        /// <summary>
        /// Expand matrix to full storage (symmetric matrix is expected to store upper part only).
        /// </summary>
        public static SparseMatrix Expand(this SparseMatrix A)
            if (A.Any((i, j, a) => i > j && a != 0.0))
                throw new Exception("Expected matrix to be upper.");

            // Transpose A.
            var T = A.Transpose();

            // Remove diagonal.
            T.Keep((i, j, a) => i != j);

        /// <summary>
        /// The Direct Conformal Parameterization (DCP) method, see (Desbrun et al. 2002)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="meshin"></param>
        /// <param name="meshout"></param>
        private void DCP(TriangleMesh meshin, out TriangleMesh meshout)

            /// copy the mesh
            meshout = meshin.Copy();

            /// counters
            var vertexCount = meshout.Vertices.Count;

            /// output uv-coordinates
            var bu = new double[vertexCount];
            var bv = new double[vertexCount];
            var b0 = new double[vertexCount];

            // A * x = b
            var x = new double[vertexCount * 2 + 4];

            var M_A = new TripletMatrix(2 * (vertexCount + 2), 2 * vertexCount, 4 * (vertexCount + 1) * vertexCount);
            var M_X = new TripletMatrix(2 * (vertexCount + 2), 2 * vertexCount, 4 * (vertexCount + 1) * vertexCount);

            foreach (var vertex in meshin.Vertices.Where(v => !v.OnBoundary))
                var angleWeightSum = 0d;
                var areaWeightSum  = 0d;

                foreach (var halfEdge in vertex.Halfedges)
                    // cot(alpha) + cot(beta)
                    var angleWeight = halfEdge.Previous.Traits.Cotan + halfEdge.Opposite.Previous.Traits.Cotan;
                    // cot(gamma) + cot(delta)
                    var areaWeight = (halfEdge.Next.Traits.Cotan + halfEdge.Opposite.Traits.Cotan);
                    areaWeight /= (halfEdge.FromVertex.Traits.Position - halfEdge.ToVertex.Traits.Position).LengthSquared();

                    M_A.Entry(vertex.Index * 2, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2, angleWeight);
                    M_A.Entry(vertex.Index * 2 + 1, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2 + 1, angleWeight);
                    M_X.Entry(vertex.Index * 2, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2, areaWeight);
                    M_X.Entry(vertex.Index * 2 + 1, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2 + 1, areaWeight);

                    angleWeightSum += angleWeight;
                    areaWeightSum  += areaWeight;

                M_A.Entry(vertex.Index * 2, vertex.Index * 2, -angleWeightSum);
                M_A.Entry(vertex.Index * 2 + 1, vertex.Index * 2 + 1, -angleWeightSum);
                M_X.Entry(vertex.Index * 2, vertex.Index * 2, -areaWeightSum);
                M_X.Entry(vertex.Index * 2 + 1, vertex.Index * 2 + 1, -areaWeightSum);

            // Free boundary
            foreach (var vertex in meshin.Vertices.Where(v => v.OnBoundary))
                var weightSum = 0d;

                // Inner edges
                foreach (var halfEdge in vertex.Halfedges.Where(he => !he.Edge.OnBoundary))
                    // cot(alpha) + cot(beta)
                    var borderWeight = halfEdge.Previous.Traits.Cotan + halfEdge.Opposite.Previous.Traits.Cotan;

                    M_A.Entry(vertex.Index * 2, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2, -borderWeight);
                    M_A.Entry(vertex.Index * 2 + 1, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2 + 1, -borderWeight);
                    M_X.Entry(vertex.Index * 2, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2, -borderWeight);
                    M_X.Entry(vertex.Index * 2 + 1, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2 + 1, -borderWeight);

                    weightSum += borderWeight;

                // Boundary edges
                foreach (var halfEdge in vertex.Halfedges.Where(he => he.Edge.OnBoundary))
                    // Last edge
                    if (halfEdge.OnBoundary)
                        var borderWeight = halfEdge.Opposite.Previous.Traits.Cotan;

                        // Weight edge by cotan once and substract the rotated uv vector
                        M_A.Entry(vertex.Index * 2, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2, -borderWeight);
                        M_A.Entry(vertex.Index * 2, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2 + 1, -1);
                        M_A.Entry(vertex.Index * 2 + 1, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2 + 1, -borderWeight);
                        M_A.Entry(vertex.Index * 2 + 1, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2, 1);

