string) treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue (iter,7)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(300 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 8)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(400 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 9)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(480 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 12)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(570 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 11)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Motivo Consulta :" + (string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 13)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(253 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Observaciones :" + (string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 14)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(501 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Referido por:" + (string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 15)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Telefonos :" + (string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 6)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); salto_de_pagina(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; while (treeViewEngineListaCitas.IterNext(ref iter)) { contador_numerocitas += 1; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; // Letra negrita if (fechas_citas != (string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 0)) { // Creando el Cuadro de Titulos cr.Rectangle(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea - 5 * escala_en_linux_windows, 750 * escala_en_linux_windows, 1 * escala_en_linux_windows); cr.FillPreserve(); //. FillPreserve(); FillExtents() cr.SetSourceRGB(0, 0, 0); cr.LineWidth = 0.5; cr.Stroke(); cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("(" + (string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 0) + ")"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; salto_de_pagina(cr, layout); fechas_citas = (string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 0); } cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 1)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; // Letra normal cr.MoveTo(34 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 2)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(74 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 3)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(114 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 4)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); //cr.MoveTo(114*escala_en_linux_windows,comienzo_linea*escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string) treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue (iter,5)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (cr, layout); //cr.MoveTo(300*escala_en_linux_windows,comienzo_linea*escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string) treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue (iter,6)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (cr, layout); //cr.MoveTo(114*escala_en_linux_windows,comienzo_linea*escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string) treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue (iter,7)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(300 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 8)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(400 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 9)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(480 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 12)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(570 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 11)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Mot.Consulta:" + (string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 13)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(253 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Obse.:" + (string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 14)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(501 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Ref. por:" + (string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 15)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Telefonos :" + (string)treeview_lista_agenda.Model.GetValue(iter, 6)); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); salto_de_pagina(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; salto_de_pagina(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; salto_de_pagina(cr, layout); } cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Nro. de CITAS " + contador_numerocitas.ToString().Trim()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); } //Console.WriteLine(contador_numerocitas.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine(comienzo_linea.ToString()); }
protected override void onDraw(Cairo.Context gr) { base.onDraw(gr); Rectangle cb = new Rectangle(0, 0, designWidth, designHeight); // ClientRectangle; gr.Save(); double z = zoom / 100.0; gr.Scale(z, z); if (drawGrid) { double gridLineWidth = 0.2 / z; double glhw = gridLineWidth / 2.0; int nbLines = cb.Width / gridSpacing; double d = cb.Left + gridSpacing; for (int i = 0; i < nbLines; i++) { gr.MoveTo(d - glhw, cb.Y); gr.LineTo(d - glhw, cb.Bottom); d += gridSpacing; } nbLines = cb.Height / gridSpacing; d = cb.Top + gridSpacing; for (int i = 0; i < nbLines; i++) { gr.MoveTo(cb.X, d - glhw); gr.LineTo(cb.Right, d - glhw); d += gridSpacing; } gr.LineWidth = gridLineWidth; Foreground.SetAsSource(gr, cb); gr.Stroke(); } lock (imlVE.RenderMutex) { using (Cairo.Surface surf = new Cairo.ImageSurface(imlVE.bmp, Cairo.Format.Argb32, imlVE.ClientRectangle.Width, imlVE.ClientRectangle.Height, imlVE.ClientRectangle.Width * 4)) { gr.SetSourceSurface(surf, cb.Left, cb.Top); gr.Paint(); } imlVE.IsDirty = false; } if (Error == null) { gr.SetSourceColor(Color.Black); gr.Rectangle(cb, 1.0 / z); } else { gr.SetSourceColor(Color.LavenderBlush); gr.Rectangle(cb, 2.0 / z); string[] lerrs = Error.ToString().Split('\n'); Point p = cb.Center; p.Y -= lerrs.Length * 20; foreach (string le in lerrs) { drawCenteredTextLine(gr, p, le); p.Y += 20; } } gr.Stroke(); Rectangle hr; if (SelectedItem?.Parent != null) { gr.SelectFontFace(Font.Name, Font.Slant, Font.Wheight); gr.SetFontSize(Font.Size); gr.FontOptions = Interface.FontRenderingOptions; gr.Antialias = Interface.Antialias; GraphicObject g = SelectedItem; hr = g.ScreenCoordinates(g.getSlot()); // Rectangle rIcons = new Rectangle (iconSize); // rIcons.Width *= 4; // rIcons.Top = hr.Bottom; // rIcons.Left = hr.Right - rIcons.Width + iconSize.Width; Rectangle rIcoMove = new Rectangle(hr.BottomRight, iconSize); // Rectangle rIcoStyle = rIcoMove; // rIcoStyle.Left += iconSize.Width + 4; using (Surface mask = new ImageSurface(Format.Argb32, cb.Width, cb.Height)) { using (Context ctx = new Context(mask)) { ctx.Save(); ctx.SetSourceRGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.4); ctx.Paint(); ctx.Rectangle(hr); ctx.Operator = Operator.Clear; ctx.Fill(); } gr.SetSourceSurface(mask, 0, 0); gr.Paint(); using (Surface ol = new ImageSurface(Format.Argb32, cb.Width, cb.Height)) { using (Context ctx = new Context(ol)) { ctx.SetSourceColor(Color.Black); drawDesignOverlay(ctx, g, cb, hr, 0.4 / z, 6.5); } gr.SetSourceSurface(ol, 0, 0); gr.Paint(); } drawIcon(gr, icoMove, rIcoMove); //drawIcon (gr, icoStyle, rIcoStyle); } } if (HoverWidget != null) { hr = HoverWidget.ScreenCoordinates(HoverWidget.getSlot()); gr.SetSourceColor(Color.SkyBlue); //gr.SetDash (new double[]{ 5.0, 3.0 }, 0.0); gr.Rectangle(hr, 0.4 / z); } gr.Restore(); }
