public void GenerateCode() { if (CSharpToD.log) { this.log = new BufferedNativeFileSink(NativeFile.Open( Path.Combine(CSharpToD.logDirectory, projectModels.outputName), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite), new byte[256]); } // Determine File Name String projectSourceDirectory; if (namespaceTree.subnodes.Count == 0) { projectSourceDirectory = null; this.filenameFullPath = Path.Combine(CSharpToD.generatedCodePath, projectModels.outputName + ".d"); } else { projectSourceDirectory = Path.Combine(CSharpToD.generatedCodePath, projectModels.outputName); this.filenameFullPath = Path.Combine(projectSourceDirectory, "package.d"); } ProjectFirstPassVisitor firstPass; SynchronizedDirectoryCreator.Create(Path.GetDirectoryName(filenameFullPath)); Console.WriteLine("Creating D Source File '{0}'...", filenameFullPath); using (DlangWriter writer = new DlangWriter(new BufferedNativeFileSink( NativeFile.Open(filenameFullPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite), new byte[512]))) { writer.WriteLine("module {0};", projectModels.outputName); writer.WriteLine(); // // First Pass: find imports // firstPass = new ProjectFirstPassVisitor(writer, log); this.namespaceTree.FirstPassVisit(firstPass); // // Write Imports // foreach (KeyValuePair <String, HashSet <TypeSymbolAndArity> > namespaceAndTypes in firstPass.typeSymbolsByNamespace) { String @namespace = namespaceAndTypes.Key; if (@namespace.Length > 0) { writer.WriteLine("import {0}.{1} :", projectModels.outputName, @namespace); writer.Tab(); uint typeIndex = 0; uint lastIndex = (uint)namespaceAndTypes.Value.Count - 1; foreach (TypeSymbolAndArity typeSymbol in namespaceAndTypes.Value) { writer.Write(; if (typeSymbol.arity > 0) { writer.Write("{0}", typeSymbol.arity); } if (typeIndex < lastIndex) { writer.WriteLine(","); } else { writer.WriteLine(";"); } typeIndex++; } writer.Untab(); } } // // Generate Code // { var generator = new ProjectVisitorGenerator(this, writer, firstPass); this.namespaceTree.GenerateCode(writer, generator); } } // // Generate Namespace Alias Files // foreach (KeyValuePair <String, HashSet <TypeSymbolAndArity> > namespaceAndTypes in firstPass.typeSymbolsByNamespace) { String @namespace = namespaceAndTypes.Key; if (@namespace.Length > 0) { // // Determine Namespace Alias Filename // String namespaceAliasFilename; { Boolean namespaceHasChildNamespaces = false; foreach (string otherNamespace in firstPass.typeSymbolsByNamespace.Keys) { if (otherNamespace.Length > @namespace.Length && otherNamespace.StartsWith(@namespace)) { namespaceHasChildNamespaces = true; break; } } String filenameRelative; if (namespaceHasChildNamespaces) { filenameRelative = Path.Combine( @namespace.Replace('.', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar), "package.d"); } else { int lastDotIndex = @namespace.LastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDotIndex < 0) { filenameRelative = @namespace + ".d"; } else { filenameRelative = Path.Combine( @namespace.Remove(lastDotIndex).Replace('.', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar), @namespace.Substring(lastDotIndex + 1) + ".d"); } } namespaceAliasFilename = Path.Combine(projectSourceDirectory, filenameRelative); namespaceFiles.Add(namespaceAliasFilename); //Console.WriteLine("[DEBUG] Namespace '{0}' going to file '{1}'", @namespace, filenameFullPath); } SynchronizedDirectoryCreator.Create(Path.GetDirectoryName(namespaceAliasFilename)); Console.WriteLine("Creating D Source File '{0}'...", namespaceAliasFilename); using (DlangWriter writer = new DlangWriter(new BufferedNativeFileSink( NativeFile.Open(namespaceAliasFilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite), new byte[512]))) { writer.WriteLine("module {0}.{1};", projectModels.outputName, @namespace); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("static import {0};", projectModels.outputName); writer.WriteLine(); foreach (TypeSymbolAndArity typeSymbol in namespaceAndTypes.Value) { if (typeSymbol.arity > 0) { writer.WriteLine("alias {0}{1} = {2}.{3}.{0}{1};",, typeSymbol.arity, projectModels.outputName, @namespace); } else { writer.WriteLine("alias {0} = {1}.{2}.{0};",, projectModels.outputName, @namespace); } } } } } }