                        M_X.Entry(vertex.Index * 2, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2, -borderWeight);
                        M_X.Entry(vertex.Index * 2, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2 + 1, -1);
                        M_X.Entry(vertex.Index * 2 + 1, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2 + 1, -borderWeight);
                        M_X.Entry(vertex.Index * 2 + 1, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2, 1);

                        weightSum += borderWeight;
                    // First edge
                        // cot(alpha) + cot(beta)
                        var borderWeight = halfEdge.Previous.Traits.Cotan;

                        // Weight edge by cotan once and substract the rotated uv vector
                        M_A.Entry(vertex.Index * 2, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2, -borderWeight);
                        M_A.Entry(vertex.Index * 2, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2 + 1, 1);
                        M_A.Entry(vertex.Index * 2 + 1, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2 + 1, -borderWeight);
                        M_A.Entry(vertex.Index * 2 + 1, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2, -1);

                        M_X.Entry(vertex.Index * 2, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2, -borderWeight);
                        M_X.Entry(vertex.Index * 2, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2 + 1, 1);
                        M_X.Entry(vertex.Index * 2 + 1, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2 + 1, -borderWeight);
                        M_X.Entry(vertex.Index * 2 + 1, halfEdge.ToVertex.Index * 2, -1);

                        weightSum += borderWeight;

                M_A.Entry(vertex.Index * 2, vertex.Index * 2, weightSum);
                M_A.Entry(vertex.Index * 2 + 1, vertex.Index * 2 + 1, weightSum);
                M_X.Entry(vertex.Index * 2, vertex.Index * 2, weightSum);
                M_X.Entry(vertex.Index * 2 + 1, vertex.Index * 2 + 1, weightSum);

            // Fixed vertices

            // M^n
            M_A.Entry(2 * vertexCount, 2 * P1Index, 1);
            M_A.Entry(2 * vertexCount + 1, 2 * P1Index + 1, 1);
            M_X.Entry(2 * vertexCount, 2 * P1Index, 1);
            M_X.Entry(2 * vertexCount + 1, 2 * P1Index + 1, 1);

            M_A.Entry(2 * vertexCount + 2, 2 * P2Index, 1);
            M_A.Entry(2 * vertexCount + 3, 2 * P2Index + 1, 1);
            M_X.Entry(2 * vertexCount + 2, 2 * P2Index, 1);
            M_X.Entry(2 * vertexCount + 3, 2 * P2Index + 1, 1);

            // M^n transp
            M_A.Entry(2 * P1Index, 2 * vertexCount, 1);
            M_A.Entry(2 * P1Index + 1, 2 * vertexCount + 1, 1);
            M_X.Entry(2 * P1Index, 2 * vertexCount, 1);
            M_X.Entry(2 * P1Index + 1, 2 * vertexCount + 1, 1);

            M_A.Entry(2 * P2Index, 2 * vertexCount + 2, 1);
            M_A.Entry(2 * P2Index + 1, 2 * vertexCount + 3, 1);
            M_X.Entry(2 * P2Index, 2 * vertexCount + 2, 1);
            M_X.Entry(2 * P2Index + 1, 2 * vertexCount + 3, 1);

            // b^n
            x[2 * vertexCount]     = P1UV.X;
            x[2 * vertexCount + 1] = P1UV.Y;
            x[2 * vertexCount + 2] = P2UV.X;
            x[2 * vertexCount + 3] = P2UV.Y;

            var matrix = SparseMatrix.Add(M_A.Compress(), M_X.Compress(), AngleToAreaRatio, 1 - AngleToAreaRatio);
            var solver = QR.Create(matrix);


            for (var vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < vertexCount; vertexIndex++)
                bu[vertexIndex] = x[2 * vertexIndex];
                bv[vertexIndex] = x[2 * vertexIndex + 1];

            /// update mesh positions and uv's
            MeshLaplacian.UpdateMesh(meshout, bu, bv, b0, bu, bv);
            MeshLaplacian.UpdateMesh(meshin, bu, bv);
        /// <summary>
        /// Minimum degree ordering of A+A' (if A is symmetric) or A'A.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order">0:natural, 1:Chol, 2:LU, 3:QR</param>
        /// <param name="A">column-compressed matrix</param>
        /// <returns>amd(A+A') if A is symmetric, or amd(A'A) otherwise, null on
        /// error or for natural ordering</returns>
        public static int[] AMD(int order, SparseMatrix A)
            SparseMatrix C, A2, AT;

            int[] Cp, Ci, P, W, nv, next, head, elen, degree, w,
            hhead, ATp, ATi;

            int d, dk, dext, lemax = 0, e, elenk, eln, i, j, k, k1,
                k2, k3, jlast, ln, dense, nzmax, mindeg = 0, nvi, nvj, nvk, mark, wnvi,
                cnz, nel = 0, p, p1, p2, p3, p4, pj, pk, pk1, pk2, pn, q, n, m;
            bool ok;
            int  h;

