文件: Program.cs 项目: rhiensch/pwbot
 //# Generates a string representation of a planet. This is used to send data
 //# about the planets to the client programs.
 public static string serialize_planet(Planet p, int pov)
     int owner = switch_pov(p.owner, pov);
     string message = "P " + p.x + " " + p.y + " " + owner +
       " " + p.num_ships + " " + p.growth_rate;
     return message.Replace(".0 ", " ");
文件: Program.cs 项目: rhiensch/pwbot
 //# Calculates the travel time between two planets. This is the cartesian
 //# distance, rounded up to the nearest integer.
 public static int travel_time(Planet aP, Planet bP)
     double dx = bP.x - aP.x;
     double dy = bP.y - aP.y;
     return (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy));
文件: Program.cs 项目: rhiensch/pwbot
        //# Resolves the battle at planet p, if there is one.
        //# * removes all fleets involved in the battle
        //# * sets the number of ships and owner of the planet according the outcome
        public static void fight_battle(int pid, ref Planet p, ref List<Fleet> fleets)
            List<int> participants = new List<int>();

            participants = addToArray(p.owner, p.num_ships, participants);

            for (int i = fleets.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
                Fleet f = fleets[i];
                int owner = f.owner;
                if (f.turns_remaining <= 0 && f.destination == pid)
                    participants = addToArray(f.owner, f.num_ships, participants);
                    fleets[i] = null;


            cleanUpFleets(ref fleets);

            Fleet winner = new Fleet();
            Fleet second = new Fleet();

            for (int iOwner = 0; iOwner < participants.Count; iOwner++)
                int ships = participants[iOwner];
                if (ships >= second.num_ships)
                    if (ships >= winner.num_ships)
                        second.owner = winner.owner;
                        second.num_ships = winner.num_ships;

                        winner.owner = iOwner;
                        winner.num_ships = ships;
                        second.owner = iOwner;
                        second.num_ships = ships;
            if (winner.num_ships > second.num_ships)
                p.num_ships = winner.num_ships - second.num_ships;
                p.owner = winner.owner;
            else p.num_ships = 0;