public static void MakeDProjectFile(Config config, ProjectModels[] projectModelsArray) { String projectFile = Path.Combine(CSharpToD.generatedCodePath, "build.d"); using (DlangWriter writer = new DlangWriter(new BufferedNativeFileSink( NativeFile.Open(projectFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite), new byte[512]))) { writer.WriteLine(@"import std.stdio; import std.getopt : getopt; import std.format : format; import std.process : spawnShell, wait; import std.path : setExtension, buildNormalizedPath; enum OutputType {Library,Exe} struct Project { string outputName; OutputType outputType; string[] sourceFiles; } "); writer.WriteLine(@"immutable string rootPath = `{0}`;", CSharpToD.generatedCodePath); writer.WriteLine(@"immutable string mscorlibPath = `{0}`;", CSharpToD.mscorlibPath); writer.WriteLine(@"enum DEFAULT_NO_MSCORLIB = {0};", config.noMscorlib ? "true" : "false"); writer.WriteLine(@"immutable string[] includePaths = ["); writer.Tab(); foreach (String includePath in config.includePaths) { writer.WriteLine("`{0}`,", Path.Combine(CSharpToD.conversionRoot, includePath)); } writer.Untab(); writer.WriteLine("];"); writer.WriteLine(@"immutable string[] libraries = ["); writer.Tab(); foreach (String library in config.libraries) { writer.WriteLine("`{0}`,", Path.Combine(CSharpToD.conversionRoot, library)); } writer.Untab(); writer.WriteLine("];"); { writer.WriteLine(@"immutable Project[] projects = ["); writer.Tab(); foreach (ProjectModels project in projectModelsArray) { writer.WriteLine("immutable Project(\"{0}\", OutputType.{1}, [", project.assemblyPackageName, project.outputType); writer.Tab(); DlangGenerator[] generators = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(project.namespaceGeneratorMap.Values); // Sort so that the source files are always in the same order // no matter the timing Array.Sort(generators); foreach (DlangGenerator generator in generators) { // TODO: make these files relative writer.WriteLine("`{0}`,", generator.filenameFullPath); } writer.Untab(); writer.WriteLine("]),"); } writer.Untab(); writer.WriteLine("];"); } writer.WriteLine(@" int tryRun(string command) { writefln(""[RUN] '%s'"", command); auto pid = spawnShell(command); return wait(pid); } void run(string command) { auto exitCode = tryRun(command); if(exitCode) { writefln(""Error: last [RUN] command failed (exit code %s)"", exitCode); } } int main(string[] args) { bool noMscorlib = DEFAULT_NO_MSCORLIB; bool compileSingleFiles = false; getopt(args, ""no-mscorlib"", &noMscorlib, ""compile-single-files"", &compileSingleFiles); foreach(project; projects) { writefln(""Building project '%s'..."", project.outputName); string[] objectFiles = new string[project.sourceFiles.length]; foreach(i, sourceFile; project.sourceFiles) { objectFiles[i] = sourceFile.setExtension(""obj""); } string compileCommand = format(""dmd -I%s"", rootPath); if(!noMscorlib) { compileCommand ~= "" -I"" ~ mscorlibPath; } foreach(includePath; includePaths) { compileCommand ~= "" -I"" ~ buildNormalizedPath(includePath); } string linkArguments = """"; if(project.outputType == OutputType.Library) { linkArguments ~= "" -lib""; } if(!noMscorlib) { linkArguments ~= "" "" ~ buildNormalizedPath(mscorlibPath, ""mscorlib.lib""); } foreach(library; libraries) { linkArguments ~= format("" %s"", library); } linkArguments ~= format("" -of%s"", buildNormalizedPath(rootPath, project.outputName)); // The compileSingleFiles option is MUCH slower, but I'm keeping it for now // because compiling all source files together could cause a machine to run out of memory if(compileSingleFiles) { // Compile foreach(i, sourceFile; project.sourceFiles) { if(tryRun(format(""%s -c -of%s %s"", compileCommand, objectFiles[i], sourceFile))) { return 1; } } // Link string linkCommand = ""dmd""~linkArguments; foreach(objectFile; objectFiles) { linkCommand ~= format("" %s"", objectFile); } if(tryRun(linkCommand)) { return 1; } } else { string compileAndLinkCommand = compileCommand~linkArguments; foreach(i, sourceFile; project.sourceFiles) { compileAndLinkCommand ~= "" ""~sourceFile; } if(tryRun(compileAndLinkCommand)) { return 1; } } } writeln(""Success""); return 0; } "); } }