public void Draw(Cairo.Context cr, Cairo.Rectangle rectangle) { if (IsSeparator) { cr.NewPath(); double x = Math.Ceiling(rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2) + 0.5; cr.MoveTo(x, rectangle.Y + 0.5 + 2); cr.RelLineTo(0, rectangle.Height - 1 - 4); cr.ClosePath(); cr.SetSourceColor(Styles.SubTabBarSeparatorColor.ToCairoColor()); cr.LineWidth = 1; cr.Stroke(); return; } if (Active || HoverPosition.X >= 0) { if (Active) { cr.Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height); cr.SetSourceColor(Styles.SubTabBarActiveBackgroundColor.ToCairoColor()); cr.Fill(); } else if (HoverPosition.X >= 0) { cr.Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height); cr.SetSourceColor(Styles.SubTabBarHoverBackgroundColor.ToCairoColor()); cr.Fill(); } } if (Active) { cr.SetSourceColor(Styles.SubTabBarActiveTextColor.ToCairoColor()); layout.FontDescription = FontService.SansFont.CopyModified(Styles.FontScale11, Pango.Weight.Bold); } else { cr.SetSourceColor(Styles.SubTabBarTextColor.ToCairoColor()); layout.FontDescription = FontService.SansFont.CopyModified(Styles.FontScale11); } // Pango.Layout.Width is in pango units layout.Width = (int)rectangle.Width * (int)Pango.Scale.PangoScale; cr.MoveTo(rectangle.X, (rectangle.Height - h) / 2 - 1); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); if (parent.HasFocus && Focused) { cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.SetDash(new double[] { 1, 1 }, 0.5); if (Active) { cr.SetSourceColor(Styles.SubTabBarActiveTextColor.ToCairoColor()); } else { cr.SetSourceColor(Styles.FocusColor.ToCairoColor()); } cr.Rectangle(rectangle.X + 2, rectangle.Y + 2, rectangle.Width - 4, rectangle.Height - 4); cr.Stroke(); } }
void Draw(Cairo.Context ctx, List <TableRow> rowList, int dividerX, int x, ref int y) { if (!heightMeasured) { return; } Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout(PangoContext); TableRow lastCategory = null; foreach (var r in rowList) { int w, h; layout.SetText(r.Label); layout.GetPixelSize(out w, out h); int indent = 0; if (r.IsCategory) { var rh = h + CategoryTopBottomPadding * 2; ctx.Rectangle(0, y, Allocation.Width, rh); ctx.SetSourceColor(Styles.PadCategoryBackgroundColor.ToCairoColor()); ctx.Fill(); if (lastCategory == null || lastCategory.Expanded || lastCategory.AnimatingExpand) { ctx.MoveTo(0, y + 0.5); ctx.LineTo(Allocation.Width, y + 0.5); } ctx.MoveTo(0, y + rh - 0.5); ctx.LineTo(Allocation.Width, y + rh - 0.5); ctx.SetSourceColor(Styles.PadCategoryBorderColor.ToCairoColor()); ctx.Stroke(); ctx.MoveTo(x, y + CategoryTopBottomPadding); ctx.SetSourceColor(Styles.PadCategoryLabelColor.ToCairoColor()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(ctx, layout); var img = r.Expanded ? discloseUp : discloseDown; ctx.DrawImage(this, img, Allocation.Width - img.Width - CategoryTopBottomPadding, y + Math.Round((rh - img.Height) / 2)); y += rh; lastCategory = r; } else { var cell = GetCell(r); r.Enabled = !r.Property.IsReadOnly || cell.EditsReadOnlyObject; var state = r.Enabled ? State : Gtk.StateType.Insensitive; ctx.Save(); ctx.Rectangle(0, y, dividerX, h + PropertyTopBottomPadding * 2); ctx.Clip(); ctx.MoveTo(x, y + PropertyTopBottomPadding); ctx.SetSourceColor(Style.Text(state).ToCairoColor()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(ctx, layout); ctx.Restore(); if (r != currentEditorRow) { var bounds = GetInactiveEditorBounds(r); cell.Render(GdkWindow, ctx, bounds, state); if (r.IsExpandable) { var img = r.Expanded ? discloseUp : discloseDown; ctx.DrawImage( this, img, Allocation.Width - img.Width - PropertyTopBottomPadding, y + Math.Round((h + PropertyTopBottomPadding * 2 - img.Height) / 2) ); } } y += r.EditorBounds.Height; indent = PropertyIndent; } if (r.ChildRows != null && r.ChildRows.Count > 0 && (r.Expanded || r.AnimatingExpand)) { int py = y; ctx.Save(); if (r.AnimatingExpand) { ctx.Rectangle(0, y, Allocation.Width, r.AnimationHeight); } else { ctx.Rectangle(0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height); } ctx.Clip(); Draw(ctx, r.ChildRows, dividerX, x + indent, ref y); ctx.Restore(); if (r.AnimatingExpand) { y = py + r.AnimationHeight; // Repaing the background because the cairo clip doesn't work for gdk primitives int dx = (int)((double)Allocation.Width * dividerPosition); ctx.Rectangle(0, y, dx, Allocation.Height - y); ctx.SetSourceColor(Styles.PropertyPadLabelBackgroundColor.ToCairoColor()); ctx.Fill(); ctx.Rectangle(dx + 1, y, Allocation.Width - dx - 1, Allocation.Height - y); ctx.SetSourceColor(Styles.BrowserPadBackground.ToCairoColor()); ctx.Fill(); } } } layout.Dispose(); }
protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d) { Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(d); Cairo.Context g = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(d); g.SelectFontFace("Lucida Console", FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold); g.SetFontSize(24); TextExtents te; string lvl, hp, hpm, mp, mpm; #region Character 1 if (Globals.Party[0] != null) { d.DrawPixbuf(gc, Graphics.GetProfile(Globals.Party[0].Name), 0, 0, X + x1, Y + yp, Graphics.PROFILE_WIDTH, Graphics.PROFILE_HEIGHT, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0); g.Color = new Color(.3, .8, .8); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y0 + ya); g.ShowText("LV"); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y0 + yb); g.ShowText("HP"); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y0 + yc); g.ShowText("MP"); g.Color = new Color(1, 1, 1); Color namec = new Color(1, 1, 1); if (Globals.Party[0].Death) { namec = new Color(0.8, 0, 0); } else if (Globals.Party[0].NearDeath) { namec = new Color(.8, .8, 0); } Graphics.ShadowedText(g, namec, Globals.Party[0].Name, X + x3, Y + y0); lvl = Globals.Party[0].Level.ToString(); hp = Globals.Party[0].HP.ToString() + "/"; hpm = Globals.Party[0].MaxHP.ToString(); mp = Globals.Party[0].MP.ToString() + "/"; mpm = Globals.Party[0].MaxMP.ToString(); te = g.TextExtents(lvl); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, lvl, X + x4 - te.Width, Y + y0 + ya); te = g.TextExtents(hp); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, hp, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + y0 + yb); te = g.TextExtents(hpm); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, hpm, X + x6 - te.Width, Y + y0 + yb); te = g.TextExtents(mp); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mp, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + y0 + yc); te = g.TextExtents(mpm); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mpm, X + x6 - te.Width, Y + y0 + yc); } #endregion Character 1 #region Character 2 if (Globals.Party[1] != null) { d.DrawPixbuf(gc, Graphics.GetProfile(Globals.Party[1].Name), 0, 0, X + x1, Y + yp + (y1 - y0), Graphics.PROFILE_WIDTH, Graphics.PROFILE_HEIGHT, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0); g.Color = new Color(.3, .8, .8); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y1 + ya); g.ShowText("LV"); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y1 + yb); g.ShowText("HP"); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y1 + yc); g.ShowText("MP"); g.Color = new Color(1, 1, 1); Color namec = new Color(1, 1, 1); if (Globals.Party[1].Death) { namec = new Color(0.8, 0, 0); } else if (Globals.Party[1].NearDeath) { namec = new Color(.8, .8, 0); } Graphics.ShadowedText(g, namec, Globals.Party[1].Name, X + x3, Y + y1); lvl = Globals.Party[1].Level.ToString(); hp = Globals.Party[1].HP.ToString() + "/"; hpm = Globals.Party[1].MaxHP.ToString(); mp = Globals.Party[1].MP.ToString() + "/"; mpm = Globals.Party[1].MaxMP.ToString(); te = g.TextExtents(lvl); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, lvl, X + x4 - te.Width, Y + y1 + ya); te = g.TextExtents(hp); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, hp, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + y1 + yb); te = g.TextExtents(hpm); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, hpm, X + x6 - te.Width, Y + y1 + yb); te = g.TextExtents(mp); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mp, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + y1 + yc); te = g.TextExtents(mpm); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mpm, X + x6 - te.Width, Y + y1 + yc); } #endregion Character 2 #region Character 3 if (Globals.Party[2] != null) { d.DrawPixbuf(gc, Graphics.GetProfile(Globals.Party[2].Name), 0, 0, X + x1, Y + yp + (y2 - y0), Graphics.PROFILE_WIDTH, Graphics.PROFILE_HEIGHT, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0); g.Color = new Color(.3, .8, .8); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y2 + ya); g.ShowText("LV"); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y2 + yb); g.ShowText("HP"); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y2 + yc); g.ShowText("MP"); g.Color = new Color(1, 1, 1); Color namec = new Color(1, 1, 1); if (Globals.Party[2].Death) { namec = new Color(0.8, 0, 0); } else if (Globals.Party[2].NearDeath) { namec = new Color(.8, .8, 0); } Graphics.ShadowedText(g, namec, Globals.Party[2].Name, X + x3, Y + y2); lvl = Globals.Party[2].Level.ToString(); hp = Globals.Party[2].HP.ToString() + "/"; hpm = Globals.Party[2].MaxHP.ToString(); mp = Globals.Party[2].MP.ToString() + "/"; mpm = Globals.Party[2].MaxMP.ToString(); te = g.TextExtents(lvl); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, lvl, X + x4 - te.Width, Y + y2 + ya); te = g.TextExtents(hp); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, hp, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + y2 + yb); te = g.TextExtents(hpm); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, hpm, X + x6 - te.Width, Y + y2 + yb); te = g.TextExtents(mp); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mp, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + y2 + yc); te = g.TextExtents(mpm); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mpm, X + x6 - te.Width, Y + y2 + yc); } #endregion Character 3 if (IsControl) { Graphics.RenderCursor(g, X + cx, Y + cy); } ((IDisposable)g.Target).Dispose(); ((IDisposable)g).Dispose(); }
protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d) { Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(d); Cairo.Context g = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(d); g.SelectFontFace("Lucida Console", FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold); g.SetFontSize(24); TextExtents te; string lvl, hp, hpm, mp, mpm; #region Character Character c = PHSList.Instance.Selection; if (c != null) { Graphics.DrawProfileSmall(d, gc, c.Name, X + x1, Y + yp); g.Color = new Color(.3, .8, .8); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y0 + ya); g.ShowText("LV"); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y0 + yb); g.ShowText("HP"); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + y0 + yc); g.ShowText("MP"); g.Color = new Color(1, 1, 1); Color namec = new Color(1, 1, 1); if (c.Death) { namec = new Color(0.8, 0, 0); } else if (c.NearDeath) { namec = new Color(.8, .8, 0); } Graphics.ShadowedText(g, namec, c.Name, X + x3, Y + y0); lvl = c.Level.ToString(); hp = c.HP.ToString() + "/"; hpm = c.MaxHP.ToString(); mp = c.MP.ToString() + "/"; mpm = c.MaxMP.ToString(); te = g.TextExtents(lvl); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, lvl, X + x4 - te.Width, Y + y0 + ya); te = g.TextExtents(hp); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, hp, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + y0 + yb); te = g.TextExtents(hpm); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, hpm, X + x6 - te.Width, Y + y0 + yb); te = g.TextExtents(mp); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mp, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + y0 + yc); te = g.TextExtents(mpm); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mpm, X + x6 - te.Width, Y + y0 + yc); } #endregion Character ((IDisposable)g.Target).Dispose(); ((IDisposable)g).Dispose(); }
public static void RoundedRectangle(this Cairo.Context cr, double x, double y, double w, double h, double r, CairoCorners corners, bool topBottomFallsThrough) { if (topBottomFallsThrough && corners == CairoCorners.None) { cr.MoveTo(x, y - r); cr.LineTo(x, y + h + r); cr.MoveTo(x + w, y - r); cr.LineTo(x + w, y + h + r); return; } else if (r < 0.0001 || corners == CairoCorners.None) { cr.Rectangle(x, y, w, h); return; } if ((corners & (CairoCorners.TopLeft | CairoCorners.TopRight)) == 0 && topBottomFallsThrough) { y -= r; h += r; cr.MoveTo(x + w, y); } else { if ((corners & CairoCorners.TopLeft) != 0) { cr.MoveTo(x + r, y); } else { cr.MoveTo(x, y); } if ((corners & CairoCorners.TopRight) != 0) { cr.Arc(x + w - r, y + r, r, Math.PI * 1.5, Math.PI * 2); } else { cr.LineTo(x + w, y); } } if ((corners & (CairoCorners.BottomLeft | CairoCorners.BottomRight)) == 0 && topBottomFallsThrough) { h += r; cr.LineTo(x + w, y + h); cr.MoveTo(x, y + h); cr.LineTo(x, y + r); cr.Arc(x + r, y + r, r, Math.PI, Math.PI * 1.5); } else { if ((corners & CairoCorners.BottomRight) != 0) { cr.Arc(x + w - r, y + h - r, r, 0, Math.PI * 0.5); } else { cr.LineTo(x + w, y + h); } if ((corners & CairoCorners.BottomLeft) != 0) { cr.Arc(x + r, y + h - r, r, Math.PI * 0.5, Math.PI); } else { cr.LineTo(x, y + h); } if ((corners & CairoCorners.TopLeft) != 0) { cr.Arc(x + r, y + r, r, Math.PI, Math.PI * 1.5); } else { cr.LineTo(x, y); } } }
void ejecutar_consulta_reporte(PrintContext context) { int numero_solicitud; int numero_almacen; int contador_productos = 0; string toma_descrip_prod; string fechaautorizacion = ""; string comentario = ""; string nombrepaciente = ""; string tiposolictud = "SOLICITUD A PACIENTE "; Cairo.Context cr = context.CairoContext; Pango.Layout layout = context.CreatePangoLayout(); Pango.FontDescription desc = Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Sans"); fontSize = 7.0; layout = context.CreatePangoLayout(); desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; NpgsqlConnection conexion; conexion = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString + nombrebd); // Verifica que la base de dato s este conectada try{ conexion.Open(); NpgsqlCommand comando; comando = conexion.CreateCommand(); comando.CommandText = query_general; //Console.WriteLine(comando.CommandText); NpgsqlDataReader lector = comando.ExecuteReader(); if (lector.Read()) { numero_solicitud = (int)lector["folio_de_solicitud"]; numero_almacen = (int)lector["idalmacen"]; toma_descrip_prod = (string)lector["descripcion_producto"]; nombrepaciente = (string)lector["nombre1_paciente"].ToString().Trim() + " " + (string)lector["nombre2_paciente"].ToString().Trim() + " " + (string)lector["apellido_paterno_paciente"].ToString().Trim() + " " + (string)lector["apellido_materno_paciente"].ToString().Trim(); if (toma_descrip_prod.Length > 69) { toma_descrip_prod = toma_descrip_prod.Substring(0, 68); } if ((string)lector["fecha_autorizado"] == "02-01-2000") { fechaautorizacion = ""; } else { fechaautorizacion = (string)lector["fecha_autorizado"]; } if ((bool)lector["solicitud_stock"] == true) { tiposolictud = "SOLICITUD PARA STOCK DEL SUB-ALAMACEN"; } else { tiposolictud = "SOLICITUD A PACIENTE"; } if ((bool)lector["pre_solicitud"] == true) { tiposolictud = "PRE-SOLICITUD PARA CIRUGIAS PROGRAMADAS"; nombrepaciente = (string)lector["nombre_paciente"].ToString().Trim(); } else { tiposolictud = "SOLICITUD A PACIENTE"; } //comprueba las notas de los resultado en el reporte if ((bool)lector["sin_stock"] == true) { comentario = "sin stock"; } if ((bool)lector["solicitado_erroneo"] == true) { comentario = "Pedido Erroneo"; } if ((bool)lector["surtido"] == true) { comentario = "surtido"; } if (float.Parse((string)lector["cantaut"]) == 0 && (bool)lector["sin_stock"] == false && (bool)lector["solicitado_erroneo"] == false && (bool)lector["surtido"] == false) { comentario = "No surtido"; } imprime_encabezado(cr, layout, (string)lector["descripcion_almacen"], (string)lector["foliosol"], (string)lector["fecha_envio"], (string)lector["id_quien_solicito"], (string)lector["nombreempl"], (string)lector["foliodeatencion"].ToString().Trim(), (string)lector["pidpaciente"].ToString().Trim(), nombrepaciente, tiposolictud + " " + (string)lector["tipo_solicitud"].ToString().Trim(), (string)lector["procedimiento_qx"].ToString().Trim(), (string)lector["diagnostico_qx"].ToString().Trim(), (string)lector["observaciones_solicitud"].ToString()); cr.MoveTo(15 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)lector["cantsol"]); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(60 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)lector["idproducto"]); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(120 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText(toma_descrip_prod); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(405 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)lector["cantaut"]); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(465 