            // Construct matrix C
            if (order <= 0 || order > 3)
                return(null);                      // check
            AT = (SparseMatrix)A.Transpose(false); // compute A'
            if (AT == null)
            m     = A.m; n = A.n;
            dense = Math.Max(16, 10 * (int)Math.Sqrt(n)); // find dense threshold
            dense = Math.Min(n - 2, dense);
            if (order == 1 && n == m)
                C = SparseMatrix.Add(A, AT, 0, 0); // C = A+A'
            else if (order == 2)
                ATp = AT.p; // drop dense columns from AT
                ATi = AT.i;
                for (p2 = 0, j = 0; j < m; j++)
                    p      = ATp[j]; // column j of AT starts here
                    ATp[j] = p2;     // new column j starts here
                    if (ATp[j + 1] - p > dense)
                        continue;                         // skip dense col j
                    for (; p < ATp[j + 1]; p++)
                        ATi[p2++] = ATi[p];
                ATp[m] = p2;                                              // finalize AT
                A2     = (SparseMatrix)AT.Transpose(false);               // A2 = AT'
                C      = A2 != null?SparseMatrix.Multiply(AT, A2) : null; // C=A'*A with no dense rows
                C = SparseMatrix.Multiply(AT, A); // C=A'*A

            if (C == null)
            C.Keep(KeepOffDiag, null); // drop diagonal entries
            Cp  = C.p;
            cnz = Cp[n];

            // add elbow room to C
            if (!C.Resize(cnz + cnz / 5 + 2 * n))

            P      = new int[n + 1]; // allocate result
            W      = new int[n + 1]; // get workspace
            w      = new int[n + 1];
            degree = new int[n + 1];

            elen = new int[n + 1]; // Initialized to 0's

            // Initialize quotient graph
            for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
                W[k] = Cp[k + 1] - Cp[k];
            W[n]  = 0;
            nzmax = C.nzmax;
            Ci    = C.i;

            for (i = 0; i <= n; i++)
                P[i]      = -1;
                w[i]      = 1;    // node i is alive
                degree[i] = W[i]; // degree of node i

            next  = new int[n + 1];
            hhead = new int[n + 1];
            head  = new int[n + 1];
            nv    = new int[n + 1];

            Array.Copy(P, next, n + 1);
            Array.Copy(P, head, n + 1);  // degree list i is empty
            Array.Copy(P, hhead, n + 1); // hash list i is empty
            Array.Copy(w, nv, n + 1);    // node i is just one node

            mark    = Clear(0, 0, w, n); // clear w
            elen[n] = -2;                // n is a dead element
            Cp[n]   = -1;                // n is a root of assembly tree
            w[n]    = 0;                 // n is a dead element

            // Initialize degree lists
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                d = degree[i];
                if (d == 0)       // node i is empty
                    elen[i] = -2; // element i is dead
                    Cp[i] = -1;   // i is a root of assembly tree
                    w[i]  = 0;
                else if (d > dense) // node i is dense
                    nv[i]   = 0;    // absorb i into element n
                    elen[i] = -1;   // node i is dead
                    Cp[i] = FLIP(n);
                    if (head[d] != -1)
                        P[head[d]] = i;
                    next[i] = head[d]; // put node i in degree list d
                    head[d] = i;
            while (nel < n) // while (selecting pivots) do
                // Select node of minimum approximate degree
                for (k = -1; mindeg < n && (k = head[mindeg]) == -1; mindeg++)
                if (next[k] != -1)
                    P[next[k]] = -1;
                head[mindeg] = next[k]; // remove k from degree list
                elenk        = elen[k]; // elenk = |Ek|
                nvk          = nv[k];   // # of nodes k represents
                nel         += nvk;     // nv[k] nodes of A eliminated

