Clone() public method

Shallow copy of this VertexBuffer instance.
public Clone ( ) : object
return object
        protected override void DoInitialize()
            // init shader program.
            ShaderProgram program = this.shaderCodes.CreateProgram();

            VertexBuffer positionBuffer = null;
            IBufferable  model          = this.DataSource;

            VertexBuffer[] vertexAttributeBuffers;
                var list = new List <VertexBuffer>();
                foreach (AttributeMap.NamePair item in this.attributeMap)
                    VertexBuffer buffer = model.GetVertexAttributeBuffer(
                        item.NameInIBufferable, item.VarNameInShader);
                    if (buffer == null)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("[{0}] returns null buffer pointer!", model));

                    if (item.NameInIBufferable == this.PositionNameInIBufferable)
                        positionBuffer = buffer.Clone() as VertexBuffer;
                        positionBuffer.VarNameInVertexShader = "in_Position";// in_Postion same with in the PickingShader.vert shader
                vertexAttributeBuffers = list.ToArray();

            // 由于picking.vert/frag只支持vec3的position buffer,所以有此硬性规定。
            if (positionBuffer == null || positionBuffer.Config != VBOConfig.Vec3)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Position buffer must use a type composed of 3 float as PropertyBuffer<T>'s T!"));

            // init index buffer.
            IndexBuffer indexBuffer = model.GetIndexBuffer();

            // RULE: Renderer takes uint.MaxValue, ushort.MaxValue or byte.MaxValue as PrimitiveRestartIndex. So take care this rule when designing a model's index buffer.
            var ptr = indexBuffer as OneIndexBuffer;

            if (ptr != null)
                GLState glState = new PrimitiveRestartState(ptr.ElementType);

            // init VAO.
            var vertexArrayObject = new VertexArrayObject(indexBuffer, positionBuffer);


            // sets fields.
            this.Program = program;
            this.vertexAttributeBuffers = new VertexBuffer[] { positionBuffer };
            this.indexBuffer            = indexBuffer;
            this.vertexArrayObject      = vertexArrayObject;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        protected override void DoInitialize()
            // init shader program.
            ShaderProgram program = this.shaderCodes.CreateProgram();

            // init property buffer objects.
            VertexBuffer positionBuffer = null;
            IBufferable  model          = this.DataSource;

            VertexBuffer[] vertexAttributeBuffers;
                var list = new List <VertexBuffer>();
                foreach (AttributeMap.NamePair item in this.attributeMap)
                    VertexBuffer buffer = model.GetVertexAttributeBuffer(
                        item.NameInIBufferable, item.VarNameInShader);
                    if (buffer == null)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("[{0}] returns null buffer pointer!", model));
                    if (item.NameInIBufferable == positionNameInIBufferable)
                        if (positionBuffer != null)
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("Duplicate position buffer is not allowed!"));

                        positionBuffer = buffer.Clone() as VertexBuffer;
                        positionBuffer.VarNameInVertexShader = "in_Position";// in_Postion same with in the PickingShader.vert shader
                vertexAttributeBuffers = list.ToArray();

            // init index buffer
            OneIndexBuffer indexBuffer;
                var mode = DrawMode.Points;//any mode is OK as we'll update it later in other place.
                indexBuffer              = Buffer.Create(IndexBufferElementType.UInt, positionBuffer.ByteLength / (positionBuffer.Config.GetDataSize() * positionBuffer.Config.GetDataTypeByteLength()), mode, BufferUsage.StaticDraw);
                this.maxElementCount     = indexBuffer.ElementCount;
                indexBuffer.ElementCount = 0;// 高亮0个图元
                // RULE: Renderer takes uint.MaxValue, ushort.MaxValue or byte.MaxValue as PrimitiveRestartIndex. So take care this rule when designing a model's index buffer.
                GLState glState = new PrimitiveRestartState(indexBuffer.ElementType);

            // init VAO.
            var vertexArrayObject = new VertexArrayObject(indexBuffer, vertexAttributeBuffers);


            // sets fields.
            this.Program = program;
            this.vertexAttributeBuffers = vertexAttributeBuffers;
            this.indexBuffer            = indexBuffer;
            this.vertexArrayObject      = vertexArrayObject;

            this.positionBuffer = positionBuffer;