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText(fechaautorizacion); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(520 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText(comentario); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); contador_productos += 1; comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; while (lector.Read()) { if (numero_solicitud != (int)lector["folio_de_solicitud"] || numero_almacen != (int)lector["idalmacen"]) { cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Productos Solicitados :" + contador_productos.ToString()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); nombrepaciente = (string)lector["nombre1_paciente"].ToString().Trim() + " " + (string)lector["nombre2_paciente"].ToString().Trim() + " " + (string)lector["apellido_paterno_paciente"].ToString().Trim() + " " + (string)lector["apellido_materno_paciente"].ToString().Trim(); numero_solicitud = (int)lector["folio_de_solicitud"]; numero_almacen = (int)lector["idalmacen"]; if ((bool)lector["solicitud_stock"] == true) { tiposolictud = "SOLICITUD PARA STOCK DEL SUB-ALAMACEN"; } if ((bool)lector["pre_solicitud"] == true) { tiposolictud = "PRE-SOLICITUD PARA CIRUGIAS PROGRAMADAS"; nombrepaciente = (string)lector["nombre_paciente"].ToString().Trim(); } if ((bool)lector["solicitud_stock"] == false && (bool)lector["pre_solicitud"] == false) { tiposolictud = "SOLICITUD A PACIENTE"; } cr.ShowPage(); comienzo_linea = 135; contador_productos = 0; imprime_encabezado(cr, layout, (string)lector["descripcion_almacen"], (string)lector["foliosol"], (string)lector["fecha_envio"], (string)lector["id_quien_solicito"], (string)lector["nombreempl"], (string)lector["foliodeatencion"].ToString().Trim(), (string)lector["pidpaciente"].ToString().Trim(), nombrepaciente, tiposolictud + " " + (string)lector["tipo_solicitud"].ToString().Trim(), (string)lector["procedimiento_qx"].ToString().Trim(), (string)lector["diagnostico_qx"].ToString().Trim(), (string)lector["observaciones_solicitud"].ToString()); } toma_descrip_prod = (string)lector["descripcion_producto"]; if (toma_descrip_prod.Length > 69) { toma_descrip_prod = toma_descrip_prod.Substring(0, 68); } if ((string)lector["fecha_autorizado"] == "02-01-2000") { fechaautorizacion = ""; } else { fechaautorizacion = (string)lector["fecha_autorizado"]; } //comprueba las notas de los resultado en el reporte if ((bool)lector["sin_stock"] == true) { comentario = "sin stock"; } if ((bool)lector["solicitado_erroneo"] == true) { comentario = "Pedido Erroneo"; } if ((bool)lector["surtido"] == true) { comentario = "surtido"; } if (float.Parse((string)lector["cantaut"]) == 0 && (bool)lector["sin_stock"] == false && (bool)lector["solicitado_erroneo"] == false && (bool)lector["surtido"] == false) { comentario = "No surtido"; } cr.MoveTo(15 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)lector["cantsol"]); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(60 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)lector["idproducto"]); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(120 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText(toma_descrip_prod); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(405 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)lector["cantaut"]); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(465 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText(fechaautorizacion); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(520 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText(comentario); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); contador_productos += 1; comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; salto_de_pagina(cr, layout, (string)lector["descripcion_almacen"], (string)lector["foliosol"], (string)lector["fecha_envio"], (string)lector["id_quien_solicito"], (string)lector["nombreempl"], (string)lector["foliodeatencion"].ToString().Trim(), (string)lector["pidpaciente"].ToString().Trim(), nombrepaciente, tiposolictud, (string)lector["procedimiento_qx"].ToString().Trim(), (string)lector["diagnostico_qx"].ToString().Trim(), (string)lector["observaciones_solicitud"].ToString()); } cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Productos Solicitados :" + contador_productos.ToString()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); } }catch (NpgsqlException ex) { MessageDialog msgBoxError = new MessageDialog(MyWinError, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, MessageType.Warning, ButtonsType.Ok, "PostgresSQL error: {0}", ex.Message); msgBoxError.Run(); msgBoxError.Destroy(); Console.WriteLine("PostgresSQL error: {0}", ex.Message); } }
void imprime_encabezado(Cairo.Context cr, Pango.Layout layout, string numerocomprobante, string numerodeatencion, string numeroexpediente, string nombrepaciente, string descripcion_empmuni, string telefono_paciente, string fechahoraregistro, string conceptocomprobante, string observacionescomprobante, float tomavalortotal, string doctor_admision) { comienzo_linea = 60; Pango.FontDescription desc = Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Sans"); //cr.Rotate(90); //Imprimir Orizontalmente rota la hoja cambian las posiciones de las lineas y columna fontSize = 8.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; // Letra negrita cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 05 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText(classpublic.nombre_empresa); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 15 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText(classpublic.direccion_empresa); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 25 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText(classpublic.telefonofax_empresa); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); fontSize = 6.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; cr.MoveTo(479 * escala_en_linux_windows, 05 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Fech.Rpt:" + (string)DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(479 * escala_en_linux_windows, 15 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("N° Page :" + numpage.ToString().Trim()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 35 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Sistema Hospitalario OSIRIS"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); // Cambiando el tamaño de la fuente fontSize = 10.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; // Letra negrita layout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Center; double width = context.Width; layout.Width = (int)width; layout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Center; //layout.Wrap = Pango.WrapMode.Word; //layout.SingleParagraphMode = true; layout.Justify = false; if (tipocomprobante == "PAGARE") { cr.MoveTo(width / 2, 45 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText(titulo_comprobante); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); } else { cr.MoveTo(width / 2, 45 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("COMPROBANTE_" + titulo_comprobante); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); } fontSize = 9.0; layout = null; layout = context.CreatePangoLayout(); desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; // Letra negrita cr.MoveTo(479 * escala_en_linux_windows, 25 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("N° Folio " + numerocomprobante); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); fontSize = 8.0; layout = null; layout = context.CreatePangoLayout(); desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; // Letra negrita cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("N° Atencion: " + numerodeatencion); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; // Letra normal cr.MoveTo(120 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("N° Expe.: " + numeroexpediente); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(220 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Nombre Paciente: " + nombrepaciente); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Telefono: " + telefono_paciente); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(250 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Fecha Admision: " + fechahoraregistro); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Tipo Paciente: " + tipo_paciente); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(200 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Empr./Munic.: " + descripcion_empmuni); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Doctor: " + doctor_admision); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); if (tipocomprobante == "CAJA") { fontSize = 7.