internal void Present(DockItem item, bool giveFocus) { DockGroupItem gitem = container.FindDockGroupItem(item.Id); if (gitem == null) { return; } gitem.ParentGroup.Present(item, giveFocus); }
DockGroupItem InsertObject(DockItem obj, int npos, DockPosition pos) { if (pos == DockPosition.Bottom || pos == DockPosition.Right) { npos++; } DockGroupItem gitem = new DockGroupItem(Frame, obj); dockObjects.Insert(npos, gitem); gitem.ParentGroup = this; return(gitem); }
internal void SetStatus(DockItem item, DockItemStatus status) { DockGroupItem gitem = container.FindDockGroupItem(item.Id); if (gitem == null) { item.DefaultStatus = status; return; } gitem.StoreAllocation(); gitem.Status = status; container.RelayoutWidgets(); }
internal DockGroup FindGroupContaining(string id) { DockGroupItem it = FindDockGroupItem(id); if (it != null) { return(it.ParentGroup); } else { return(null); } }
public bool GetDockTarget(DockItem item, int px, int py, Gdk.Rectangle rect, out DockDelegate dockDelegate, out Gdk.Rectangle outrect) { dockDelegate = null; if (item != this.item && this.item.Visible && rect.Contains(px, py)) { int xdockMargin = (int)((double)rect.Width * (1.0 - DockFrame.ItemDockCenterArea)) / 2; int ydockMargin = (int)((double)rect.Height * (1.0 - DockFrame.ItemDockCenterArea)) / 2; DockPosition pos; /* if (ParentGroup.Type == DockGroupType.Tabbed) { * rect = new Gdk.Rectangle (rect.X + xdockMargin, rect.Y + ydockMargin, rect.Width - xdockMargin*2, rect.Height - ydockMargin*2); * pos = DockPosition.CenterAfter; * } */ if (px <= rect.X + xdockMargin && ParentGroup.Type != DockGroupType.Horizontal) { outrect = new Gdk.Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Y, xdockMargin, rect.Height); pos = DockPosition.Left; } else if (px >= rect.Right - xdockMargin && ParentGroup.Type != DockGroupType.Horizontal) { outrect = new Gdk.Rectangle(rect.Right - xdockMargin, rect.Y, xdockMargin, rect.Height); pos = DockPosition.Right; } else if (py <= rect.Y + ydockMargin && ParentGroup.Type != DockGroupType.Vertical) { outrect = new Gdk.Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, ydockMargin); pos = DockPosition.Top; } else if (py >= rect.Bottom - ydockMargin && ParentGroup.Type != DockGroupType.Vertical) { outrect = new Gdk.Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Bottom - ydockMargin, rect.Width, ydockMargin); pos = DockPosition.Bottom; } else { outrect = new Gdk.Rectangle(rect.X + xdockMargin, rect.Y + ydockMargin, rect.Width - xdockMargin * 2, rect.Height - ydockMargin * 2); pos = DockPosition.Center; } dockDelegate = delegate(DockItem dit) { DockGroupItem it = ParentGroup.AddObject(dit, pos, Id); it.SetVisible(true); ParentGroup.FocusItem(it); }; return(true); } outrect = Gdk.Rectangle.Zero; return(false); }
DockLayout GetDefaultLayout() { DockLayout group = new DockLayout(this); // Add items which don't have relative defaut positions List <DockItem> todock = new List <DockItem> (); foreach (DockItem item in container.Items) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.DefaultLocation)) { DockGroupItem dgt = new DockGroupItem(this, item); dgt.SetVisible(item.DefaultVisible); group.AddObject(dgt); } else { todock.Add(item); } } // Add items with relative positions. int lastCount = 0; while (lastCount != todock.Count) { lastCount = todock.Count; for (int n = 0; n < todock.Count; n++) { DockItem it = todock [n]; if (AddDefaultItem(group, it) != null) { todock.RemoveAt(n); n--; } } } // Items which could not be docked because of an invalid default location foreach (DockItem item in todock) { DockGroupItem dgt = new DockGroupItem(this, item); dgt.SetVisible(false); group.AddObject(dgt); } // group.Dump (); return(group); }