                // Garbage collection
                if (elenk > 0 && cnz + mindeg >= nzmax)
                    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
                        if ((p = Cp[j]) >= 0) // j is a live node or element
                            Cp[j] = Ci[p];    // save first entry of object
                            Ci[p] = FLIP(j);  // first entry is now CS_FLIP(j)
                    for (q = 0, p = 0; p < cnz;)      // scan all of memory
                        if ((j = FLIP(Ci[p++])) >= 0) // found object j
                            Ci[q] = Cp[j];            // restore first entry of object
                            Cp[j] = q++;              // new pointer to object j
                            for (k3 = 0; k3 < W[j] - 1; k3++)
                                Ci[q++] = Ci[p++];
                    cnz = q; // Ci [cnz...nzmax-1] now free

                // Construct new element
                dk    = 0;
                nv[k] = -nvk;                   // flag k as in Lk
                p     = Cp[k];
                pk1   = (elenk == 0) ? p : cnz; // do in place if elen[k] == 0
                pk2   = pk1;
                for (k1 = 1; k1 <= elenk + 1; k1++)
                    if (k1 > elenk)
                        e  = k;            // search the nodes in k
                        pj = p;            // list of nodes starts at Ci[pj]*/
                        ln = W[k] - elenk; // length of list of nodes in k
                        e  = Ci[p++]; // search the nodes in e
                        pj = Cp[e];
                        ln = W[e];    // length of list of nodes in e
                    for (k2 = 1; k2 <= ln; k2++)
                        i = Ci[pj++];
                        if ((nvi = nv[i]) <= 0)
                            continue;     // node i dead, or seen
                        dk       += nvi;  // degree[Lk] += size of node i
                        nv[i]     = -nvi; // negate nv[i] to denote i in Lk
                        Ci[pk2++] = i;    // place i in Lk
                        if (next[i] != -1)
                            P[next[i]] = P[i];
                        if (P[i] != -1) // remove i from degree list
                            next[P[i]] = next[i];
                            head[degree[i]] = next[i];
                    if (e != k)
                        Cp[e] = FLIP(k); // absorb e into k
                        w[e]  = 0;       // e is now a dead element
                if (elenk != 0)
                    cnz = pk2;   // Ci [cnz...nzmax] is free
                degree[k] = dk;  // external degree of k - |Lk\i|
                Cp[k]     = pk1; // element k is in Ci[pk1..pk2-1]
                W[k]      = pk2 - pk1;
                elen[k]   = -2;  // k is now an element

                // Find set differences
                mark = Clear(mark, lemax, w, n); // clear w if necessary
                for (pk = pk1; pk < pk2; pk++)   // scan 1: find |Le\Lk|
                    i = Ci[pk];
                    if ((eln = elen[i]) <= 0)
                        continue;                              // skip if elen[i] empty
                    nvi  = -nv[i];                             // nv [i] was negated
                    wnvi = mark - nvi;
                    for (p = Cp[i]; p <= Cp[i] + eln - 1; p++) // scan Ei
                        e = Ci[p];
                        if (w[e] >= mark)
                            w[e] -= nvi;             // decrement |Le\Lk|
                        else if (w[e] != 0)          // ensure e is a live element
                            w[e] = degree[e] + wnvi; // 1st time e seen in scan 1

                // Degree update
                for (pk = pk1; pk < pk2; pk++) // scan2: degree update
                    i  = Ci[pk];               // consider node i in Lk
                    p1 = Cp[i];
                    p2 = p1 + elen[i] - 1;
                    pn = p1;
                    for (h = 0, d = 0, p = p1; p <= p2; p++) // scan Ei
                        e = Ci[p];
                        if (w[e] != 0)          // e is an unabsorbed element
                            dext = w[e] - mark; // dext = |Le\Lk|
                            if (dext > 0)
                                d       += dext; // sum up the set differences
                                Ci[pn++] = e;    // keep e in Ei
                                h       += e;    // compute the hash of node i
                                Cp[e] = FLIP(k); // aggressive absorb. e.k
                                w[e]  = 0;       // e is a dead element
                    elen[i] = pn - p1 + 1; // elen[i] = |Ei|
                    p3      = pn;
                    p4      = p1 + W[i];
                    for (p = p2 + 1; p < p4; p++) // prune edges in Ai
                        j = Ci[p];
                        if ((nvj = nv[j]) <= 0)
                            continue;      // node j dead or in Lk
                        d       += nvj;    // degree(i) += |j|
                        Ci[pn++] = j;      // place j in node list of i
                        h       += j;      // compute hash for node i
                    if (d == 0)            // check for mass elimination
                        Cp[i]   = FLIP(k); // absorb i into k
                        nvi     = -nv[i];
                        dk     -= nvi;     // |Lk| -= |i|
                        nvk    += nvi;     // |k| += nv[i]
                        nel    += nvi;
                        nv[i]   = 0;
                        elen[i] = -1; // node i is dead
                        degree[i] = Math.Min(degree[i], d);   // update degree(i)
                        Ci[pn]    = Ci[p3];                   // move first node to end
                        Ci[p3]    = Ci[p1];                   // move 1st el. to end of Ei
                        Ci[p1]    = k;                        // add k as 1st element in of Ei
                        W[i]      = pn - p1 + 1;              // new len of adj. list of node i
                        h         = ((h < 0) ? (-h) : h) % n; // finalize hash of i
                        next[i]   = hhead[h];                 // place i in hash bucket
                        hhead[h]  = i;
                        P[i]      = h;                        // save hash of i in last[i]
                } // scan2 is done
                degree[k] = dk;                               // finalize |Lk|
                lemax     = Math.Max(lemax, dk);
                mark      = Clear(mark + lemax, lemax, w, n); // clear w