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; // numeros en letras cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea + (separacion_linea * 22) * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)class_public.ConvertirCadena(tomavalortotal.ToString(), "PESOS").ToUpper()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); fontSize = 8.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; // Letra negrita cr.MoveTo(400 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea + (separacion_linea * 22) * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("T O T A L : " + tomavalortotal.ToString("C")); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); } if (tipocomprobante == "ABONO") { fontSize = 7.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; // numeros en letras cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea + (separacion_linea * 22) * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)class_public.ConvertirCadena(tomavalortotal.ToString(), "PESOS").ToUpper()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); fontSize = 8.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; // Letra negrita cr.MoveTo(400 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea + (separacion_linea * 22) * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("T O T A L : " + tomavalortotal.ToString("C")); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); } /* * if (tipocomprobante == "PAGARE"){ * fontSize = 7.0; * desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; * layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; * // numeros en letras * cr.MoveTo(05*escala_en_linux_windows,comienzo_linea+(separacion_linea*22)*escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string) class_public.ConvertirCadena(tomavalortotal.ToString(),"PESOS").ToUpper()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (cr, layout); * fontSize = 8.0; * desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; * layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; // Letra negrita * cr.MoveTo(300*escala_en_linux_windows,comienzo_linea+(separacion_linea*22)*escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("VALOR TOTAL DEL PAGARE: "+tomavalortotal.ToString("C")); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (cr, layout); * }*/ if (tipocomprobante != "PAGARE") { fontSize = 8.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; // Letra normal cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea + (separacion_linea * 23) * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Concepto : " + conceptocomprobante); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea + (separacion_linea * 24) * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Observacion : " + observacionescomprobante); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea + (separacion_linea * 25) * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Atendio por : " + nombreempleado); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); fontSize = 8.0; layout = null; layout = context.CreatePangoLayout(); desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; // Letra normal } }
void imprime_encabezado(Cairo.Context cr, Pango.Layout layout) { //Gtk.Image image5 = new Gtk.Image(); //image5.Name = "image5"; //image5.Pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(System.IO.Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "osiris.jpg")); //image5.Pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf("/opt/osiris/bin/OSIRISLogo.jpg"); // en Linux //image5.Pixbuf.ScaleSimple(128, 128, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear); //Gdk.CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf(cr,image5.Pixbuf,1,-30); //Gdk.CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf(cr,image5.Pixbuf.ScaleSimple(145, 50, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear),1,1); //Gdk.CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf(cr,image5.Pixbuf.ScaleSimple(180, 64, Gdk.InterpType.Hyper),1,1); //cr.Fill(); //cr.Paint(); //cr.Restore(); Pango.FontDescription desc = Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Sans"); //cr.Rotate(90); //Imprimir Orizontalmente rota la hoja cambian las posiciones de las lineas y columna fontSize = 8.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; // Letra negrita cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 05 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText(classpublic.nombre_empresa); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 15 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText(classpublic.direccion_empresa); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 25 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText(classpublic.telefonofax_empresa); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); fontSize = 6.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; cr.MoveTo(650 * escala_en_linux_windows, 05 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Fech.Rpt:" + (string)DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(650 * escala_en_linux_windows, 15 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("N° Page :" + numpage.ToString().Trim()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 35 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Sistema Hospitalario OSIRIS"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); // Cambiando el tamaño de la fuente fontSize = 10.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; cr.MoveTo(240 * escala_en_linux_windows, 25 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("CALENDARIO DE CITAS Y CIRUGIAS PROGRAMADAS"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); // Creando el Cuadro de Titulos cr.Rectangle(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, 50 * escala_en_linux_windows, 750 * escala_en_linux_windows, 15 * escala_en_linux_windows); cr.FillExtents(); //. FillPreserve(); cr.SetSourceRGB(0, 0, 0); cr.LineWidth = 0.5; cr.Stroke(); fontSize = 8.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; // Letra negrita cr.MoveTo(09 * escala_en_linux_windows, 53 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Fech/Hora"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(74 * escala_en_linux_windows, 53 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("N° Exp."); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(114 * escala_en_linux_windows, 53 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Nombre del Paciente"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(300 * escala_en_linux_windows, 53 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Tipo Paciente"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(400 * escala_en_linux_windows, 53 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Tipo Servicio"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(480 * escala_en_linux_windows, 53 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Especialidad "); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(570 * escala_en_linux_windows, 53 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Nombre del Doctor"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; // Letra Normal }