internal void UpdateTitle(DockItem item) { DockGroupItem gitem = container.FindDockGroupItem(item.Id); if (gitem == null) { return; } gitem.ParentGroup.UpdateTitle(item); dockBarTop.UpdateTitle(item); dockBarBottom.UpdateTitle(item); dockBarLeft.UpdateTitle(item); dockBarRight.UpdateTitle(item); }
public override void CopyFrom(DockObject other) { base.CopyFrom(other); DockGroup grp = (DockGroup)other; dockObjects = new List <DockObject> (); foreach (DockObject ob in grp.dockObjects) { DockObject cob = ob.Clone(); cob.ParentGroup = this; dockObjects.Add(cob); } type = grp.type; ResetVisibleGroups(); boundTabStrip = null; tabFocus = null; }
internal bool GetVisible(DockItem item, string layoutName) { DockLayout dl; if (!layouts.TryGetValue(layoutName, out dl)) { return(false); } DockGroupItem gitem = dl.FindDockGroupItem(item.Id); if (gitem == null) { return(false); } return(gitem.VisibleFlag); }
public void LoadLayout(DockLayout dl) { // Sticky items currently selected in notebooks will remain // selected after switching the layout List <DockItem> sickyOnTop = new List <DockItem> (); foreach (DockItem it in items) { if ((it.Behavior & DockItemBehavior.Sticky) != 0) { DockGroupItem gitem = FindDockGroupItem(it.Id); if (gitem != null && gitem.ParentGroup.IsSelectedPage(it)) { sickyOnTop.Add(it); } } } if (layout != null) { layout.StoreAllocation(); } layout = dl; layout.RestoreAllocation(); // Make sure items not present in this layout are hidden foreach (DockItem it in items) { if ((it.Behavior & DockItemBehavior.Sticky) != 0) { it.Visible = it.StickyVisible; } if (layout.FindDockGroupItem(it.Id) == null) { it.HideWidget(); } } RelayoutWidgets(); foreach (DockItem it in sickyOnTop) { it.Present(false); } }
internal DockGroupItem FindDockGroupItem(string id) { foreach (DockObject ob in dockObjects) { DockGroupItem it = ob as DockGroupItem; if (it != null && it.Id == id) { return(it); } DockGroup g = ob as DockGroup; if (g != null) { it = g.FindDockGroupItem(id); if (it != null) { return(it); } } } return(null); }
public void LayoutWidgets() { foreach (DockObject ob in VisibleObjects) { DockGroupItem it = ob as DockGroupItem; if (it != null) { if (it.Item.Widget.Parent == null) { it.Item.Widget.Parent = Frame.Container; } if (!it.Item.Widget.Visible && type != DockGroupType.Tabbed) { it.Item.Widget.Show(); } } else { ((DockGroup)ob).LayoutWidgets(); } } }
public bool RemoveItemRec(DockItem item) { foreach (DockObject ob in dockObjects) { if (ob is DockGroup) { if (((DockGroup)ob).RemoveItemRec(item)) { return(true); } } else { DockGroupItem dit = ob as DockGroupItem; if (dit != null && dit.Item == item) { Remove(ob); return(true); } } } return(false); }
internal void Present(DockItem it, bool giveFocus) { if (type == DockGroupType.Tabbed) { for (int n = 0; n < VisibleObjects.Count; n++) { DockGroupItem dit = VisibleObjects[n] as DockGroupItem; if (dit.Item == it) { currentTabPage = n; if (boundTabStrip != null) { boundTabStrip.CurrentPage = it.Widget; } break; } } } if (giveFocus && it.Visible) { it.SetFocus(); } }
bool EstimateBarDocPosition(DockGroup grp, DockObject ignoreChild, out PositionType pos, out int size) { foreach (DockObject ob in grp.Objects) { if (ob == ignoreChild) { continue; } if (ob is DockGroup) { if (EstimateBarDocPosition((DockGroup)ob, null, out pos, out size)) { return(true); } } else if (ob is DockGroupItem) { DockGroupItem it = (DockGroupItem)ob; if (it.status == DockItemStatus.AutoHide) { pos = it.barDocPosition; size = it.autoHideSize; return(true); } if (!it.Allocation.IsEmpty) { pos = it.CalcBarDocPosition(); size = it.GetAutoHideSize(pos); return(true); } } } pos = PositionType.Bottom; size = 0; return(false); }
