static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Escriba una opcion:"); string opcion = Console.ReadLine(); switch (opcion) { case "1": ConsoleExercises console = new ConsoleExercises(); console.AskAge(); //Pedir nombre, apellido y documento e imprimir toda la información al final. break; case "2": VariableExercises variable = new VariableExercises(); variable.Concatenador(); break; case "3": DataTypeExercises dataType = new DataTypeExercises(); dataType.ValueSum(); break; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //1. ConsoleExercises console = new ConsoleExercises(); console.AskAge(); //Pedir nombre, apellido y documento e imprimir toda la información al final. //2. //VariableExercises variable = new VariableExercises(); //variable.Concatenador(); //3. DataTypeExercises dataType = new DataTypeExercises(); dataType.ValueSum(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Ingrese opción:"); string opcion = Console.ReadLine(); switch (opcion) { case "1": //1. ConsoleExercises console = new ConsoleExercises(); console.AskAge(); break; //Pedir nombre, apellido y documento e imprimir toda la información al final. case "2": //2. VariableExercises variable = new VariableExercises(); variable.Concatenate(); break; case "3": //3. DataTypeExercises dataType = new DataTypeExercises(); dataType.ValueSum(); break; case "4": //4. ControlSentencesExercises control = new ControlSentencesExercises(); control.Switch(); break; case "5": StringExercises cadenaTexto = new StringExercises(); cadenaTexto.HandleString(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("invalid option"); break; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { System.Console.WriteLine("Escriba el número de ejercicio:"); string x = System.Console.ReadLine(); switch (x) { case "1": //1. ConsoleExercises console = new ConsoleExercises(); console.AskAge(); break; //Pedir nombre, apellido y documento e imprimir toda la información al final. case "2": //2. VariableExercises variable = new VariableExercises(); variable.Concatenador(); break; case "3": //3. DataTypeExercises dataType = new DataTypeExercises(); dataType.ValueSum(); break; case "01.": // 01. // Write a C# Sharp program to print Hello and your name in a separate line. // Expected Output : Hello: Iván Franco Exercise01 pepe = new Exercise01(); pepe.Exercise(); break; case "02.": // 02. // Write a C# Sharp program to print the sum of two numbers. Exercise02 exercise02 = new Exercise02(); exercise02.cerodospunto(); break; default: System.Console.WriteLine("No existe ejercicio"); // 03. // Write a C# Sharp program to print the result of dividing two numbers. // 04. // Write a C# Sharp program to print the result of the specified operations. // Test data: // -1 + 4 * 6 -> Expected Output: 23 // ( 35+ 5 ) % 7 -> Expected Output: 5 // 14 + -4 * 6 / 11 -> Expected Output: 12 // 2 + 15 / 6 * 1 - 7 % 2 -> Expected Output: 3 // 05. // Write a C# Sharp program to swap two numbers. // Test Data: // Input the First Number : 5 // Input the Second Number : 6 // Expected Output: // After Swapping : // First Number : 6 // Second Number : 5 // 06. // Write a C# Sharp program to print the output of multiplication of three numbers which will be entered by the user. // Test Data: // Input the first number to multiply: 2 // Input the second number to multiply: 3 // Input the third number to multiply: 6 // Expected Output: // 2 x 3 x 6 = 36 // 07. // Write a C# Sharp program to print on screen the output of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing of two numbers which will be entered by the user. // Test Data: // Input the first number: 25 // Input the second number: 4 // Expected Output: // 25 + 4 = 29 // 25 - 4 = 21 // 25 x 4 = 100 // 25 / 4 = 6 // 25 mod 4 = 1 // 08. // Write a C# Sharp program that takes a number as input and print its multiplication table. // Test Data: // Enter the number: 5 // Expected Output: // 5 * 0 = 0 // 5 * 1 = 5 // 5 * 2 = 10 // 5 * 3 = 15 // .... // 5 * 10 = 50 // 09. // Write a C# Sharp program that takes four numbers as input to calculate and print the average. // Test Data: // Enter the First number: 10 // Enter the Second number: 15 // Enter the third number: 20 // Enter the four number: 30 // Expected Output: // The average of 10 , 15 , 20 , 30 is: 18 // 10. // Write a C# Sharp program to that takes three numbers(x,y,z) as input and print the output of (x+y).z and x.y + y.z. // Test Data: // Enter first number - 5 // Enter second number - 6 // Enter third number - 7 // Expected Output: // Result of specified numbers 5, 6 and 7, (x+y).z is 77 and x.y + y.z is 72 // 11. // Write a C# Sharp program that takes an age (for example 20) as input and prints something as "You look older than 20". // Test Data: // Enter your age - 25 // Expected Output: // You look older than 25 // 12. // Write a C# program to that takes a number as input and display it four times in a row (separated by blank spaces), and then four times in the next row, with no separation. You should do it two times: Use Console. Write and then use {0}. // Test Data: // Enter a digit: 25 // Expected Output: // 25 25 25 25 // 25252525 // 25 25 25 25 // 25252525 // 13. // Write a C# program that takes a number as input and then displays a rectangle of 3 columns wide and 5 rows tall using that digit. // Test Data: // Enter a number: 5 // Expected Output: // 555 // 5 5 // 5 5 // 5 5 // 555 // 14. // Write a C# program to convert from celsius degrees to Kelvin and Fahrenheit. // Test Data: // Enter the amount of celsius: 30 // Expected Output: // Kelvin = 303 // Fahrenheit = 86 // 15. // Write a C# program remove specified a character from a non-empty string using index of a character. // Test Data: // ivanfranco // Sample Output: // vanfranco // vanfranc // vanranc // 16. // Write a C# program to create a new string from a given string where the first and last characters will change their positions. // Test Data: // ivanfranco // Python // Sample Output: // ovanfranci // nythoP // Vectores // 17. // Ingresar x números enteros por consola, almacenarlos en un vector. Luego imprimir el vector (con while/ do-while) // 18. // Ingresar x números enteros por consola. Luego pedir un numero a buscar por consola. Imprimir la cantidad de veces que aparece el número buscado en el conjunto de números previamente ingresado // 19. // Ingresar una cantidad x por consola. Luego ingresar x números enteros. Pedir un numero a buscar por consola. Imprimir en cuáles solicitudes se ingresó ese número. // Ej: // Ingresar una cantidad: 4 // Ingresar un número: 3 // Ingresar un número: 7 // Ingresar un número: 7 // Ingresar un número: 5 // Buscar: 7 // Resultado: // 7 se ingresó en las solicitudes: 2,3. break; } }