[Test, ExpectedException(typeof(System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception))]// : The specified path is invalid public void TestPathError() { FindFile ff = new FindFile(@"\\\", "*", false, false); ff.FileFound += (o, e) => Assert.Fail("Should not find a file"); ff.Find(); }
public void TestAccessDenied() { string child2 = Path.Combine(TestFolder, @"child1\child2"); DirectorySecurity acl = Directory.GetAccessControl(child2); byte[] original = acl.GetSecurityDescriptorBinaryForm(); acl.AddAccessRule( new FileSystemAccessRule( new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.WorldSid, null), FileSystemRights.ListDirectory, AccessControlType.Deny) ); Directory.SetAccessControl(child2, acl); try { //By default it ignores AccessDenied FindFile ff = new FindFile(child2, "*", false, false); ff.FileFound += (o, e) => Assert.Fail("Should not find a file"); ff.Find(); //Now raise the AccessDenied ff.RaiseOnAccessDenied = true; try { ff.Find(); Assert.Fail("Should throw Access Denied."); } catch(System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception we) { Assert.AreEqual(5, we.NativeErrorCode); } } finally { acl.SetSecurityDescriptorBinaryForm(original, AccessControlSections.All); Directory.SetAccessControl(child2, acl); } }
public void TestBadFilePattern() { FindFile ff = new FindFile(); ff.FileFound += (o, e) => Assert.Fail("Should not find a file"); ff.Find("\":^|&"); }
[Test, ExpectedException(typeof(System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception))]// : The network path was not found public void TestServerNotFound() { FindFile ff = new FindFile(@"\\\C$", "*", false, false); ff.FileFound += (o, e) => Assert.Fail("Should not find a file"); ff.Find(); }
public void TestDriveNotFound() { FindFile ff = new FindFile("ZZZ:\\WTF", "*"); ff.FileFound += (o, e) => Assert.Fail("Should not find a file"); ff.Find(); }
public void TestBadPath() { FindFile ff = new FindFile("C:\\?#%)(#!&_~&)@%^&%~_#()!$\"*@(#_)~*"); ff.FileFound += (o, e) => Assert.Fail("Should not find a file"); ff.Find(); }
public void TestPathNotFound() { FindFile ff = new FindFile(Path.Combine(TestFolder, "foo"), "*", false); ff.FileFound += (o, e) => Assert.Fail("Should not find a file"); ff.Find(); }
public void TestFileNotFound() { FindFile ff = new FindFile(TestFolder, "foo", false, false); ff.FileFound += (o, e) => Assert.Fail("Should not find a file"); ff.Find(); }
public void TestFindFileByPattern() { List<string> found = new List<string>(); FindFile ff = new FindFile(TestFolder, "a.*", true, true, true); ff.FileFound += (o, e) => found.Add(e.FullPath); ff.Find(); Assert.AreEqual(2, found.Count); }
public void TestFindFileProperties() { FindFile ff = new FindFile(); Assert.AreEqual("", ff.BaseDirectory); Assert.AreEqual("*", ff.FilePattern); Assert.AreEqual(true, ff.Recursive); Assert.AreEqual(true, ff.IncludeFiles); Assert.AreEqual(true, ff.IncludeFolders); Assert.AreEqual(false, ff.RaiseOnAccessDenied); Assert.AreEqual(4096, ff.MaxPath); Assert.AreEqual(TestFolder, ff.BaseDirectory = TestFolder); Assert.AreEqual("a.*", ff.FilePattern = "a.*"); Assert.AreEqual(false, ff.Recursive = false); Assert.AreEqual(false, ff.IncludeFiles = false); Assert.AreEqual(false, ff.IncludeFolders = false); Assert.AreEqual(true, ff.RaiseOnAccessDenied = true); Assert.AreEqual(1024, ff.MaxPath = 1024); ff.FileFound += (o, e) => Assert.Fail("Should not find anything."); ff.Find(); }
/// <summary> Enumerates the files and folders anywhere under the directory specified </summary> public static void AllFilesAndFoldersIn(string directory, Action<FileFoundEventArgs> e) { FindFile ff = new FindFile(directory, STAR, true, true, true); ff.FileFound = (o, a) => e(a); ff.Find(); }