                // Supernode detection
                for (pk = pk1; pk < pk2; pk++)
                    i = Ci[pk];
                    if (nv[i] >= 0)
                        continue;    // skip if i is dead
                    h        = P[i]; // scan hash bucket of node i
                    i        = hhead[h];
                    hhead[h] = -1;   // hash bucket will be empty
                    for (; i != -1 && next[i] != -1; i = next[i], mark++)
                        ln  = W[i];
                        eln = elen[i];
                        for (p = Cp[i] + 1; p <= Cp[i] + ln - 1; p++)
                            w[Ci[p]] = mark;
                        jlast = i;
                        for (j = next[i]; j != -1;)  // compare i with all j
                            ok = (W[j] == ln) && (elen[j] == eln);
                            for (p = Cp[j] + 1; ok && p <= Cp[j] + ln - 1; p++)
                                if (w[Ci[p]] != mark)
                                    ok = false;                   // compare i and j
                            if (ok)                    // i and j are identical
                                Cp[j]       = FLIP(i); // absorb j into i
                                nv[i]      += nv[j];
                                nv[j]       = 0;
                                elen[j]     = -1;      // node j is dead
                                j           = next[j]; // delete j from hash bucket
                                next[jlast] = j;
                                jlast = j; // j and i are different
                                j     = next[j];

                // Finalize new element
                for (p = pk1, pk = pk1; pk < pk2; pk++) // finalize Lk
                    i = Ci[pk];
                    if ((nvi = -nv[i]) <= 0)
                        continue;                 // skip if i is dead
                    nv[i] = nvi;                  // restore nv[i]
                    d     = degree[i] + dk - nvi; // compute external degree(i)
                    d     = Math.Min(d, n - nel - nvi);
                    if (head[d] != -1)
                        P[head[d]] = i;
                    next[i]   = head[d]; // put i back in degree list
                    P[i]      = -1;
                    head[d]   = i;
                    mindeg    = Math.Min(mindeg, d); // find new minimum degree
                    degree[i] = d;
                    Ci[p++]   = i;                   // place i in Lk
                nv[k] = nvk;                         // # nodes absorbed into k
                if ((W[k] = p - pk1) == 0)           // length of adj list of element k
                    Cp[k] = -1;                      // k is a root of the tree
                    w[k]  = 0;                       // k is now a dead element
                if (elenk != 0)
                    cnz = p;             // free unused space in Lk

            // Postordering
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                Cp[i] = FLIP(Cp[i]);                     // fix assembly tree
            for (j = 0; j <= n; j++)
                head[j] = -1;
            for (j = n; j >= 0; j--) // place unordered nodes in lists
                if (nv[j] > 0)
                    continue;              // skip if j is an element
                next[j]     = head[Cp[j]]; // place j in list of its parent
                head[Cp[j]] = j;
            for (e = n; e >= 0; e--) // place elements in lists
                if (nv[e] <= 0)
                    continue;             // skip unless e is an element
                if (Cp[e] != -1)
                    next[e]     = head[Cp[e]]; // place e in list of its parent
                    head[Cp[e]] = e;
            for (k = 0, i = 0; i <= n; i++) // postorder the assembly tree
                if (Cp[i] == -1)
                    k = Common.TreeDepthFirstSearch(i, k, head, next, P, w);