public override void CopyFrom(DockObject other) { base.CopyFrom (other); DockGroup grp = (DockGroup) other; dockObjects = new List<DockObject> (); foreach (DockObject ob in grp.dockObjects) { DockObject cob = ob.Clone (); cob.ParentGroup = this; dockObjects.Add (cob); } type = grp.type; ResetVisibleGroups (); boundTabStrip = null; tabFocus = null; }
internal void FocusItem(DockGroupItem it) { tabFocus = it; }
internal override void Read(XmlReader reader) { base.Read (reader); type = (DockGroupType) Enum.Parse (typeof(DockGroupType), reader.GetAttribute ("type")); if (type == DockGroupType.Tabbed) { string s = reader.GetAttribute ("currentTabPage"); if (s != null) currentTabPage = int.Parse (s); } reader.MoveToElement (); if (reader.IsEmptyElement) { reader.Skip (); return; } reader.ReadStartElement (); reader.MoveToContent (); while (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement) { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { if (reader.LocalName == "item") { string id = reader.GetAttribute ("id"); DockItem it = Frame.GetItem (id); if (it == null) { it = Frame.AddItem (id); it.IsPositionMarker = true; } DockGroupItem gitem = new DockGroupItem (Frame, it); gitem.Read (reader); AddObject (gitem); reader.MoveToElement (); reader.Skip (); } else if (reader.LocalName == "group") { DockGroup grp = new DockGroup (Frame); grp.Read (reader); AddObject (grp); } } else reader.Skip (); reader.MoveToContent (); } reader.ReadEndElement (); }
internal void UpdateNotebook(TabStrip ts) { Gtk.Widget oldpage = null; int oldtab = -1; if (tabFocus != null) { oldpage = tabFocus.Item.Widget; tabFocus = null; } else if (boundTabStrip != null) { oldpage = boundTabStrip.CurrentPage; oldtab = boundTabStrip.CurrentTab; } ts.Clear (); // Add missing pages foreach (DockObject ob in VisibleObjects) { DockGroupItem it = ob as DockGroupItem; ts.AddTab (it.Item.Widget, it.Item.Icon, it.Item.Label); } boundTabStrip = ts; if (currentTabPage != -1 && currentTabPage < boundTabStrip.TabCount) { boundTabStrip.CurrentTab = currentTabPage; // Discard the currentTabPage value. Current page is now tracked by the tab strip currentTabPage = -1; } else if (oldpage != null) boundTabStrip.CurrentPage = oldpage; if (boundTabStrip.CurrentTab == -1) { if (oldtab != -1) { if (oldtab < boundTabStrip.TabCount) boundTabStrip.CurrentTab = oldtab; else boundTabStrip.CurrentTab = boundTabStrip.TabCount - 1; } else boundTabStrip.CurrentTab = 0; } if (Frame.CompactGuiLevel == 3 && IsNextToMargin (PositionType.Bottom, true)) boundTabStrip.BottomPadding = 3; else boundTabStrip.BottomPadding = 0; }
void DockTarget(DockItem item, int n) { DockGroupItem gitem = new DockGroupItem (Frame, item); dockObjects.Insert (n, gitem); gitem.ParentGroup = this; gitem.SetVisible (true); ResetVisibleGroups (); CalcNewSizes (); }
DockLayout GetDefaultLayout() { DockLayout group = new DockLayout (this); // Add items which don't have relative defaut positions List<DockItem> todock = new List<DockItem> (); foreach (DockItem item in container.Items) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (item.DefaultLocation)) { DockGroupItem dgt = new DockGroupItem (this, item); dgt.SetVisible (item.DefaultVisible); group.AddObject (dgt); } else todock.Add (item); } // Add items with relative positions. int lastCount = 0; while (lastCount != todock.Count) { lastCount = todock.Count; for (int n=0; n<todock.Count; n++) { DockItem it = todock [n]; if (AddDefaultItem (group, it) != null) { todock.RemoveAt (n); n--; } } } // Items which could not be docked because of an invalid default location foreach (DockItem item in todock) { DockGroupItem dgt = new DockGroupItem (this, item); dgt.SetVisible (false); group.AddObject (dgt); } // group.Dump (); return group; }
