public RsEncode16(int npar, Galois galois) { this.npar = npar; this.galois = galois; encodeGx = galois.makeEncodeGx(npar); encodeTable = galois.makeEncodeTable(npar); }
public CDRepair(int pregap, int finalSampleCount, int stride) { this.stride = stride; this.pregap = pregap; this.finalSampleCount = finalSampleCount; this.sampleCount = 0; this.galois = Galois16.instance; this.laststride = this.stride + ((this.finalSampleCount - this.pregap) * 2) % this.stride; this.stridecount = ((this.finalSampleCount - this.pregap) * 2) / this.stride - 2; // minus one for leadin and one for leadout if (((this.finalSampleCount - this.pregap) * 2 + this.stride - 1) / this.stride + AccurateRipVerify.maxNpar > galois.Max) throw new Exception("invalid stride"); }
public CDRepair(int finalSampleCount, int stride, int npar) { this.npar = npar; this.stride = stride; this.finalSampleCount = finalSampleCount; sampleCount = 0; galois = Galois16.instance; rs = new RsDecode16(npar, galois); //crc32 = new Crc32(); //crc = 0xffffffff; encodeGx = galois.makeEncodeGxLog(npar); laststride = stride + (finalSampleCount * 2) % stride; stridecount = (finalSampleCount * 2) / stride - 2; // minus one for leadin and one for leadout if ((finalSampleCount * 2 + stride - 1) / stride + npar > galois.Max) throw new Exception("invalid stride"); }
public RsDecode16(int npar, Galois galois) : base(npar, galois) { }
public RsDecode(int npar, Galois galois) { this.npar = npar; this.galois = galois; }