void ejecutar_consulta_reporte(PrintContext context) { bool apl_desc = false; bool apl_desc_siempre = true; int toma_tipoadmisiones = 0; int toma_grupoproducto = 0; float toma_valor_total = 0; comienzo_linea = 60; Cairo.Context cr = context.CairoContext; Pango.Layout layout = context.CreatePangoLayout(); Pango.FontDescription desc = Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Sans"); //cr.Rotate(90); //Imprimir Orizontalmente rota la hoja cambian las posiciones de las lineas y columna fontSize = 8.0; desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; NpgsqlConnection conexion; conexion = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString + nombrebd); // Verifica que la base de datos este conectada try{ conexion.Open(); NpgsqlCommand comando; comando = conexion.CreateCommand(); comando.CommandText = sql_compcaja + sql_numerocomprobante + sql_foliodeservicio + sql_orderquery; Console.WriteLine(comando.CommandText); NpgsqlDataReader lector = comando.ExecuteReader(); if (lector.Read()) { switch (tipocomprobante) { case "CAJA": toma_valor_total = float.Parse((string)lector["montodelabono"]); titulo_comprobante = tipocomprobante + "_" + (string)lector["descripcion_tipo_comprobante"]; break; case "PAGARE": toma_valor_total = float.Parse((string)lector["montodelabono"]); titulo_comprobante = tipocomprobante; break; case "SERVICO": titulo_comprobante = tipocomprobante; break; case "ABONO": toma_valor_total = float.Parse((string)lector["montodelabono"]); titulo_comprobante = "CAJA_" + tipocomprobante; break; } busca_tipoadmisiones(lector["foliodeservicio"].ToString().Trim()); imprime_encabezado(cr, layout, numero_comprobante.ToString().Trim(), lector["foliodeservicio"].ToString().Trim(), lector["pidpaciente"].ToString().Trim(), lector["nombre_completo"].ToString().Trim(), lector["descripcion_empresa"].ToString().Trim(), lector["telefono_particular1_paciente"].ToString().Trim(), lector["fechcreacion"].ToString().Trim() + " " + lector["horacreacion"].ToString().Trim(), lector["concepto_comprobante"].ToString().Trim(), lector["observacionesvarias"].ToString().Trim(), toma_valor_total, lector["nombre_medico_encabezado"].ToString().Trim()); if (tipocomprobante == "CAJA" || tipocomprobante == "SERVICIO") { toma_tipoadmisiones = (int)lector["idadmisiones"]; toma_grupoproducto = (int)lector["id_grupo_producto"]; comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; fontSize = 8.0; layout = null; layout = context.CreatePangoLayout(); desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; // Letra normal if ((int)lector["idadmisiones"] == 300 || (int)lector["idadmisiones"] == 400 || (int)lector["idadmisiones"] == 920 || (int)lector["idadmisiones"] == 950 || (int)lector["idadmisiones"] == 960) { cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)lector["descripcion_admisiones"].ToString().Trim()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(15 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)lector["descripcion_grupo_producto"].ToString().Trim()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(25 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)lector["idproducto"].ToString().Trim() + " " + (string)lector["descripcion_producto"].ToString().Trim()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); } else { cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)lector["descripcion_admisiones"].ToString().Trim()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(15 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)lector["descripcion_grupo_producto"].ToString().Trim()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); } while (lector.Read()) { if (toma_tipoadmisiones != (int)lector["idadmisiones"]) { comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)lector["descripcion_admisiones"].ToString().Trim()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(15 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)lector["descripcion_grupo_producto"].ToString().Trim()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); if ((int)lector["idadmisiones"] == 300 || (int)lector["idadmisiones"] == 400 || (int)lector["idadmisiones"] == 950 || (int)lector["idadmisiones"] == 960) { comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(25 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)lector["idproducto"].ToString().Trim() + " " + (string)lector["descripcion_producto"].ToString().Trim()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); } toma_tipoadmisiones = (int)lector["idadmisiones"]; toma_grupoproducto = (int)lector["id_grupo_producto"]; } else { if (toma_grupoproducto != (int)lector["id_grupo_producto"]) { comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(15 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)lector["descripcion_grupo_producto"].ToString().Trim()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); toma_grupoproducto = (int)lector["id_grupo_producto"]; } if ((int)lector["idadmisiones"] == 300 || (int)lector["idadmisiones"] == 400 || (int)lector["idadmisiones"] == 950 || (int)lector["idadmisiones"] == 960) { comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(25 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)lector["idproducto"].ToString().Trim() + " " + (string)lector["descripcion_producto"].ToString().Trim()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); } } } } if (tipocomprobante == "ABONO") { } if (tipocomprobante == "PAGARE") { comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; fontSize = 8.0; layout = null; layout = context.CreatePangoLayout(); desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("PAGARÉ"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(200 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("N° 1/1"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(400 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("BUENO POR " + toma_valor_total.ToString("C")); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(270 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Monterrey, Nuevo León a los " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd") + " días del mes de " + classpublic.nom_mes(DateTime.Now.ToString("MM")) + " del año " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy")); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; fontSize = 6.0; layout = null; layout = context.CreatePangoLayout(); desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; cr.MoveTo(370 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Lugar y fecha de expedición"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; fontSize = 8.0; layout = null; layout = context.CreatePangoLayout(); desc.Size = (int)(fontSize * pangoScale); layout.FontDescription = desc; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Debo(mos) y pagaré(mos) indicionalmente por este Pagaré a la orden de :"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText(classpublic.nombre_empresa); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("en Monterrey, Nuevo León el " + lector["vencimiento_pagare"].ToString()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("La cantidad de:"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText((string)class_public.ConvertirCadena(toma_valor_total.ToString(), "PESOS").ToUpper()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Valor Recibido a mi (nuestra) entera satisfacción. Este pagaré forma parte de una serie numerada del 1 al 1 y todos están sujetos a la"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("condición de que, al no pagarse cualquiera de ellos a su vencimiento, serán exigible todos los que le sigan en número, ademas de los"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("ya vencido, desde la fecha de vencimiento a este documento hasta el día de su liquidacion, causara intereses moratorios al tipo del"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("_____% mensual, pagadero en esta ciudad juntamente con el principal."); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Datos del Deudor"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Nombre: " + lector["nombre_completo"].ToString()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(400 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Acepto(amos)"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Dirección: " + lector["direccion_paciente"].ToString().Trim() + " " + lector["numero_casa_paciente"].ToString().Trim() + lector["numero_departamento_paciente"].ToString().Trim() + " " + lector["colonia_paciente"].ToString().Trim() + " CP. " + lector["codigo_postal_paciente"].ToString().Trim()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Población: " + lector["municipio_paciente"].ToString().Trim() + ", " + lector["estado_paciente"].ToString().Trim()); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(400 