internal void SetVisible(DockItem item, bool visible) { if (container.Layout == null) return; DockGroupItem gitem = container.FindDockGroupItem (item.Id); if (gitem == null) { if (visible) { // The item is not present in the layout. Add it now. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (item.DefaultLocation)) gitem = AddDefaultItem (container.Layout, item); if (gitem == null) { // No default position gitem = new DockGroupItem (this, item); container.Layout.AddObject (gitem); } } else return; // Already invisible } gitem.SetVisible (visible); container.RelayoutWidgets (); }
internal void UpdateNotebook(TabStrip ts) { Gtk.Widget oldpage = null; int oldtab = -1; if (tabFocus != null) { oldpage = tabFocus.Item.Widget; tabFocus = null; } else if (boundTabStrip != null) { oldpage = boundTabStrip.CurrentPage; oldtab = boundTabStrip.CurrentTab; } ts.Clear(); // Add missing pages foreach (DockObject ob in VisibleObjects) { DockGroupItem it = ob as DockGroupItem; ts.AddTab(it.Item.Widget, it.Item.Icon, it.Item.Label); } boundTabStrip = ts; if (currentTabPage != -1 && currentTabPage < boundTabStrip.TabCount) { boundTabStrip.CurrentTab = currentTabPage; // Discard the currentTabPage value. Current page is now tracked by the tab strip currentTabPage = -1; } else if (oldpage != null) { boundTabStrip.CurrentPage = oldpage; } if (boundTabStrip.CurrentTab == -1) { if (oldtab != -1) { if (oldtab < boundTabStrip.TabCount) { boundTabStrip.CurrentTab = oldtab; } else { boundTabStrip.CurrentTab = boundTabStrip.TabCount - 1; } } else { boundTabStrip.CurrentTab = 0; } } if (Frame.CompactGuiLevel == 3 && IsNextToMargin(PositionType.Bottom, true)) { boundTabStrip.BottomPadding = 3; } else { boundTabStrip.BottomPadding = 0; } }
public DockGroupItem AddObject(DockItem obj, DockPosition pos, string relItemId) { int npos = -1; if (relItemId != null) { for (int n = 0; n < dockObjects.Count; n++) { DockGroupItem it = dockObjects [n] as DockGroupItem; if (it != null && it.Id == relItemId) { npos = n; } } } if (npos == -1) { if (pos == DockPosition.Left || pos == DockPosition.Top) { npos = 0; } else { npos = dockObjects.Count - 1; } } DockGroupItem gitem = null; if (pos == DockPosition.Left || pos == DockPosition.Right) { if (type != DockGroupType.Horizontal) { gitem = Split(DockGroupType.Horizontal, pos == DockPosition.Left, obj, npos); } else { gitem = InsertObject(obj, npos, pos); } } else if (pos == DockPosition.Top || pos == DockPosition.Bottom) { if (type != DockGroupType.Vertical) { gitem = Split(DockGroupType.Vertical, pos == DockPosition.Top, obj, npos); } else { gitem = InsertObject(obj, npos, pos); } } else if (pos == DockPosition.CenterBefore || pos == DockPosition.Center) { if (type != DockGroupType.Tabbed) { gitem = Split(DockGroupType.Tabbed, pos == DockPosition.CenterBefore, obj, npos); } else { if (pos == DockPosition.Center) { npos++; } gitem = new DockGroupItem(Frame, obj); dockObjects.Insert(npos, gitem); gitem.ParentGroup = this; } } ResetVisibleGroups(); return(gitem); }
DockGroupItem Split(DockGroupType newType, bool addFirst, DockItem obj, int npos) { DockGroupItem item = new DockGroupItem (Frame, obj); if (npos == -1 || type == DockGroupType.Tabbed) { if (ParentGroup != null && ParentGroup.Type == newType) { // No need to split. Just add the new item as a sibling of this one. int i = ParentGroup.Objects.IndexOf (this); if (addFirst) ParentGroup.Objects.Insert (i, item); else ParentGroup.Objects.Insert (i+1, item); item.ParentGroup = ParentGroup; item.ResetDefaultSize (); } else { DockGroup grp = Copy (); dockObjects.Clear (); if (addFirst) { dockObjects.Add (item); dockObjects.Add (grp); } else { dockObjects.Add (grp); dockObjects.Add (item); } item.ParentGroup = this; item.ResetDefaultSize (); grp.ParentGroup = this; grp.ResetDefaultSize (); Type = newType; } } else { DockGroup grp = new DockGroup (Frame, newType); DockObject replaced = dockObjects[npos]; if (addFirst) { grp.AddObject (item); grp.AddObject (replaced); } else { grp.AddObject (replaced); grp.AddObject (item); } grp.CopySizeFrom (replaced); dockObjects [npos] = grp; grp.ParentGroup = this; } return item; }