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Firma(s) ___________________________"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Bold; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Datos y firma(s) del(os) Aval(es)"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); layout.FontDescription.Weight = Weight.Normal; comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea + 5 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Nombre:_____________________________________________________ "); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea + 5 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Dirección:___________________________________________________"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); comienzo_linea += separacion_linea; cr.MoveTo(05 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea + 5 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Población:_____________________________________________ Telefono :______________"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); cr.MoveTo(400 * escala_en_linux_windows, comienzo_linea + 5 * escala_en_linux_windows); layout.SetText("Firma(s) ___________________________"); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(cr, layout); } } }catch (NpgsqlException ex) { MessageDialog msgBoxError = new MessageDialog(MyWinError, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, MessageType.Warning, ButtonsType.Ok, "PostgresSQL error: {0}", ex.Message); msgBoxError.Run(); msgBoxError.Destroy(); Console.WriteLine("PostgresSQL error: {0}", ex.Message); return; } conexion.Close(); }
static void draw(Cairo.Context gr, int width, int height) { double x0 = 0.1; double y0 = 0.1; double rect_width = 0.8; double rect_height = 0.8; double radius = 0.4; double x1, y1; gr.Scale(width, height); gr.LineWidth = 0.04; x1 = x0 + rect_width; y1 = y0 + rect_height; if (rect_width == 0 || rect_height == 0) { return; } if (rect_width / 2 < radius) { if (rect_height / 2 < radius) { gr.MoveTo(new PointD(x0, (y0 + y1) / 2)); gr.CurveTo(new PointD(x0, y0), new PointD(x0, y0), new PointD((x0 + x1) / 2, y0) ); gr.CurveTo(new PointD(x1, y0), new PointD(x1, y0), new PointD(x1, (y0 + y1) / 2) ); gr.CurveTo(new PointD(x1, y1), new PointD(x1, y1), new PointD((x1 + x0) / 2, y1) ); gr.CurveTo(new PointD(x0, y1), new PointD(x0, y1), new PointD(x0, (y0 + y1) / 2) ); } else { gr.MoveTo(new PointD(x0, y0 + radius)); gr.CurveTo(new PointD(x0, y0), new PointD(x0, y0), new PointD((x0 + x1) / 2, y0) ); gr.CurveTo(new PointD(x1, y0), new PointD(x1, y0), new PointD(x1, y0 + radius) ); gr.LineTo(new PointD(x1, y1 - radius)); gr.CurveTo(new PointD(x1, y1), new PointD(x1, y1), new PointD((x1 + x0) / 2, y1) ); gr.CurveTo(new PointD(x0, y1), new PointD(x0, y1), new PointD(x0, y1 - radius) ); } } else { if (rect_height / 2 < radius) { gr.MoveTo(new PointD(x0, (y0 + y1) / 2)); gr.CurveTo(new PointD(x0, y0), new PointD(x0, y0), new PointD(x0 + radius, y0) ); gr.LineTo(new PointD(x1 - radius, y0)); gr.CurveTo(new PointD(x1, y0), new PointD(x1, y0), new PointD(x1, (y0 + y1) / 2) ); gr.CurveTo(new PointD(x1, y1), new PointD(x1, y1), new PointD(x1 - radius, y1) ); gr.LineTo(new PointD(x0 + radius, y1)); gr.CurveTo(new PointD(x0, y1), new PointD(x0, y1), new PointD(x0, (y0 + y1) / 2) ); } else { gr.MoveTo(new PointD(x0, y0 + radius)); gr.CurveTo(new PointD(x0, y0), new PointD(x0, y0), new PointD(x0 + radius, y0) ); gr.LineTo(new PointD(x1 - radius, y0)); gr.CurveTo(new PointD(x1, y0), new PointD(x1, y0), new PointD(x1, y0 + radius) ); gr.LineTo(new PointD(x1, y1 - radius)); gr.CurveTo(new PointD(x1, y1), new PointD(x1, y1), new PointD(x1 - radius, y1) ); gr.LineTo(new PointD(x0 + radius, y1)); gr.CurveTo(new PointD(x0, y1), new PointD(x0, y1), new PointD(x0, y1 - radius) ); } } gr.Color = new Color(0.5, 0.5, 1, 1); gr.FillPreserve(); gr.Color = new Color(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5); gr.Stroke(); }
void draw(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { System.Console.WriteLine("Evaluating code"); System.Console.WriteLine("Drawing"); int colOffset = 0; using (Cairo.Context cairoContext = CairoHelper.Create(base.GdkWindow)) { for (int x = 0; x < pixelValues.GetLength(0) - 1; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < pixelValues.GetLength(1) - 1; y++) { //pixelValues[x, y] = colOffset; //colOffset++; if (colOffset > 8) { colOffset = 0; } //System.Console.Write(pixelValues[x, y]); if (pixelValues[x, y] != 0) { System.Console.WriteLine("Color ID " + pixelValues[x, y].ToString() + " at point (" + x.ToString() + "," + y.ToString() + ")"); } cairoContext.MoveTo(x * sizeMult, y * sizeMult); cairoContext.SetSourceColor(GetColorVal(pixelValues[x, y])); cairoContext.Rectangle(x * sizeMult, y * sizeMult, sizeMult, sizeMult); cairoContext.Fill(); //visualBitmap.SetPixel(x, y, GetColorVal(pixelValues[x, y])); } colOffset++; } } //var data = visualBitmap.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, visualBitmap.Width, visualBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); //Gdk.Pixmap pixmap = new Gdk.Pixmap(data.Scan0); currentColor++; if (currentColor > 1) { currentColor = 0; } //using (Cairo.Context cairoContext = CairoHelper.Create(base.GdkWindow)) //{ // //cairoContext. // for (int x = 0; x < pixelValues.GetLength(0); x++) // { // for (int y = 0; y < pixelValues.GetLength(1); y++) // { // } // } //} //g.MoveTo(0, 0); //g.LineTo(10, 10); //Cairo.Color color = new Cairo.Color(1.0, 0.5, 0.5); //g.SetSourceColor(color); //g.Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10); //g.Fill(); //g.Stroke(); System.Console.WriteLine("Done executing"); interpreter.EvaluateCode(interpreter.gotos[255], true); }
protected override void DrawContents(Gdk.Drawable d) { Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(d); Cairo.Context g = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(d); g.SelectFontFace("Lucida Console", FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold); g.SetFontSize(24); TextExtents te; Cairo.Color greenish = new Color(.3, .8, .8); Cairo.Color gray = new Color(.4, .4, .4); Cairo.Color white = new Color(1, 1, 1); string lvl, hp, hpm, mp, mpm, s; #region Character Status d.DrawPixbuf(gc, Graphics.GetProfile(Selected.Name), 0, 0, X + xpic, Y + ypic, Graphics.PROFILE_WIDTH, Graphics.PROFILE_HEIGHT, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0); g.Color = new Color(.3, .8, .8); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + ya); g.ShowText("LV"); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + yb); g.ShowText("HP"); g.MoveTo(X + x3, Y + yc); g.ShowText("MP"); g.Color = new Color(1, 1, 1); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, Selected.Name, X + x3, Y + y); lvl = Selected.Level.ToString(); hp = Selected.HP.ToString() + "/"; hpm = Selected.MaxHP.ToString(); mp = Selected.MP.ToString() + "/"; mpm = Selected.MaxMP.ToString(); te = g.TextExtents(lvl); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, lvl, X + x4 - te.Width, Y + ya); te = g.TextExtents(hp); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, hp, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + yb); te = g.TextExtents(hpm); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, hpm, X + x6 - te.Width, Y + yb); te = g.TextExtents(mp); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mp, X + x5 - te.Width, Y + yc); te = g.TextExtents(mpm); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, mpm, X + x6 - te.Width, Y + yc); #endregion Status Graphics.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Attack", X + x0, Y + ym); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Halve", X + x0, Y + yn); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Void", X + x0, Y + yo); Graphics.ShadowedText(g, greenish, "Absorb", X + x0, Y + yp); g.SetFontSize(16); double x = (double)x1; double r = (double)(ym + ys); foreach (Element e in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Element))) { if (x > W - stop) { x = x1; r = r + ys; } s = e.ToString() + " "; te = g.TextExtents(s); if (Selected.Halves(e)) { Graphics.ShadowedText(g, white, e.ToString(), X + x, Y + r); } else { Graphics.ShadowedText(g, gray, e.ToString(), X + x, Y + r); } x += te.XAdvance; } x = (double)x1; r = (double)(yn + ys); foreach (Element e in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Element))) { if (x > W - stop) { x = x1; r = r + ys; } s = e.ToString() + " "; te = g.TextExtents(s); if (Selected.Halves(e)) { Graphics.ShadowedText(g, white, e.ToString(), X + x, Y + r); } else { Graphics.ShadowedText(g, gray, e.ToString(), X + x, Y + r); } x += te.XAdvance; } x = (double)x1; r = (double)(yo + ys); foreach (Element e in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Element))) { if (x > W - stop) { x = x1; r = r + ys; } s = e.ToString() + " "; te = g.TextExtents(s); if (Selected.Voids(e)) { Graphics.ShadowedText(g, white, e.ToString(), X + x, Y + r); } else { Graphics.ShadowedText(g, gray, e.ToString(), X + x, Y + r); } x += te.XAdvance; } x = (double)x1; r = (double)(yp + ys); foreach (Element e in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Element))) { if (x > W - stop) { x = x1; r = r + ys; } s = e.ToString() + " "; te = g.TextExtents(s); if (Selected.Absorbs(e)) { Graphics.ShadowedText(g, white, e.ToString(), X + x, Y + r); } else { Graphics.ShadowedText(g, gray, e.ToString(), X + x, Y + r); } x += te.XAdvance; } ((IDisposable)g.Target).Dispose(); ((IDisposable)g).Dispose(); }
void DrawBar(Cairo.Context gr, int b) { gr.MoveTo(barStart[b]); gr.LineTo(barEnd[b]); gr.Stroke(); }
private void Render(Clutter.CairoTexture texture, int with_state, bool outwards) { texture.Clear(); Cairo.Context context = texture.Create(); double alpha_f = with_state == 0 ? 0.5 : (with_state == 1 ? 0.8 : 1); double lwidth = 1; double hlwidth = lwidth * 0.5; context.LineWidth = lwidth; if (outwards) { context.MoveTo(texture.Width * 0.5 - texture.Height * 0.45, texture.Height * 0.9); context.CurveTo(texture.Width * 0.3, texture.Height, texture.Width * 0.6, texture.Height, texture.Width * 0.5 + texture.Height * 0.45, texture.Height * 0.9); context.ArcNegative(texture.Width * 0.5, texture.Height * 0.9, texture.Height * 0.45, 0, Math.PI); context.ClosePath(); Gradient g1 = new LinearGradient(0, texture.Height / 2, 0, texture.Height); g1.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0 * alpha_f)); g1.AddColorStop(1.0, new Cairo.Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 * alpha_f)); context.Pattern = g1; context.FillPreserve(); context.SetSourceRGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 * alpha_f); context.Stroke(); ((IDisposable)g1).Dispose(); context.Arc(Width * 0.5, Height * 0.33 + lwidth, Height * 0.33, 0, Math.PI * 2); context.ClosePath(); context.Operator = Operator.Source; Gradient g2 = new RadialGradient(texture.Width * 0.5, texture.Height * 0.25, 0, texture.Width * 0.5, texture.Height * 0.25, texture.Width * 0.5); g2.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 * alpha_f)); g2.AddColorStop(1.0, new Cairo.Color(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0 * alpha_f)); context.Pattern = g2; //context.SetSourceRGBA (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0*alpha_f); context.FillPreserve(); Gradient g3 = new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, texture.Height * 0.5); g3.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 * alpha_f)); g3.AddColorStop(1.0, new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0, 1.0 * alpha_f)); context.Pattern = g3; //context.SetSourceRGBA (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0*alpha_f); context.Stroke(); ((IDisposable)g2).Dispose(); ((IDisposable)g3).Dispose(); } else { Cairo.PointD c = new Cairo.PointD(texture.Width * 0.5, texture.Height * 0.5); double max_r = Math.Min(c.X, c.Y) - hlwidth; context.Arc(c.X, c.Y, max_r, 0, Math.PI * 2); context.ArcNegative(c.X, c.Y, max_r * 0.25, Math.PI * 2, 0); context.ClosePath(); context.SetSourceRGBA(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 * alpha_f); context.StrokePreserve(); Gradient g1 = new LinearGradient(0, texture.Height, texture.Width, 0); g1.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 * alpha_f)); g1.AddColorStop(0.5, new Cairo.Color(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0 * alpha_f)); g1.AddColorStop(1, new Cairo.Color(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0 * alpha_f)); context.Pattern = g1; context.Fill(); ((IDisposable)g1).Dispose(); context.ArcNegative(c.X, c.Y, max_r * 0.25 + lwidth, Math.PI * 1.75, Math.PI * 0.75); context.Arc(c.X, c.Y, max_r, Math.PI * 0.75, Math.PI * 1.75); context.ClosePath(); Gradient g2 = new LinearGradient(c.X, c.Y, c.X * 0.35, c.Y * 0.35); g2.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 * alpha_f)); g2.AddColorStop(1, new Cairo.Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)); context.Pattern = g2; context.Fill(); ((IDisposable)g2).Dispose(); context.ArcNegative(c.X, c.Y, max_r * 0.25 + lwidth, Math.PI * 2, 0); context.Arc(c.X, c.Y, max_r * 0.45, 0, Math.PI * 2); context.SetSourceRGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8 * alpha_f); context.Fill(); context.Arc(c.X, c.Y, max_r - lwidth, 0, Math.PI * 2); Gradient g3 = new LinearGradient(0, texture.Height, texture.Width, 0); g3.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)); g3.AddColorStop(1, new Cairo.Color(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0 * alpha_f)); context.Pattern = g3; context.Stroke(); ((IDisposable)g3).Dispose(); } ((IDisposable)context.Target).Dispose(); ((IDisposable)context).Dispose(); }
void Draw(Cairo.Context ctx, List <TableRow> rowList, int dividerX, int x, ref int y) { if (!heightMeasured) { return; } Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout(PangoContext); TableRow lastCategory = null; foreach (var r in rowList) { int w, h; layout.SetText(r.Label); layout.GetPixelSize(out w, out h); int indent = 0; if (r.IsCategory) { var rh = h + CategoryTopBottomPadding * 2; ctx.Rectangle(0, y, Allocation.Width, rh); Cairo.LinearGradient gr = new LinearGradient(0, y, 0, rh); gr.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color(248d / 255d, 248d / 255d, 248d / 255d)); gr.AddColorStop(1, new Cairo.Color(240d / 255d, 240d / 255d, 240d / 255d)); ctx.SetSource(gr); ctx.Fill(); if (lastCategory == null || lastCategory.Expanded || lastCategory.AnimatingExpand) { ctx.MoveTo(0, y + 0.5); ctx.LineTo(Allocation.Width, y + 0.5); } ctx.MoveTo(0, y + rh - 0.5); ctx.LineTo(Allocation.Width, y + rh - 0.5); ctx.SetSourceRGBA(DividerColor.R, DividerColor.G, DividerColor.B, DividerColor.A); ctx.Stroke(); ctx.MoveTo(x, y + CategoryTopBottomPadding); ctx.SetSourceRGBA(CategoryLabelColor.R, CategoryLabelColor.G, CategoryLabelColor.B, CategoryLabelColor.A); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(ctx, layout); //var img = r.Expanded ? discloseUp : discloseDown; //CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf(ctx, img, Allocation.Width - img.Width - CategoryTopBottomPadding, y +(rh - img.Height) / 2); //ctx.Paint(); y += rh; lastCategory = r; } else { var cell = GetCell(r); r.Enabled = !r.Inspector.IsReadOnly || cell.EditsReadOnlyObject; var state = r.Enabled ? State : Gtk.StateType.Insensitive; ctx.Save(); ctx.Rectangle(0, y, dividerX, h + InspectorTopBottomPadding * 2); ctx.Clip(); ctx.MoveTo(x, y + InspectorTopBottomPadding); Gdk.Color color = Style.Text(state); ctx.SetSourceRGB(color.Red, color.Green, color.Blue); Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(ctx, layout); ctx.Restore(); if (r != currentEditorRow) { cell.Render(GdkWindow, r.EditorBounds, state); } y += r.EditorBounds.Height; indent = InspectorIndent; } if (r.ChildRows != null && r.ChildRows.Count > 0 && (r.Expanded || r.AnimatingExpand)) { int py = y; if (r.AnimatingExpand) { ctx.Save(); ctx.Rectangle(0, y, Allocation.Width, r.AnimationHeight); ctx.Clip(); } Draw(ctx, r.ChildRows, dividerX, x + indent, ref y); if (r.AnimatingExpand) { ctx.Restore(); y = py + r.AnimationHeight; // Repaing the background because the cairo clip doesn't work for gdk primitives int dx = (int)((double)Allocation.Width * dividerPosition); ctx.Rectangle(0, y, dx, Allocation.Height - y); ctx.SetSourceRGBA(LabelBackgroundColor.R, LabelBackgroundColor.G, LabelBackgroundColor.B, LabelBackgroundColor.A); ctx.Fill(); ctx.Rectangle(dx + 1, y, Allocation.Width - dx - 1, Allocation.Height - y); ctx.SetSourceRGB(1, 1, 1); ctx.Fill(); } } } }