public DockGroupItem AddObject(DockItem obj, DockPosition pos, string relItemId) { int npos = -1; if (relItemId != null) { for (int n=0; n<dockObjects.Count; n++) { DockGroupItem it = dockObjects [n] as DockGroupItem; if (it != null && it.Id == relItemId) npos = n; } } if (npos == -1) { if (pos == DockPosition.Left || pos == DockPosition.Top) npos = 0; else npos = dockObjects.Count - 1; } DockGroupItem gitem = null; if (pos == DockPosition.Left || pos == DockPosition.Right) { if (type != DockGroupType.Horizontal) gitem = Split (DockGroupType.Horizontal, pos == DockPosition.Left, obj, npos); else gitem = InsertObject (obj, npos, pos); } else if (pos == DockPosition.Top || pos == DockPosition.Bottom) { if (type != DockGroupType.Vertical) gitem = Split (DockGroupType.Vertical, pos == DockPosition.Top, obj, npos); else gitem = InsertObject (obj, npos, pos); } else if (pos == DockPosition.CenterBefore || pos == DockPosition.Center) { if (type != DockGroupType.Tabbed) gitem = Split (DockGroupType.Tabbed, pos == DockPosition.CenterBefore, obj, npos); else { if (pos == DockPosition.Center) npos++; gitem = new DockGroupItem (Frame, obj); dockObjects.Insert (npos, gitem); gitem.ParentGroup = this; } } ResetVisibleGroups (); return gitem; }
internal void DockInPlaceholder(DockItem item) { if (placeholderWindow == null || !placeholderWindow.Visible) return; item.Status = DockItemStatus.Dockable; int px, py; GetPointer (out px, out py); DockDelegate dockDelegate; Gdk.Rectangle rect; if (placeholderWindow.AllowDocking && layout.GetDockTarget (item, px, py, out dockDelegate, out rect)) { DockGroupItem dummyItem = new DockGroupItem (frame, new DockItem (frame, "__dummy")); DockGroupItem gitem = layout.FindDockGroupItem (item.Id); gitem.ParentGroup.ReplaceItem (gitem, dummyItem); dockDelegate (item); dummyItem.ParentGroup.Remove (dummyItem); RelayoutWidgets (); } else { DockGroupItem gi = FindDockGroupItem (item.Id); int pw, ph; placeholderWindow.GetPosition (out px, out py); placeholderWindow.GetSize (out pw, out ph); gi.FloatRect = new Rectangle (px, py, pw, ph); item.Status = DockItemStatus.Floating; } }
DockGroupItem InsertObject(DockItem obj, int npos, DockPosition pos) { if (pos == DockPosition.Bottom || pos == DockPosition.Right) npos++; DockGroupItem gitem = new DockGroupItem (Frame, obj); dockObjects.Insert (npos, gitem); gitem.ParentGroup = this; return gitem; }
DockGroupItem Split(DockGroupType newType, bool addFirst, DockItem obj, int npos) { DockGroupItem item = new DockGroupItem(Frame, obj); if (npos == -1 || type == DockGroupType.Tabbed) { if (ParentGroup != null && ParentGroup.Type == newType) { // No need to split. Just add the new item as a sibling of this one. int i = ParentGroup.Objects.IndexOf(this); if (addFirst) { ParentGroup.Objects.Insert(i, item); } else { ParentGroup.Objects.Insert(i + 1, item); } item.ParentGroup = ParentGroup; item.ResetDefaultSize(); } else { DockGroup grp = Copy(); dockObjects.Clear(); if (addFirst) { dockObjects.Add(item); dockObjects.Add(grp); } else { dockObjects.Add(grp); dockObjects.Add(item); } item.ParentGroup = this; item.ResetDefaultSize(); grp.ParentGroup = this; grp.ResetDefaultSize(); Type = newType; } } else { DockGroup grp = new DockGroup(Frame, newType); DockObject replaced = dockObjects[npos]; if (addFirst) { grp.AddObject(item); grp.AddObject(replaced); } else { grp.AddObject(replaced); grp.AddObject(item); } grp.CopySizeFrom(replaced); dockObjects [npos] = grp; grp.ParentGroup = this; } return(item); }